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Cover Page The handle


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/62348 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Crucq, A.K.C.

Title: Abstract patterns and representation: the re-cognition of geometric ornament Issue Date: 2018-05-17



Curriculum Vitae


rthur Karel Christiaan Crucq was born on the 8th of August 1970 in The Hague in The Netherlands. Between 1993 and 1997 he obtained a bachelor degree in social work at the University of applied sciences in The Hague (Haagse Hogeschool). In 2006 Crucq started studying art history at Leiden University where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in 2010. In the same year he started a Research Master Art and Literature at Leiden University which he successfully finished in 2012. His Master’s thesis The sensuous virtue: emotional response to Bernini’s Charity on the tomb of Urban VIII was rewarded with the Ted Meijer award for the best humanities Master’s thesis related to Italy by the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome. As a result he spent three months at the institute in the fall of 2013 conducting further research on 17th century sculpture and Bernini.

Meanwhile he was appointed as a PhD candidate at the Leiden University Center for Linguistics in the Horizon research program Knowledge and Culture for which he worked from 2013 until 2017 on the sub-project on geometric decorative patterns and core knowledge. In the course of this project he would return twice to the institute in Rome to do research on geometric patterns in situ and participated in a summer school on art and cognitive science at the University of Vienna. As from September 2017 onwards Crucq became Lecturer at the Department of Art History of the Leiden University Center for the Arts in Society. In the fall/ winter of 2017/2018 he spent three months as a fellow at the Lab for Cognitive Research in Art History at the University of Vienna, where he conducted an eye-tracking experiment on the assumed attraction the vanishing point would have on viewers, when they look at linear perspectival paintings.



For the Cognitive Science Research Master he spent 8 months as a visiting researcher at Princeton University, in the laboratory of prof. In 2006 he started his PhD program at

In section 4, *binyat- was proposed as the pre-Proto-Semitic form of the lamed-he infinitive construct; like the imperative, the attested Biblical Hebrew form תוֹנ ְב bnoṯ

Ignoring the potential for reflexivity of knowledge production that first year students of anthropology have and the diversity of students’ backgrounds fosters power imbalances

From October 2001 onwards, he worked as a PhD student at the Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden University Medical Center. In October 2004, he started

In  he became University Teacher at Utrecht University and worked as Coordinator of Studies for the Research Master History at Leiden

In 2014, Andreas joined the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) as a PhD candidate in the NWO-funded Vidi research programme

In October 2013 he entered a PhD program at the department of Gynecology (section Minimally Invasive Surgery) at the Leiden University Medical Center under supervision

In 2013, he started his PhD research at the department of Medical Statistics and Bioin- formatics (now Biomedical Data Sciences) at Leiden University Medical Center under