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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook


Academic year: 2022

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Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook February 7 – 13, 2019

A lack of rainfall over the past recent weeks has resulted in abnormal dryness in northern Hispaniola.

During the past week, suppressed but marginal weather conditions were observed over Hispaniola. However, local coastal areas of southern Haiti and eastern and southern Dominican Republic registered little rainfall. Although the Island does not typically receive a large quantity of rainfall during January, cumulative rainfall since early January to present fell below-average to the north, according to the CPC Unified data. Moreover, since December of the past year, insufficient rainfall was registered across Hispaniola, particularly southern Haiti and the northern and eastern parts of the Dominican Republic. This lack of rainfall might have already negatively affected the Fall season cropping activities over many local areas. For instance, vegetation conditions, indicated by remotely-sensed products showed degraded and well below- average conditions over portions of northern Dominican Republic. During the next outlook period, rainfall forecasts suggest near-average rainfall pattern, with little rainfall across Hispaniola. However, the central mountainous region and eastern Dominican Republic could experience light to locally moderate rainfall. The continuation of limited rainfall over the upcoming weeks may sustain dryness over many local areas.



During the past week, reduced rainfall prevailed over the southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across southern Dominican Republic and light

During the past week, increased amounts of rainfall were received over central and southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across northern Dominican Republic..

During the next week, rainfall forecasts indicate a slight increase over the Island, with moderate to locally heavy rain over portions of southern, west-central, and northern

Since early July, rainfall has been generally suppressed over western and southern Haiti, as well as throughout central and eastern Dominican Republic.. While the increase in rains

During the past week, suppressed rain prevailed over Hispaniola, with the exception of central Haiti and the south- central portions of the Dominican Republic, where moderate

Over the past thirty days, much of the Island has received below-average rain, with the largest (> 100 mm) deficits in southwestern and northern Haiti and

Since late May to present, the Southern Peninsula and portions of northwestern Haiti and localized areas of southwestern and eastern Dominican Republic have received only

While rainfall was well-distributed across much of the island, the weekly totals remain well below-average for late August and early September, marking another consecutive