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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook


Academic year: 2022

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Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook August 30 – September 5, 2018

Insufficient rainfall since the start of the first rainfall season has led to droughts over areas of Hispaniola.

During the past observation period, moderate to locally heavy rainfall was received over the Centre and L’Artibonite departments of central Haiti, western and northeastern Dominican Republic, while little to suppressed rainfall was recorded elsewhere. Compared to climatology, this past week’s cumulative rainfall was below-average and contributed to maintaining thirty-day rainfall deficits over southwestern and northwestern Haiti and the eastern two-thirds of the Dominican Republic. In contrast, thirty-day rainfall surpluses persisted across central Haiti and neighboring western Dominican Republic due to wet episodes, which affected the region since early August. Over the long term, an analysis of seasonal rainfall performance has shown that large (> 100 mm) seasonal deficits prevailed over Hispaniola during the past ninety days. Areas such as northeastern and southwestern Dominican Republic accumulated only less than 50 percent of their average rainfall. The lack of rainfall has already negatively impacted crops and ground conditions over many local areas. During the next outlook period, a slight increase in rainfall is expected over Hispaniola. Heavy rainfall is forecast over Haiti, west-central and eastern Dominican Republic. However, little to light rainfall amounts are expected elsewhere, potentially further strengthening moisture deficits over the dry portions of the Island.



Since late May to present, the Southern Peninsula and portions of northwestern Haiti and localized areas of southwestern and eastern Dominican Republic have received only

While rainfall was well-distributed across much of the island, the weekly totals remain well below-average for late August and early September, marking another consecutive

According to satellite rainfall estimates, this past weekly rainfall distribution marked the first time in which favorable moisture returned over parts of central and southern

While rains have improved in the central and southern departments of Haiti, however, several weeks of suppressed precipitation throughout northern Haiti has

In the last seven days, the continuation of locally heavy rainfall was observed throughout central and eastern Haiti, with more moderately seasonable totals received in the

The Storm brought many significant impacts including storm surge along the southern peninsula of Haiti, heavy wind damage, widespread flooding, and

The 30-day rainfall anomaly field is dominated by signal from Hurricane Matthew and reveals copious rainfall over the period, aside from some local areas of northern Haiti and

During the past week, while moderate to locally heavy rain fell in north-central Haiti and western Dominican Republic, little to light (< 25 mm) rain was recorded