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Millimeter emission from protoplanetary disks : dust, cold gas, and relativistic electrons


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Millimeter emission from protoplanetary disks : dust, cold gas, and relativistic electrons

Salter, D.M.


Salter, D. M. (2010, November 25). Millimeter emission from protoplanetary disks : dust, cold

gas, and relativistic electrons. Leiden Observatory, Faculty of Science, Leiden University.

Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/16175

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Millimeter Emission From Protoplanetary Disks

Dust, Cold Gas, and Relativistic Electrons


Millimeter Emission From Protoplanetary Disks

Dust, Cold Gas, and Relativistic Electrons


ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden,

op gezag van de Rector Magnificus Prof. Mr. P. F. van der Heijden, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties

te verdedigen op donderdag 25 november 2010 klokke 11.15 uur


D. M. Salter



Promotor: Prof. Dr. E. F. van Dishoeck Co-promotor: Dr. M. R. Hogerheijde

Overige leden: Prof. Dr. H. V. J. Linnartz (Leiden University / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Prof. Dr. K. Kuijken (Leiden University)

Prof. Dr. C. Dominik (University of Amsterdam / Radboud University Nijmegen) Prof. Dr. G. A. Blake (California Institute of Technology)

Dr. L. Testi (European Southern Observatory)


Front Cover: An artist’s rendering of the birth of a star. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (SSC).




Chapter1. Introduction 1

1.1 Origins . . . 2

1.1.1 The Formation of Sun-like Stars . . . 2

1.1.2 The Birth Sites of Planetary Systems . . . 4

1.2 The Study of Protoplanetary Disks . . . 8

1.2.1 Millimeter-wave Instrumentation . . . 8

1.2.2 The Dust. . . 10

1.2.3 Cold Gas . . . 13

1.2.4 Relativistic Electrons . . . 15

1.2.5 In the Laboratory . . . 17

1.3 This Thesis . . . 18

1.3.1 Outline of Chapters . . . 18

1.3.2 Main Results . . . 21

1.3.3 Outlook . . . 22

PartI The Dust and Gas Content Revealed with Millimeter Telescopes 29 Chapter2. A Single-dish Survey of the HCO+, HCN, and CN Emission Toward the T Tauri Disk Population in Taurus 31 2.1 Introduction . . . 32

2.2 Observations . . . 33

2.2.1 The Taurus Disk Sample . . . 33

2.2.2 JCMT Single-dish Millimeter Observations . . . 35

2.2.3 Data Reduction . . . 35

2.3 Results . . . 36

2.4 Trends . . . 38

2.5 Modeling the Molecular Emission . . . 45

2.5.1 Disk Models . . . 45

2.5.2 Comparison of Fixed-abundance Models . . . 47

2.5.3 The Specific Case of DG Tau . . . 50

2.5.4 Notes on Individual Sources . . . 54

2.6 Discussion . . . 56

2.7 Summary . . . 57

Chapter 3. Observing Low-J 12CO Transitions in Protoplanetary Disks with Varied Dust Properties 61 3.1 Introduction . . . 62

3.2 Observations . . . 63


viii Contents

3.2.1 The Disk Sample . . . 63

3.2.2 CARMA12CO (J = 1–0) Observations . . . 64

3.2.3 SMA12CO (J = 2–1) Observations . . . 64

3.3 Results . . . 65

3.3.1 CARMA 2.7 mm Continuum Data . . . 65

3.3.2 CARMA12CO (1–0) Line Data . . . 65

3.3.3 SMA 1.3 mm Continuum and12CO (2–1) Line Data . . . 68

3.4 Analysis . . . 69

3.4.1 CW Tau and IQ Tau . . . 69

3.4.2 DQ Tau . . . 69

3.4.3 V806 Tau . . . 73

3.4.4 V892 Tau . . . 74

3.5 Discussion . . . 75

3.6 Summary . . . 77

PartII Transient Flares of Non-thermal Millimeter Emission 81 Chapter4. Captured at Millimeter Wavelengths: a Flare from the Classical T Tauri Star DQ Tau 83 4.1 Introduction . . . 84

4.2 The DQ Tau System . . . 84

4.3 CARMA Observations . . . 85

4.4 Results and Analysis . . . 86

4.5 Discussion . . . 87

4.6 Conclusions . . . 89

Chapter5. Recurring Millimeter Flares as Evidence for Star-Star Magnetic Reconnection Events in the DQ Tau PMS Binary System 91 5.1 Introduction . . . 92

5.2 Observations and Data Reduction . . . 93

5.2.1 Millimeter Interferometry . . . 93

5.2.2 Optical Photometry . . . 95

5.3 Results and Analysis . . . 95

5.3.1 Millimeter Flare Properties . . . 95

5.3.2 Coincident Optical Brightenings . . . 101

5.4 Discussion . . . 103

5.4.1 Signatures of Synchrotron Emission . . . 103

5.4.2 De-polarization Effects . . . 105

5.4.3 Orientation and Topology of the Magnetospheres . . . 106

5.4.4 Optical Emission Mechanisms . . . 108

5.5 Conclusions . . . 109

A.1 Optical Data . . . 111

Chapter6. Hunting for Millimeter Flares from Magnetic Reconnection in Pre-main-sequence Spectroscopic Binaries 115 6.1 Introduction . . . 116

6.2 Observations . . . 117

6.2.1 Target Selection . . . 117


Contents ix

6.2.2 Observations and Data Reduction. . . 118

6.3 Results . . . 120

6.4 Discussion . . . 123

6.4.1 Event Statistics . . . 123

6.4.2 UZ Tau. . . 124

6.4.3 Other Sources . . . 126

6.5 Summary and Conclusions . . . 129

A.1 Millimeter and Optical Data . . . 131

PartIII Protoplanetary Dust Experiments in the Laboratory 139 Chapter7. A Zero-Gravity Instrument to Study Low Velocity Collisions of Fragile Particles at Low Temperatures 141 7.1 Introduction . . . 142

7.2 Experiment Design Overview . . . 143

7.2.1 Particle Storage and Cooling . . . 144

7.2.2 Cryogenic Operation . . . 146

7.2.3 Particle Acceleration System . . . 147

7.2.4 Removable Target Holder . . . 147

7.2.5 Data Acquisition and Imaging . . . 148

7.3 Performance in Microgravity . . . 150

7.4 Conclusions . . . 152

Nederlandse Samenvatting 155

Publication List 169

Curriculum Vitae 171

Acknowledgements 173




Both sources with large amounts of dust settling (DQ Tau) and small amounts (V806 Tau) can present similarly bright and resolved CO emission lines ( ∼40 mJy bm −1 ); the results

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Alternatively, if the reconnection events provide a necessary pathway for accretion processes, then the haphazard nature of magnetic fields easily could explain the variability in

The recorded activity is consistent with the proposed picture for synchrotron emission initiated by a magnetic reconnection event when the two stellar magnetospheres of the

Since in both the DQ Tau and UZ Tau E cases, optical brightenings are common near periastron due to periodic accretion events (Jensen et al. 2007), and because the optical light

Our instrument design to probe the collisions of fragile particles at low velocities proved successful in its inaugural run at ambient temperatures (300 K) in vacuum, as well as

Onze statistieken waarschuwen tegen het traditionele idee van een constant millimeter spectrum en laten zien dat we de millimeter variëteit van jonge sterren beter moeten

Recurring Millimeter Flares as Evidence for Star-Star Magnetic Re-connection Events in the DQ Tau PMS Binary System (Chapter 5).. van der Burg,