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National diversity and conflict : the role of social attitudes and beliefs Ayub, N.


Academic year: 2021

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National diversity and conflict : the role of social attitudes and beliefs

Ayub, N.


Ayub, N. (2010, April 13). National diversity and conflict : the role of social attitudes and beliefs. Kurt Lewin Institute Dissertation Series. Retrieved from


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Belonging to the dissertation

National Diversity and Conflict: The Role of Social Attitudes and Beliefs

By Nailah Ayub

1- Nationality is one of the salient and influential characteristics of a nationally diverse workgroup. (this thesis)

2- Contact in diverse groups can improve communication, but social distancing and negative stereotyping will allow little contact. (this thesis)

3- Relationships remain positive and even more intimate as long as social distances are maintained and acknowledged. (this thesis)

4- Nationalism is a fast-held attitude that develops through years of direct and indirect learning. Group composition may alter the effects of nationalism where composition has a significant effect based on how group members perceive each other. (this thesis)

5- Respect even if you dislike, and you will be respected even if disliked. (this thesis)

6- Any conflict is good if it leads to positive consequences.

7- Diversity and conflict can be positive or negative, attitudes make the difference.

8- Material progression without moral contemplation is catastrophic regression.

9- Lack of opportunities decreases the level of motivation.

10- The pour of information through media is adding to the uncertainty and disinformation.



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participants personally know, if they know any, c) perceived linguistic and cultural distance be- tween Greeks and Albanians, d) willingness to get familiar with the Albanian

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Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Brooklyn, MA, USA; 5 Obstetrics and Gynecology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 6 Development and Regeneration, University. Hospital

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Regarding the potentially negative team performance consequences of diversity and stereotyping in teams, we call for empirical research that tests our suggestion that inaccurate

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