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University of Groningen Species selection and the spatial distribution of diversity Herrera Alsina, Leonel


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Species selection and the spatial distribution of diversity

Herrera Alsina, Leonel



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Publication date: 2019

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Herrera Alsina, L. (2019). Species selection and the spatial distribution of diversity. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.99272986


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159 List of publications

Peer-reviewed articles

Tovilla-Sierra, R.D., Herrera-Alsina L*., Bribiesca R. & Arita, H. (2019). The spatial analysis of biological interactions: morphological variation responding to the co-occurrence of competitors and resources. Journal of Avian Biology, Accept minor revision

Bribiesca R., Herrera-Alsina L., Ruiz-Sánchez E., Sánchez-González L.A., & Schondube J. E.* (2019). Body mass as a supertrait linked to abundance and behavioral dominance in hummingbirds: a phylogenetic approach. Ecology and Evolution 9: 1623-1637

Herrera-Alsina L*., van Els & Etienne R.S. (2018). Detecting the dependence of diversification on multiple traits from phylogenetic trees and trait data. Systematic Biology 68 317-328. Chapter 2 of this thesis

Herrera-Alsina L*., Pigot A. L., Hildenbrandt H. & Etienne R.S. (2018). The influence of ecological and geographic limits on the evolution of species distributions and diversity. Evolution 72:1978-1991. Chapter 1 of this thesis

Onstein R. E.*, Baker W. J., Couvreur T. L. P., Faurby S., Herrera-Alsina L., Svenning J-C. & Kissling W.D. (2018). To adapt or go extinct? The fate of mega faunal palm fruits under past global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285 (1880): 20180882

Malpica A., Covarrubias S., Villegas-Patraca R. & Herrera-Alsina L*. (2017). Ecomorphological structure of avian communities changes upon arrival of wintering species. Basic and Applied Ecology 24:60-67.

Saldaña-Vázquez R. A., Ruíz-Sánchez E., Herrera-Alsina L. & Schondube J. E.* (2015). Digestive capacity predicts diet breadth of Neotropical frugivorous bats. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:1396-1404.

Villegas-Patraca R & Herrera-Alsina L.* (2015). Migration of Franklin’s Gull

(Leucophaeus pipixcan) and its variable annual risk from wind power facilities across the TehuantepecI sthmus. Journal for Nature Conservation 25:72-76. Herrera-Alsina L.* & Villegas-Patraca R. (2014) Biologic interactions determining

geographic range size: a one species response to phylogenetic community structure. Ecology and Evolution 4: 968–976

Villegas-Patraca R., Cabrera-Cruz S. A.* & Herrera-Alsina L. (2014) Soaring Migratory Birds Avoid Wind Farm in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Southern Mexico. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92462.



Herrera-Alsina L.*, Villegas-Patraca R., Eguiarte L.E. & Arita H.T. (2013) Bird communities and wind farms: a phylogenetic and morphological approach. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 2821–2836

Villegas-Patraca R.*, Macgregor-Fors I., Ortiz-Martinez T., Perez-Sanchez C., Herrera-Alsina L. & Muñoz-Robles C. (2012) Bird-Community Shifts in Relation to Wind Farms: A Case Study Comparing a Wind Farm, Croplands, and Secondary Forests in Southern Mexico. The Condor 114: 711–719. *Corresponding author.

Contributions to books:

Saldaña-Vázquez R. A., Mwampamba T. H., Rodríguez-Enríquez C., Roldán-Clarà B., del Castillo K., Herrera-Alsina L., Hernández-Montero J. R., & Mendoza E. (2019). Guía sintética para estudiar los servicios ecosistémicos que provee la fauna silvestre en ambientes agropecuarios. in: “Métodos para el Estudio de Fauna Nativa en Ambientes Antropizados”. Ornelas García, C.P.. & Alvarez F. (Eds). CONACYT-IBUNAM. México.

Hernández-Ruedas M.A., Gómez-Ortiz Y., Herrera-Alsina L. & Pérez-Hernández C.X. (In press) La diversidad filogenética y su utilidad para la conservación de la biodiversidad. In: “La biodiversidad en un mundo cambiante: Fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para su estudio”. Claudia C.E. (Ed). Libermex and Instituto de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico.

Herrera-Alsina L. Sobre la distribución y diversidad de aves. (2016) in “Aves

Comunes de Veracruz”. González-Christen A. & Ruz-Rosado R. (Eds). Editorial UV. Mexico.



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This model is implemented in an R package (SecSSE), available for other evolutionary biologists. With this tool, I revisit seven studies that used the existing approaches and

While our findings demonstrate how local ecological limits lead to a predictable dynamic equilibrium in regional diversity and range size, they also highlight that variation

We also had to exclude the Arbuckle and Speed (2015) study, because the high estimates of the speciation rate for some trait states (Table 1) combined with a very old crown age

Lineages are very unlikely to shift from a shallow-water state to a generalist state (< 0.0001). Our analysis provides four main insights: 1) there is strong evidence that

Note that lineages could not disperse directly to certain elevational bands (e.g., from lowlands to high montane areas) without transiting through intermediate elevational

Om de bereikbaarheid te toetsen is om elk groen gebied van de typen bos, dagrecreatief terrein, droog natuurlijk terrein, nat natuurlijk terrein en parken en plantsoenen een buffer

Zijn wantrouwen, zijn strong opinions, zijn geestigheid en zelfs zijn bekrompenheid zijn er volledig op hun