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Stochastic models for quality of service of component connectors Moon, Y.J.


Academic year: 2021

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Stochastic models for quality of service of component connectors

Moon, Y.J.


Moon, Y. J. (2011, October 25). Stochastic models for quality of service of component connectors. IPA Dissertation Series. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/17975

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The intensifying need for scalable software has motivated modular development and using systems distributed over networks to implement large-scale applications. In Service-oriented Computing, distributed services are composed to provide large-scale services with a specific functionality. In this way, reusability of existing services can be increased. However, due to the heterogeneity of distributed software systems, software composition is far from trivial, and requires additional mechanisms to impose some form of a coordination on a distributed software system. For this purpose, a number of coordination languages have been proposed, such as Reo, Linda, and Orc.

Besides functional correctness, a composed service must satisfy various quantita- tive/non-functional requirements for its clients, which are generically called its quality of service (QoS). For instance, although a number of services may offer the same functionality, some of them may accommodate tight deadlines, but others may not.

In particular, it is tricky to obtain the overall QoS of a composed service even if the QoS information of its constituent distributed services is given.

In this thesis, Stochastic Reo is proposed, a formalism to specify software compo- sition with QoS aspects. Stochastic Reo is an extension of Reo, a channel/connector- based coordination language, with associated stochastic values which indicate the fre- quency of I/O interactions and internal processing delays within connector primitives.

As a semantic model of Stochastic Reo, we propose two different automata models, namely, Quantitative Intentional Automata and Stochastic Reo Automata. Stochastic Reo Automata are compositional, which enables us to obtain the automata model of a complex connector by composing the automata models of its constituent primitive connectors. A formal proof of compositionality is included in the thesis. These two semantic models are also used as intermediate models in order to generate their cor- responding stochastic models, especially, Continuous-time Markov Chains (CTMCs) and Interactive Markov Chains. These stochastic models can be used for practical analysis of the underlying connectors.

Based on this theory, we have implemented the tool Reo2MC as a plug-in within the Reo toolset, Extensible Coordination Tools. Reo2MC generates CTMCs corre- sponding to Reo connectors, which are given to or drawn in the tool, via the semantic models of the Reo connectors.



128 Abstract

As a case study, we have modeled and analyzed the ASK system using Reo2MC.

The ASK system is an industrial software developed by the Dutch company Almende.

Its analysis results provided the best cost-effective resource utilization and some sug- gestions to improve the performance of the ASK system. For example, the results provided suggestion of the required minimum capacity of a task queue and detected some bottlenecks in the system.

In summary, this thesis proposes formal models to specify the behavior of con- nectors coordinating distributed software over a network, and to reason about the end-to-end QoS properties of the connectors. This thesis also shows how to translate the semantic models of connectors into their corresponding stochastic models for fur- ther analysis. The theoretical results obtained in this thesis have been implemented and integrated as a plug-in into an existing tool set. The practical relevance of the approach is demonstrated by modeling and analyzing a large industrial software using the tool, which resulted in improvements to the analyzed system.



Furthermore, in order to enable practical analysis of the end-to-end QoS of a system, we provide translation methods from the specification models into stochastic models (Markov

In order to describe the processing delay rates of a primitive channel explicitly, we name the rate by the combination of a pair of (source, sink) nodes and the buffer of the

In a LossySync channel ab, losing data at node a occurs only when node b is not pending. After the product with a Sync channel bc, node b is always pending, and losing data occurs

Using the definitions for the composition of Stochastic Reo Automata in Section 4.2, the following figure shows the Stochastic Reo Automaton extended with reward

Moreover, the large graphical result of the translation is neither tractable nor read- able. Thus, Reo2MC also provides the translation from Stochastic Reo circuits into the

These two threads have the same architecture with the same performance, thus, the analysis on the utilization is carried out on the RMHRT1 thread, the result of which can be used

This translation method has been implemented, in the Reo2MC tool, in the Extensible Coordination Tools (ECT) [35]. As a plug-in for ECT, Reo2MC provides the following functionali-

In European Educational Forum: School on Formal Methods and Per- formance Analysis, volume 2090 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 375–430..