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Example of a figure combined


Academic year: 2021

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Example of a figure combined


F/RF−111C/G A8−132

The author is not responsible for any losses which may result from the use or Distribution of this artwork as part of the xfig package, where xfig is part of a commercially sold software package is permitted.



investigated the role of a LWD matrix on beach-dune morphodynamics on West Beach, Calvert Island on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada. This study integrated data

No part of this work may be reproduced in digital form or any other form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the

Based on the literature reviewed in chapter 4 and the interviews with HR managers of the Corporate HR department of Sara Lee/DE it can be concluded that the training programs as

Voor deelname aan de pilotstudie diende de patiënt: (1) 18 jaar of ouder te zijn, (2) suïcidale ideatie te ervaren (score van ≥ 20 op de Suicidal Ideation Attributes Scale: SIDAS;

ook voorkomt bij mensen boven de 6 jaar, plus het feit dat een groot deel van de ARFID-populatie bang is om te eten (maar om een andere reden dan bij de klassieke eetstoornissen

Daarnaast werd onderzocht of toepassing van de ESDM-technieken door de begeleiders resulteerde in meer taakgericht gedrag, minder stereotiep ge- drag en meer communicatieve

This example demonstrates the use of package undolabl, v1.0l as of 2015/03/29 (HMM)!. For details please see

the error message at doi.org the #X is not included, because it is interpreted as “anchor X” at page 1.2/3-.(5):<>;%A\8!$~&{}, which already is not found.) Adding