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Handbook of Blind Source Separation, Independent Component Analysis and Applications


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Handbook of Blind Source Separation,

Independent Component Analysis

and Applications

P. Comon and C. Jutten Eds



x vector of components xp, 1 ≤ p ≤ P

s, x, y sources, observations, separator outputs

N number of sources

P number of sensors

T number of observed samples

⋆ convolution

A matrix with components Aij

A, B mixing and separation matrices

G, W, Q global, whitening, and separating unitary matrices ˇ

g Fourier transform of g

bs estimate of quantity s

px probability density of x

ψ joint score function

ϕi marginal score function of source si

Φ first characteristic function

Ψ second characteristic function

Ex, E{x} mathematical expectation of x I{y} or I(py) mutual information of y

K{x; y} or K(px; py) Kullback divergence between px and py

H{x} or H(px) Shannon entropy x

L likelihood

A, B mixing, and separating (non linear) operators

cum{x1, . . . , xP} joint cumulant of variables {x1, . . . , xP}

cumR{y} marginal cumulant of order R of variable y

QT transposition QH conjugate transposition Q∗ complex conjugation Q† pseudo-inverse 3


Υ contrast function

R real field

C complex field


A estimator of mixing matrix

diag A vector whose composents are the diagonal of matrix A Diag a diagonal matrix whos entries are those of vector a

trace A trace of matrix A

det A determinant of matrix A

mean a arithmetic average of component of vector a ˇ

s(ν) Fourier transform of process s(t)

⊗ Kronecker product between matrices

⊗ ⊗

⊗ tensor product

•j contraction over index j



Glossary 3 1 Algebraic methods 7 1.1 Introduction . . . 7 1.1.1 Multilinear algebra . . . 8 1.1.2 Higher-order statistics . . . 8 1.1.3 Jacobi iteration . . . 11

1.2 Independent component analysis . . . 13

1.2.1 Algebraic formulation . . . 13

1.2.2 Step 1: prewhitening . . . 15

1.2.3 Step 2: fixing the rotational degrees of freedom using the higher-order cumulant . . . 16

1.3 Diagonalization in least squares sense . . . 17

1.3.1 Third-order real case . . . 19

1.3.2 Third-order complex case . . . 20

1.3.3 Fourth-order real case . . . 21

1.3.4 Fourth-order complex case . . . 22

1.4 Simultaneous diagonalization of matrix slices . . . 22

1.4.1 Real case . . . 25

1.4.2 Complex case . . . 25

1.5 Simultaneous diagonalization of third-order tensor slices . . . 26

1.6 Maximization of the tensor trace . . . 26

Bibliography . . . 28


Chapter 1

Algebraic Methods after


L. De Lathauwer



In this chapter we discuss four prewhitening-based algebraic algorithms for In-dependent Component Analysis (ICA). The prewhitening takes into account the structure of the covariance matrix of the observed data. This is typically done by means of an Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) or a Singular Value Decom-position (SVD). The prewhitening only allows one to find the mixing matrix up to an orthogonal or unitary factor. In this chapter, the unknown factor is estimated from the higher-order cumulant tensor of the observed data. This in-volves orthogonal tensor decompositions that can be interpreted as higher-order generalizations of the EVD.

In the remainder of this Introduction, we introduce some basic material that is needed in the further discussion. Section 1.1.1 deals with some basic concepts of multilinear algebra. Section 1.1.2 deals with Higher-Order Statistics (HOS). Section 1.1.3 recalls the principle of a Jacobi iteration. The rest of the chapter is structured as follows. Section 1.2 introduces the decompositions of covariance matrix and cumulant tensor on which the methods are based, and explains the common structure of the algorithms. Four specific algorithms are subsequently discussed in Sections 1.3–1.6. The presentation is in terms of real-valued data. Wherever the generalization to the complex case is not straightforward, this will be explicitly stated.

Matlab code of the algorithms is available on the internet — see the cor-responding entry in the Bibliography. Several variants of the algorithms can be thought of. In particular, it is possible to combine the decompositions of cumulant tensors of different order, as explained in [37].



Multilinear algebra

The outer product generalizes expressions of the type abT

, in which a and b are vectors.

Definition 1.1 The outer product A ◦ B ∈ RI1×I2×...×IP×J1×J2×...×JQ of a

tensor A ∈ RI1×I2×...×IP and a tensor B ∈ RJ1×J2×...×JQ, is defined by

(A ◦ B)i1i2...iPj1j2...jQ= ai1i2...iPbj1j2...jQ,

for all values of the indices.

The entries of a Kth-order tensor A, equal to the outer product of K vectors u(1), u(2), . . . , u(K), are thus given by a

i1i2...iK = u (1) i1 u (2) i2 . . . u (K) iK .

The multiplication of a higher-order tensor with a matrix can be defined as follows.

Definition 1.2 The mode-k product of a tensor A ∈ RI1×I2×...×IKby a matrix

U∈ RJk×Ik, denoted by A • kU, is an (I1× I2× . . . × Ik−1× Jk× Ik+1. . . × IK )-tensor defined by (A •kU)i1i2...jk...iK = X ik ai1i2...ik...iKujkik,

for all index values.

The mode-k product allows us to express the effect of a basis transformation in RIk on the tensor A. In the literature sometimes the symbol ×

k is used

instead of •k.

By way of illustration, let us have a look at the matrix product A = U(1)·

B· U(2)T, involving matrices B ∈ RI1×I2, U(1)

∈ RJ1×I1, U(2)

∈ RJ2×I2 and

A ∈ RJ1×J2. Working with “generalized transposes” in the multilinear case

(in which the fact that column vectors are transpose-free, would not have an inherent meaning), can be avoided by observing that the relationships of U(1)

and U(2)(not U(2)T

) with B are in fact completely similar. In the same way as U(1)makes linear combinations of the rows of B, U(2)makes linear combinations of the columns. In the same way as the columns of B are multiplied by U(1), its rows are multiplied by U(2). In the same way as the columns of U(1) are associated with the column space of A, the columns of U(2) are associated

with the row space. This typical relationship is denoted by means of the •k

-symbol: A = B •1U(1)•2U(2). The symmetry is clear at the level of the

individual entries: aj1j2 = PI1 i1=1 PI2 i2=1u (1) j1i1u (2)

j2i2bi1i2, for all j1, j2. Note that

U(1)· B · U(2)H = B •1U(1)•2U(2)



Higher-order statistics

The basic HOS are higher-order moments and higher-order cumulants. Moment tensors of a real stochastic vector are defined as follows.



Definition 1.3 The Kth-order moment tensor M(K)x ∈ RI×I×...×I of a real

stochastic vector x ∈ RI is defined by the element-wise equation


x )i1i2...iK = mom{xi1, xi2, . . . , xiK} = E{xi1xi2. . . xiK}. (1.1)

Moments are obtained from the coefficients of the first characteristic function of the random vector [36]. The first-order moment is equal to the mean. The second-order moment is the correlation matrix (following the definition adopted in e.g. [29], in which the mean is not subtracted).

On the other hand, cumulants of a real stochastic vector are defined as follows.

Definition 1.4 The Kth-order cumulant tensor Cx(K) ∈ RI×I×...×I of a real

stochastic vector x ∈ RI is defined by the element-wise equation

(Cx(K))i1i2...iK = cum{xi1, xi2, . . . , xiK} =X(−1)L−1(L − 1)! E{Y i∈A1 xi} E{ Y i∈A2 xi} . . . E{ Y i∈AL xi}, (1.2)

where the summation involves all possible partitions {A1, A2, . . . , AL} (1 6 L 6

K) of the integers {i1, i2, . . . , iK}. For a real zero-mean stochastic vector x the

cumulants up to order 4 are explicitly given by:

(cx)i= cum{xi} = E{xi}, (1.3) (Cx)i1i2= cum{xi1, xi2} = E{xi1xi2}, (1.4) (C(3)x )i1i2i3 = cum{xi1, xi2, xi3} = E{xi1xi2xi3}, (1.5) (C(4) x )i1i2i3i4= cum{xi1, xi2, xi3, xi4} = E{xi1xi2xi3xi4} − E{xi1xi2} E{xi3xi4} − E{xi1xi3} E{xi2xi4} − E{xi1xi4} E{xi2xi3}. (1.6)

For every component xi of x that has a nonzero mean, xi has to be replaced in

these formulas, except Eq. (1.3) and Eq. (1.2) when it applies to a first-order cumulant, by xi− E{xi}.

In the same way as moments are obtained from the coefficients of the first characteristic function of the random vector, cumulants are obtained from its second characteristic function [36]. It turns out that, again, the first-order cu-mulant is the mean of the stochastic vector. The second-order cucu-mulant is the covariance matrix. The interpretation of a cumulant of order higher than two is not straightforward, but the powerful properties listed below will demon-strate its importance. For the moment it suffices to state that cumulants of a set of random variables give an indication of their mutual statistical depen-dence (completely independent variables resulting in a zero cumulant), and that higher-order cumulants of a single random variable are some measure of its non-Gaussianity (cumulants of a Gaussian variable, for K > 2, being equal to zero).


The definitions above are given for real-valued random vectors. In the case of complex random vectors, one or more of the arguments of mom{·} and cum{·} may be complex conjugated. In this chapter we will in particular use the so-called “circular” covariance matrix Cx = cum{x, x

} and cumulant Cx(4)= cum{x, x

, x∗, x}.

At first sight higher-order moments, because of their straightforward def-inition, might seem more interesting quantities than higher-order cumulants. However, cumulants have a number of important properties, which they do not share with higher-order moments, such that in practice cumulants are more frequently used. We enumerate some of the most interesting properties [38, 39]: 1. Symmetry: real moments and cumulants are fully symmetric in their

ar-guments, i.e., (M(K)x )i1i2...iK = (M (K) x )P(i1i2...iK), (Cx(K))i1i2...iK = (C (K) x )P(i1i2...iK),

in which P is an arbitrary permutation of the indices.

2. Multilinearity: if a real stochastic vector x is transformed into a stochastic vector ˜xby a matrix multiplication ˜x= A · x, then we have:

M(K)x˜ = M (K) x •1A•2A. . . •KA, (1.7) C(K)˜x = C (K) x •1A•2A. . . •KA. (1.8)

(In the complex case, some of the matrices A may be complex conjugated, depending on the complex conjugation pattern adopted in the definition of the moment or cumulant.) The characteristic way in which moments and cumulants change under basis transformations, is actually what makes that we can call them tensors [36]. Eqs. (1.7–1.8) are in fact more general: the matrix A does not have to represent a basis transformation; it does not even have to be square.

3. Even distribution: if a real random variable x has an even probability density function px(x), i.e., px(x) is symmetric about the origin, then the

odd moments and cumulants of x vanish.

4. Partitioning of independent variables: if a subset of K stochastic variables x1, x2, . . . , xK is independent of the other variables, then we have:

cum{x1, x2, . . . , xK} = 0.

This property does not hold in general for moments (e.g. for two mutu-ally independent random variables x and y we have that mom{x, x, y, y} = E{x2} · E{y2}, which does not vanish, unless one of the variables is identi-cally equal to zero). A consequence of the property is that a higher-order cumulant of a stochastic vector that has mutually independent compo-nents, is a diagonal tensor, i.e., only the entries of which all the indices


1.1. INTRODUCTION 11 are equal can be different from zero. This very strong algebraic condition is the basis of all the ICA techniques that will be discussed in this chapter. 5. Sum of independent variables: if the stochastic variables x1, x2, . . . , xK

are mutually independent from the stochastic variables y1, y2, . . . , yK,

then we have:

cum{x1+ y1, x2+ y2, . . . , xK+ yK} =

cum{x1, x2, . . . , xK} + cum{y1, y2, . . . , yK}.

The cumulant tensor of a sum of independent random vectors is the sum of the individual cumulants. This property does not hold for moments either. As a matter of fact, it explains the term “cumulant”. (One could expand mom{x1+ y1, x2+ y2, . . . , xK+ yK} as a sum over all possible x

- y combinations, but the cross-terms, containing x- as well as y-entries, do not necessarily vanish, as for cumulants — see the previous property.) 6. Non-Gaussianity: if y is a Gaussian variable with the same mean and

variance as a given stochastic variable x, then we have for K > 3: Cx(K)= M(K)x − M(K)y .

As a consequence, higher-order cumulants of a Gaussian variable are zero. In combination with the multilinearity property, we observe that higher-order cumulants have the interesting property to be blind for additive Gaussian noise. Namely, if a stochastic variable x is corrupted by additive Gaussian noise b, i.e.,


x = x + b, then we nevertheless have that

Cx(K)ˆ = C (K) x + C (K) b = C (K) x .

Generally speaking, it becomes harder to estimate HOS from sample data as the order increases, i.e., longer datasets are required to obtain the same accuracy [2, 33]. Hence in practice the use of HOS is usually restricted to third- and fourth-order cumulants. For symmetric distributions fourth-order cumulants are used, since the third-order cumulants vanish, as mentioned in the third property.


Jacobi iteration

The ICA algorithms discussed in this chapter are of the Jacobi type. Therefore we repeat in this section the principle of a Jacobi iteration. We take the diago-nalization of an Hermitean matrix as example. For a more extensive discussion, we refer to [30].

Given an Hermitean matrix A ∈ CI×I, we want to find a unitary matrix

U∈ CI×I such that

B= U · A · UH


is diagonal. In other words, we look for a unitary matrix U that minimizes the cost function

f (U) = off(B)2=X


|bij|2. (1.10)

Because U is unitary, this is equivalent to maximizing the objective function g(U) = kdiag(B)k2=X


|bii|2. (1.11)

Any unitary matrix can, up to multiplication by a diagonal matrix D of which the diagonal entries are unit-modulus, be written as a product of elemen-tary Jacobi rotation matrices J(p, q, c, s), defined for p < q by

J(p, q, c, s) = p q              1 · · · 0 · · · 0 · · · 0 .. . . .. ... ... ... 0 · · · c · · · −s · · · 0 .. . ... . .. ... ... 0 · · · s · · · c · · · 0 .. . ... ... . .. ... 0 · · · 0 · · · 0 · · · 1              p q (1.12)

with (c, s) ∈ R×C such that c2+|s|2= 1. The matrix D does not change the cost function and can therefore be left aside. The following explicit parameterizations of J will be used in Sections 1.3–1.6:

c = cos α s = sin α α ∈ [0, 2π) (real case) (1.13) c = 1

1+θ2 s = −

θ √

1+θ2 θ ∈ R (real case) (1.14)

c = cos α s = sin αeiφ α, φ ∈ [0, 2π) (complex case) (1.15)

c = 1

1+|θ|2 s = −


1+|θ|2 θ ∈ C (complex case). (1.16)

Due to the unitarity of J, the only part of J · A · JH

that affects the cost function, is the (2 × 2) submatrix at the intersection of rows and columns p and q. An explicit expression for the elementary rotation that exactly diagonalizes the (2 × 2) submatrix is easy to derive. It can be verified that the cost function is periodic in the rotation angle with period π/2. Hence, one can always choose an inner rotation, i.e., a rotation over an angle in the interval (−π/4, π/4]. In this way, implicit re-ordering of columns and rows, which may hamper conver-gence, is avoided. A Jacobi iteration consists of successively applying Jacobi rotations to A, for different (p, q), until the cost function has been minimized. In the process, the unitary matrix U is gradually built up as the product of all elementary rotations.

We now turn our attention to the choice of (p, q). From the standpoint of maximizing the reduction of the cost function f (J), it makes sense to choose



Table 1.1: Cyclic Jacobi for the diagonalization of an Hermitean matrix.

U= I

while off(A) > ǫ do for p = 1 : I − 1 do

for q = p + 1 : I do

Compute optimal Jacobi rotation J(p, q) A← J · A · JH

U← U · JH

end for end for end while

the pair (p, q) for which |apq|2 is maximal. This is what is done in the classical

Jacobi algorithm. Since

off(A)26I(I − 1) |apq|2, we have that off(J · A · JH )26  1 − 2 I(I − 1)  off(A)2, (1.17)

such that the Jacobi algorithm for diagonalization of an Hermitean matrix con-verges at least linearly to a diagonal matrix. It can be proved that the asymp-totic convergence rate is actually quadratic. However, finding the optimal (p, q) in each step is expensive. Therefore, one rather follows a fixed order when going through the different subproblems. This technique is called the cyclic Jacobi

al-gorithm. Cyclic Jacobi also converges quadratically. The algorithm is outlined

in Table 1.1.


Independent component analysis


Algebraic formulation

The basic linear ICA model is denoted by:

x= A · s + b = ˜x + b, (1.18)

in which x ∈ RP(CP) is the observation vector, s ∈ RN(CN) is the source vector

and b ∈ RP(CP) represents additive noise. ˜x∈ RP(CP) is the signal part of the

observations. A ∈ RP×N(CP×N) is the mixing matrix; its range is the signal


In this chapter we assume that the mixing vectors are linearly independent. This implies that the number of sensors P is not smaller than the number


of sources N . It is actually possible to estimate the mixing matrix in cases where P < N . For algebraic approaches to this so-called underdetermined ICA problem we refer to [13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24] and references therein.

In this chapter we focus on the estimation of the mixing matrix. Since this matrix is nonsingular, with at least as many rows as columns, the sources may afterwards be estimated by premultiplying the observations with the pseudo-inverse of the estimate bA:

bs = bA†· x.

This equation implements in fact a Linear Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV) beamformer, which minimizes the mutual interference of the sources. One may also follow other beamforming strategies [42].

Using the properties discussed in Section 1.1.2, the model (1.18) leads in the real case to the following two key equations:

Cx = A· Cs· A T + Cb= Cs•1A•2A+ Cb, (1.19) Cx(K) = Cs(K)•1A•2A. . . •KA+ C (K) b . (1.20)

(In the complex case, some of the matrices A may be complex conjugated, de-pending on the complex conjugation pattern adopted for the covariance matrix and cumulant tensor.) The crucial point in (1.19–1.20) is that Csand C

(K) s are

diagonal, because of the statistical independence of the sources. Furthermore, Cb(K) vanishes if the noise is Gaussian.

Eqs. (1.19–1.20) can also be written as

Cx = N X n=1 σ2snana T n+ Cb= N X n=1 σs2nan◦ an+ Cb, (1.21) C(K) x = N X n=1 c(K) sn an◦ an◦ . . . ◦ an+ C (K) b , (1.22) in which σ2 sn and c (K)

sn denote the variance and the Kth-order cumulant of the

nth source, respectively, and in which an denotes the nth column of A. Let us

for the moment make abstraction of the noise term. Eq. (1.21) is an expansion of the covariance of the observations in a sum of rank-1 terms, where each term consists of the contribution of one particular source. Eq. (1.22) is an analogous decomposition of the higher-order cumulant of the observations. The latter is known as a Canonical Decomposition (CANDECOMP) or Parallel Factor

Decomposition (PARAFAC) of the tensor Cx(K) [7, 14, 17, 20, 27, 31, 35, 40].

It is well-known that Eq. (1.19)/(1.21) does not contain enough information to allow for the full estimation of the mixing matrix. This will be explained in detail in Section 1.2.2. However, the situation is very different at the ten-sor level. Under our conditions on the mixing matrix, and assuming that all source cumulants c(K)sn are nonzero, decomposition (1.20)/(1.22) is unique, up to

trivial indeterminacies. This allows us to solve the ICA problem. The strategy behind the methods discussed in this chapter is as follows. First we extract as


1.2. INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS 15 much information as possible from Eq. (1.19)/(1.21). How this can be done, is explained in Section 1.2.2. The remaining free parameters are subsequently estimated using (1.20)/(1.22). This problem will in general terms be addressed in Section 1.2.3. Specific algorithms are discussed in Sections 1.3–1.6.

Other strategies are possible. As explained in the previous paragraph, the mixing matrix could in principle be estimated from Eq. (1.20)/(1.22) alone, without using second-order statistics. One could also combine the second-order and higher-order constraints by giving them each a finite weight. For such alternative approaches we refer to [13, 19, 22, 44] and references therein.

In general, it makes sense to extract much information from Eq. (1.19)/(1.21). First, second-order statistics can be estimated more reliably than higher-order statistics, as already mentioned at the end of Section 1.1.2 [2, 33]. Second, after prewhitening the remaining problem consists of the determina-tion of an orthogonal (unitary) matrix. That is, after prewhitening, the matrix that has to be determined, is optimally conditioned. Prewhitening may be less appropriate when the data are subject to Gaussian noise with unknown color. In that case, the effect of the noise on the second-order statistics cannot be mitigated in the way explained in Section 1.2.2. An error that is introduced in a prewhitening step cannot be fully compensated in the step that follows [4, 28]. On the other hand, higher-order cumulants are theoretically insensitive to Gaussian noise, as explained in Section 1.1.2.


Step 1: prewhitening

Briefly, the goal of prewhitening is to transform the observation vector x into an other stochastic vector, z, which has unit covariance. This involves the multiplication of x with the inverse of a square root of its covariance matrix Cx. When N < P , a projection of x onto the signal subspace is carried out.

Let us discuss the problem in more detail. First, we observe that the co-variance matrix Cxtakes the following form (for the moment, the noise term in

Eq. (1.18) is neglected, for clarity):

Cx= A · Cs· A


, (1.23)

in which the covariance Cs of s is diagonal, since the source signals are

uncor-related. (Throughout this section, the transpose is replaced by the Hermitean transpose in the complex case.) Assuming that the source signals have unit variance (without loss of generality, as we may appropriately rescale the mixing vectors as well), we have:

Cx= A · A



A first observation is that the number of sources can be deduced from the rank of Cx. Substitution of the SVD of the mixing matrix A = U · ∆ · Q


shows that the EVD of the observed covariance allows us to estimate the components U and ∆ while the factor Q remains unknown:

Cx= U · ∆2· U


= (U∆) · (U∆)T


Hence the signal subspace can be estimated from the second-order statistics of the observations, but the actual mixing matrix remains unknown up to an orthogonal factor. Instead of working via the EVD of Cx, one may also obtain

U and ∆ from the SVD of the data matrix. EVD/SVD-based prewhitening amounts to a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [32].

The effect of the additive noise term b can be neutralized by replacing Cx

by the noise-free covariance Cx− Cb. In the case of spatially white noise (i.e.,

noise of which the components are mutually uncorrelated and have the same variance), Cbtakes the form of σb2I, in which σb2is the variance of the noise on

each data channel. In a more-sensors-than-sources setup, σ2

b can be estimated

as the mean of the “noise eigenvalues”, i.e., the smallest P − N eigenvalues, of Cx. The number of sources is estimated as the number of significant eigenvalues

of Cx; for a detailed procedure, we refer to [43].

After computation of U and ∆, a standardized random vector z can be defined as

z= ∆†· UT

· x. (1.25)

This vector has unit covariance. It is related to the source vector in the following way:

z= QT

· s + ∆†· UT

· b. (1.26)


Step 2: fixing the rotational degrees of freedom

us-ing the higher-order cumulant

In this section we explain in general terms how the remaining degrees of freedom can be fixed, i.e., how the matrix Q that contains the right singular vectors of the mixing matrix can be estimated. As we have already exploited the information provided by the second-order statistics of the observations, we now resort to their HOS.

Assuming that the noise is Gaussian, we obtain from (1.26) that in the real case the higher-order cumulant of the standardized random vector z is given by

C(K) z = Cs(K)•1Q T •2Q T . . . •KQ T . (1.27)

(In the complex case, some of the matrices Q may be complex conjugated, depending on the complex conjugation pattern adopted in the definition of the cumulant.) Let us write W = QT

for convenience. Then (1.27) can also be written as Cz(K)= N X n=1 c(K)sn wn◦ wn◦ . . . ◦ wn. (1.28)

The standardized cumulant Cz(K) is related to the Kth-order cumulant of the

observations by the multilinearity property:

Cz(K)= Cx(K)•1(U · ∆)†•2(U · ∆)†. . . •K(U · ∆)†. (1.29)

We repeat that the source cumulant Cs(K)is theoretically a diagonal tensor, since


1.3. DIAGONALIZATION IN LEAST SQUARES SENSE 17 Hence Eq. (1.27) is in fact a symmetric EVD-like tensor decomposition. It can be shown that this decomposition is up to trivial indeterminacies unique if at most one diagonal entry of Cs(K) is equal to zero [19, pp. 127–128]. Note again

that this is very different from the situation for matrices. In the matrix case we have for instance I = QT

· I · Q = VT

· I · V for arbitrary orthogonal V. This is actually what makes that we cannot find Q from the second-order statistics of the observations.

On the other hand, simply counting the degrees of freedom in Eq. (1.29) shows that in general a higher-order tensor cannot be diagonalized by means of orthogonal (unitary) transformations. In the real case for instance, the symmet-ric tensor Cz(K)contains N (N + 1) . . . (N + K −1)/K! independent entries, while

the decomposition allows only N (N −1)/2 (orthogonal factor Q) + N (diagonal of Cs(K)) degrees of freedom. This means that if Cz(K)is not perfectly known (due

to finite datalength, non-Gaussian additive noise, etc.), its estimate can in gen-eral not be fully diagonalized. This leaves room for different algorithms, which deal with the estimation error in a different manner. Four approaches will be discussed in the following sections. The general structure of prewhitening-based algorithms that use the higher-order cumulant is summarized in Table 1.2.


Diagonalization in least squares sense

The first reliable algebraic algorithm for ICA was derived by Comon [10]. This algorithm will be denoted as COM2. It works as follows. Since the higher-order cumulant cannot in general be diagonalized by means of orthogonal (unitary) transformations, we will make it as diagonal as possible in least squares sense. Denote

C′= Cz(K)•1U•2U•3. . . •KU. (1.30)

(Some of the matrices U may be complex conjugated in the complex case.) We look for an orthogonal (unitary) matrix U that minimizes the cost function

fK,2(U) = off(C′)2= X ¬(n1=n2=...=nK) c′n1n2...nK 2 , (1.31)

Because U is orthogonal (unitary), this is equivalent to maximizing the contrast function gK,2(U) = kdiag(C′)k2= X n c′nn...n 2 . (1.32)

The idea is visualized in Fig. 1.1.

The optimal U is obtained by means of a higher-order generalization of the Jacobi iteration described in Section 1.1.3. Due to the orthogonality (unitarity) of J in (1.12), the only part of Cz(K) that affects the contrast function, is the

(2 × 2 × . . . × 2)-subtensor ˜C formed by the entries of which all indices are equal to either p or q. Like Cz(K), ˜C cannot in general be exactly diagonalized.


Table 1.2: Prewhitening-based ICA using the higher-order cumulant. 1. Prewhitening stage (PCA):

• Estimate covariance Cx. • EVD: Cx= U · ∆2· UT • Standardize data: z = ∆†· UT · x. (Section 1.2.2.) 2. Higher-order stage: • Estimate cumulant Cz(K). • (Approximate) diagonalization: Cz(K)= Cs(K)•1QT•2QT. . . •KQ T , in which Q is orthogonal. A class of algebraic algorithms:

- COM2 (Section 1.3). - JADE (Section 1.4). - STOTD (Section 1.5). - COM1 (Section 1.6). (Section 1.2.3.) 3. Mixing matrix: A = U · ∆ · QT .









Figure 1.1: Visualization of the (approximate) diagonalization of a third-order tensor A by an orthogonal congruence transformation.

subtensor will most increase the contrast function. Therefore the rotation pairs (p, q) are swept in a cyclic way. The maximal diagonalization of elementary subtensors gradually minimizes the cost function, so we can expect convergence to at least a local minimum. Contrary to the matrix case, the cost function can have spurious local minima. The lack of higher-order equivalent of (1.17) makes it hard to prove convergence to the global optimum, or to formally study the convergence speed. In practice, the algorithm seems to converge reasonably fast and local optima do not seem to pose a problem.

We now explain for a number of specific cases how the optimal Jacobi rota-tion can be determined.


Third-order real case

We repeat that the (2 ×2×2) symmetric tensor to be diagonalized is denoted by ˜

C. We define C = ˜C•1J•2J•3J, in which J is an elementary (2×2) Jacobi rotation

matrix. The original derivation started from the parameterization (1.14) [11]. Here we use the parameterization (1.13).

We construct a real symmetric (2 × 2)-matrix B, as follows: b11 = a1,

b12 = 3a4/2,


in which the auxiliary variables a1, a2, a3, a4 are given by

a1 = c˜2111+ ˜c2222,

a2 = c˜2112+ ˜c2122,

a3 = c˜111c˜122+ ˜c112˜c222,

a4 = c˜122c˜222− ˜c111˜c112.

It can be proved that

2 X i=1 c2iii= q T · B · q,

in which q = (cos(2α) sin(2α))T

[26]. Hence the optimal rotation can be found by computing the dominant eigenvector of B and normalizing it to unit length. It is clear that the function P2i=1c2

iii is periodic in the rotation angle, with

period π/2, as the sign of q is of no importance. The sign of the dominant eigenvector can be chosen such that J is an inner rotation. The actual elements of the optimal inner Jacobi rotation can then be obtained from the entries of qby using the basic goniometric relations cos α =p1 + cos(2α)/2 and sin α = sin(2α)/(2 cos α).


Third-order complex case

In this section we assume that Cz(3) is defined by (Cz(3))ijk = cum{zi, zj∗, zk∗}.

The (2 × 2 × 2) tensor that has to be diagonalized, is denoted by ˜C. We define C = ˜C •1J•2J


, in which J is an elementary (2 ×2) complex Jacobi rotation matrix. We use the parameterization (1.15).

We construct a real symmetric (3 × 3)-matrix B, as follows: b11 = a1, b12 = Im(v1) + Im(v2), b13 = Re(v1) − Re(v2), b22 = v4− Re(v3), b23 = Im(v3), b33 = v4+ Re(v3),


1.3. DIAGONALIZATION IN LEAST SQUARES SENSE 21 complex number, and in which the auxiliary variables are given by

a1 = |˜c111|2+ |˜c222|2, a2 = |˜c112|2+ |˜c212|2, a3 = |˜c211|2+ |˜c122|2, a4 = ˜c111˜c∗112, a5 = ˜c111˜c∗211, a6 = ˜c222˜c∗122, a7 = ˜c222˜c∗212, a8 = ˜c111˜c212∗ + ˜c222˜c∗112, a9 = ˜c∗111˜c122+ ˜c222˜c∗211, a10 = ˜c∗211˜c112+ ˜c122˜c∗212, v1 = a7− a5/2, v2 = a4− a6/2, v3 = a9/2 + a10, v4 = (a1+ a3)/4 + a2+ Re(a8).

It can be proved that

2 X i=1 |ciii|2= q T · B · q, in which q = (cos(2α) sin(2α) sin φ sin(2α) cos φ)T

[26]. Like in the real case, the optimal rotation can be found by computing the dominant eigenvector of B and normalizing it to unit length. The actual elements of the optimal Jacobi rotation can be obtained from the entries of q by using the basic relations cos α = p

1 + cos(2α)/2 and sin α eiφ = (sin(2α) cos φ + i sin(2α) sin φ)/(2 cos α). The

sign of the dominant eigenvector can be chosen such that J is an inner rotation.


Fourth-order real case

The (2 × 2 × 2 × 2) symmetric tensor to be diagonalized, is denoted by ˜C. We define C = ˜C •1J•2J•3J•4J, in which J is an elementary (2 ×2) Jacobi rotation

matrix. We use the parameterization (1.14) and work as in [10].

It turns out that in the real case the contrast function g4,2 can be expressed

as a function of the auxiliary variable ξ = θ − 1/θ. Setting the derivative w.r.t. ξ equal to zero, yields:





in which d4 = ˜c1111˜c1112− ˜c1222˜c2222, d3 = u − 4(˜c21112+ ˜c21222) − 3˜c1122(˜c1111+ ˜c2222), d2 = 3v, d1 = 3u − 2˜c1111˜c2222− 32˜c1112˜c1222− 36˜c21122, d0 = −4(v + 4d4), with u = c˜21111+ ˜c22222, v = (˜c1111+ ˜c2222− 6˜c1122)(˜c1222− ˜c1112).

We first compute the real roots of Eq. (1.33). (Note that this can be done in a non-iterative way, since the polynomial is only of degree 4 [1].) After computation of these roots, the corresponding values of θ can be found from

θ2− ξθ − 1 = 0. (1.34)

This equation always shows precisely one solution in the interval (−1, +1], cor-responding to an inner rotation. If Eq. (1.33) has more than one real root, then the one corresponding to the maximum of the contrast function is selected.


Fourth-order complex case

In this section we assume that Cz(4) is defined by (Cz(4))ijkl= cum{zi, zj∗, zk∗, zl}.

Starting from parameterization (1.16), we can work as in Section 1.3.3 [10]. It turns out that the contrast function g4,2 can now be expressed as a function

of the auxiliary variable ξ = θ − 1/θ∗. Differentiation of g4,2 w.r.t. the modulus

ρ and the argument φ of ξ yields a system of two polynomials of degree 3 and 4 in ρ, where the coefficients are polynomials in eiφ.

On the other hand, starting from (1.15), it was shown in [19] that the optimal Jacobi rotation can be found from the best rank-1 approximation of a real symmetric (3×3×3×3) tensor of which the entries are derived from ˜C. This best rank-1 approximation can be computed by means of the algorithms discussed in [25, 34, 35, 45].







Call a (J1× J2) matrix slice of a (J1× J2× . . .× JK) tensor A a matrix obtained

by varying the first two indices of A and picking one particular value for the other indices. We will use Matlab notation (A):,:,j3,...,jK to denote such a matrix


1.4. SIMULTANEOUS DIAGONALIZATION OF MATRIX SLICES 23 slice. From (1.28) we have that the slices (Cz(K)):,:,n3,...,nK have the following

structure: (C(K) z ):,:,n3,...,nK = N X n1=1 c(K) sn1wn1n3. . . wn1nKwn1◦ wn1 = N X n1=1 c(K)sn1wn1n3. . . wn1nKwn1w T n1 = W· Dn3,...,nK· W T , (1.35)

in which the (N × N) matrices Dn3,...,nK are diagonal. (The transpose may

be replaced by the Hermitean transpose in the complex case.) Eq. (1.35) is an EVD of (Cz(K)):,:,n3,...,nK. We see that the different slices have a common

eigenmatrix, namely W = QT


In the presence of noise, the different matrix slices may not have an eigen-matrix in common, i.e., a eigen-matrix that simultaneously diagonalizes all slices may not exist. Denote

C:,:,n′ 3,...,nK = U · (C


z ):,:,n3,...,nK· U T

. (1.36)

(Again, the transpose may be replaced by the Hermitean transpose in the com-plex case.) Cardoso and Souloumiac proposed to determine Q as the orthogonal (unitary) matrix that makes the matrices C:,:,n′ 3,...,nK jointly as diagonal as

pos-sible in least squares sense [5]. Formally, an orthogonal (unitary) matrix U is determined that minimizes the cost function

fK,SM D(U) = X n3...nK off(C:,:,n′ 3,...,nK) 2= X n3...nK X n16=n2 c ′ n1n2...nK 2 , (1.37) Because U is orthogonal (unitary), this is equivalent to maximizing the contrast function gK,SM D(U) = X n3...nK kdiag(C′:,:,n3,...,nK)k 2= X n1n3...nK c′n1n1n3...nK 2 . (1.38) The idea is visualized in Fig. 1.2.

The algorithm presented in [5] additionally exploits a second feature of the problem. Note that there are NK−2 matrix slices (C(K)

z ):,:,n3,...,nK. On the

other hand, (1.35) shows that, in the absence of noise, these matrices are all linear combinations of the N rank-1 matrices wn1w


n1. It makes sense to

work with a reduced set of N matrices that best represents the original set {(Cz(K)):,:,n3,...,nK}. For the determination of the reduced set, let us consider the

matrix slices (Cz(K)):,:,n3,...,nK as vectors in the (N × N) matrix space. These

vectors are the columns of the (N2× NK−2) matrix C(K)

z , defined by  C(K)z  (n1−1)N+n2,(n3−1)NK−3+...+(nK−1−1)N+nK = (Cz(K))n1,n2,...,nK,


A1 AK B1 B K = W W

Figure 1.2: Visualization of the (approximate) simultaneous diagonalization of a set of matrices A1, . . . , AK by an orthogonal congruence transformation.

for all index entries. The dominant N -dimensional subspace of the column space of C(K)z is spanned by its N dominant left singular vectors. Denote these

vectors by en. Re-matricizing yields the matrices Enthat will be simultaneously


(En)n1,n2= (en)(n1−1)N+n2.

In the case of fourth-order cumulants, C(K)z is a symmetric (Hermitean) matrix

of which the singular vectors can be seen as “eigenmatrices” of Cz(4). The

al-gorithm in [5] was consequently called JADE, standing for Joint Approximate

Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices.


C′n= U · En· UT

. (1.39)

(Again, the transpose may be replaced by the Hermitean transpose in the com-plex case.) JADE looks for an orthogonal (unitary) matrix U that minimizes the cost function

fJADE(U) = X n off(C′n)2= X n X n16=n2 (C ′ n)n1n2 2 , (1.40)

Because U is orthogonal (unitary), this is equivalent to maximizing the contrast function gJADE(U) = X n kdiag(C′n)k2= X n X n1 (C′n)n1n1 2 . (1.41)

The optimal U is obtained by means of a higher-order generalization of the Jacobi iteration described in Section 1.1.3. Due to the orthogonality (unitarity) of J in (1.12), the only part of Enthat affects the contrast function, is the (2×2)

submatrix ˜Cn at the intersection of rows and columns p and q. Similar

com-ments as in Section 1.3 are in order. Rotation pairs (p, q) are swept in a cyclic way. Formal analysis of the convergence properties is difficult. Nevertheless, asymptotic quadratic convergence has been proven for the noise-free case [3]. In practice, the algorithm seems to converge reasonably fast and local optima do


1.4. SIMULTANEOUS DIAGONALIZATION OF MATRIX SLICES 25 not seem to pose a problem. Note that the Jacobi iteration can be initialized with the eigenmatrix of one of the matrices that have to be diagonalized.

In [41] it has been proved that the asymptotical accuracy (for infinitesimal errors in the cumulant estimate) of COM2 and JADE are the same. In [8, 9] several simulations were carried out to compare both methods in practical situations. The results seem to indicate that the methods have approximately the same accuracy provided that the number of sources N is not overestimated, while the performance of JADE degrades with respect to that of COM2 when N is overestimated.

We now explain how the optimal Jacobi rotation can be determined. It turns out that even in the complex case this rotation can be computed efficiently.


Real case

We repeat that the (2×2) symmetric matrices to be simultaneously diagonalized are denoted by ˜Cn. We define Cn = J · ˜Cn· JT, in which J is an elementary

(2 × 2) Jacobi rotation matrix. We use parameterization (1.13) and work as in [5, 6].

First define a (2 × N) matrix G of which the columns gn are given by

gn=  ( ˜Cn)11− ( ˜Cn)22 −( ˜Cn)12− ( ˜Cn)21  . It can be proved that the objective function is given by

X n (Cn)211+ (Cn)222= q T · GGT · q, in which q = (cos(2α) sin(2α))T

. The vector q that maximizes this expression is the dominant eigenvector of GGT

, or, equivalently, the dominant left singular vector of G. The actual elements of the optimal Jacobi rotation can be obtained from the basic relations cos α =p1 + cos(2α)/2 and sin α = sin(2α)/(2 cos α). The sign of the dominant eigenvector can be chosen such that J is an inner rotation.


Complex case

We repeat that the (2×2) Hermitean matrices to be simultaneously diagonalized are denoted by ˜Cn. We define Cn = J · ˜Cn· JH, in which J is an elementary

(2 × 2) Jacobi rotation matrix. We use parameterization (1.15) and work as in [5, 6].

First define a (3 × N) matrix G of which the columns gn are given by

gn =   ( ˜Cn)11− ( ˜Cn)22 −( ˜Cn)12− ( ˜Cn)21 i(−( ˜Cn)12+ ( ˜Cn)21)   .


It can be proved that X


|(Cn)11|2+ |(Cn)22|2= qT· Re(GGH) · q,

in which q = (cos(2α) sin(2α) sin φ sin(2α) cos φ)T

. Hence the optimal rota-tion can be found via the dominant eigenvector of the real symmetric (3 × 3)-matrix Re(GGH

). The actual elements of the optimal Jacobi rotation can be ob-tained from the entries of q by using the basic relations cos α =p1 + cos(2α)/2 and sin α eiφ= (sin(2α) cos φ + i sin(2α) sin φ)/(2 cos α). The sign of the

dom-inant eigenvector can be chosen such that J is an inner rotation.


Simultaneous diagonalization of third-order

tensor slices

Instead of considering the tensor Cz(K) as a stack of NK−2 (N × N) matrices

(Cz(K)):,:,n3,...,nK, we could also consider it as a stack of N

K−3 (N × N × N)

tensors (Cz(K)):,:,:,n4,...,nK and simultaneously diagonalize these. This can be

done using the expressions in Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, taking into account that the cost function now consists of a sum of contributions associated with the different third-order tensor slices (i.e., the matrix B is now a sum of matrices associated with the different third-order tensor slices). We refer to [26] for more details. The technique is called STOTD, which stands for Simultaneous

Third-Order Tensor Diagonalization.

Simulations in [26] indicate that the performance of JADE and STOTD are generally quite comparable, although in specific cases one method may perform better the other.


Maximization of the tensor trace

It is well-known that the trace of a matrix is invariant under orthogonal (unitary) congruence transformations. Again, the situation is very different for higher-order tensors. In the orthogonal (unitary) congruence transformation (1.30) the trace of the tensor, i.e., the sum of its diagonal entries, does in general change with U. Comon realized that we can thus diagonalize the tensor by maximizing its trace, if we know that all source cumulants are positive [16]. If all cumulants are negative, then we can process −Cz(K) instead of C


z . The assumption that

the cumulants of all sources have the same known sign is satisfied in many applications. For typical constellations used in telecommunication, the fourth-order cumulant is negative. Speech and audio signals typically have positive fourth-order cumulant. In this section we assume positive source cumulants.

Formally, we look for an orthogonal (unitary) matrix U that maximizes the contrast function

gK,1(U) =




1.6. MAXIMIZATION OF THE TENSOR TRACE 27 The resulting algorithm will be denoted as COM1, where the “1” indicates that we maximize the 1-norm of the diagonal, instead of its 2-norm, like in COM2. The optimal U is again obtained by means of a Jacobi iteration. The fact that the diagonal entries are not squared, leads to simpler expressions than in COM2, such that the computation of an elementary rotation is easier.

Simulations indicate that the accuracy of COM1 is comparable to that of COM2 and JADE, provided (i) the number of sources is not over-estimated, (ii) the background noise is Gaussian, (iii) no source is Gaussian and (iv) the cumulants of the sources have the same sign [15]. COM1 seems to be less sensitive to non-Gaussian background noise than COM2 and JADE. When the number of sources is over-estimated, the convergence speed of the three methods decreases. COM2 is then the most reliable method whereas JADE becomes the slowest. On the other hand, the performance of COM1 degrades with respect to that of COM2 and JADE when one of the sources is Gaussian or quasi-Gaussian. In addition, COM1 is unable to separate sources with different cumulant signs. We now explain how an optimal Jacobi rotation can be determined. Due to space limitations we only consider the fourth-order complex case. We assume that Cz(4) is defined by (C


z )ijkl = cum{zi, zj∗, zk∗, zl}. Like in Section 1.3, the

(2 × 2 × 2 × 2)-subtensor that will be diagonalized, is denoted by ˜C. We define C = ˜C •1J•2J


•4J, in which J is an elementary (2 × 2) Jacobi rotation

matrix. A first approach was based on the parameterization (1.16) [16]. Here we use parameterization (1.15) and we work as in [12].

We construct a real symmetric (3 × 3)-matrix B as follows: b11 = ˜c1111+ ˜c2222, b12 = Im(˜c1222− ˜c1211), b13 = Re(˜c1222− ˜c1211), b22 = 1 2(˜c1111+ ˜c2222) + 2˜c1212− Re(˜c1221), b23 = Im(˜c1221), b33 = 1 2(˜c1111+ ˜c2222) + 2˜c1212+ Re(˜c1221). It can be shown that

2 X i=1 ciiii= q T · B · q, with q = (cos(2α) sin(2α) sin φ sin(2α) cos φ)T

. The optimal rotation can be found by computing the dominant eigenvector of B and scaling it to unit norm. The entries of the Jacobi rotation matrix are found from the entries of q by using the trigonometric relations cos α = p(1 + cos(2α))/2 and sin α eiφ =

(sin(2α) cos φ + i sin(2α) sin φ)/(2 cos α). The sign of the dominant eigenvector can be chosen such that J is a rotation over an angle in the interval (−π/4, π/4].



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geïsoleerd te staan, bijvoorbeeld het bouwen van een vistrap op plaatsen waar vismigratie niet mogelijk is omdat de samenhangende projecten zijn vastgelopen op andere

De historische PV gemeten op de transportdienst achtte de ACM representatief voor de verwachte PV op de aansluitdienst.. De transportdienst vertegenwoordigt het grootste deel van

The PCAs were constructed based on MFs present in at least 70% and 50% of the samples for any given time point of Discovery Set-1 (A) and Discovery Set-2 (B), respectively, and that

Tugnait presents a stochastic gradient adaptive implementation of an algorithm, proposed earlier, for the blind deconvolution of a MIMO system with non-Gaussian inputs..

Toon dan aan dat de som van de kwadraten van de oppervlaktes van de drie driehoeken die O als een van de hoekpunten hebben gelijk is aan het kwadraat van de oppervlakte van de

KVB= Kortdurende Verblijf LG= Lichamelijke Handicap LZA= Langdurig zorg afhankelijk Nah= niet aangeboren hersenafwijking. PG= Psychogeriatrische aandoening/beperking

Valk Hotel Hoogkerk (winactie), NewNexus (app ontwikkeling), Maallust (speciaalbier De Vriendschap), RTV Drenthe (mediapart- ner KvV en MvY) en het Drents Museum (korting op

Problem A) Consider the real valued function f (x) = x−2 2x and let A ⊆ R be the largest subset of the real numbers on which the function is well-defined. (1) Find the