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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/20220 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Eleveld, Anja

Title: A critical perspective on the reform of Dutch social security law : the case of the life course arrangement

Date: 2012-11-29


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Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.. The Tripster in

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.. Temple University Press,

deteriorating political and social situation in Nicaragua and firmly condemned the repression by security forces and pro-government armed groups of political opponents, demonstrators,

But to justify the general use of ‘Himalayas’ in the title, the volume could have benefited from contributions from the western and the eastern Himalayan ranges, in particular,

Jeremy Menchik’s book examines social attitudes vis-à-vis religious minority groups in Indonesia over a much longer period.. Such a broad focus therefore has the potential to

Together, these reappraisals challenge the basic assumption of the purposive spread of bhakti from south to north: crucially, Hawley suggests that be it the pre-modern, colonial,

While this is in line with Hadiz’ theoretical framework, Hadiz then presents evidence for his second argument that seems to be more in line with classic

For bonding of just one pair of chains, the crosslink junctions are tetrafunctional, and the strain energy and elastic stresses for a phantom network are one-half that of an