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Academic year: 2021

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VU Research Portal

Moral Case Deliberation and students’ and professionals’ way of dealing with moral

challenges in their care for young people

Spijkerboer, R.P.


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citation for published version (APA)

Spijkerboer, R. P. (2019). Moral Case Deliberation and students’ and professionals’ way of dealing with moral

challenges in their care for young people.

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Chapter 1

General Introduction

Chapter 2

How do professionals caring for young people experience moral


Chapter 3

Moral Case Deliberation in education for Dutch care for children

and young people: a case study

Chapter 4

Moral dilemmas in care for the homeless: what issues do

professionals face, how do they deal with them and do they need

ethics support?

Chapter 5 Does Moral Case Deliberation help professionals in care for the

homeless in dealing with their dilemmas? A mixed-methods

responsive study

Chapter 6

Social work students dealing with moral dilemmas in the care

for children and young people: an evaluation of Moral Case

Deliberation as an educational tool

Chapter 7

Discussion and conclusions



Chapter 3 The merits of procedure-level risk-benefit assessment 35 Chapter 4 How best to define the concept of minimal risk 49 Chapter 5 Perceived discomfort levels in

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