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Hormone-refractory prostate cancer and the skeleton Soerdjbalie-Maikoe, V.


Academic year: 2021

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Hormone-refractory prostate cancer and the skeleton

Soerdjbalie-Maikoe, V.


Soerdjbalie-Maikoe, V. (2006, February 15). Hormone-refractory prostate cancer and the

skeleton. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/4297


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Palliative efficacy of the radionuclide


Strontium and the

nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate olpadronate in the


Chapter 2



Prostate cancer is the most prevalent tumour in men and despite increasing efforts at early detection, 10-20% of patients already harbor metastases at diagnosis1. After an initial response to androgen deprivation, most patients develop hormone-refractoriness within 18-36 months of initiation of hormonal therapy2. This is associated with high morbidity due to complications of the osseous metastatic process in the form of severe intractable bone pain, pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, thrombocytopenia and anaemia3.

Although novel chemotherapeutic regimen appear to be promising, management of HRPC remains to date largely palliative. Bisphosphonates and bone-seeking radionuclides have both been shown to be effective in the palliation of pain in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer metastatic to the skeleton. There are no head-to-head studies comparing the palliative efficacy of these two therapeutic modalities.

Aims of the study

The primary objective of our study was to compare the palliative efficacy of the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate olpadronate (d-APD) and the radioactive isotope 89Strontium in patients with intractable bone pain due to hormone-refractory prostate cancer metastatic to the skeleton. Secondary objectives were to assess the biochemical response to both treatment modalities and to compare the costs and side effects/ toxicity of the two agents.

Patients and methods


Population base: patients with severe intractable bone pain due to hormonal escaped metastatic prostate cancer, refractory to first line analgesics and not eligible for

radiotherapy because of the extent of the metastatic lesions. Patients were recruited from a number of regional hospitals and the study was coordinated in the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).

Inclusion criteria

# Histologically confirmed prostate cancer by means of a prostate biopsy.


basis of increasing PSA levels despite adequate androgen deprivation as indicated by castrate serum testosterone levels.

# The presence of bone metastases as established by bone scintigraphy. The number and extent of metastases determined according to the validated Soloway grading and including grade 1, 2 or 3 disease (addendum 4).

# No systemic anti-tumour treatment within 3 months before start of the study. # No recent (less than 6 weeks) treatment with radiation therapy.

# WHO performance score 0-2. # Age 80 years or younger.

# White blood count > 3.5x109/L and platelet count >150x109/L. # Serum creatinine <200 µmol/l.

# Life expectancy ≥3 months. # Informed consent.

Exclusion criteria

# Poor general condition due to other diseases such as severe cardiac failure, central nervous system disease or second malignancy apart from basal cell carcinoma of the skin. # Doubtful patient compliance.

# Actual or recent (up to 6 weeks before trial entrance) treatment with bisphosphonates (dimethyl-APD or APD).

# Previous treatment with cytotoxic drugs or 89Strontium.

# Rapid progression of extra-skeletal lesions with probable need for other treatment such as chemotherapy within 3 months of entry in the study.

# Gastrointestinal ulcers.

# Unmanageable urine incontinence.

Methods # Study design.


# Trial medication and treatment.

Olpadronate (d-APD) was supplied by Gador (Argentina) and prepared at the Leiden University Medical Centre’s pharmacy as vials containing 2 mg each and tablets containing 50 mg each. The agent is stable for three years at room temperature.

Dimethyl-pamidronate (d-APD or olpadronate) at a dose of 20 mg dissolved in a 500 ml 0.9% saline solution, was to be administered intravenously by infusion over a period of 4 hours. This was to be followed by an oral maintenance dose of 200 mg daily (2 tablets of 50 mg twice daily) on an empty stomach, at least 1/2 hour before a meal.


Strontiumchloride (Metastron) was supplied by Amersham UK as vials containing each 150 MBq (4mCi) of 89Strontiumchloride in 4 ml solution. 89Strontium (MetastronR) 150MBq (4mCi), was to be administered as a single injection of 4 ml intravenously at the department of Nuclear Medicine at the Leiden University Medical Center.

In case of inadequate pain control, treatment with analgesics (NSAID's, opiates) was allowed at the discretion of the treating clinician.

# Follow-up.

During the 3 months of the study, a total of 4 visits were performed, starting at baseline (visit 0), followed by administration of therapy (visit 1) and 2 weeks (visit 2), 4 weeks (visit 3), 6 weeks (visit 4), 8 weeks (visit 5) and 12 weeks (visit 6) after administration of therapy. Pain scores, quality of life assessments (QoL) and performance status were assessed at all visits except for visits 3 and 5. At all visits haematological parameters were assessed, including: platelet counts, white blood cell counts, haemoglobin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Serum biochemistry was also performed at all visits. Urine samples were collected at all visits except for visits 3 and 5.

Parameters of bone turnover were measured in a subgroup of patients. This consisted of the cross-linked telopeptids of type I collagen (NTx) as a marker of bone resorption and serum Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) as a marker of bone formation. Urine NTx was measured by Osteomark enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Ostex International, Inc., Seattle, WA) in 2nd void morning urine. Serum Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) was measured by an immunoradiometric assay (Ostase Hybritech, Tandem R, Hybritech, Inc., San Diego, CA).

# Assessment parameters.


according to the patient (score 0-4), night pain (score 0-4), mobility (score 0-4) and pain scored by VAS (Visual Analogue Score, 0-10). In all items scored, low scores represented the most favourable situation and high scores the worst.

Quality of life (QoL) was assessed by the patient using a previously validated QoL questionnaire5 (addendum 2), consisting of 38 questions which addressed the following domains: psychological distress (7 items with scores 1-4, total score 7-28), physical distress (23 items with scores 4, total score 23-92), activity level (7 items with scores 1-4, total score 7-28) and overall evaluation of quality of life (1 item, score 1-7). In all items low scores represented the most favourable alternative and high scores the worst.

Performance status (addendum 3) was performed by the clinician. Analgesic use was documented by the clinician as well as by the patient (addendum 1 and 3).

A physical examination was performed in all patients at entry in the study.

Skeletal scintigraphy was a prerequisite for entry in the study and if outdated (>6 months) was repeated. To determine the extent of metastatic involvement, scintigrams were scored using the Soloway method6 (addendum 4). Soloway assessed scintigrams on the basis of number or extent of metastases classifying scans in five grades as follows: 0: normal; 1: number of bony metastases less than six, each of which is less than 50% the size of a vertebral body (one lesion about the size of a vertebral body would count as two lesions); 2: number of bone metastases between 6 and 20, size of lesions as described above; 3: number of metastases more than 20 but less than a "superscan" and 4: "superscan" or its equivalent i.e. more than 75% involvement of ribs, vertebrae and pelvic bones.

Adverse events were documented by patients themselves, using drug toxicity lists (addendum 5).

Addendum 1. Pijn-evaluatie Formulier Patiënt (door patiënt zelf in te vullen)

Datum Medicijnen -Pijnstillers -Slaapmiddelen Naam ………. ………. Pijnscore ……….. 0= geen pijn 1= nu en dan niet hevig 2= continu maar niet hevig 3= nu en dan ernstige pijn 4= continu ernstige pijn




2= wakker worden door pijn, medicijnen hielpen niet goed* 3= idem als 2, medicijnen hielpen niet*

4= niet geslapen door pijn

Mobiliteit overdag score


0= kon alles doen

1= met medicijnen ging het redelijk* 2= ondanks medicijnen niet alles mogelijk* 3= ondanks medicijnen weinig mogelijk* 4= vanwege pijn in bed gebleven

*=alle medicijnen die u inneemt

Kunt u met een schoolcijfer van 0 tot en met 10 aangeven hoe erg de pijn is (0 wil zeggen dat u helemaal geen pijn hebt en 10 is de ergste pijn die u zich kunt voorstellen)?

geen pijn 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 ergst denkbare pijn

Rekeninghoudend met de gangbare tijdstippen waarop pijnstillers worden ingenomen, wordt aanbevolen de pijnscore vast te stellen rond het middaguur, voorafgaand aan de maaltijd of bij een eventuele nieuwe gift pijnstillers.

Addendum 2. Rotterdamse klachtenlijst (door patiënt zelf in te vullen).


Datum van invullen … …19.. Hieronder vragen wij u in hoeverre u last heeft van een aantal klachten. Het gaat er steeds om hoe u zich de afgelopen week voelde. Wilt u een cirkel zetten om het antwoord dat het meest op u van toepassing is ?


Had u de afgelopen week last van hoesten Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Had u de afgelopen week last van:

Gebrek aan eetlust Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Moeheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Piekeren Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Pijnlijke spieren Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Neerslachtigheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Futloosheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Pijn onder in de rug Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Zenuwachtigheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Misselijkheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Wanhopig zijn over de toekomst

Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Slapeloosheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Hoofdpijn Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Braken Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Duizeligheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Mond-en slikpijn Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Angst Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg



Maagzuur/oprispingen Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Rillerigheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Tintelingen in handen en voeten

Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Buikpijn Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Gespannen voelen Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Haaruitval Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Branderige ogen Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Pijnlijke botten Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Je moeilijk concentreren

Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Kortademigheid Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Een droge mond Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Diarree Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Verstopping Helemaal niet Een beetje Nogal Heel erg

Hieronder staan een aantal activiteiten. Het is niet van belang of u deze activiteiten ook doet, maar of u ze kunt uitvoeren in uw huidige lichamelijke toestand. Het is de bedoeling dat u telkens die omschrijving aankruist die het beste past bij uw situatie van de afgelopen week.

Kan ik niet meer Kan ik alleen met hulp Kan ik zonder hulp, met moeite

Kan ik zonder hulp

Mezelf verzorgen (wassen e.d) O O O O Lopen binnenshuis O O O O Huishoudelijk werk verrichten O O O O Traplopen O O O O Klusjes doen in Huis O O O O Lopen buitenshuis O O O O Boodschappen doen O O O O

Hoe voelde u zich, alles bij elkaar genomen, de afgelopen week?

O heel goed O goed O tamelijk goed O niet goed en niet slecht O tamelijk slecht O slecht O heel slecht


aan de andere kant slechtst denkbare gezondheid. Hoe meer uw situatie in de buurt kwam van perfecte gezondheid, hoe verder u het kruisje naar rechts zet. Hoe slechter u uw situatie waardeerde, hoe verder u het kruisje naar links zet.

Slechtst denkbare gezondheid --- Perfecte gezondheid Zou u misschien willen nagaan of u alle vragen heeft ingevuld? Mocht u op- of aanmerkingen hebben, zou u die dan hier willen schrijven?

Wat is uw geboortedatum? … … 19.. Hartelijk dank voor uw medewerking


Addendum 3. WHO graderingssysteem (‘Performance Status Scale’).

0= in staat om zonder beperkingen alle normale bezigheden uit te voeren.

1= beperkt in lichamelijk zware bezigheden, maar mobiel en in staat om lichte arbeid te verrichten.

2= mobiel en in staat om zichzelf te verzorgen, maar niet in staat om enige arbeid te verrichten: meer dan 50% op en actief van de wakkere uren.

3= beperkt in staat zichzelf te verzorgen; meer dan 50% aan bed of stoel gebonden van de wakkere uren.

4= volledig gehandicapt; geheel niet in staat zichzelf te verzorgen, totaal aan bed of stoel gebonden.

Beoordeling van pijn

0= geen analgetica nodig

1= niet-narcotische analgetica soms nodig 2= niet-narcotische analgetica regelmatig nodig 3= orale of parenterale narcotische analgetica soms nodig 4= orale of parenterale narcotische analgetica regelmatig nodig

Addendum 4. Soloway classificatie skeletscintigram.

Graad 1: minder dan 6 metastasen, waarvan elk minder dan de helft van een wervellichaam omslaat (indien 1 lesie ongeveer de gehele omvang van een wervellichaam omvat, wordt dat gerekend als 2 lesies).

Graad 2: 6-20 metastasen, qua omvang zoals beschreven hierboven.

Graad 3: meer dan 20 metastasen, maar minder dan een superscan.

Graad 4: superscan of een equivalent daarvan, dus meer dan 75% betrokkenheid van ribben, vertebrae en pelviene botten.

Response criteria Planaire Rontgenfoto’s (WHO)

Complete respons: complete verdwijning van alle lesies op de rontgenfoto en skeletscintigrafie gedurende minimaal 4 weken. Partiele respons: verminderde intensiteit van osteoblastaire lesies tenminste gedurende laatste weken.

Stabiele ziekte: geen significante verandering de laatste 8 weken.


Addendum 5. Toxiciteitscriteria voor gradering van toxiciteitseffecten (WHO).

Graad 0 1 2 3 4

Gastro-intestinaal: Braken/misselijkheid

Geen Misselijk Passagére braken Braken,

medicatiebehoevend Persisterend braken Hematologisch: Hb (mmol/L) Leuco (109 /L) Granulo (109 /L) Thrombo (109 /L) >6.8 ≥4.0 ≥2.0 >100 5.6-6.7 3.0-3.9 1.5-1.9 75-99 4.95-5.8 2.0-2.9 1.0-1.4 50-74 4.0-4.9 1.0-1.9 0.5-0.9 25-49 <4.0 1.0 <0.5 <25

Bloeding None Petechiae Mild loss Gross loss Debilitating blood

loss Koorts (0

C) None 38 38-40 40 Fever with


Pijn None Mild Moderate Severe intractable

Hypocalcemie (serum calcium 2.0 mmol/L


Haematological parameters. Platelet and leucocyte counts, haemoglobin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were measured. At each visit platelet counts were classified by using the 1988 National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria7.

Biochemical parameters. Serum was measured for creatinine, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, alkaline-phosphatase activity, bilirubin, aspartate

aminotransferase (ASAT), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), gammaglutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), albumin, total protein, prostate specific antigen (PSA) and testosterone.

Urine samples were collected for measuring urine excretion of calcium and creatinine. In a subgroup of patients excretion of urine/NTx corrected for creatinine excretion was also measured.

Calculation of costs of treatment.


Costs included primary study medication, one specialist consultation (20 Euro), one daycare admission for the olpadronate-treated patients (170 Euro), three further specialist consultations for the 89Strontium-treated patients (20 Euro each), costs of readministration if applicable and costs of other analgesics during the study period. Prices of health care were determined in accordance to recent Dutch guidelines9,10. Olpadronate is not registered in the Netherlands so that its price was extrapolated from that of two equally expensive bisphosphonates registered for use in the palliative management of prostate cancer metastatic to the skeleton. These were Bonefos® at € 43 for 10 capsules of 800 mg and Ostac® at € 28 for 10 tablets of 520 mg. The one-time costs of olpadronate

administration were estimated at € 514, including € 310 for an equivalent of six vials of Aredia® (pamidronate), € 21 for one specialist consultation and € 183 for a one day care hospital admission. The total estimated costs of olpadronate treatment included costs of the initial administration, plus € 98 per quarter until off-study for oral maintenance therapy: 200 mg olpadronate daily. The total costs of 89Strontium treatment were

estimated at € 2,035 for each administration, including € 1.797 for the radioactive agent, € 152 for storage and transportation and € 86 for four specialist consultations for safety checks. Regular use of analgesics was valued at € 9 per month for non-opiates (either paracetamol or the NSAID diclofenac) and € 48 per month for opiates (either transdermal fentanyl, Durogesic®, or a slow-release morfine preparation, MS Contin®, or tramadol hydrochloride, Tramal®). Occasional use of analgesics was valued at half that of their regular use. The number of days of admission to hospital, daycare treatments and costs of radiation therapy had a substantial effect on the total costs of treatment. Recent Dutch guidelines11,12 have estimated the per diem costs of hospitalisation in Academic and General hospitals at € 356 and € 253 respectively including medical and nursing care, but excluding costs of diagnosis and treatment. To account for these, € 13 per day was added. Different radiation therapy schedules were valued in accordance to data from a recent Dutch study12. For example, a typical schedule of 29.5 Gray in 10 fractions was valued at € 2.908 based on all recources necessary to perform one radiotherapy session.




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2. Jacox A, Carr DB, Payne R, et al. Management of Cancer Pain. Clinical Practice Guideline No 9. AHCPR Publication No 94-0592. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, US. Department of Health and Human services, 1994.

3. Janjan NA. Radiation for bone metastases. Cancer 1997;80: 1628-1645.

4. Holten-Verzantvoort ATM van, Zwinderman AH, Aaronson NK, et al. The effect of supportive pamidronate treatment on aspects of quality of life of patients with advanced breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 1991;27: 544-549.

5. De Haes JC, Knippenberg van FC, Neijt JP. Measuring psychological and physical distress in cancer patients: structure and application of the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. Brit J Cancer 1990;62: 1034.

6. Soloway MS, Hardeman SW, Hickey D, et al. Stratification of patients with metastatic prostate cancer based on extent of disease on initial bone scan. Cancer 1988;61: 195.

7. Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, division of cancer treatments. Common Toxicity criteria, guidelines for reporting of adverse drug reactions. Bethesda, Md: National Cancer Institute, 1988.

8. Desgagne A, Castilloux AM, Angers JF, Lelorier J. The use of the bootstrap statistical method for the pharmacoeconomic cost analysis of skewed data.

Pharmacoeconomics 1998;13(5): 487-497.

9. Oostenbrink JB, Koopmanschap MA, Rutten FFH. Handleiding voor

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To compare the clinical efficacy of two established treatment modalities in the palliative management of patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer metastatic to the skeleton

In contrast to clodronate and pamidronate, zoledronic acid (4 mg in a 15-minute infusion every 3 weeks) demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of

Our data suggest that olpadronate and 89 Strontium are equally effective in the palliative management of the late stages of hormone refractory prostate cancer, both

In the 89 Strontium group, serum alkaline phosphatase activity decreased maximally and significantly 2 weeks after start of treatment (p=0.001), and remained constant thereafter

Cumulative percentage incidence of spinal cord compression (SCC) within 12 months of starting palliative treatment in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer metastatic

Our data demonstrate that in prostate cancer, bone scintigraphy performed at the time of development of hormone refractoriness is of high predictive value for the inherent risk

An increased production of PTHrP by a primary tumour which would act humorally, or a local increase in the production of PTHrP by metastatic cells acting as a local osteolytic

The potential beneficial effect of palliative treatments in the form of local radiotherapy, bisphosphonates and radionuclides versus no palliative therapy in protecting against