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University of Groningen Marine benthic metabarcoding Klunder, Lise Margriet


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University of Groningen

Marine benthic metabarcoding Klunder, Lise Margriet



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Klunder, L. M. (2020). Marine benthic metabarcoding: Anthropogenic effects on benthic diversity from shore to deep sea; assessed by metabarcoding and traditional taxonomy. University of Groningen.



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The resulting DD events are reported with the position on the genome estimated from read clusters on both strands, the supporting discordant reads (i.e. those that map inside

Table 3.10 (continued): Recent community structures results from different sites in the Phongolo Floodplain collected during five surveys from November 2012 to April

Consequently, in the grazed and some mown areas all Elymus athericus ramets, which were present, were sampled in each plot, while in the control we sampled at random.. To

The Shannon-Wiener index was calculated from the number of individuals within a taxonomic family for the morphological approach (left panel) or the number of OTUs within a

Hoewel de uitkomsten van beide methodes vergelijkbaar was, was het met de metabarcoding methode mogelijk om de effecten van de visserij op de benthische soorten voor meer

Gelukkig waren er daarentegen nog veel meer die mij in mijn droom gesteund hebben en dit dankwoord is allereerst voor al die positievelingen.. Dit proefschrift was er nooit

Marine benthic metabarcoding: Anthropogenic effects on benthic diversity from shore to deep sea; assessed by metabarcoding and traditional taxonomy.. University

Marine benthic metabarcoding: Anthropogenic effects on benthic diversity from shore to deep sea; assessed by metabarcoding and traditional taxonomy2. University