University of Groningen
Arabian muds
Bom, Roeland Andreas
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Bom, R. A. (2018). Arabian muds: A 21st-century natural history on crab plovers, crabs and molluscs.
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
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refereed journals
Shamoun-Baranes, J., R.A. Bom, E.E. van Loon, B.J. Ens, K. Oosterbeek & W. Bouten. 2012. From sensor
data to animal behaviour: An oystercatcher example. Plos One 7:e37997.
Ebbinge, B.S., P. Prokosch, B. Spaans, G. J. Müskens, R.A. Bom, Y. I. Kokorev & E.E. Syroechkovskiy.
2013. Flexibility in faithfulness of Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta b. bernicla to moulting sites. Wildfowl 3, 116–134.
Bom, R.A., W. Bouten, T. Piersma, K. Oosterbeek & J.A. van Gils. 2014. Optimizing acceleration-based
ethograms: the use of variable-time versus fixed-time segmentation. Movement Ecology 2:6.
Bom, R.A. & K. al-Nasrallah. 2015. Counts and breeding biology of crab plovers Dromas ardeola on
Bubiyan Islands, Kuwait, in 2012–2014. Wader Study 122, 212–220.
de Fouw, J., R.A. Bom, R. Klaassen, G. Müskens, P. De Vries, I. Popov, Y. Kokorev, B. Ebbinge & B. Nolet.
2016. Breeding in a den of thieves: pros and cons of nesting close to egg predators. Ecosphere 7:e01353.
de Fouw, J., A. Thorpe, R.A. Bom, S. de Bie, C.J. Camphuysen, B. Etheridge, W. hagemeijer, L. hofstee, T.
Jager, L. Kelder, R. Kleefstra, M. Kersten, S. Nagy & R.h.G. Klaassen. 2017. Barr Al hikman, a major shorebird hotspot within the Asian–East African flyway: results of three winter surveys. Wader Study 124, 10–25.
Bom, R.A., J. de Fouw, R.h.G. Klaassen, T. Piersma, M.S.S. Lavaleye, B.J. Ens, T. Oudman & J.A. van Gils.
2018. Food web consequences of an evolutionary arms race: Molluscs subject to crab predation on intertidal mudflats in Oman are unavailable to shorebirds. Journal of Biogeography 45, 342–354.
Bom, R.A., J. A. van Gils, K. Oosterbeek, S. Deuzeman, J. de Fouw, A. Y. Kwarteng & R. Kentie. 2018.
Demography of a stable population of crab plovers wintering in Oman. Journal of Ornithology 159, 517–525.
Gommer, R., R.A. Bom, T. P. M. Fijen, and J.A. van Gils. 2018. Stomach fullness shapes prey choice
deci-sions in crab plovers (Dromas ardeola). Plos One 13:e0194824. non-refereed journals and reports
Both, C., R.A. Bom & J. Samplonius. 2013. Slechtvalk Falco peregrinus steelt muis van Torenvalk F.
tinnunculus. Takkeling 21, 226–228.
Ens, B.J., R.A. Bom, A.M. Dokter, K. Oosterbeek, J. d. Jong & W. Bouten. 2014. Nieuwe ontdekkingen en
mogelijkheden in het onderzoek aan Scholeksters dankzij het UvA Bird Tracking Systeem. Limosa 87, 117–128.
Bom, R.A., J.F. Abma & A.L. Pieters. 2014. Doortrek van Bokjes in Laag holland. Limosa 86, 209–216. Bom, R.A., 2016. Broedseloverlap bij holenduiven. Limosa 89, 185–188.
Bom, R.A., Philippart, C.J.M., Van der heide, T. & de Fouw, J. (2018) Barr Al hikman, a pristine coastal
ecosystem in the Sultanate of Oman. Current state of knowledge and future research challenges. In. NIOZ Report 2018-1
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