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Cover Page The handle


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/20548 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Klein, Richard Henryk

Title: Minimally invasive methodology for pharmacological research involving children Issue Date: 2013-02-19


minimally invasive methodology for pharmacological research involving



minimally invasive methodology for pharmacologic al research involving



ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van

Rector Magnificus prof.mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties

te verdedigen op dinsdag 19 februari 2013, klokke 16.15 uur

door Richard Henryk Klein geboren te Luxemburg

in 1981


7 chapter 1 General introduction

15 chapter 2 Stimulation programs for pediatric drug research – do children really benefit?

33 chapter 3 Levothyroxine for neonates and children with a nasogastric feeding tube: solution for drops superior to tablets

43 chapter 4 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of orally administered clonidine

– a model-based approach

65 chapter 5 Repeated administration of a neurocognitive test battery in healthy children

83 chapter 6 Acute effects of methylphenidate in children with adhd on a neurocognitive test battery:

a randomized, placebo controlled trial 111 chapter 7 Evaluation of a bedside device to assess the

activated partial thromboplastin time for heparin monitoring in infants

125 chapter 8 General discussion 137 chapter 9 Summary

143 Samenvatting/Summary in Dutch

149 Curriculum Vitae

15 0 Dankwoord

152 List of Publications

promotiecommissie promotores Prof. dr. J.M. Wit Prof. dr. A.F. Cohen Prof. dr. J. Burggraaf

co-promotor Dr. R.N. Sukhai

overige leden

Prof. dr. H.A. Delemarre – van de Waal

Prof. dr. D. Tibboel (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) Prof. dr. H.J. Guchelaar

Prof. dr. C.A.J. Knibbe


Caroline de Lint, Voorburg (caro@delint.nl) acknowledgements

The publication of this thesis was financially supported by the foundation Centre for Human Drug Research (chdr), Leiden, the Netherlands



chapter 5 Intracorporeal suturing: economy of movements in a box trainer model 37 chapter 6 Retention of basic laparoscopic skills after a structured training program 47 chapter 7

chapter 5 Intracorporeal suturing: economy of movements in a box trainer model 37 chapter 6 Retention of basic laparoscopic skills after a structured training program 47. chapter 7

OSATS was developed in Canada and was originally designed to measure technical surgical performance using six stations in a skills laboratory.. [Martin et al., 1997]

The mandatory Cobra-alpha course, advanced MIS courses and congresses form the training structure in the Dutch residency curriculum, combined with simulator training in the

Furthermore, box trainer are cheaper and easy accessible, which makes them likely to be actually used for laparoscopic skills training.[Sharma et al., 2009] However, if a VR

Despite this lack of difference of camera setup on performance, the group with the assistant navigated camera tended to need more time for completion of the task during

In summary, these data are supportive for the quality of our basic laparoscopic skills course, since we used box trainers, training was held in distributed sessions (one hour

Four criteria were rated with a median score of 3 by the responding experts: the presence of a structured skills curriculum, time dedicated for skills training, maintenance of