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The role of apolipoprotein CI in lipid metabolism and bacterial sepsis Berbée, J.F.P.


Academic year: 2021

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The role of apolipoprotein CI in lipid metabolism and

bacterial sepsis

Berbée, J.F.P.


Berbée, J. F. P. (2007, May 24). The role of apolipoprotein CI in lipid metabolism and bacterial sepsis. Retrieved from


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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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Role of Apolipoprotein CI in Lipid Metabolism

and Bacterial Sepsis


Role of Apolipoprotein CI in Lipid Metabolism

and Bacterial Sepsis

Proefschrift ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit van Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof.mr. P.F. van der Heijden,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op donderdag 24 mei 2007

klokke 13.45 uur


Jimmy Fransiscus Paulus Berbée geboren te Leiden

in 1977



Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. L.M. Havekes Co-Promotor: Dr. P.C.N. Rensen

Referent: Dr. E.S.G. Stroes (AMC, Amsterdam) Overige leden: Prof. dr. J.A. Romijn

Prof. dr. R.G.J. Westendorp

Dr. H.E. de Vries (VUMC, Amsterdam)

The studies presented in this thesis were performed at the Gaubius Laboratory of TNO-Quality of Life and the department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases at the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.

The research was financially supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research-Research Institute of Diseases in the Elderly (NWO-RIDE Grant 014-90-001).

The printing of this thesis was financially supported by:

TNO-Quality of Life, business unit Biosciences, Leiden Dutch Atherosclerosis Society

Boehringer-Ingelheim BV Schering-Plough BV Merck Sharp & Dohme BV


Cover design: Jimmy Berbée

Printing: Ponsen & Looijen bv, Wageningen, The Netherlands ISBN: 978-90-6464-130-5

Berbée, Jimmy

Role of Apolipoprotein CI in Lipid Metabolism and Bacterial Sepsis Proefschrift Leiden

Met literatuuropgave – Met samenvatting in het Nederlands

© 2007, Jimmy Berbée, Leiden, The Netherlands

No part of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without written permission from the author.



Chapter 1 General Introduction

Partly published in J Endotoxin Research 2005

Chapter 2 Severe Hypertriglyceridemia in Human APOC1 Transgenic Mice is Caused by Apolipoprotein CI-induced Inhibition of LPL

J Lipid Research 2005

Chapter 3 Apolipoprotein CI Directly Inhibits LPL Activity Independent of the VLDL Receptor and Apolipoprotein CIII in Mice

Biochim Biophys Acta 2006

Chapter 4 Apolipoprotein E Plasma Levels and Risk of Cardiovascular Mortality in Old Age

PLoS Medicine 2006

Chapter 5 Apolipoprotein CI Stimulates the Inflammatory Response to Lipopolysaccharide and Reduces Mortality in Gram- negative Sepsis

FASEB J 2006

Chapter 6 Apolipoprotein CI Modulates the Biological Response to Lipopolysaccharide: Analysis of the Structure and Function Relationship

Manuscript in preparation

Chapter 7 Plasma Apolipoprotein CI Correlates with Increased Survival in Patients with Severe Sepsis

Submitted for publication

Chapter 8 Plasma apolipoprotein CI Protects Against Mortality from Infection in Old Age

Submitted for publication

Chapter 9 General Discussion Chapter 10 Summary/Samenvatting Chapter 11 List of Abbreviations

List of Publications Curriculum Vitae









173 189 201 204 209




The association of apoE level and cardiovascular mortality provides new insight into mechanisms contributing to atherosclerosis. As the cardiovascular mortality

Moreover, apoCI dose-dependently increased the early inflammatory response to Klebsiella pneumoniae-induced pneumonia, reduced the number of circulating bacteria,

Dose-dependent effects of peptides containing the full N-terminal helix (apoCI 1-30 ) and full C-terminal helix (apoCI 35-57 ) on the serum residence and liver association of

Interestingly, plasma apoCI levels were lower in non-survivors as compared to survivors of severe sepsis, and adjustment of the plasma apoCI levels for lipoprotein

Another explanation for the observation that in our population high levels of apoCI are associated with decreased cardiovascular mortality is that plasma apoCI levels

In conclusion, our studies identify apoCI as a promising biomarker for precise staging of the infection process, and identifying patients at high risk for

Correctie van plasma apoE voor plasma lipiden niveaus had geen invloed op de gevonden relaties tussen plasma apoE en risico op sterfte door hart- en vaatziekten.. Het verhoogde

Berbée JFP, Schippers EF, Van der Hoogt CC, Van Dissel JT, Bakker- Woudenberg IAJM, Havekes LM, Rensen PCN: Apolipoprotein CI augments the inflammatory response to LPS