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University of Groningen


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Innovation in surgical oncology Vrielink, Otis



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Vrielink, O. (2021). Innovation in surgical oncology. University of Groningen.



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Download date: 21-07-2021


Otis Marit Vrielink


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© evelienjagtman.com

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Financial support for printing this thesis was kindly provided by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences Groningen, the University of Groningen, Bureau Medische Opleidingen Treant Zorggroep, Erbe Nederland, Noord Negentig and Chipsoft.

© 2021 Otis Marit Vrielink, The Netherlands

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ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. C. Wijmenga en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 7 juli 2021 om 11.00 uur


Otis Marit Vrielink geboren op 20 mei 1988

te Groningen



Prof. dr. B.L. van Leeuwen Prof. dr. S. Kruijff


Prof. dr. J.P. Ruurda

Prof. dr. M.M.R.F. Struys

Prof. dr. T.P. Links



Sanne Duursma

Samantha Damude



Part 1 General considerations

Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of thesis 11

Part 2 Implementing minimally invasive surgery

Chapter 2 Implementing innovative minimally invasive surgical procedures into oncological practice


Part 3 Minimally invasive adrenalectomy

Chapter 3 Laparoscopic anterior versus endoscopic posterior approach for adrenalectomy: a shift to a new golden standard?


Chapter 4 Multicentre study evaluating the surgical learning curve for posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy


Chapter 5 Considerations in minimally invasive adrenal surgery: the front door or the backdoor?


Part 4 Minimally invasive treatment in melanoma patients

Chapter 6 Evaluation of the videoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy in melanoma patients


Chapter 7 Application of CO


laser evaporation in locally advanced melanoma


Part 5 General discussion

Chapter 8 Summary 143

Chapter 9 Nederlandse samenvatting 151

Chapter 10 Future perspectives 159


List of publications 169

Dankwoord 173

Curriculum Vitae 177


General considerations

Part 1




Despite this lack of difference of camera setup on performance, the group with the assistant navigated camera tended to need more time for completion of the task during

The construct validity of time, and three economy of movement parameters (i.e. path length, motion in depth, and motion smoothness) has strongly been suggested

In summary, these data are supportive for the quality of our basic laparoscopic skills course, since we used box trainers, training was held in distributed sessions (one hour

Four criteria were rated with a median score of 3 by the responding experts: the presence of a structured skills curriculum, time dedicated for skills training, maintenance of

Learning curves for each individual resident were drawn by plotting his/her OSATS scores against the total caseload during a clinical rotation, regardless of which

second, to evaluate the reliability between resident and supervising gynaecologist regarding intraoperative assessment of technical surgical skills, and finally, to question

The advent of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has even further increased the interest in skills training and assessment, because it is considered to be a more demanding

Appraising the organisation of MIS skills training in the Netherlands, it can be determined that the demands of the Dutch Health Inspectorate for uniformity in training and