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Intertemporal Consumption and the Measurement of Inflation: A Dynamic Inertial Price Index


Academic year: 2022

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(111) DP143. Centre for Financial and Management Studies | University of London.   



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(119) Intertemporal Consumption and the Measurement of Inflation: A Dynamic Inertial Price Index.   Appendix A: derivation of the model 

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(127) (). . $01. 4. ! ( (. 3. . !. (  ( &1 %01-+ $01-+. ) () 

(128) (). . . "%#.   ) 4 ) )  3 . ) 4. '1 /1,+ #/1. 2. ! ( (). 3.  ( () (). . "&#. '1 .1,+  #.1. "'#. 

(129)        !.  )  . ). 4. . . (  () 2. 01 %01 01. (. (  () 2 (. . 3. ! ( ( . () 3  ) 2  ) 2. . 3.  ( ( . () 3. . 2. . 2 )  )  

(130) ()   ()  

(131) ()   ().  ( ( . () 3 . ! ( (  ! ( ( .

(132) () 2 . ! ( ( .

(133) () 2. () 2 . "(#.   . ) 4 ) )  3. . ) 4.  . '1 /1,+ #/1. 2. ! ( (). 3. '1 .1,+ #.1. .  ( () (). . ")# "*#. .

(134) DP143. Centre for Financial and Management Studies | University of London.      

(135)        #

(136)  !  &. %

(137)  !  ! $ !  ! !.   

(138)  !  & 

(139)   $  # !

(140)  !  &. %  %.   "     

(141)   #

(142)  !  &. . # ".  ! $   !   !    !   ! . '$,(.   )&*  $. . Dynamic Inertial Price Index  



(145) #

(146) ! !  !  ! &

(147) !  !  ! . . '$-(.         

(148) '( #  ! &. . " #.   !   !. %   !   !. . '$.(.               '$,(  %  !  !    

(149) %   

(150)   "   


(152) #  !  !.  &  ! ! !

(153)  ! . &  ! !. ! !  %.    !. %.   !.   !.  !.  !.

(154)  !  . 

(155) #  !  !. &.  %  % ! %.     !. %.  !.   

(156)   #  !. !.  &  ! ! !

(157)  ! . &  ! !.  ! ! !  %.    !. %.   !.   !.  !.  !.

(158)  !  . 

(159) #  !. !.  . &.  %  % ! %.  !    !. %.  !. .

(160) Intertemporal Consumption and the Measurement of Inflation: A Dynamic Inertial Price Index. 








(168) #  




(172)   !  #  #. +.  *. * # *.    #.   #. *. # # .  # #. +.  *. * # *.  #   #.   #. *. # #. 



(175)  +   $")%


(177) ! .  +   *. .  # * . . #  #. . *. .  # * . #  # +   . 



(180)  # 






(186) "







(193) !  + .  *  + ' +   *  *   *   *  ' +  +  *  *  *   


(195) !    +. $ $ ! "" ) ! ""       . 


(197) !  ! 

(198) #













(211)  #

(212) ! *  # ).  * # # ) #  #. . . #  # ) . # # ) #. +. . * ).  * #. . . . #  # ) . # # ) #. +. .  


(214)  ! .  # + .  . # + * #  # . $"'&%.     $"(%!  .  . & % (.  # )   #  

(215) #   #  

(216) # +.   .   # ).   .  # ).   . +.   # ).   .  # ). .

(217) DP143. Centre for Financial and Management Studies | University of London. . /.   .   # /  # .  # / . . ..   .  # /. . .#  #   #   #   #   #.   .  # . .   .   . 

(218) # /.   .  # .  # . %#((&. .  

(219)     %#('&     

(220)   %#*&       $  "  # 0 # . # /. . %.    #. % &.  # / #  # . %#()&.  

(221) %#()&  %#('&%#((& +" .  #   #   #   #   . #  # /. . 0. . /. .  .# #.   .  # / . 0.      .  # . .   .  # ..  # ..  /  .  #   #   #   #. .  !     

(222)     (  ## #  

(223)    # # 0   . #  # 0   " . #  #   #   #   #. . 0/. + ,)' $, !". 0. * + ,- & + ,)' $, !" ,-('  ,)' $, !" ,- & ,)' $, !" ,-('. %. .   "  # 0. / /. #  / #   /.  !!  "  #.  0 /. . .   # /  . .   # . . .   # /  .   #  .  . .  +.    

(224)     #     #$     !



(227)         #.  . .

(228) Intertemporal Consumption and the Measurement of Inflation: A Dynamic Inertial Price Index. Appendix B: proofs of lemmas   /  ! %'"&!  "$! %  %!'&!  % !  % & (' ' &!  % ! !&! +  $%    &% $' &%/ $! & 

(229)   &!  3>4 %  !% $! 7 &!

(230) - & &  %!&#'&!  $%%! !&! +$! &!

(231) /( "!%&()&  "$%-&$& %% & '$ &$!$&%!'&! &!&!($ "$!*%&% &%' #'/  

(232) / !!) $$!397774)(! $& ! %'"&! %0%'&$&(&1/ %!% !&"$'&"!%%&+!( !!&&"$$ %!($! %'"&! =/ &" $ "'&! !#'&! 3=4-& -&%%"$!( /   / %  %3977:4&"$!!!%$!& * &! /!!) &$ %!$&!     "" &! #'&!  3=4.           /  &$ %!$&!  !% 1& & & %&+ %& ! & *,&!  "$! !$ !% & !&( ' &!  &('' &! / /&!!&&'&&+' &! &

(233) %%'"$&( */   / )$&38><;4 %%'"$&(!%&2 2 ( 3 4 *) '& !$%"*' &! / $$ &!& $&""$!&!! %'$1%!%& %- & - &     & *" &'$ ' &!  ' &!      $&( "$%/ '"$&( *%$-+ &! -*&3//#'&!&$&!!&('%%%'+  ' &!     + "$% ! "! &%4 !$   $&!$ )&  * ' &!  !$ 3// %!  !$$ ""$!*&!  !$  $ %% ! ' &!    "$&'$ !$  +  $+ !! !'%! %4/ !!&&'&&+' &! %%%'& * '$$%'&  $! &% !"&,&!  )!'  %! !+ !"&,   + ! &% 3%!  !$$4 ""$!*&! %/$%'& 

(234)  *)-& -%'"$&(&!!/ . .  =.  . !%2

(235) !$#'$% !%%3977>4/. .

(236) DP143. Centre for Financial and Management Studies | University of London. Appendix C: DIPI calculation for US  '''! ($      !        & (.   1 4 3 3. -'!. 2. . 1 .1%- 3 1&" .1&-%" . +. . 1 .1%- 3 1&" .1&-%" . ) (. -. 3 -'!. * * 1 .1%"%- 3 1%"%3 1&" .1%- 3 1%-. -.  -'". -. . ). (. 3. -. * * 1 -%/ 3 1&" 1&"%/. -. . /'". !% !   % ! %      %  # " "!' #! 

(237)  & 1 3  4 " 1&" 3  2

(238) 2 / 1&/ 3  2 1 . !)-11.*!-

(239)   &  1 4 1 3 

(240)  1&/%" 3  &. ,.   1&" 2 1  !    " "  '   !. 0. 0. 0. 1 1%0 3  4 "" 1 3  2

(241) 2 "/ 1&/%" 3  4 "  1 . " 4 $-'" - - !- ! -"0!- $!& (. ( -.  1 1%- 3 1&" 1&"%-.  - " - 1 . 4. -'!. -'!. !! 4 # # # 2 $ $ $ 3 # # 2 $ $ ! !!,',/! . !. # '!%& . 4  3 .   1 4 3 3.  . 2.  2   3 .  . 4. '.  . .

(242) Intertemporal Consumption and the Measurement of Inflation: A Dynamic Inertial Price Index. 



(245) "



(248) !!


(250)  '



(253) !

(254)    !


(256) (    $ . 

(257)  "

(258)     %   ! 

(259)  !  





(264) "

(265) & "&"



(268)   " % 






(274)   #       

(275)  )% 


(277)   " 


(279) "



(282) %   












(294) !  %.  . .




The democratic approach to leading is in line with the practices in the Namibian government and is also prevalent in schools (§4.3.1) as school leaders (Principals &amp; HoDs)

8.5.2 Daar moet ook voorsiening gemaak word vir produksiesentra, een vir elke komprehensiewe eenheid (vgl. By hierdie sentra kan gebruik gemaak word van die

Voor deze rapportage heeft SOVON een analyse gemaakt waarbij de aantallen broedparen in het referentiegebied worden vergeleken met de aantallen op de Westelijke eilanden en platen

komt dus in de tijd verbreed bij de ontvanger aan. De modulatie- frequentie, nodig voor het u~tzenden van informatie, moet daarom beperkt blijven, omdat te hoge

Daarom werd een prospectie met ingreep in de bodem aanbevolen, zodat een inschatting kan gemaakt worden van eventueel op het terrein aanwezige archeologische waarden, alvorens

In the following scheme the commodities are classified according to the sign o f the difference betw een their growth rate in a given 6-year period and their growth rate

In this model, factors from both demand side such as GDP, disposable income, rent, interest rate, inflation and population and supply side such as land cost and

This effect contradicts the found main pass-through effect of the previous study, but could be due to the earlier shown positive interaction with promotion effectiveness,