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Re-shaping spurge pioneers : circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae s.s.)


Academic year: 2021

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Re-shaping spurge pioneers : circumscription,

taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae


Sierra Daza, S.E.C.


Sierra Daza, S. E. C. (2007, September 11). Re-shaping spurge pioneers

: circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae

s.s.). Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12308

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Re-shaping spurge pioneers

Circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus

(Euphorbiaceae s.s.)


ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden,

op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. P.F. van der Heijden,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties

te verdedigen op dinsdag 11 september 2007

klokke 15.00 uur



geboren te Bogotá (Colombia)

in 1973



Promotor: Prof. dr. P. Baas

Copromotor: Dr. P.C. van Welzen

Referent: Dr. H.J. Esser (Botanische Staatssammlung München)

Overige leden: Prof. dr. E.F. Smets

Prof. dr. E. Gittenberger

Prof. dr. J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert

Prof. dr. ir. L.J.G van der Maesen (Wageningen Universiteit)

Prof. dr. P.J.M. Maas (Universiteit Utrecht)

Dr. M.C. Roos

This PhD project was financially supported by:

Alberta Mennega Stichting Leids Universiteits Fonds

Maatschappij voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in de Tropen (TREUB-Maatschappij)


Re-shaping spurge pioneers

Circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus

(Euphorbiaceae s.s.)

Soraya Sierra


Leiden University branch



Sierra, S.E.C.

Re-shaping spurge pioneers: Circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae s.s.)

ISBN 978-90-71236-66-2 NUR 941

Grafische Vormgeving Kanters, Sliedrecht Cover: Mallotus japonicus Müll.Arg.

Photos by A. Schuiteman.

Design by J.B. Mols and S.E.C. Sierra

Chapter 2: Reprinted from Blumea 50, S.E.C. Sierra, P.C. van Welzen & J.W.F. Slik, A taxonomic revision of Mallotus section Philippinenses (former section Rottlera – Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia and Thailand, 221–248, © 2005, with permission of the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch;

Chapter 3: Reprinted from Blumea 51, S.E.C. Sierra & P.C. van Welzen, Mallotus kongkandae (Euphorbiaceae): New record for China, 365–366, © 2006, with permission of the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch;

Chapter 4: Reprinted from Blumea 50, S.E.C. Sierra & P.C. van Welzen, A taxonomic revision of Mallotus section Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia, 249–274, © 2005, with permission of the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch;

Chapter 5: Reprinted from Blumea 51, S.E.C. Sierra, M. Aparicio, K.K.M. Kulju, Ž. Fišer, P.C. van Welzen & R.W.J.M. van der Ham, Re-shaping Mallotus [part 1]: Expanded circumscription and revision of the genus Cordemoya (Euphorbiaceae), 519–540, © 2006, with permission of the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch;

Chapter 6: Reprinted from Blumea 52, S.E.C. Sierra, M. Aparicio, M.J.H. Gebraad, K.K.M. Kulju &

P.C. van Welzen, The morphological range in Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) and a taxonomic revision of its section Rottleropsis (including Axenfeldia) in Malesia, Thailand and Africa, 21–113, © 2007, with permission of the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch;

Remainder of this thesis: © 2007, Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch.

The layout of the separate chapters may differ from the layout used in the original publication.

No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief annotations in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded or published in any form, including print, photocopy, microform,



Re-shaping spurge pioneers : circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae s.s.).. Retrieved

Indonesia, Kalimantan Selatan, Gunung Pamattan Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur, Bukit Bangkirai Mallotus actinoneurus Kochummen FRI 2499 (L)—n.s.n.s Airy Shaw

Globular to disc-shaped glandular hairs on upper leaf surface: (0) absent; (1)

used to test the phylogenetic significance of a large number of morphological characters (Chapter 7). The sectional delimitations of Airy Shaw have been questioned, because they

Er blijven nu dus vijf secties over (Mallotus, Philippinenses, Polyadenii, Rottleropsis en Stylanthus), welke als basis werden gebruikt voor een verwantschapsonderzoek van de

A taxonomic revision of Mallotus section Philippinenses (former section Rottlera – Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia and Thailand. A taxonomic revision of Mallotus section Mallotus

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“Re-shaping spurge pioneers: circumscription, taxonomy and phylogeny of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae s.s.)”4. Pollen and leaf anatomical characters are important for the delimitation