University of Groningen
Colloidal quantum dot field-effect transistors
Shulga, Artem Gennadiiovych
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Publication date: 2019
Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database
Citation for published version (APA):
Shulga, A. G. (2019). Colloidal quantum dot field-effect transistors: From electronic circuits to light emission and detection. University of Groningen.
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At the end of this thesis, the time has finally cometh for acknowledging all the amazing people who I am pleased, honored and happy to have had in my life during these years. First of all, I would like to send many-many thanks to Maria Antonietta Loi, my professor, promoter and friend. The first time we met was during my master program, where you were teaching one of the courses. I still remember those entertaining and informative lectures, which got me so interested in the topic that I run to your office and convinced you to accept me for doing a Master project in your group and, subsequently, the PhD research. Thank you for guiding me during this time, giving me some unique kind of restricted ‘freedom to operate’, thus allowing me being creative and work on topics that I really like. Considering your busy schedule, many conferences and students to supervise, I greatly appreciate that almost anytime I could just swiftly drop by to your office, get some brain massage and thus get my PhD-daily-life problems solved. Your personal support for me cannot be overvalued, I will always appreciate that, and I hope that we always will be in contact in the future.
I also want to thank prof. Justin Ye for being my co-supervisor and the members of the reading committee prof. Tamalika Banerjee, prof. Antonio Facchetti, and prof. Eugenio Cantatore for assessing my thesis and giving valuable feedback on how to improve it further.
Further, I would like to thank prof. Jun Takeya for inviting and hosting me in the University of Tokyo. It was a great honor for me to work in your group, and experience Japanese culture, society and environment during those 3 months. In the professional sense, I learned a lot about lithographic processing, high-frequency characterization, and electronic devices in general, that will definitely help me in my future career. But even more I appreciate our group trip to Mount Fuji, visiting onsens and tasting fugu fish in Tokyo. It is safe to say that Tokyo is at the top of my list of the best cities I have visited. And I want to extend the appreciation to Shun Watanabe for being my daily supervisor, Akifumi Yamamura, Kotaro Tsuzuku, Yu Yamashita for helping me with the experiments, Masahiro Ohno, Naotaka Kasuya, Yukina Tsuneda and other members of the group who made my stay in Japan so great and memorable.
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There in Japan I also had an opportunity to see again dr. Satria Bisri. Satria, thank you for supervising me during the master project and teaching me how to work in a lab, make quantum dot films and many other things. Besides that, I’d like to thank dr. Eek Huisman, who was working in the group of Bart van Wees, for being my supervisor during master times, I had a great time doing experiments with you and I was very happy that they resulted in the first publication, that I coauthored.
Prof. Jana Zaumseil, thank you for letting me work in your lab in Heidelberg and providing your fancy infrared camera to detect the light emission from our transistors. And thanks to Arko Graf and Marcel Rother for assisting me in that.
And finally, thanks to prof. Maxim Kovalenko, for providing such high-quality quantum dots solution, so necessary and determinative for my work. Of course, for that I’d also like to thank personally to Loredana Protetescu, Dmitriy Dirin,
Laura Piviteau, and Rayan Dragoman.
My work and living in Groningen would never have been so exciting, pleasant and memorable without you guys, the members of Photophysics and OptoElectronics group, and here I’m going to acknowledge you all in the next paragraphs.
First of all, I’d like to thank the old sports, people who have left ‘the nest’ already and moved to other places around the world: Marianna, Vlad, Widi, Lai-Hung,
Insan, Mark, Jorge, Daniel, Hong-Hua, and Musty.
Vlad, my oldest friend, it is already 16 years that we know each other and simple math
shows that from now I know you more than half of my life. Nearly eight years ago I followed your example and moved to Groningen, and since then it is amazing how much fun we had all these years, and I am sure that our friendship will reach out far in the future.
Marianna, I will always remember the time we spent with warmth, and you should
know that owing to your tiramisu video the world acquired another person-who-can-cook-tiramisu through me.
Widi and Lai Hung, it was nice to work with you and have you as roommates in the
house at Planetenlaan. Such nice dinners we had by alternating the cooking tasks between us!
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Mark, it was such a pleasure to have you as an office mate and, more importantly, as
a friend. I really like your firm moral principles and how you dance at the parties as well, it’s really fun.
Thanks to Daniel, one of my topmaster mates, with whom we shared the office for quite some time! I am really happy to have you as a friend, I will always remember the parties we had, the ZZ-Top concert, our student years, the good laughs we shared, among many other nice things. And in addition, we had so nice scientific discussions, I did learn a lot from them.
Jorge, another one of my topmaster friends, it was a pleasure to work with you and
you know that I admire how a nice guy you are. I wish you all the best in Colombia, I hope you and Esméé are truly happy there.
This brings me to the current dwellers of the group. And surely, the first ones to be mentioned are my paranymphs, Bart and Simon – thank you guys for doing this job.
Bart, the most esteemed colleague of mine, I wonder how can you combine doing
such nice research and being an awesome musician, that is truly cool. I really appreciate our small talks a few times per day, sharing some funny stuff from the internet and telling you different stories, which I mostly make up on the spot (just kidding, they are all true.. or not?).
Simon, I always enjoy how you can combine the appearance and the way of speaking
of a fancy British lord with so lively, fun, and cheerful personality of yours! And in particular, thanks for contributing a lot to my work, I greatly appreciate our discussions – it was cool how we nailed that light-emission paper to a nice journal, right?!
Herman, Sampson, and Natasha, it is great to share the office with you guys! I
wish you guys a great success in the future, finishing with all that work and publications in progress that I witness (involuntarily) from time to time on your screens.
Dima, the same for you, I’m really happy to be your friend, and I believe that you will
finish your PhD in time and be ready for the next endeavors in your life! Wytse, thanks for providing the nanotubes for my research and, occasionally, your car for me personally. I wish you all the best!
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Thanks to Christian for working with me so enthusiastically, Shuyan for valuable discussions we had, and to all other members of the group: Marta, Marten,
Vincent, Nutifafa, Azi, Jian, Karolina, Eelco, and Kush.
Many thanks to Arjen and Teo, without your technical support my work would not be possible! Besides that, thanks for organizing the Fish Fridays, forgiving me some mess that I do in the labs, and all the nice and fun conversations we have during lunches and all other times. In addition, thanks to Johan Holstein for supporting my work in the Nanolab. It was fun to go to the Nanolab-promotion trips across the country with you, Caspar and Alexey.
And here I want to thank my good friends here besides academia: Raul, Lili, Jose,
Paola, and Marty. As I remember, we met roughly when we all were starting our
PhD, and now we are close to finishing it. It is even hard to count how much parties, road trips and dinners we had all together these years. Thank you guys for sharing all this with me and switching to English when I around, since my Spanish does not hold any critics. And special thanks to Ximena, who was with me almost all PhD period of my life. Too bad It didn’t work out for us, but I greatly appreciate how we worked as a team, your consistency, kindness, organization; thanks for making me a better person. Especially for you I am printing this thesis on recycled paper.
And finally, nothing I have accomplished would be possible without the support of my family, which is truly the most important thing that I have. For that, I’d like to thank my father Hennadiy and brother Alexandr, the closest people that I have in my life. Thank you for supporting me and always being there for my ups and downs.