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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook


Academic year: 2022

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Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook September 13 – 19, 2018

Seasonal moisture deficits remain strong across several parts of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

During the last week, seasonal rainfall was well-distributed but lacking in quantity compared to climatology throughout many parts of Haiti and northwestern Dominican Republic. Satellite rainfall estimates depict the highest weekly accumulations (<75mm) over central and eastern Dominican Republic, with lesser amounts (5-50mm) registered over Haiti. Since early August, strong moisture deficits continue to be observed throughout many areas in Hispaniola, with the largest absence of seasonal rainfall registered over southern Haiti. Many local areas in southern Haitian peninsula have also observed less than half of the normal rainfall accumulation since early to mid-June, which is expected to negatively impact ground conditions. According to remotely sensed vegetation health conditions and ground reports, the poorly distributed seasonal rains have adversely impacted cropping activities, where maize and bean losses were estimated at more than 50 percent over the most severely impacted areas. The continuation of poor rainfall could also negatively impact cropping activities for the second growing season over many local areas. For the next seven days there is an increased chance for enhanced rainfall across the Caribbean associated with the passage of Tropical Cyclone Issac during the later portion of the outlook period. While models suggest Tropical Cyclone Issac will weaken and reduce the likelihood for flooding and high wind impacts, well distributed moderate to locally heavy rainfall remains likely over Hispaniola.



During the last week, increased amounts of precipitation were received across several departments in eastern Dominican Republic, with moderate to light rainfall

While the northern portions of Hispaniola have received abundant and above-average rainfall over the past thirty days, its southern counterparts have suffered from insufficient

During the past week, reduced rainfall prevailed over the southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across southern Dominican Republic and light

During the past week, increased amounts of rainfall were received over central and southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across northern Dominican Republic..

During the next week, rainfall forecasts indicate a slight increase over the Island, with moderate to locally heavy rain over portions of southern, west-central, and northern

Since early July, rainfall has been generally suppressed over western and southern Haiti, as well as throughout central and eastern Dominican Republic.. While the increase in rains

During the past week, suppressed rain prevailed over Hispaniola, with the exception of central Haiti and the south- central portions of the Dominican Republic, where moderate

Over the past thirty days, much of the Island has received below-average rain, with the largest (&gt; 100 mm) deficits in southwestern and northern Haiti and