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Vibrations in materials with granularity Zeravcic, Z.


Academic year: 2021

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Vibrations in materials with granularity

Zeravcic, Z.


Zeravcic, Z. (2010, June 29). Vibrations in materials with granularity. Casimir PhD Series.

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accompanying the PhD thesis Vibrations in Materials with Granularity

1. Although Maxwell’s stability criterion accurately describes jammed sphere pack- ings, it breaks down for the case of jammed ellipsoids, for arbitrarily small ellip- ticity.

this thesis, chapter 2

2. Even though introduction of ellipticity to spheres produces non-trivial rotational modes, it is a benign perturbation.

this thesis, chapter 2

3. Counterintuitively, it is possible to access localization lengths that are larger than the system size.

this thesis, chapter 3

4. Exponential Anderson localization breaks down for the case of long range 1/r interaction. Instead one finds power law localization.

this thesis, chapter 4

5. Dimers and ellipsoids belong to the same symmetry group but do not make a solid with the same mechanical properties.

Schreck et al. (2010)

6. Random spring networks are not good models for jammed packings: their bulk moduli display different scalings.

Ellenbroek et al. (2009)

7. In packings of soft spheres the probability distribution of forces P (f ) is more robust than the pair correlation function g(r).

Zeravcic et al. in preparation

8. Theorists should noise-up their simulations of granular materials in order to com- pare to experiments, not the other way around.



9. Measuring the fine structure constant is so easy nowadays that it should be a lab exercise for physics students!

Nair et al. (2008) 10. Even in the atmosphere of Mars one might see rainbow colors.

Cowley and Schroeder (1999)

Zorana Zeravcic Leiden, June 29, 2010




1.3 Vibrational modes and response to driving in bubble

In this Subsection we will give a flavor of the critical nature of the jamming point, by looking at the response of granular packings to shear, and the scaling of the average

2.13 shows the change in characteristic band frequencies, scaled as explained in Subsection 2.5.4, with ellipticity and coordination number for the case of particles interacting with

(1-4) Typical modes for the system of 10000 particles and pressure p = 3·10 −2 : (1) Plane-wave like lowest frequency mode, (2) Quasi-localized low-frequency mode (see main text

However, the networks generated using only propositions related to distance and cultural homophily are not plausible network reconstructions since they do not reflect the

We have therefore also investigated the effect of applying pressure on repeatedly and gently created packings over a whole range of friction coefficients and find that contact numbers

Currently no mouse model that is currently used mimics allergic asthma as it is seen in humans, they only induce a pathological model with few asthmatic characteristics

– We start by noting that the analysis of the linear response of jammed packings of particles with one-sided harmonic interactions (fig. 2a) is exactly equivalent to that of networks