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Chapter Six: References


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Poorly sorted upwards fining well packed, oligomictic small to very large pebble conglomerate.. Reefs lenticular

In 1922, the medal, the Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst (Decoration for Faithful Service) was awarded to eleven officers of the Gatsrand, namely: JT Martins (commandant), TFJ

The overall aim of my research was to make recommendations for the refinement of REds to increase its effectiveness in supporting educators affected by the

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DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES RSA. Canola: Production guidelines. Growth responses of cucumber seedlings to sulphur dioxide fumigation in a

Higher activity movement was observed during daytime, new moon phases, spring and summer, whereas this individual with tag number 39 also preferred shallower

Labeobarbus kimberleyensis (Figure 2) or Vaal-Orange largemouth yellowfish, as it is locally known, has become one of the most sought after freshwater fish species for fisherman

Individuals preferred deeper water during full moon phases than they did during new moon phases, possibly for the same reasons as higher light intensity during day