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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook May 15


Academic year: 2022

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Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook May 15 – May 21, 2014

Increased precipitation received throughout southern Hispaniola.

During the last week, a significant increase in seasonal precipitation was observed throughout southern Hispaniola. Widespread rainfall amounts (>50mm) were estimated from southern Haitian peninsula, extending eastward into eastern Dominican Republic. In other areas in Haiti and in northern Hispaniola, lesser, but well-distributed rainfall was observed during the last week. While this past week’s rainfall distribution helped to sustain average to above-average moisture conditions in central Haiti, moderate to strong (50-100 mm) moisture deficits still remain over many local areas of the island over the past thirty days.

These include the Nord-Ouest, Nord-Est, Sud and Nippes departments of Haiti, and the northern and southern portions of the Dominican Republic. Over the long-term, many local areas across northern Hispaniola have experienced less than half of their normal rainfall accumulation since the beginning of February. This has led to degraded vegetation conditions according to recent vegetation indices. During the next seven days, moderate to locally heavy rains are forecast over central Haiti and central Dominican Republic.



In the middle of May, a small increase in early season rainfall was received throughout central and northern Haiti, and along the eastern border of the Dominican Republic..

Negative anomalies have ranged between 100 – 300 mm across much of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, with cumulative rainfall faring below 25 percent of the

Rains will be widespread for the coming week, but amounts are forecasted to remain well below climatology, especially for western

The consistent enhanced rain over the past few weeks has increased thirty-day rainfall surpluses further over the northern two-thirds of Haiti and bordering western and

While the northern portions of Hispaniola have received abundant and above-average rainfall over the past thirty days, its southern counterparts have suffered from insufficient

During the past week, reduced rainfall prevailed over the southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across southern Dominican Republic and light

During the past week, increased amounts of rainfall were received over central and southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across northern Dominican Republic..

During the next week, rainfall forecasts indicate a slight increase over the Island, with moderate to locally heavy rain over portions of southern, west-central, and northern