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The rest-api package Dennis Klein dennis94.kl@gmail.com v1.4 from 2020/12/04


Academic year: 2021

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The rest-api package

Dennis Klein


v1.4 from 2020/12/04



A package to discribe a REST API for documentation.



GET Request with parameter


GET Request without parameter \ b e g i n { apiRoute }{ g e t }{/ a p i / s t o r a g e /}{ g e t a l i s t o f a l l s t o r a g e ’ s } \ b e g i n { r o u t e P a r a m e t e r } \ noRouteParameter { no p a r a m e t e r } \ end { r o u t e P a r a m e t e r } \ b e g i n { r o u t e R e s p o n s e }{ a p p l i c a t i o n / j s o n } \ b e g i n { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m }{200}{ ok } \ b e g i n { routeResponseItemBody } [ { ” i d ” : 8 6 7 6 5 4 6 7 8 , ”name” : ” Apfelmus ” , ” c o u n t ” : 25 } , { ” i d ” : 3 4 2 5 2 3 , ”name” : ” Birnenmus ” , ” c o u n t ” : 1 } , . . . ] \ end { routeResponseItemBody } \ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m } \ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e } \ end { apiRoute }


\ b e g i n { r o u t e R e q u e s t }{ a p p l i c a t i o n / j s o n } \ b e g i n { routeRequestBody } { ”name” : ” Apfelmus ” , ” c o u n t ” : 25 } \ end { routeRequestBody } \ end { r o u t e R e q u e s t } \ b e g i n { r o u t e R e s p o n s e }{ a p p l i c a t i o n / j s o n } \ b e g i n { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m }{200}{ ok } \ b e g i n { routeResponseItemBody } { ” i d ” : 8 6 7 6 5 4 6 7 8 , ”name” : ” Apfelmus ” , ” c o u n t ” : 25 } \ end { routeResponseItemBody } \ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m } \ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e } \ end { apiRoute } PUT Request


\ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m } \ b e g i n { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m }{404}{ e r r o r : s t o r a g e no t found } \ b e g i n { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m B o d y } <message> s t o r a g e w i t h i d ’ 1 1 ’ n o t found ! </message> \ end { routeResponseItemBody } \ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e I t e m } \ end { r o u t e R e s p o n s e } \ end { apiRoute }


Usercallable macros and environments

Return the main color for routes with get method.


Return the border color for routes with get method.


Return the background color for routes with get method.


Return the main color for routes with post method.


Return the border color for routes with post method.


Return the background color for routes with post method.


Return the main color for routes with put method.


Return the border color for routes with put method.


Return the background color for routes with put method.


Return the main color for routes with delete method.


Return the border color for routes with delete method.


Return the background color for routes with delete method.


Set \routeBreakValue true.


Set \routeBreakValue false.


Describe an endpoint with path, method and describtion. Contains other


ronments with further information.

Describe the content type of the request. Contains the request body.


Describe the path parameter. Contains a list of \routeParamItem commands. If


no paramters excists you can use the command \noRouteParameter. Describe a parameter with name and describtion.


Show a text e.g. ’no parameter’.


Describe the content type of the response. Contains a list of routeResponseItem


environments or the command \noRouteResponse. Show a text e.g. ’no response’.


Describe the the http status code with describtion. Contains the response body.



Helper macros

Return true or false to enable/disable noBreak of a route.


Return the main color of the current route.


Return the background color of the current route.


Return the border color of the current route.


Set the color scheme and language with


lstset for the listings of the current route to json. Set the color scheme and language with


lstset for the listings of the current route to xml.



this is my first package (c) Dennis Klein

This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/la-tex/base/lppl.txt.


2\ProvidesPackage{restapi}[2020/02/18 REST API package]


\getPostBorderColor 24\newcommand{\getPostBorderColor}{postGreenBorder} \getPostLightColor 25\newcommand{\getPostLightColor}{postLightGreen} 26\definecolor{putOrange}{HTML}{E97500} 27\definecolor{putOrangeBorder}{HTML}{fca130} 28\definecolor{putLightOrange}{HTML}{FEF4EB} \getPutColor 29\newcommand{\getPutColor}{putOrange} \getPutBorderColor 30\newcommand{\getPutBorderColor}{putOrangeBorder} \getPutLightColor 31\newcommand{\getPutLightColor}{putLightOrange} 32\definecolor{deleteRed}{HTML}{CF3030} 33\definecolor{deleteRedBorder}{HTML}{f93e3e} 34\definecolor{deleteLightRed}{HTML}{FBEEEE} \getDeleteColor 35\newcommand{\getDeleteColor}{deleteRed} \getDeleteBorderColor 36\newcommand{\getDeleteBorderColor}{deleteRedBorder} \getDeleteLightColor 37\newcommand{\getDeleteLightColor}{deleteLightRed} color definitions for json

38\colorlet{punct}{black} 39\definecolor{background}{HTML}{EEEEEE} 40\colorlet{delimGet}{\getGetColor} 41\colorlet{numbGet}{delimGet} 42\colorlet{delimPost}{\getPostColor} 43\colorlet{numbPost}{delimPost} 44\colorlet{delimPut}{\getPutColor} 45\colorlet{numbPut}{delimPut} 46\colorlet{delimDelete}{\getDeleteColor} 47\colorlet{numbDelete}{delimDelete} json language defintions





250morestring=[s]{>}{<}, 251morecomment=[s]{<?}{?>}, 252stringstyle=\color{black}, 253identifierstyle=\color{numbPut}, 254} 255\lstdefinelanguage{xmlDelete}{ 256basicstyle=\small\ttfamily\color{black}, 257numberstyle=\small\color{numbDelete}, 258keywordstyle=\color{black}, 259commentstyle=\color{black}, 260stringstyle=\color{black}, 261frame=L, 262framesep=8pt, 263framerule=2pt, 264xleftmargin=50pt, 265xrightmargin=0pt, 266rulesep=0pt, 267backgroundcolor=\color{white}, 268numbersep=8pt, 269tabsize=4, 270showstringspaces=false, 271breaklines=false, 272morestring=[b]", 273morestring=[s]{>}{<}, 274morecomment=[s]{<?}{?>}, 275identifierstyle=\color{numbDelete}, 276} apiRoute frame style defintion


423\printDescription 424 425\rowcolor{\methodLightColor} & \\ 426\end{tabularx} 427} 428{ 429\end{mdframed} 430\endgroup 431\global\let\CT@arc@\saved@CT@arc@ 432} routeRequest 433\newenvironment{routeRequest}[1] 434{ 435\renewcommand{\bodyFormat}{#1} 436 437\arrayrulecolor{\methodColor} 438 439\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X l} 440\rowcolor{\methodLightColor!20}

441\textbf{Body} & #1 \\ \hline


467\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X} 468\rowcolor{\methodLightColor!20} 469\textbf{Parameter} \\ \hline 470\end{tabularx} 471 472\tabularx{\textwidth}{l X} 473} 474{ 475\endtabularx 476} routeResponse 477\newenvironment{routeResponse}[1] 478{ 479\renewcommand{\bodyFormat}{#1} 480 481\newcommand{\noRouteResponse}[1] 482{ 483\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X} 484\rowcolor{\methodLightColor} 485\small{\textit{##1}} \\ 486\end{tabularx} 487} 488 489\arrayrulecolor{\methodColor} 490\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X l} 491\rowcolor{\methodLightColor!20}

492\textbf{Response} & #1 \\ \hline






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