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Documentatie Ouders en Kinderen in Nederland 2020 (OKIN2020)


Academic year: 2022

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Datum: 11 februari 2021

Microdata Services

Documentatie Ouders en Kinderen in Nederland

2020 (OKIN2020)


Microdata Services


Publicatie van uitkomsten geschiedt door de onderzoeksinstelling of de opdrachtgever op eigen titel. Verwijzing naar het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) betreft uitsluitend het gebruik van de niet–openbare microdata. Deze microdata zijn onder

bepaalde voorwaarden voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek toegankelijk. Voor nadere

informatie microdata@cbs.nl . Dat wordt als volgt geformuleerd:

“Resultaten [gedeeltelijk] gebaseerd op eigen berekeningen [naam onderzoeksinstelling,

c.q. opdrachtgever] op basis van niet-openbare microdata van het Centraal Bureau voor de

Statistiek betreffende Ouders en Kinderen in Nederland



Engelse versie

“Results based on calculations by [name of research institution or commissioning party]

using non-public microdata from Statistics Netherlands.”


certain conditions, these microdata are accessible for statistical and scientific

research. For further information: microdata@cbs.nl.


Microdata Services

Beschikbare bestand(en):

Het bestand is beschikbaar over 2020

De gebruiker dient rekening te houden met het volgende:

 Voor de persoonskenmerken en/of achtergronden dient u de beschikbare GBA-bestanden

te raadplegen. Deze staan bij

Zelf onderzoek doen in de catalogus onder het thema Bevolking. Voor het aanvragen van deze bestanden geldt de gebruikelijke procedure.

 Zie Onderzoeksomschrijvingen voor meer informatie over alle onderzoeken.


Microdata Services


Bronvermelding ... 2

Beschikbare bestand(en): ... 3

1. Inleiding ... 5

2. Toelichting op de inhoud van de bestanden ... 6

Beschrijving ... 6

3. Bestandsopbouw en toelichting ... 7

Bestandsopbouw ... 7

Toelichting op de variabelen ... 26


Microdata Services

1. Inleiding

Het team Microdata Services van het CBS stelt, onder bepaalde voorwaarden, niet–openbare microdata (geanonimiseerde data op persoons-, bedrijfs- en adresniveau) toegankelijk voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dit rapport beschrijft de inhoud en structuur van

“Ouders en Kinderen in Nederland 2020”.

Hoofdstuk 2 beschrijft in het algemeen de microdatabestanden zoals populatieafbakening, methodologische bijzonderheden, kwaliteit en herkomst van de gegevens.

In hoofdstuk 3 wordt de bestandsindeling gegeven en worden voor de categoriale variabelen alle mogelijke scores en hun betekenis opgesomd.

De volgende bijlagen zijn beschikbaar in de beveiligde microdata omgeving:

 OKIN2020RoutesOkin3_v2.5_zwart;

 OKIN20200218TekstenOkin3_v2.5_zwart;

 OKIN20201013Onderzoeksdocumentatie_v1.0;

 OKIN2020waardenoverzicht.


Microdata Services

2. Toelichting op de inhoud van de bestanden


Er is een lange traditie van onderzoek naar stiefgezinnen dat vooral gericht is op gezinnen met jonge kinderen. Het project “Ouders en Kinderen in Nederland” richt zich op volwassen kinderen (geboren tussen 1971 en 1991) en hun ouders/opvoeders. Het doel van het onderzoek is om in kaart te brengen of het opgroeien in een “standaard gezin” (bij je beide biologische ouders) tot andere uitkomsten leidt dan het opgroeien in een “niet standaard gezin” (niet bij je beide biologische ouders).

Het project is vernieuwend vanuit methodologisch oogpunt omdat er een nieuw design is ontwikkeld (door een team bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam), waarbij voor een groot aantal volwassen kinderen, en meerdere ouders worden benaderd per kind. Het project richt zich op volwassen kinderen (geboortejaren 1997 t/m 1991) en hun ouders (zowel biologische ouders, stiefouders en adoptieouders). Het onderzoek bestond in 2017 uit twee deelonderzoeken;

waarbij het eerste deel onderzoek gericht was op waarneming bij personen geboren tussen 1971 en 1991, waarvan ¼ opgroeide in een ‘standaard gezin’ (met hun biologische ouders) en

¾ in een ‘niet standaard gezin.’ Het tweede gedeelte van het onderzoek richt zich op de ouders van deze volwassen kinderen.

In 2018 is een aanvullend onderzoek uitgevoerd; het OKiN adoptiekinderen onderzoek. Dit nieuwe onderzoek bevatte alleen het eerste deel van het onderzoek, niet het tweede deelonderzoek. Dat betekende dat er dus alleen kinderen (ankers) worden benaderd en geen ouders of broertjes/zusjes van deze kinderen.

De adoptiekinderen waren bij OKiN 2017 uitgesloten van deelname, omdat dit binnen het onderzoek een zeer specifieke doelgroep betreft. Na het afronden van OKiN 2017 bleek dat er nog wel steeds behoefte is aan informatie over deze doelgroep. Daarom is er in 2018 een nieuw OKiN uitgevoerd, speciaal onder deze adoptiekinderen.

In 2020 heeft er een herbenadering plaatsgevonden van de ankers uit het onderzoek van 2017.

Dit om de relaties tussen ankers en andere familieleden te kunnen volgen door de tijd heen.

Respondenten die bij het eerste onderzoek hebben aangegeven te mogen worden herbenaderd werden in 2020 voor OKiN nogmaals gevraagd deel te nemen aan het onderzoek.

Het onderzoek is geheel in samenwerking gedaan met een team van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). Zij hebben geld binnen gehaald van de Europese Commissie om dit onderzoek te kunnen uitvoeren.

Het CBS was verantwoordelijk voor de dataverzameling van het project en de oplevering van

de databestanden. Het team van de UvA is betrokken geweest bij de planning van het

veldwerk, de ontwikkeling, bouw en het testen van de vragenlijst.


Microdata Services

3. Bestandsopbouw en toelichting


Onderstaand volgt een overzicht van alle variabelen.


Variabele en omschrijving Form.


CBK soortnummer



3 w2_version A3

File version

4 w1p_r1birthm F2

Anchor - date of birth - month

5 w1p_r1birthy F4

Anchor - date of birth - year

6 w1p_r1lefth F3

Anchor - age leaving home

7 w1p_xfamtype F1

Family type

8 w1p_r1intact F1

Anchor - lived with both bioparents when one year old

9 w1p_ab1sep F1

Bioparents - ever separated/divorced

10 w1p_a1alive F1

Biofather - alive

11 w1p_a1know1 F1

Anchor G/W/N - known biofather

12 w1p_a1know2 F1

Anchr G/W/N - knowledge about biofather

13 w1p_b1alive F1

Biomother - alive

14 w1p_b1know1 F1

Anchor G/W/N - known biomother

15 w1p_b1know2 F1

Anchor G/W/N - knowledge about biomother

16 w1p_c3cohab F1

Biofather/newpartner father - lived together in youth anchor

17 w1p_ac3tog F1

Biofather/newpartner - still together

18 w1p_a1currp F1

Biofather - living/married with current newpartner [non-intact group]

19 w1p_d3cohab F1

Biomother/newpartner mother - lived together in youth anchor

20 w1p_bd3tog F1

Biomother/newpartner - still together

21 w1p_b1currp F1

Biomother - living/married with current newpartner [non-intact group]

22 w1p_a2newp F1

Biofather - living/married with current newpartner [intact group]


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

23 w1p_b2newp F1

Biomother - living/married with current newpartner [intact group]

24 w1p_e1cont1 F1

Anchor/current newpartner father - contact: seen last 12 months

25 w1p_f1cont1 F1

Anchor/current newpartner mother - contact: seen last 12 months

26 w1p_r1pa F1

Anchor - has partner

27 w1p_ab1sib F2

Anchor - # of full siblings

28 w2_refdate A8

Anchor - date interview

29 w2_refdated F2

Anchor - date interview - day

30 w2_refdatem F2

Anchor - date interview - month

31 w2_refdatey F4

Anchor - date interview - year

32 w2_r1sex F1

Anchor - sex

33 w2_r1birthm F2

Anchor - date of birth - month

34 w2_r1birthy F4

Anchor - date of birth - year

35 w2_r1age F3

Anchor - age

36 w2_r1lsat1 F1

Anchor - life satisfaction: my life is ideal

37 w2_r1lsat2 F1

Anchor - life satisfaction: my living conditions are excellent

38 w2_r1lsat3 F1

Anchor - life satisfaction: overall I am satisfied with life

39 w2_r1paidw F1

Anchor - paid work

40 w2_r1paidh F2

Anchor - working hours

41 w2_r1pa F1

Anchor - has partner

42 w2_r1samepa F1

Anchor - same partner as wave 1

43 w2_r1livt1_r F1

Anchor - living together with partner [2020]

44 w2_p1edu F1

Partner - education achieved

45 w2_p1paidw F1

Partner - paid work

46 w2_p1paidh F2

Partner - working hours

47 w2_p1parent F1

Partner - parents together at age 18


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

48 w2_r1lonech1 F1

Anchor (single) - has bio children

49 w2_r1lonech2 F1

Anchor (single) - children at home

50 w2_rp1child1 F1

Anchor (partnered) - has bio children

51 w2_rp1child2 F1

Anchor (partnered) - has foster/adopted children

52 w2_rp1child3 F1

Anchor (partnered) - has bio children from earlier union

53 w2_rp1child4 F1

Anchor (partnered) - partner children from earlier union

54 w2_rp1child5 F1

Anchor (partnered) - no children

55 w2_r1bioch F1

Anchor - living with common bio children

56 w2_r1biocha F2

Anchor - age youngest

57 w2_r1prich F1

Anchor - living with prior bio children

58 w2_r1pricha F2

Anchor - age youngest

59 w2_r1stepch F1

Anchor - living with stepchildren (via current partner)

60 w2_r1stepcha F2

Anchor - age youngest

61 w2_r1divtc1 F1

Anchor/partner - division child care: bring child to bed

62 w2_r1divtc2 F1

Anchor/partner - division child care: do trips, hobbies

63 w2_r1divtc3 F1

Anchor/partner - division child care: talk about school, homework

64 w2_r1divtc4 F1

Anchor/partner - division child care: bring child to school/daycare

65 w2_r1divtc5 F1

Anchor/partner - division child care: bring child to sports

66 w2_r1divtc6 F1

Anchor/partner - division child care: talk with child about important matters

67 w2_r1satis1 F1

Anchor - satisfaction work/school

68 w2_r1satis2 F1

Anchor - satisfaction income

69 w2_r1satis3 F1

Anchor - satisfaction neighborhood

70 w2_r1satis4 F1

Anchor - satisfaction leisure

71 w2_r1satis5 F1

Anchor - satisfaction relationship

72 w2_r1satis6 F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Anchor - satisfaction family

73 w2_r1satis7 F1

Anchor - satisfaction social life

74 w2_r1satis8 F1

Anchor - satisfaction parents

75 w2_r1pers1 F1

Anchor - personality - reserved

76 w2_r1pers2 F1

Anchor - personality - trusts others

77 w2_r1pers3 F1

Anchor - personality - relaxed

78 w2_r1pers4 F1

Anchor - personality - social

79 w2_r1pers5 F1

Anchor - personality - critical

80 w2_r1pers6 F1

Anchor - personality - nervous

81 w2_r1pers7 F1

Anchor - personality - interested in others

82 w2_r3exp1 F1

Anchor - eval youth - looking back positively

83 w2_r3exp2 F1

Anchor - eval youth - positive atmosphere

84 w2_r3exp3 F1

Anchor - eval youth - wish to be born in another family

85 w2_r3exp4 F1

Anchor - eval youth - happy childhood

86 w2_r3exp5 F1

Anchor - eval youth - relieved when leaving home

87 w2_a1alive F1

Biofather - alive

88 w2_a1cont1 F1

Anchor/biofather - contact: seen last 12 months

89 w2_a1cont2_r F1

Anchor/biofather - contact: spoken over phone last 12 months

90 w2_a1close F1

Anchor/biofather - closeness current

91 w2_a1supp F1

Anchor/biofather - source of support

92 w2_a1relig F2

Biofather - religion when anchor 12-18

93 w2_a1religf F1

Biofather - church attendance when anchor 12-18

94 w2_a1pers1 F1

Biofather - personality - reserved

95 w2_a1pers2 F1

Biofather - personality - trusts others

96 w2_a1pers3 F1

Biofather - personality - relaxed

97 w2_a1pers4 F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Biofather - personality - social

98 w2_a1pers5 F1

Biofather - personality - critical

99 w2_a1pers6 F1

Biofather - personality - nervous

100 w2_a1pers7 F1

Biofather - personality - interested in others

101 w2_b1alive F1

Biofather - alive

102 w2_b1cont1 F1

Anchor/biomother - contact: seen last 12 months

103 w2_b1cont2_r F1

Anchor/biomother - contact: spoken over phone last 12 months

104 w2_b1close F1

Anchor/biomother - closeness current

105 w2_b1supp F1

Anchor/biomother - source of support

106 w2_b1relig F2

Biomother - religion when anchor 12-18

107 w2_b1religf F1

Biomother - church attendance when anchor 12-18

108 w2_b1pers1 F1

Biomother - personality - reserved

109 w2_b1pers2 F1

Biomother - personality - trusts others

110 w2_b1pers3 F1

Biomother - personality - relaxed

111 w2_b1pers4 F1

Biomother - personality - social

112 w2_b1pers5 F1

Biomother - personality - critical

113 w2_b1pers6 F1

Biomother - personality - nervous

114 w2_b1pers7 F1

Biomother - personality - interested in others

115 w2_ab1tog F1

Bioparents - together

116 w2_r1expdv F1

Anchor - thinking about parental divorce

117 w2_r1expdv1 F1

Anchor - eval par divorce - difficult

118 w2_r1expdv2 F1

Anchor - eval par divorce - school achievements affected

119 w2_r1expdv3 F1

Anchor - eval par divorce - blamed father

120 w2_r1expdv4 F1

Anchor - eval par divorce - blamed mother

121 w2_r1expdv5 F1

Anchor - eval par divorce - good decision

122 w2_r1expdv6 F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Anchor - eval par divorce - less trust in marriage

123 w2_ab1like F1

Bioparents (separated) - relationship quality

124 w2_ab1rela F1

Bioparents (together) - relationship quality

125 w2_ab1joint1 F1

Anchor/biomother - contact in presence of father

126 w2_ab1joint2 F1

Anchor/biofather - contact in presence of mother

127 w2_ab1kink1 F1

Bioparents (together) - kinkeeping - buying presents

128 w2_ab1kink2 F1

Bioparents (together) - kinkeeping - organizing outings

129 w2_ab1kink3 F1

Bioparents (together) - kinkeeping - family news

130 w2_ab1kink4 F1

Bioparents (together) - kinkeeping - discussing problems

131 w2_b1talk1 F1

Biomother - talks about biofather

132 w2_b1talk2 F1

Biomother - positive or negative about biofather

133 w2_a1talk1 F1

Biofather - talks about biomother

134 w2_a1talk2 F1

Biofather - positive or negative about biomother

135 w2_r1loy1 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - compelled to choose

136 w2_r1loy2 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - parents talk via me

137 w2_r1loy3 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - caught in the middle

138 w2_r1loy4 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - avoid talking about one parent

139 w2_r1loy5 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - guilty toward father

140 w2_r1loy6 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - guilty toward mother

141 w2_r1loy7 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - invites parents not simultaneously (separated)

142 w2_r1loy8 F1

Anchor - loyalty conflict - awkward if both parents present (separated)

143 w2_b1gate1 F1

Biomother - gatekeeping - supported relation with father

144 w2_b1gate2 F1

Biomother - gatekeeping - avoided meeting father

145 w2_b1gate3 F1

Biomother - gatekeeping - obstructed contact with father

146 w2_b1gate4 F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Biomother - gatekeeping - complained about father

147 w2_a1gate1 F1

Biofather - gatekeeping - supported relation with mother

148 w2_a1gate2 F1

Biofather - gatekeeping - avoided meeting mother

149 w2_a1gate3 F1

Biofather - gatekeeping - obstructed contact with mother

150 w2_a1gate4 F1

Biofather - gatekeeping - complained about mother

151 w2_sfull2 F1

Anchor - has full siblings

152 w2_sfull2_aantal F2

Anchor - number of full siblings

153 w2_shalff1 F1

Anchor - has halfsiblings via biofather

154 w2_shalff1_aantal F2

Anchor - number of halfsiblings via biofather

155 w2_shalfm1 F1

Anchor - has halfsiblings via biomother

156 w2_shalfm1_aantal F2

Anchor - number of halfsiblings via biomother

157 w2_sstepf1 F1

Anchor - has stepsiblings via biofather

158 w2_sstepf1_aantal F2

Anchor - number of stepsiblings via biofather

159 w2_sstepm1 F1

Anchor - has stepsiblings via biomother

160 w2_sstepm1_aantal F2

Anchor - number of stepsiblings via biomother

161 w2_salive_full1 F1

Full sibling 1 - alive

162 w2_ssex_full1 F1

Full sibling 1 - sex

163 w2_sybirthm_full1 F2

Full sibling 1 - date of birth - month

164 w2_sybirthy_full1 F4

Full sibling 1 - date of birth - year

165 w2_sage_full1 F3

Full sibling 1 - age

166 w2_scont_full1 F1

Anchor/full sibling 1 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

167 w2_sclose_full1 F1

Anchor/full sibling 1 - closeness current

168 w2_ssupp_full1 F1

Anchor/full sibling 1 - source of support

169 w2_salive_full2 F1

Full sibling 2 - alive

170 w2_ssex_full2 F1

Full sibling 2 - sex


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

171 w2_sybirthm_full2 F2

Full sibling 2 - date of birth - month

172 w2_sybirthy_full2 F4

Full sibling 2 - date of birth - year

173 w2_sage_full2 F3

Full sibling 2 - age

174 w2_scont_full2 F1

Anchor/full sibling 2 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

175 w2_sclose_full2 F1

Anchor/full sibling 2 - closeness current

176 w2_ssupp_full2 F1

Anchor/full sibling 2 - source of support

177 w2_salive_full3 F1

Full sibling 3 - alive

178 w2_ssex_full3 F1

Full sibling 3 - sex

179 w2_sybirthm_full3 F2

Full sibling 3 - date of birth - month

180 w2_sybirthy_full3 F4

Full sibling 3 - date of birth - year

181 w2_sage_full3 F3

Full sibling 3 - age

182 w2_scont_full3 F1

Anchor/full sibling 3 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

183 w2_sclose_full3 F1

Anchor/full sibling 3 - closeness current

184 w2_ssupp_full3 F1

Anchor/full sibling 3 - source of support

185 w2_salive_half1_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - alive

186 w2_ssex_half1_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - sex

187 w2_sybirthm_half1_f F2

Halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - date of birth - month

188 w2_sybirthy_half1_f F4

Halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - date of birth - year

189 w2_sage_half1_f F3

Halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - age

190 w2_spintact_half1_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - biofather and siblings parent live together

191 w2_scont_half1_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

192 w2_sclose_half1_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - closeness current

193 w2_ssupp_half1_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - source of support


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

194 w2_slive1_half1_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - lived together in youth

195 w2_slive2_half1_f F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - age started living with sibling

196 w2_slive3_half1_f F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - age ended living with sibling

197 w2_slive4_half1_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - number of days a week living together

198 w2_sreal_half1_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 1 - regards person as own sibling

199 w2_salive_half2_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - alive

200 w2_ssex_half2_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - sex

201 w2_sybirthm_half2_f F2

Halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - date of birth - month

202 w2_sybirthy_half2_f F4

Halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - date of birth - year

203 w2_sage_half2_f F3

Halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - age

204 w2_spintact_half2_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - biofather and siblings parent live together

205 w2_scont_half2_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

206 w2_sclose_half2_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - closeness current

207 w2_ssupp_half2_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - source of support

208 w2_slive1_half2_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - lived together in youth

209 w2_slive2_half2_f F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - age started living with sibling

210 w2_slive3_half2_f F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - age ended living with sibling

211 w2_slive4_half2_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - number of days a week living together

212 w2_sreal_half2_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 2 - regards person as own sibling

213 w2_salive_half3_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - alive

214 w2_ssex_half3_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - sex

215 w2_sybirthm_half3_f F2

Halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - date of birth - month

216 w2_sybirthy_half3_f F4

Halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - date of birth - year


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

217 w2_sage_half3_f F3

Halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - age

218 w2_spintact_half3_f F1

Halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - biofather and siblings parent live together

219 w2_scont_half3_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

220 w2_sclose_half3_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - closeness current

221 w2_ssupp_half3_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - source of support

222 w2_slive1_half3_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - lived together in youth

223 w2_slive2_half3_f F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - age started living with sibling

224 w2_slive3_half3_f F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - age ended living with sibling

225 w2_slive4_half3_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - number of days a week living together

226 w2_sreal_half3_f F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biofather) 3 - regards person as own sibling

227 w2_salive_step1_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - alive

228 w2_ssex_step1_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - sex

229 w2_sybirthm_step1_f F2

Stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - date of birth - month

230 w2_sybirthy_step1_f F4

Stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - date of birth - year

231 w2_sage_step1_f F3

Stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - age

232 w2_spintact_step1_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - biofather and siblings parent live together

233 w2_scont_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

234 w2_sclose_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - closeness current

235 w2_ssupp_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - source of support

236 w2_spliv_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - lived with biofather anchor

237 w2_slive1_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - lived together in youth

238 w2_slive2_step1_f F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - age started living with sibling

239 w2_slive3_step1_f F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - age ended living with sibling


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

240 w2_slive4_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - number of days a week living together

241 w2_sreal_step1_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 1 - regards person as own sibling

242 w2_salive_step2_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - alive

243 w2_ssex_step2_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - sex

244 w2_sybirthm_step2_f F2

Stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - date of birth - month

245 w2_sybirthy_step2_f F4

Stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - date of birth - year

246 w2_sage_step2_f F3

Stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - age

247 w2_spintact_step2_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - biofather and siblings parent live together

248 w2_scont_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

249 w2_sclose_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - closeness current

250 w2_ssupp_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - source of support

251 w2_spliv_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - lived with biofather anchor

252 w2_slive1_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - lived together in youth

253 w2_slive2_step2_f F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - age started living with sibling

254 w2_slive3_step2_f F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - age ended living with sibling

255 w2_slive4_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - number of days a week living together

256 w2_sreal_step2_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 2 - regards person as own sibling

257 w2_salive_step3_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - alive

258 w2_ssex_step3_f F1

Stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - sex

259 w2_sybirthm_step3_f F2

Stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - date of birth - month

260 w2_sybirthy_step3_f F4

Stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - date of birth - year

261 w2_sage_step3_f F3

Stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - age

262 w2_spintact_step3_f F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - biofather and siblings parent live together

263 w2_scont_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

264 w2_sclose_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - closeness current

265 w2_ssupp_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - source of support

266 w2_spliv_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - lived with biofather anchor

267 w2_slive1_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - lived together in youth

268 w2_slive2_step3_f F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - age started living with sibling

269 w2_slive3_step3_f F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - age ended living with sibling

270 w2_slive4_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - number of days a week living together

271 w2_sreal_step3_f F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biofather) 3 - regards person as own sibling

272 w2_salive_half1_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - alive

273 w2_ssex_half1_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - sex

274 w2_sybirthm_half1_m F2

Halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - date of birth - month

275 w2_sybirthy_half1_m F4

Halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - date of birth - year

276 w2_sage_half1_m F3

Halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - age

277 w2_spintact_half1_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - biomother and siblings parent live together

278 w2_scont_half1_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

279 w2_sclose_half1_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - closeness current

280 w2_ssupp_half1_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - source of support

281 w2_slive1_half1_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - lived together in youth

282 w2_slive2_half1_m F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - age started living with sibling

283 w2_slive3_half1_m F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - age ended living with sibling

284 w2_slive4_half1_m F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - number of days a week living together

285 w2_sreal_half1_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 1 - regards person as own sibling

286 w2_salive_half2_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - alive

287 w2_ssex_half2_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - sex

288 w2_sybirthm_half2_m F2

Halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - date of birth - month

289 w2_sybirthy_half2_m F4

Halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - date of birth - year

290 w2_sage_half2_m F3

Halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - age

291 w2_spintact_half2_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - biomother and siblings parent live together

292 w2_scont_half2_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

293 w2_sclose_half2_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - closeness current

294 w2_ssupp_half2_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - source of support

295 w2_slive1_half2_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - lived together in youth

296 w2_slive2_half2_m F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - age started living with sibling

297 w2_slive3_half2_m F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - age ended living with sibling

298 w2_slive4_half2_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - number of days a week living together

299 w2_sreal_half2_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 2 - regards person as own sibling

300 w2_salive_half3_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - alive

301 w2_ssex_half3_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - sex

302 w2_sybirthm_half3_m F2

Halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - date of birth - month

303 w2_sybirthy_half3_m F4

Halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - date of birth - year

304 w2_sage_half3_m F3

Halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - age

305 w2_spintact_half3_m F1

Halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - biomother and siblings parent live together

306 w2_scont_half3_m F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

307 w2_sclose_half3_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - closeness current

308 w2_ssupp_half3_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - source of support

309 w2_slive1_half3_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - lived together in youth

310 w2_slive2_half3_m F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - age started living with sibling

311 w2_slive3_half3_m F2

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - age ended living with sibling

312 w2_slive4_half3_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - number of days a week living together

313 w2_sreal_half3_m F1

Anchor/halfsibling (via biomother) 3 - regards person as own sibling

314 w2_salive_step1_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - alive

315 w2_ssex_step1_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - sex

316 w2_sybirthm_step1_m F2

Stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - alive - date of birth - month

317 w2_sybirthy_step1_m F4

Stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - alive - date of birth - year

318 w2_sage_step1_m F3

Stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - alive - age

319 w2_spintact_step1_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - alive - biomother and siblings parent live together

320 w2_scont_step1_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

321 w2_sclose_step1_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - closeness current

322 w2_ssupp_step1_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - source of support

323 w2_spliv_step1_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - lived with biomother anchor

324 w2_slive1_step1_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - lived together in youth

325 w2_slive2_step1_m F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - age started living with sibling

326 w2_slive3_step1_m F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - age ended living with sibling

327 w2_slive4_step1_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - number of days a week living together

328 w2_sreal_step1_m


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 1 - regards person as own sibling

329 w2_salive_step2_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - alive

330 w2_ssex_step2_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - sex

331 w2_sybirthm_step2_m F2

Stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - alive - date of birth - month

332 w2_sybirthy_step2_m F4

Stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - alive - date of birth - year

333 w2_sage_step2_m F3

Stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - alive - age

334 w2_spintact_step2_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - alive - biomother and siblings parent live together

335 w2_scont_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

336 w2_sclose_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - closeness current

337 w2_ssupp_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - source of support

338 w2_spliv_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - lived with biomother anchor

339 w2_slive1_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - lived together in youth

340 w2_slive2_step2_m F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - age started living with sibling

341 w2_slive3_step2_m F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - age ended living with sibling

342 w2_slive4_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - number of days a week living together

343 w2_sreal_step2_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 2 - regards person as own sibling

344 w2_salive_step3_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - alive

345 w2_ssex_step3_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - sex

346 w2_sybirthm_step3_m F2

Stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - alive - date of birth - month

347 w2_sybirthy_step3_m F4

Stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - alive - date of birth - year

348 w2_sage_step3_m F3

Stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - alive - age

349 w2_spintact_step3_m F1

Stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - alive - biomother and siblings parent live together

350 w2_scont_step3_m F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - contact: seen or spoken with (telephone, social media) over past 12 months

351 w2_sclose_step3_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - closeness current

352 w2_ssupp_step3_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - source of support

353 w2_spliv_step3_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - lived with biomother anchor

354 w2_slive1_step3_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - lived together in youth

355 w2_slive2_step3_m F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - age started living with sibling

356 w2_slive3_step3_m F2

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - age ended living with sibling

357 w2_slive4_step3_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - number of days a week living together

358 w2_sreal_step3_m F1

Anchor/stepsibling (via biomother) 3 - regards person as own sibling

359 w2_e1check F1

Biofather - has current new partner

360 w2_e1checks F1

Biofather - lives with current new partner

361 w2_e1check1 F1

Biofather - same partner as OKiN2017

362 w2_e1check2 F1

Biofather - how did 2017 relationship end

363 w2_e1start F3

Biofather/current new partner father - age anchor started living with new partner

364 w2_c3cores F1

Anchor/newpartner father - lived together in youth

365 w2_e1age F3

Current newpartner father - age

366 w2_e1sexe F1

Current newpartner father - sex

367 w2_e1cont_r F1

Anchor/current newpartner father - contact: seen past 12 months

368 w2_e1close F1

Anchor/current newpartner father - closeness current

369 w2_e1supp F1

Anchor/current newpartner father - source of support

370 w2_e1loy F1

Biomother/current newpartner father - feels awkward together

371 w2_e1ownp F1

Anchor/current newpartner father - regards person as own mother

372 w2_ae1rela F1

Biofather/current newpartner father - relationship quality 373 w2_ae1kink1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Biofather/current newpartner father - kinkeeping - buying presents

374 w2_ae1kink2 F1

Biofather/current newpartner father - kinkeeping - organizing outings

375 w2_ae1kink3 F1

Biofather/current newpartner father - kinkeeping - family news

376 w2_ae1kink4 F1

Biofather/current newpartner father - kinkeeping - discussing problems

377 w2_ae1joint F1

Anchor/biofather - contact in presence of current newpartner father

378 w2_ae1talk1 F1

Biofather talks about current newpartner - frequency

379 w2_ae1talk2 F1

Biofather talks about current newpartner - positive/negative

380 w2_ae1gate1 F1

Biofather supported anchors tie to current newpartner

381 w2_be1like F1

Biomother/current newpartner father - how well do they get along with each other

382 w2_be1talk1 F1

Biomother talks about current newpartner father - frequency

383 w2_be1talk2 F1

Biomother talks about current newpartner father - positive/negative

384 w2_be1compa F1

Biomother/current newpartner father - who more important

385 w2_f1check F1

Biomother - has current new partner

386 w2_f1checks F1

Biomother - lives with current new partner

387 w2_f1check1 F1

Biomother - same partner as OKiN2017

388 w2_f1check2 F1

Biomother - how did 2017 relationship end

389 w2_f1start F3

Biomother/current new partner mother - age anchor started living with new partner

390 w2_d3cores F1

Anchor/newpartner mother - lived together in youth

391 w2_f1age F3

Current newpartner mother - age

392 w2_f1sexe F1

Current newpartner mother - sex

393 w2_f1cont_r F1

Anchor/current newpartner mother - contact: seen past 12 months

394 w2_f1close F1

Anchor/current newpartner mother - closeness current

395 w2_f1supp F1

Anchor/current newpartner mother - source of support


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

396 w2_f1loy F1

Biofather/current newpartner mother - feels awkward together

397 w2_f1ownp F1

Anchor/current newpartner mother - regards person as own father

398 w2_bf1rela F1

Biomother/current newpartner mother - relationship quality

399 w2_bf1kink1 F1

Biomother/current newpartner mother - kinkeeping - buying presents

400 w2_bf1kink2 F1

Biomother/current newpartner mother - kinkeeping - organizing outings

401 w2_bf1kink3 F1

Biomother/current newpartner mother - kinkeeping - family news

402 w2_bf1kink4 F1

Biomother/current newpartner mother - kinkeeping - discussing problems

403 w2_bf1joint F1

Anchor/biomother - contact in presence of current newpartner mother

404 w2_bf1talk1 F1

Biomother talks about current newpartner - frequency

405 w2_bf1talk2 F1

Biomother talks about current newpartner - positive/negative

406 w2_bf1gate1 F1

Biomother supported anchors tie to current newpartner

407 w2_af1like F1

Biofather/current newpartner mother - how well do they get along with each other

408 w2_af1talk1 F1

Biofather talks about current newpartner mother - frequency

409 w2_af1talk2 F1

Biofather talks about current newpartner mother - positive/negative

410 w2_af1compa F1

Biofather/current newpartner mother - who more important

411 w2_r1helpch F1

Anchor - received help (step)parents child care last 3 months

412 w2_b1helpch F1

Anchor - received help mother child care last 3 months

413 w2_a1helpch F1

Anchor - received help father child care last 3 months

414 w2_e1helpch F1

Anchor - received help current partner father child care last 3 months

415 w2_f1helpch F1

Anchor - received help current partner mother child care last 3 months

416 w2_a1gplive F1

Paternal grandmother - alive

417 w2_a1gpdied F1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

Paternal grandmother - alive primary school

418 w2_a1gphouse F1

Anchor/paternal grandmother - distance primary school

419 w2_a1gphelp F1

Anchor/paternal grandmother - babysitting primary school

420 w2_a1gpcont F1

Anchor/paternal grandmother - current contact

421 w2_a1gpclose F1

Anchor/paternal grandmother - closeness

422 w2_a1gpsupp F1

Anchor/paternal grandmother - source of support

423 w2_a1gpgat F1

Family reunions fathers side

424 w2_a1gpgatf F1

Frequency family reunions fathers side

425 w2_a1gpgatf1 F1

Participation family reunions fathers side

426 w2_a1gpacc F1

Acceptance fathers family

427 w2_b1gplive F1

Maternal grandmother - alive

428 w2_b1gpdied F1

Maternal grandmother - alive primary school

429 w2_b1gphouse F1

Anchor/maternal grandmother - distance primary school

430 w2_b1gphelp F1

Anchor/maternal grandmother - babysitting primary school

431 w2_b1gpcont F1

Anchor/maternal grandmother - current contact

432 w2_b1gpclose F1

Anchor/maternal grandmother - closeness

433 w2_b1gpsupp F1

Anchor/maternal grandmother - source of support

434 w2_b1gpgat F1

Family reunions mothers side

435 w2_b1gpgatf F1

Frequency family reunions mothers side

436 w2_b1gpgatf1 F1

Participation family reunions mothers side

437 w2_b1gpacc F1

Acceptance mothers family


Microdata Services

Toelichting op de variabelen

Vanwege de grote hoeveelheid variabelen zie de bijlage OKIN2020waardenoverzicht.



Personen die in het voorgaande jaar zijn overleden maar van wie het overlijdensbericht pas na het afsluiten van het voorgaande publicatiejaar is binnengekomen

03 AWW nihil: Nabestaandenuitkering aan nabestaande zonder kind, die niet tot uitbetaling leidt in verband met te hoog (buitenlands) inkomen, recht voor 1-7-1996. 04

Dit bestand bestaat uit alle IOW-uitkeringen aan personen die op enig moment in de verslagmaand lopend waren, waarvoor na het einde van het recht op uitkering nog een

opdrachtgever] op basis van niet-openbare microdata van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek betreffende Personen met pensioen in de verslagmaand .”..

Onder de primaire ofwel onderliggende doodsoorzaak ofwel grondlijden wordt verstaan de ziekte of de gebeurtenis waarmee het proces van gebeurtenissen die tot de dood

De variabele VEKTMSZKoppelIDPrestZA in combinatie met VEKTMSZBeginjaarPrest dient verder gebruikt te worden als koppelsleutel om DBC-zorgproduct prestaties in het

Deze behoren in de classificatie van SECM namelijk tot de categorie "ontvanger uitkering sociale voorzieningen overig".Maandbedragen van ontvangers die kleiner

De maandbedragen van records met IOAW, IOAZ, BbZ en WWIK zijn daarom niet meegenomen.De maandbedragen worden gebruikt voor de afbakening van sociaaleconomische categorie