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Microdata Services. Documentatie Nationaal Kiezers onderzoek (NKO) 2017


Academic year: 2022

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Microdata Services

Documentatie Nationaal Kiezers onderzoek (NKO)



Microdata Services


Publicatie van uitkomsten geschiedt door de onderzoeksinstelling of de opdrachtgever op eigen titel. Verwijzing naar het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) betreft uitsluitend het gebruik van de niet–openbare microdata. Deze microdata zijn onder

bepaalde voorwaarden voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek toegankelijk. Voor nadere

informatie microdata@cbs.nl . Dat wordt als volgt geformuleerd:

“Resultaten [gedeeltelijk] gebaseerd op eigen berekeningen [naam onderzoeksinstelling,

c.q. opdrachtgever] op basis van niet-openbare microdata van het Centraal Bureau voor de

Statistiek betreffende het Nationaal Kiezers Onderzoek 2017.”

Engelse versie

“Results based on calculations by [name of research institution or commissioning party]

using non-public microdata from Statistics Netherlands.”


certain conditions, these microdata are accessible for statistical and scientific

research. For further information: microdata@cbs.nl.



Microdata Services

Beschikbare bestand(en):

Het bestand is beschikbaar over 2017.

De gebruiker dient rekening te houden met het volgende:

 Het CBS heeft alleen de steekproeftrekking voor rekening gehouden zie voor meer informatie de website van het Nationaal Kiezers Onderzoek

 Voor de persoonskenmerken en/of achtergronden dient u de beschikbare GBA-

bestanden te raadplegen. Deze staan bij Zelf onderzoek doen in de catalogus onder het


Bevolking. Voor het aanvragen van deze bestanden geldt de gebruikelijke



Microdata Services


Bronvermelding ... 2

Beschikbare bestand(en): ... 3

1. Inleiding ... 5

2. Toelichting op de samenstelling van de bestanden ... 6

Beschrijving ... 6

Beschrijving van de populatie ... 6

Aanvang onderzoek ... 6

Frequentie ... 6

3. Bestandsopbouw en toelichting ... 7

Bestandsopbouw van het microdatabestanden ... 7

NKO2017 ... 7

Toelichting op de variabelen ... 26



Microdata Services

1. Inleiding

Het team Microdata Services van het CBS stelt, onder

bepaalde voorwaarden, niet–

openbare microdata (geanonimiseerde data op persoons-, bedrijfs- en adresniveau) toegankelijk voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dit rapport beschrijft de inhoud en structuur van “Nationaal Kiezers Onderzoek 2017”.

Hoofdstuk 2 beschrijft in het algemeen de microdatabestanden zoals populatieafbakening, methodologische bijzonderheden, kwaliteit en herkomst van de gegevens.

In hoofdstuk 3 wordt de bestandsindeling gegeven en worden voor de categoriale variabelen alle mogelijke scores en hun betekenis opgesomd.

De volgende bijlagen zijn beschikbaar voor de remote access/On-site gebruikers:

AanhoudendWisselvalligNKO2017V4 (Analyse tweede kamer verkiezingen 2017);

DPES 2017 Codebook v1.1 (Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2017, Research

description and codebook).


Microdata Services

2. Toelichting op de samenstelling van de bestanden


Doorlopend verzamelen van hoogwaardige en coherente gegevens over achtergronden van het stemgedrag van de Nederlandse kiesgerechtigde bevolking.

Beschrijving van de populatie

Personen van 18 jaar en ouder die het recht hebben om deel te nemen aan de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen in Nederland, personen in particuliere huishoudens.

Aanvang onderzoek

In 2017 is het onderzoek uitgevoerd door het CBS, in samenwerking met de SKON. Het NKO wordt georganiseerd rondom Tweede Kamerverkiezingen.

Zie voor meer informatie de website van het Nationaal Kiezers Onderzoek Frequentie

Onregelmatig. De frequentie hangt af van wanneer Tweede Kamerverkiezingen worden



Microdata Services

3. Bestandsopbouw en toelichting

Bestandsopbouw van het microdatabestanden


Onderstaand volgt een overzicht van alle variabelen.


Variabele en omschrijving Form.




Samen met RINPERSOONS is dit de persoon

3 WgtA F8.2

Weight Kantar CAPI Demographic Only

4 WgtB F8.2

Weight Kantar CAPI Demographic + Vote

5 WgtC F8.2

Weight Kantar CAWI Demographic Only

6 WgtD F8.2

Weight Kantar CAWI Demographic + Vote

7 WgtE F8.2

Weight Kantar Demographic Only

8 WgtF F8.2

Weight Kantar Demographic + Vote

9 V001 F1

Survey mode: Main questionnaire

10 V002 F8.2

Main questionnaire completed until end

11 V003 F1

Survey mode: Supplementary questionnaire

12 V004 A30

Interview start date

13 V005 F11

Interview duration in seconds

14 V010 F1


15 V011 F11

Year of birth

16 V012 F11

Age at interview

17 V020 F2

Frequency reading newspaper

18 V021 F2

Reads about national news?

19 V022 F2

Talks about national news?

20 V023 F2

Reads about foreign news?


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

21 V024 F2

Interested in politics

22 V025 F2

How closely did you follow the campaign?

23 V026 F2

Read campaign news in newspaper

24 V027 F2

Has seen electoral debates

25 V028 F2

Read campaign news on social media

26 V030 F2

Do you know vote matchers?

27 V031 F2

Did you fill in vote matcher?

28 V032 F1

Advice of vote matcher - VVD

29 V033 F1

Advice of vote matcher - PvdA

30 V034 F1

Advice of vote matcher - PVV

31 V035 F1

Advice of vote matcher - SP

32 V036 F1

Advice of vote matcher - CDA

33 V037 F1

Advice of vote matcher - D66

34 V038 F1

Advice of vote matcher - ChristenUnie

35 V039 F1

Advice of vote matcher - GroenLinks

36 V040 F1

Advice of vote matcher - SGP

37 V041 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Partij voor de Dieren

38 V042 F1

Advice of vote matcher - 50Plus

39 V043 F1

Advice of vote matcher - DENK

40 V044 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Voor Nederland

41 V045 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Forum voor Democratie

42 V046 F1

Advice of vote matcher - GeenPeil

43 V047 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Artikel 1


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

44 V048 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Nieuwe Wegen

45 V049 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Ondernemerspartij

46 V050 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Vrijzinnige Partij

47 V051 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Piratenpartij

48 V052 F1

Advice of vote matcher - Other party

49 V060 A1024

Most important national problem (text)

50 V061 F4

Most important national problem 1st (code)

51 V062 F4

Most important national problem 2nd (code)

52 V063 F4

Most important national problem 3rd (code)

53 V064 F4

Most important national problem 4th (code)

54 V065 F4

Most important national problem 5th (code)

55 V066 F4

Most important national problem 6th (code)

56 V067 F4

Most important national problem 7th (code)

57 V068 F4

Most important national problem 8th (code)

58 V069 F4

Most important national problem 9th (code)

59 V070 F2

Voted in 2012 parliamentary elections

60 V071 F2

Party voted for in 2012 parliamentary elections

61 V072 F2

Voted in 2016 referendum on Ukraine

62 V073 F2

Choice in 2016 referendum on Ukraine

63 V074 F2

Remembers outcome of referendum on Ukraine

64 V075 F2

Government should follow outcome of referendum on Ukraine

65 V080 F2

Effect government policy on economic situation

66 V081 F2

Effect government policy on employment situation


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

67 V082 F2

Effect government policy on respondent's finances

68 V083 F2

General satisfaction with government

69 V090 F2

Income differences - position of VVD

70 V091 F2

Income differences - position of PvdA

71 V092 F2

Income differences - position of PVV

72 V093 F2

Income differences - position of CDA

73 V094 F2

Income differences - position of SP

74 V095 F2

Income differences - position of D66

75 V096 F2

Income differences - position of ChristenUnie

76 V097 F2

Income differences - position of GroenLinks

77 V098 F2

Income differences - position of respondent

78 V100 F2

European unification - position of VVD

79 V101 F2

European unification - position of PvdA

80 V102 F2

European unification - position of PVV

81 V103 F2

European unification - position of CDA

82 V104 F2

European unification - position of SP

83 V105 F2

European unification - position of D66

84 V106 F2

European unification - position of ChristenUnie

85 V107 F2

European unification - position of GroenLinks

86 V108 F2

European unification - position of respondent

87 V110 F2

Foreigners - position of VVD

88 V111 F2

Foreigners - position of PvdA

89 V112 F2

Foreigners - position of PVV


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

90 V113 F2

Foreigners - position of CDA

91 V114 F2

Foreigners - position of SP

92 V115 F2

Foreigners - position of D66

93 V116 F2

Foreigners - position of ChristenUnie

94 V117 F2

Foreigners - position of GroenLinks

95 V118 F2

Foreigners - position of respondent

96 V120 F2

Left-right rating of VVD (11 point scale)

97 V121 F2

Left-right rating of PvdA (11 point scale)

98 V122 F2

Left-right rating of PVV (11 point scale)

99 V123 F2

Left-right rating of CDA (11 point scale)

100 V124 F2

Left-right rating of SP (11 point scale)

101 V125 F2

Left-right rating of D66 (11 point scale)

102 V126 F2

Left-right rating of ChristenUnie (11 point scale)

103 V127 F2

Left-right rating of GroenLinks (11 point scale)

104 V128 F2

Left-right rating of SGP (11 point scale)

105 V129 F2

Left-right rating of PvdD (11 point scale)

106 V130 F2

Left-right rating of 50PLUS (11 point scale)

107 V131 F2

Left-right rating of DENK (11 point scale)

108 V132 F2

Left-right rating of FvD (11 point scale)

109 V133 F2

Left-right self-rating (11 point scale)

110 V140 F2

Issue: Less money for foreign aid

111 V141 F2

Issue: Taxes should be cut

112 V142 F2

Issue: Mortgage deduction should be abolished


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

113 V143 F2

Issue: Government should prevent new mosques

114 V144 F2

Issue: Retirement age should be at 65

115 V145 F2

Issue: ECB should stop aid to Southern Europe

116 V146 F2

Issue: Municipality should take in aylum seekers

117 V147 F2

Issue: Own risk in healthcare expenses should be abolished

118 V148 F2

Issue: Netherlands should do more to reduce CO2 emission

119 V149 F2

Issue: Netherlands should raise defense spending

120 V150 F2

Issue: Producing and selling soft drugs should become legal

121 V151 F2

Issue: Minimum rate for independents

122 V160 F2

Did (not) vote in 2017 parliamentary elections

123 V161 A1350

Reason not voted (text)

124 V162 F2

Respondent authorized someone to vote by proxy

125 V163 F2

Party voted for in 2017 parliamentary elections

126 V164 A9390

Reason party choice (text)

127 V165 F2

Party choice – when decided?

128 V166 F2

What time did you vote?

129 V167 F2

Did (not) cast preferential vote

130 V168 F2

Reason for vote on first candidate

131 V169 F2

Reason for preferential vote (main categories)

132 V170 A765

Reason for preferential vote (other) (text)

133 V171 F2

Has been authorized by someone to vote by proxy

134 V180 F1

Does know which parties were part of former government coalition

135 V181 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: 50PLUS


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

136 V182 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: CDA

137 V183 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: ChristenUnie

138 V184 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: D66

139 V185 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: GroenLinks

140 V186 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: PvdA

141 V187 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: PvdD

142 V188 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: PVV

143 V189 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: SGP

144 V190 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: SP

145 V191 F1

Knowledge of coalition partner: VVD

146 V192 F2

Which of these persons was the Finance Minister before the 2012 election

147 V193 F2

Which party came in second in seats in the 2017 parliamentary election

148 V194 F2

Who chooses members of the First Chamber

149 V195 F2

Who makes or make new laws in the Netherlands

150 V196 F2

Can judges repeal laws

151 V200 F2

Sympathy score: VVD

152 V201 F2

Sympathy score: PvdA

153 V202 F2

Sympathy score: PVV

154 V203 F2

Sympathy score: CDA

155 V204 F2

Sympathy score: SP

156 V205 F2

Sympathy score: D66

157 V206 F2

Sympathy score: ChristenUnie

158 V207 F2

Sympathy score: GroenLinks


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

159 V208 F2

Sympathy score: SGP

160 V209 F2

Sympathy score: PvdD

161 V210 F2

Sympathy score: 50PLUS

162 V211 F2

Sympathy score: DENK

163 V212 F2

Sympathy score: FvD

164 V213 F2

Sympathy score: Mark Rutte

165 V214 F2

Sympathy score: Lodewijk Asscher

166 V215 F2

Sympathy score: Geert Wilders

167 V216 F2

Sympathy score: Sybrand van Haersma Buma

168 V217 F2

Sympathy score: Emile Roemer

169 V218 F2

Sympathy score: Alexander Pechtold

170 V219 F2

Sympathy score: Gert-Jan Segers

171 V220 F2

Sympathy score: Jesse Klaver

172 V221 F2

Sympathy score: Kees van der Staaij

173 V222 F2

Sympathy score: Marianne Thieme

174 V223 F2

Sympathy score: Henk Krol

175 V224 F2

Sympathy score: Tunahan Kuzu

176 V225 F2

Sympathy score: Thierry Baudet

177 V230 F2

Was the electoral process fair or unfair

178 V231 A1893

Why was the electoral process unfair (text)

179 V232 F2

Which voting method has your preference

180 V233 F2

Which voting method is most reliable

181 V240 F2

Satisfaction with democracy in the Netherlands


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

182 V241 F2

Satisfaction with democracy in the European Union

183 V242 F2

Satisfaction with constitutional state in the Netherlands

184 V243 F2

Satisfaction with decision-making in Dutch politics

185 V244 F2

Opinions of MPs reflect opinions of electorate

186 V250 F2

Who should MPs represent

187 V251 F2

Who do MPs represent in practice

188 V252 F2

MPs do not care about opinions of people like me

189 V253 F2

Parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opinion

190 V254 F2

People like me have no influence on politics

191 V255 F8.2

External efficacy score

192 V256 F2

MPs raise the right problems

193 V257 F2

MPs argue too much

194 V258 F2

Consider myself qualified for politics

195 V259 F2

Understand most important political issues

196 V260 F2

Politicians are honest

197 V261 F2

Politicians are profiteers

198 V262 F2

Politicians keep their promises

199 V263 F2

Politicians are corrupt

200 V270 F2

Member: Environmental organization

201 V271 F2

Member: Third world, human rights or peace organization

202 V272 F2

Member: Trade union

203 V273 F2

Member: Professional organization

204 V274 F2

Member: Employers' organisation


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

205 V275 F2

Member: Church

206 V276 F2

Member: Other

207 V277 A765

Member: Which other: First answer (text)

208 V278 A765

Member: Which other: Second answer (text)

209 V279 F2

Chance acting against unjust national bill

210 V280 F1

Did (not) try to get radio, TV or newspaper involved

211 V281 F1

Did (not) try to involve political party or organization

212 V282 F1

Did (not) participate in a meeting organized by government

213 V283 F1

Did (not) contact politician or civil servant

214 V284 F1

Did (not) join a civic action group

215 V285 F1

Did (not) join a demonstration

216 V286 F1

Did (not) use social media

217 V287 F1

Did (not) use internet, email or SMS without social media

218 V288 F1

Did (not) do other things to influence government

219 V289 F1

Did none of the above

220 V300 F2

Evaluation of Dutch EU Membership

221 V301 F2

EU Membership Turkey

222 V310 F2

The citizens should make important decisions for the country by referendum

223 V311 F2

The Prime Minister should be directly elected by the voters

224 V312 F2

Referendum should be possible on international treaties

225 V313 F2

Referendum should be possible on budget

226 V314 F2

Referendum should be possible on other laws

227 V315 F2


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

228 V320 F2

Compromise is selling out principles

229 V321 F2

Politicians do not care about the people

230 V322 F2

Most politicians are trustworthy

231 V323 F2

Politicians are the main problem in the Netherlands

232 V324 F2

Strong leader is good even if bends rules

233 V325 F2

People not politicians should make most important decisions

234 V326 F2

Politicians care only about interests of rich and powerful

235 V327 F2

MPs should follow will of the people

236 V328 F2

Political differences mostly between elite and people

237 V329 F2

Rather represented by ordinary person than career politician

238 V330 F2

Politicians talk too much and do too little

239 V331 F2

Politicians in The Hague do not care about my region

240 V340 F2

Norms and values deteriorate/improve

241 V341 F2

Most people can be trusted / cannot be too careful

242 V342 F2

Always courteous even to disagreeable people

243 V343 F2

Been occasions when I took advantage of someone

244 V344 F2

Sometimes try to get even rather than forgive

245 V345 F2

Sometimes feel resentful when I don't get my way

246 V346 F2

No matter who talking to, am always good listener

247 V350 F2

Respondent is religious

248 V351 F2

Religious denomination

249 V352 F2

Attendance of religious services

250 V353 F2

Social class – self image


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

251 V354 F2

How likely decrease in household income

252 V355 F2

Currently paid job

253 V356 F2

If lose job how easy new job within 12 months

254 V357 F11

How many paid hours (number)

255 V358 F2

How many paid hours (range)

256 V359 F2

Salaried employee or independent

257 V360 F2

Works in business owned by self or family

258 V361 F2

Private sector or government employee

259 V362 F2

Profession (ISCO-08)

260 V363 F2

How many people work in company

261 V364 F2

How many people do you supervise directly or indirectly

262 V365 F2

Ever had paid job

263 V366 F2

Which situation no paid job

264 V367 F2

Currently attending primary or secondary education

265 V368 F2

Highest education (completed) of respondent

266 V369 F2

Highest education (attended) of respondent

267 V370 F2

Number of persons in household

268 V371 F2

Number of underage persons in household

269 V372 F2

Respondent has partner in same household

270 V373 F2

Partner: Currently paid job

271 V374 F2

Partner: How many paid hours (range)

272 V375 F2

Partner: If lose job how easy new job within 12 months

273 V376 F2

Partner: Ever had paid job


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

274 V377 F2

Partner: Which situation no paid job

275 D001 F2


276 D002 F1

Country of origin (three categories)

277 D003 F1

Marital state

278 D004 F1

Type of household

279 D005 F1

Degree of urbanization

280 D006 F2

Social economic category respondent (Kantar)

281 D007 F2

Social economic category respondent (LISS)

282 D008 F1

Household income (in 20% groups) (Kantar)

283 D009 F6

Gross household income in Euros (LISS)

284 S001 F1

Frequency reading newspaper

285 S002 F1

Daily newspaper - de Telegraaf

286 S003 F1

Daily newspaper - de Volkskrant

287 S004 F1

Daily newspaper - Trouw

288 S005 F1

Daily newspaper - NRC Handelsblad

289 S006 F1

Daily newspaper - NRC Next

290 S007 F1

Daily newspaper - Algemeen Dagblad

291 S008 F1

Daily newspaper - Financieel Dagblad

292 S009 F1

Daily newspaper - Regional newspaper

293 S010 F1

Daily newspaper - Metro

294 S011 F1

Daily newspaper - Other

295 S012 A3072

Daily newspaper - Which other (text)

296 S013 F1

Frequency watching NOS TV newscast


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

297 S014 F1

Frequency watching RTL4 TV newscast

298 S015 F1

Follow one or more politicians on Twitter/Facebook

299 S016 F1

How often politics on timeline Twitter/Facebook

300 S017 F1

How often react to politics on Twitter/Facebook

301 S018 F1

How often disagree on domestic news with discussion partners

302 S019 F1

Express views on sensitive topics such as asylum seekers

303 S020 F1

Frequency visiting - Nos.nl

304 S021 F1

Frequency visiting - Geenstijl.nl

305 S022 F1

Frequency visiting - Nu.nl

306 S023 F1

Frequency visiting - Telegraaf.nl

307 S024 F1

Frequency visiting - Elsevier.nl

308 S025 F1

Frequency visiting - NRC.nl

309 S026 F1

Frequency visiting - Volkskrant.nl

310 S027 F1

Frequency visiting - Google news

311 S028 F1

Frequency visiting - Fok.nl

312 S029 F1

Frequency visiting - AD.nl

313 S030 F1

Frequency visiting - Trouw.nl

314 S031 F1

Frequency visiting - De Dagelijkse Standaard (dagelijksestandaard.nl)

315 S032 F1

Frequency visiting - The Post Online (tpo.nl)

316 S033 F1

Frequency visiting - Joop.nl

317 S034 F1

Frequency visiting - Other (I)

318 S035 A3072

Other website visited (I) (text)

319 S036 F1

Frequency visiting - Other (II)


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

320 S037 A3072

Other website visited (II) (text)

321 S040 F1

Party differences during campaign

322 S041 F1

Frequency of encountering poll results

323 S042 F1

Follow politics on tv/radio/newspaper/internet

324 S043 F1

Interested in politics

325 S044 F1

Trust: Churches

326 S045 F1

Trust: Army

327 S046 F1

Trust: Judges

328 S047 F1

Trust: Press

329 S048 F1

Trust: Police

330 S049 F1

Trust: Government

331 S050 F1

Trust: National parliament

332 S051 F1

Trust: Civil servants

333 S052 F1

Trust: Big companies

334 S053 F1

Trust: European Union

335 S054 F1

Trust: NATO

336 S055 F1

Trust: Banks

337 S056 F1

Trust: Political parties

338 S057 F1

Trust: Party voted for in 2017 parliamentary elections

339 S060 F1

Citizens choose parliament and parliament decides

340 S061 F1

As many referenda as possible

341 S062 F1

Political decisions by unelected experts

342 S063 F1

Every region or province should have MPs


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

343 S064 F1

Parties less than 5% not in parliament

344 S065 F1

MPs should be appointed by lottery among citizens

345 S066 F1

Voting should be possible by internet

346 S067 F1

Parties should indicate coalition preference before election

347 S068 F1

Parties should not exclude coalition partners before election

348 S069 F1

MPs free to deviate from party vote

349 S070 F1

MPs who leave party should give up seat

350 S071 F1

First Chamber should be abolished

351 S080 F1

Should be referendums on future European treaties

352 S081 F1

Should be referendums on future European enlargements

353 S082 F1

Feel connected to the Netherlands and the Dutch

354 S083 F1

Feel more European or world citizen than Dutch

355 S084 F1

Am proud to be Dutch

356 S085 F1

No better country than the Netherlands

357 S090 F2

Probability of future vote for VVD

358 S091 F2

Probability of future vote for PvdA

359 S092 F2

Probability of future vote for PVV

360 S093 F2

Probability of future vote for SP

361 S094 F2

Probability of future vote for CDA

362 S095 F2

Probability of future vote for D66

363 S096 F2

Probability of future vote for ChristenUnie

364 S097 F2

Probability of future vote for GroenLinks

365 S098 F2

Probability of future vote for SGP


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

366 S099 F2

Probability of future vote for PvdD

367 S100 F2

Probability of future vote for 50PLUS

368 S101 F2

Probability of future vote for DENK

369 S102 F2

Probability of future vote for FvD

370 S110 F1

Respondent is (not) adherent to a party?

371 S111 F1

Respondent is (not) convinced adherent to a party

372 S112 F1

Respondent is (not) more attracted to a party?

373 S113 F8

Party adherent/attracted

374 S120 F1

Euthanasia - position of VVD

375 S121 F1

Euthanasia - position of PvdA

376 S122 F1

Euthanasia - position of PVV

377 S123 F1

Euthanasia - position of SP

378 S124 F1

Euthanasia - position of CDA

379 S125 F1

Euthanasia - position of D66

380 S126 F1

Euthanasia - position of GroenLinks

381 S127 F1

Euthanasia - position of respondent

382 S128 F1

Asylum seekers - position of respondent

383 S129 F1

Nuclear plants - position of respondent

384 S130 F1

Crime - position of respondent

385 S131 F1

International military missions – position of respondent

386 S132 F1

Government should reduce income differences

387 S133 F1

Issue: Adoption by homosexual couples

388 S134 F1

Issue: Illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

389 S135 F1

Issue: Pensioners should pay for AOW

390 S136 F1

Issue: Gay marriage should be forbidden

391 S137 F1

Issue: No new refugees in the Netherlands

392 S138 F1

Issue: Freedom of speech even if insulting

393 S139 F1

Religion good guide in politics

394 S140 F1

Who in power can make big difference

395 S141 F1

Who people vote for makes big difference

396 S150 F1

Crime – holding suspect of terrorist attack in prison

397 S151 F1

Crime – torture should never be allowed

398 S152 F1

Crime – introduction of death penalty for certain crimes

399 S153 F1

Issue: Minorities should adjust to Dutch customs and traditions

400 S154 F1

Issue: Will of majority should prevail over rights minorities

401 S155 F1

Issue: Immigrants good for economy

402 S156 F1

Issue: Culture harmed by immigrants

403 S157 F1

Issue: Immigrants increase crime

404 S160 F1

How important to be real Dutchman: Born in the Netherlands

405 S161 F1

How important to be real Dutchman: Dutch ancestry

406 S162 F1

How important to be real Dutchman: Speak Dutch

407 S163 F1

How important to be real Dutchman: Dutch customs and traditions

408 S170 F1

How widespread is corruption

409 S171 F1

How good or bad a job government

410 S172 F1

State of economy better or worse

411 S180 F1

Party that represents respondent's views


Microdata Services


Variabele en omschrijving Form.

412 S181 F2

Which party represents respondent's views


Microdata Services

Toelichting op de variabelen


Bronbestanden die aan het CBS geleverd worden, bevatten doorgaans als persoons- identificator het BSN. Het Burgerservicenummer (BSN) wordt als zeer identificerend beschouwd en daarom vervangt het CBS dit nummer door een intern persoonsidentificatienummer, het betekenisloze RIN-nummer (RINPERSOON).

Een microdatabestand is voorzien van de door het CBS toegevoegde variabelen soort

identificatiecode (RINPERSOONS) en identificatienummer (RINPERSOON), die samen

het BSN vervangen. Records met een BSN die zijn teruggevonden in de GBA zijn voorzien

van een geldig RIN-nummer. Deze records hebben de waarde ‘R’ op RINPERSOONS




Deze microdata zijn onder bepaalde voorwaarden voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek toegankelijk.. Voor nadere

Dit bestand bestaat uit alle IOW-uitkeringen aan personen die op enig moment in de verslagmaand lopend waren, waarvoor na het einde van het recht op uitkering nog een

opdrachtgever] op basis van niet-openbare microdata van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek betreffende Personen met pensioen in de verslagmaand .”..

03 AWW nihil: Nabestaandenuitkering aan nabestaande zonder kind, die niet tot uitbetaling leidt in verband met te hoog (buitenlands) inkomen, recht voor 1-7-1996. 04

Deze microdata zijn onder bepaalde voorwaarden voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek toegankelijk.. Voor nadere

De variabele VEKTMSZKoppelIDPrestZA in combinatie met VEKTMSZBeginjaarPrest dient verder gebruikt te worden als koppelsleutel om DBC-zorgproduct prestaties in het

Deze behoren in de classificatie van SECM namelijk tot de categorie "ontvanger uitkering sociale voorzieningen overig".Maandbedragen van ontvangers die kleiner

De maandbedragen van records met IOAW, IOAZ, BbZ en WWIK zijn daarom niet meegenomen.De maandbedragen worden gebruikt voor de afbakening van sociaaleconomische categorie