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– December 14, 2011 Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook For USAID / FEWS-NET December 8


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FEWS NET is a USAID-funded activity whose purpose is to provide objective information about food security conditions. Its views are not necessarily reflective of those of USAID or the U.S. Government. The FEWS NET weather hazards outlook process and products include participation by FEWS NET field and home offices, NOAA-CPC, USGS, USDA, NASA, and a number of other national and regional organizations in the countries concerned. Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-763-8000 x7566. Questions about the USAID FEWSNET activity may be directed to Gary Eilerts, USAID Program Manager for FEWSNET, 1-202- 219-0500 or geilerts@usaid.gov.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook For USAID / FEWS-NET

December 8 – December 14, 2011

Another week of little to no observed precipitation strengthens moisture deficits in northern Haiti.

In early December, little precipitation was observed throughout Hispaniola which has helped to increase late seasonal moisture deficits in Haiti. This dryness has likely impacted vegetation conditions over parts of the L’Artibonite, Ouest, Nord, and Nord-Est departments of Haiti. During the last 30 days, negative rainfall anomalies range between 25-50mm across much of the country, with larger negative anomalies (50-100mm) observed in central and northern portions of Haiti. Precipitation forecasts suggest a continuation of dryness into mid-December with minimal amounts of rainfall expected in the south, and no rains expected for many interior parts of the country. The suppression of rainfall could worsen dryness and potentially damage late-planted crops in many local areas.



 Little to no rainfall was observed over Haiti during the past week, but a frontal passage could enhance rainfall over the northern departments.. With the second season coming to

Weekly average minimum temperatures were below normal (-2 to -6 o C) across northern, central, and southern regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,

Weekly average minimum temperatures were above normal (2 to 8 o C) across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, western, central, and southeast Afghanistan,

strengthened deficits and negatively impacted crops in the region. 2) Copious amounts of rainfall that have fallen across central and coastal departments of Guatemala including

 Drought is expected to continue as light rainfall is forecast over much of Central America during the next week. 1) Much of Central America experienced below-average rainfall

 Below average rainfall during early December continues to negatively impact many moisture stressed areas in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. 1) Several consecutive weeks of

 Increased rainfall in southern Caribbean expected to relieve dryness in Costa Rica. 1) Increased moisture from the Pacific is expected to produce enhanced rainfall over the Gulf

Since the beginning of December, precipitation continues to remain well above average across the southern Caribbean, as moisture surpluses in Panama, Costa Rica