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Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter


Academic year: 2021

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NWO news update for the

Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter

research community

nr.004 | April – June 2020 Publication date: July 6, 2020


• The FSM committee will have two vacancies by the end of this year as both Michel Versluis and Martin van Hecke will leave the committee. You can submit your suggestions for new committee members to the FSM secretary until Oct 31 (ResearchCommunity-FSM@nwo.nl).

• Dr. Janne-Mieke Meijer will start as an Assistant Professor at TU/e as of July 1st, 2020 (link)

• Prof. dr. Marjolein Dijkstra (UU) is selected as new member of the Royal Academy (link)

• Prof. dr. Johan Padding (TUD) joins NWO Chemistry Round Table (link)

• Dr. Florian Muijres (WUR) wins Leen van Wijngaarden Prize 2019 (link)

• CHAINS 2020 and Physics@Veldhoven 2021 go digital (link)

• Dutch Physics Council invites nominations for the best physics PhD thesis 2020, named Paul & Tatiana Ehrenfest thesis award (deadline Oct 1, 2020) (link)

• ESRF is looking for a director of research for life sciences, chemistry and soft matter (link)

Granted projects (Apr – Jun 2020)


No FSM projects


Rubicon round 2019-3 (link)

Turbulent path to fusion power Dr I. (Ivana) Abramovic (f)

Eindhoven University of Technology -> United States, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, 24 months

Artificial morphogenesis of soft materials Dr F. (Federico) Lancia (m)

University of Twente -> United States, Northwestern University, Simpson Querrey Institute, 24 months

Public-private collaboration

No grants since April 2020.


NWO calls


Agenda (NWA) Public-private

collaboration INFRA ENW XS

1 Sep 2020 Rubicon ENW Temporarily closed

NWA-ORC 2020 To be announced

Thematic calls 7 thematic calls will open in July 2020, deadline Jan 2021

NWO GROOT Temporarily closed

ENW KLEIN Continuous application

VENI 2020 Temporarily closed

NWA Idea Generator Temporarily closed

Partnerships Counter for co- financing partners is open;

Call for consortia is in development.

ENW GROOT Temporarily closed

VIDI 2020 6 Oct 2020

Small projects for NWA routes 2020 29 Oct 2020

Strategic collaborations Call will open in autumn 2020

TTW OTP Continuous application

VICI 2020

Temporarily closed

Support for NWA route management Continuous application

TTW Perspectief 8 Sept

(full proposals) New round opening soon (link).

NWA Science communication 22 Sept 2020 NWO Scientific meetings and consultations

Continuous application

* PPP: Public-Private Partnerships; KIC: Knowledge and Innovation Convenant

Events & meetings

CHAINS 8 - 9 Dec 2020 Online

Physics@Veldhoven 18 – 20 Jan 2021 Online

For questions, ideas and news items, please contact:

Dr. Bram Borkent, secretary of the advisory committee for the Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter research community +31 (0)30 600 1310, ResearchCommunity-FSM@nwo.nl



They found the following overall picture: for reasonable values of the sphere charge Z one finds for vanishing ionic strength ( κ −1 → ∞) an open, planar configuration where only

generation 1 to 4 (top) and linear polymers of variable molecular weight (bottom) from computer simulations. a) Draw a sketch of deck-of-cards flow and define the shear stress,

The cone is oscillated and the resulting stress is measured. Then the phase shift angle between stress and strain is determined, d. The viscosity is G”/ w. c) Plateau modulus is

As the linker (spring) becomes longer, l eq in the x-axis, the persistence length becomes smaller, L p in the y-axis. Explain why this might be the case. Polymer chains have

drowning out the sound of someone calling your name. The denser the crowd the shorter the distance that you can hear. The Debye screening length follows concentration to the

The loop units that are deleted are more compact than the chain segments that do not cross. This is evident in the 2-d walk shown in figure 1. By deleting these loops we are

The difference between control group and experimental group was use of IWB with all the features considered to be useful for better achievement compared to the control group in

Bram Borkent, secretary of the advisory committee for the Physics of Fluids & Soft Matter research community +31 (0)30 600