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University of Groningen The ripple effect in family networks Bel ,de, Vera


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University of Groningen

The ripple effect in family networks

Bel ,de, Vera



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Bel ,de, V. (2020). The ripple effect in family networks: Relational structures and well-being in divorced and

non-divorced families. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.126812050


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Each of the models for the three relational dimensions, support exchange, contact, and conflict, was built in three steps, including the following (a) ego’s reported intergenerational

The ambivalent triad census which is proposed here differs from the triad census developed by Holland & Leinhardt (1976) in that 1) it has a fixed position for actor F, 2)

We first investigate whether the family networks of divorced families are more disjoint than the family networks of non-divorced families by comparing cross-lineage contact,

The Dutch Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS) (Dykstra et al., 2005), the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (PAIRFAM) (Huinink et al., 2011),

Sub questions are about whether the strength of this effect on well-being changes after parental divorce, whether multi-functional relationships from nuclear or extended

Chapter 6 showed that family members’ well-being increased actually a bit more after parental divorce compared to family members’ well-being in non-divorced families and that

De bijdrage van multifunctionele steun verschilde niet voor de drie generaties, wel was het welbevinden van kinderen in alle families duidelijk hoger dan van de andere

I thank my colleagues in the Social Network Analysis (SNA) cluster, the Family Life course and Aging (FLAG) cluster, the Work-Family (WF) seminar in Utrecht, the colleagues at