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Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter


Academic year: 2021

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NWO news update for the

Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter

research community

nr.005 | July – Sept 2020 Publication date: Oct 8, 2020


 Per Oct 1st Dr. Bijoy Bera started as Assistant Professor on a Tenure Track in the Transport Phenomena group, TU Delft. Before he was postdoc at Wageningen University & Research.

 ERC Starting Grants:

 Dr. Ruth Cardinaels (TU/e) - Polymeric Electromagnetic Metamaterials created by flow-induced Structure PRINTing (link)

 Dr. Domink Krug (UT) - Unravelling bubble-particle collisions in turbulence (link)

 Dr. Bas Overvelde (AMOLF) - Smart fluidic circuits for autonomous soft robots (link)

 NWO incentive grant for women in science or engineering sciences who are temporarily without funding.

NWO Grants


KLEIN – round 6 (link)

Flow and Friction in Toothpaste-like Substances Dr. J. de Graaf (UU)

Malleable and recyclable materials from charged polymers Prof. dr. ir. J. van der Gucht (WUR)

CAPMAT: Next generation MATerials via controlled CAPilary suspensions Prof. dr. S. Luding (UT) -- Dr. E. Scholten (WUR)

XS (link)

The best of both worlds: blending microporosity and ion-selectivity for next-generation membranes for all- organic redox flow batteries

Dr. ir A.F.C. Forner Cuenca, TU/e

Bio-inspired “bubble gum” to prevent cracks in soils.

Dr. S. Muraro, TUD

Developing synthetic foldamers into membrane channels Dr. S.J. Wezenberg, UL


NWO calls


KIC 2020-2023 &




Temporarily closed

Rubicon ENW 1 Dec 2020

NWA-ORC 2020 1 Oct 2020 (initiatives)

Key technologies 10 Nov 2020 (appropriateness check)

NWO GROOT Temporarily closed

ENW-M Continuous application

VENI 2021 20 May 2021 Full proposals (no pre-proposal phase at Science Domain)

Small projects for NWA routes 2020 29 Oct 2020

Circularity 26 Jan 2021


Call will open soon

VIDI 2020 6 Oct 2020

Support for NWA route management Continuous application

Innovations for wind and solar energy 28 Jan 2020

TTW OTP Continuous application

VICI 2020

Temporarily closed

NWA Science communication Temporarily closed

Aquatic food production 26 Jan 2020


production systems and water management 26 Jan 2020 Demand-driven Partnerships for consortia 16 Feb 2021 (appropriateness check)

Demand-driven Partnerships for partners

Continuous application Strategic collaborations Call will open soon TTW Perspectief 22 Oct 2020 NWO Scientific meetings and consultations

Continuous application

* PPP: Public-private partnerships; KIC: Knowledge and Innovation Convenant

Events & meetings

CHAINS 8 - 9 Dec 2020 Online

Physics@Veldhoven 18 – 20 Jan 2021 Online

For questions, ideas and news items, please contact:

Dr. Bram Borkent, secretary of the advisory committee for the Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter research community +31 (0)30 600 1310, ResearchCommunity-FSM@nwo.nl



Here, along with the confirmation of the cubic shape impact on the anisotropy of the counterion distribu- tions with respect to the faces, edges and corners – the higher the value of

Using not only the positions but also the orientations of the rods allowed us to determine the average local nematic hS i i(z) and smectic ht i i(z) order parameter profiles as

We explain this behavior using an alternate and novel adsorption mechanism, namely a force balance between image charge attractions and van der Waals repulsions that keeps

Using computer simulations we explore how grain boundaries can be removed from three-dimensional colloidal crystals by doping with a small fraction of active colloids.. We show that

We clearly observe two distinct types of trajectories: some active particles migrate large distances over extended periods of time (red trajectories), while other active

For mixed surfactant concentrations between 0.232 and 1.86% surfactant, no plateau regime in I(q) was found at the lower q-limit, especially at high NaCl concentrations..

The measured persistence lengths were compared to those calculated using a discrete chain model with bending rigidity, and it is shown that the electrostatic persistence length

(b) The states of the entanglement network at different stages before, during and after a step uniaxial extension. If chain retraction would take place at t R , the