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Greek whisky : the localization of a global commodity Bampilis, T.


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(1)Greek whisky : the localization of a global commodity Bampilis, T.. Citation Bampilis, T. (2010, February 10). Greek whisky : the localization of a global commodity. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/14731 Version:. Not Applicable (or Unknown). License:. Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded from:. https://hdl.handle.net/1887/14731. Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable)..

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(35)   <&    .  : {@#. =$ , {. 2002. \ _   / %. v.1-4.  : `  . =@# , N. 2001. “€ ` +@  @   `.  $  % +   .” [

(36)  09-10: 211-238..

(37) 203 = $# , {. 2007. \      %      .  %$ . Working paper. =# ^, ƒ. 1989.  /   1965-1975: `    - <  / % .  :

(38) <. ` , . [1989] 2006. <          _$ .     * " .  : €< .. Newspapers *  |#    ". *  |#     " Daily newspaper Kathimerini English edition. *  |#  /  . *  |#  # {. ! |#   % =

(39). Daily newspaper The Independent.. Reports %  = #  %$ 2007. <    |" .  

(40) $ [%      & { "  "     ?  2008 - 2012      . #^# , 2008. Foundation of Economic and Industrial Research in Greece (€\%) 1993. Report on the Greek alcohol industry and the sector of beverages. The Scotch Whisky Association 2007. Scotch whisky export markets and consumption levels.

(41) 204. Greek Whisky: The Localization of a Global Commodity.




Ideas about popular music, entertainment and Scotch whisky in Athens for example bring together different kinds of people; on Skyros ideas about shepherhood

Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version

From rebetadika to skiladika and bouzoukia with contemporary popular live Greek music The consumption of whisky in relation to cultural style Modes of signification The unification

My choice to study a mass-produced commodity was influenced by the intellectual paradigm of material culture studies that trace the social life of things in an effort to

According to one of the heads of a large import and production company in Greece, which came to be part of the Pernod Ricard Group Many people in the importing industry realized in

These scenarios represented social change and the consumption of modernness, along with various themes: migration from the countryside to Athens; the destruction of what were

81 Furthermore, the strategies of marketing can be experienced in various other ways in the Greek capital: in an outing to an Athens jazz club where the sponsor is Scotch whisky, in

Yet, binary embedded @ is not entirely uncommon on Feminist Rants as 11 such occurrences were found in the data set, most of which involved forms like όλ@ς where three