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On Material Transfer Agreements And Visibility Of Researchers In Biotechnology


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On Material Transfer Agreements And Visibility Of Researchers In Biotechnology

Victor Rodriguez *, Frizo Janssens, Koenraad Debackere, Bart De Moor

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

* Corresponding author. E-mail address: victor.rodriguez@econ.kuleuven.be Abstract

When carrying out a research project, some materials may not be available in-house. Thus, investigators resort to external providers for conducting their research. To that end, the exchange may be formalised through material transfer agreements. In this context, industry, government, and academia have their own specific expectations regarding compensation for the help they provide when transferring research material. This paper assesses whether these contracts have an impact on visibility of researchers. Visibility is thereby operationalized on the basis of a bibliometric approach. In the sample, researchers that used these contracts were more visible compared to those who did not use them. Nonetheless, among these contract users, there was no gain in visibility after using them. Providers and receivers could not be distinguished by using these contracts but by research sector and co-authorship.


bibliometrics; research material; scientific reputation; h-index; biotechnology; material transfer agreement Introduction

Industry, government, and academia have their own specific expectations regarding “compensation”

for the help they provide when transferring research materials. A broad definition of research materials includes cell lines, monoclonal antibodies, reagents, animal models, combinatorial chemistry libraries, clones and cloning tools, databases, and software (under some circumstances). As material transfer agreements (MTAs) are used for the supply of research materials between laboratories (Rodriguez, 2005; Rodriguez et al., 2007), the provider can expect a reward in exchange.

This compensation could vary depending on the provider’s institutional sector. In academia, the desired reward for providing the research material may range from acknowledgment or reference in a publication to co-authorship of articles or co-assignment of patents made with the aid of the supplied material, depending on the purpose of the material provider. In industry, the provider could ask the receiver to present the results of using the material or any other research results that could be of interest. The rationale of the existence of governmental laboratories differs from academic ones, their expectations are more related to technology transfer and in that sense it could follow the same logic of industrial laboratories.

Being a provider or receiver might be the reflection of differences between scientific leaders and followers in the social structure of science. The role of scientific leader is acquired by the creation of the research material and the subsequent requests for it by the scientific community. The relationship between material owners and would-be users could be catalogued as trade-off of expectations. The provider expects to be rewarded by the receiver for enabling its use and the receiver expects to gain access to the material to carry out the research.

Scientists tend to cite contributions that are useful for their own research. In the gift-swap model of scientific exchange, individual scientists contribute their findings to the scientific community and in return can expect to receive various forms of recognition from their peers (Hagstrom, 1965). Greater visibility is one of them.

Due to the role of scientific leader, a provider’s visibility could differ from that of receivers after using MTAs because the receiver may monopolise a material that is requested by various researchers. They might reward the provider via citations. This practice might be used as evidence of providers’ supposedly greater visibility. The construct researcher’s visibility can be operationalized using the h-index, developed by Jorge Hirsch (2005), which is based on the citations each article of an author gets.

Substantial research effort has been devoted to studies on author citations (Braun and Glänzel, 2000; Garfield, 1963; Glänzel, 2000; Kostoff, 1998; Leydesdorff, 1998; Moed, 2000; Peritz, 1992), stratification system within the science institution (Allison, Long and Krauze, 1982; Cole and


Cole, 1967; Cole and Cole, 1974; Evans, 2005), Nobel laureates (Crawford, 1998; Garfield and Welljams-Dorof, 1992; Zuckerman, 1967; Zuckerman, 1996) and star scientists (Zucker and Darby, 1996; Zucker and Darby, 2001). However, there has been relatively little analysis of the visibility acquired through the exchange of research materials (Walsh et al., 2003; Walsh et al., 2005).

This paper assesses whether MTAs have an impact on visibility of researchers. In other words, it examines whether involvement in MTA activity positively or negatively affects the visibility of researchers. Visibility is thereby operationalized on the basis of a bibliometric approach. The paper begins with sectoral rewarding of researchers. A concept of visibility and the means to operationalize it is elaborated. The data and methodology respective sections are presented, followed by the results.

Finally, some concluding remarks are made.

Rewarding in government, industry, and academia

The labels of basic and applied research are changing with regard to biosciences and biotechnologies.

A priori definitions of polar ideal types are vague, imprecise and awkward for empirical operationalisation (Callon, 1997; Kidd, 1965; Latour, 1993). The commercial development of basic research discoveries and commercial interest in academic research in its early stages speed up the applicability of basic research. Thus, the distinction between basic and applied research is difficult to maintain.

Nonetheless, what is clear is the research setting where this research is conducted and the nature of the compensation for exchanging research material. Researchers from industry, government, and academia could expect to be rewarded differently for research materials they provide to extramural colleagues.

Researchers in government comprise a significant component of the same scientific labour force as that of scientists in academia. Even though the reason or purpose of the existence of governmental laboratories differs from academic ones, they have had some common educative functions. These arise from their research activities that involve collaboration with the higher education sector and include the supervision of students, lecturing in universities, and training research staff. This role of providing future gatekeepers and linking individuals into wider technological communities (Debackere and Rappa, 1994) is significant in facilitating technology transfer.

Industrial researchers make situational adjustments to their other professional orientations (e.g. communality and autonomy) that must be taken into account when referring to their organisational affiliation (Barnes, 1971). In particular, many science graduates are trained in the pure science ethos but quickly set it aside after a period in an industrial laboratory (Avery, 1960).

Most industrial scientists accept the framework of industrial science, do not object to commercial restrictions on publications, are not publishing to try to develop professional reputations beyond their home organisations, and are satisfied with organisational status and recognition, which is accomplished by developing processes and products that are patentable (Ellis, 1972). As the industrial research laboratory is subject to the controls emanating from the business goals of the organisation, a different orientation from academia and government tends to be inculcated (Bailyn, 1985).

Priority of discovery is the basis for a scientist’s reputation and this prestige for contributions to the literature is the fundamental reward in the community of academic scientists (Dasgupta and David, 1994). The race for priority serves two very important purposes: it hastens discoveries and it accelerates their subsequent disclosure through publications (Merton, 1973).

Scientists are socialized in this norm of openness during their doctoral studies, where the importance of advancing the body of knowledge through publishing articles is always emphasised.

However, many doctoral students in biology, chemistry, and other biosciences find themselves working for companies that may not share this desire for openness (McMillan and Deeds, 1998).

This privatization of science has been also detected in academia and government since the Bayh-Dole Act and similar mirroring regimes around the world. Lawyers and economists often assume that the alternative to exclusive rights is secrecy, while sociologists tend to equate exclusive rights with secrecy and take the alternative to be open access.

Secrecy and exclusive rights tend to be equated because in most cases the only way to preserve exclusivity in an idea or discovery is to keep it secret. When patent protection extends into


fields that are of interest to governmental, industrial, and academic researcher, neither of these assumptions about the relationship between exclusive rights and secrecy is quite right (Eisenberg, 1989).


Although a large majority of articles, letters, notes, and reviews are never cited, some are intensely referred to (Aksnes and Siversten, 2004). When a paper is highly cited, even more people become aware of it and its visibility increases the chances of getting more citations (Aksnes, 2003). In fact, high citation scores are the results of many researchers’ decisions to cite a particular paper.

The construct visibility is usually operationalized using citation counts to gauge the overall impact of a scientist’s research output on the scientific community and are generally held to measure quality (Cole and Cole, 1967). An average citation per paper gives an indication of the aggregate level of influence, while highly cited papers reflect the more important contributions to the field.

The evidence that citation signals quality is indicated by the literature. Garfield (1970) studied the work of Nobel Prize winners and found that they were among the top 0.1% most cited authors. Zuckerman (1996) found that publication counts, citation counts and peer ratings were intercorrelated. Finkenstaedt and Fries (1978) found that citation counts correlate highly with other measures of quality such as employment in prestigious universities, listing in important bibliographies of scientists, and scientific award and recognition from colleagues.

Research on citation has shown highly skewed distributions, with most articles having few citations, while a handful has exceedingly large numbers. Lotka (1926) and de Solla Price (1965, 1980) showed that in degree distributions of citation networks, the proportions of nodes with degree k varies as a function of 1/k, that is, by the inverse power law P(k)  1/k, where  is the power coefficient. Thus, nodes with unusually large number of ties or edges produce network hub phenomena.

Recently, more detailed examination has refined the picture. In biosciences and biotechnologies, h-indices tend to be higher than those in physics (Hirsch, 2005), that is to say they are discipline based. Bornmann and Daniel (2005) found that on average the h-index for successful applicants for post-doctoral research fellowships was consistently higher than that for non-successful applicants. Van Raan (2006), dealing with research groups rather than individual scientists, showed that the h-index and several standard bibliometric indicators both correlate in a quite comparable way with peer judgements.

Visibility studies are closely related to the analysis of elite researchers. These “stars” are eminent scientists or technologists who have been accorded recognition in their discipline, who are visible in their community, who are great talents, who are highly productive, who achieve excellence, and who usually choose careers that give them a great deal of freedom and personal independence (Merton, 1968). In particular, they are individuals who are involved in many aspects of scientific or technological life. Once members of distinguished scientific or technologic organisations (e.g. the Royal Society), elite researchers rise quickly to positions of prominence and are called upon to participate actively (i.e. hold office, preside over meetings, chair special interest groups etc.). They are intimately involved in the communication system of their profession by serving as editors and referees of journals (Crane, 1967). Their expertise attracts many requests to share their knowledge by guest lecturing. All of these dimensions of academic involvement are a form of service of a scientifically useful nature (Shilling and Bernard, 1964).


Publications have been selected from the core biotechnology database created by Glänzel et al.

(2003), which included patents applied for at the European Patent Office. Surprisingly, none of the sampled patents in industry and government were cited. The absence of forward citation could occur for two reasons. First, the patented technology was so applied that it was located in the frontier of knowledge. Second, other organisations were not able to absorb the patented technology. Thus, the analysis was restricted to four types of documents, namely: articles, letters, notes, and reviews, because they have references.

Researchers working for industry, government, and academia in Belgium authored the biotechnology publications. To study the effect of MTAs on visibility, representatives from the


organisations appearing as institutional affiliations distinguished whether or not the documents have used materials received through MTAs. The publication year of MTA-related publication was used as a proxy for MTA year because, in fact, we were not able to determine when the MTA was signed due to the confidentiality clause inherent in this contract. Consequently, MTA year refers to the publication year of the research project that handled external materials formalised in an MTA.

A content analysis of representative MTAs in the survey was not possible because of the confidentiality clauses. For that reason it cannot be determined how many of them explicitly required that receivers should acknowledge providers in relevant publications, or that receivers should not mention providers at all for whatever reasons.

The timeline of events per author is shown in Figure 1. Pre-MTA refers to the period of time between the year of first publication done by the author and the proxied MTA year inclusive. Post- MTA denotes a period of time after the proxied MTA year till 2004 inclusive.

Figure 1. Publication timeline of an author that used an MTA

The receivers and providers of research materials were listed from the set of MTA-related documents. Then, the dataset was compiled by retrieving information concerning publications of receivers and providers in all languages in journals recorded in the three databases of the Web of Science of Thomson Scientific (viz. natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities).

The documents were collected for each author up to 2004 inclusive by using the four steps refinement feature—last name, first initial, middle initial; supplementary initials; research field;

institutional affiliation—upgraded by the Web of Science in July 2006 to reduce the homonym bias.

The total citation window ran from the year of publication to the end of 2004. Our study involved a total of 5194 publications and 68874 citations according to the Science Citation Index.

Visibility was then operationalized using the h-index. Scientists have an h-index equals to h if h of their Np publications have at least h citations each, and the rest (Np - h) have fewer than h citations each (Hirsch, 2005). The h-index is the highest number of papers a scientist has, published over n years, which have each received at least that number of citations. Thus, someone with an h- index of 50 has written 50 papers that have each had at least 50 citations (Ball, 2005). If a scientist has 21 papers, 20 of which are cited 20 times, and the 21st is cited 21 times, there are 20 papers—

including the one with 21 citations—having at least 20 citations, and the remaining papers has no more than 20 citations (Van Raan, 2006). Therefore, the scientist’s h-index equals 20.

Despite the fact that some researchers in the sample were retired in 2004, the h-index remains useful as a measure of cumulative achievement. Visibility may continue to increase over time, even after the scientist has stopped publishing (Hirsch, 2005). We calculated h-indices for each researcher before and after the MTA year. While other studies used a fixed citation window (i.e. a shorter period of time after the publication year to measure recent performance), we counted citations from the year of publication to the end of the proxied MTA year and after the proxied MTA year to end of 2004.

While publications are counted for an entire period of time in a total block analysis, in our study the publications were counted from the first year that the researcher has published till 2004 (i.e. total time length). Total time length represents the researcher’s seniority. When plotting total time length with total h-index, we obtained an intercept of 3.23 and a slope of 0.49 (Figure 2). Then, publications were allotted before and after MTA year.

In our sample, all documents were multi-authored. Thus, scientists with high h-indices achieved mostly through publications with many co-authors would be treated overly kindly by their h-indices. As we found large differences in the number of co-authors for each paper in our dataset, we used a factor Ω to capture co-authorship in order to compare different individuals. This factor can be specified as Ω = 1/Pi ∑1/Aj, where Pi represents total number of publications of each author i and Ai

stands for the number of authors of each paper j of author i. The absence of co-authors is expressed as Ω = 1. When plotting total inverse omega, 1/Ω, with total h-index (Figure 3), we obtained an intercept of 24.16 and a slope of -2.16. The total inverse omega was then computed before and after the MTA year.

MTA year

Pre-MTA Post-MTA


Figure 2. Plotting total time length with total h-index

Figure 3. Plotting total inverse Ω with total h-index Methodology

The sampled researchers were grouped according to some features, such as use of MTA in the period 1992–2000, role-played and sector of activity when they used an MTA. Group membership was assumed to be mutually exclusive (i.e. no case belongs to more than one group) and collectively exhaustive (i.e. all cases are members of a group). Regarding the coding scheme for the qualitative data, we dichotomized the levels such that k-1 zero-one dummy variables were created for each variable having k-levels instead of assigning numerical values to the levels of variables. When a researcher had more than one institutional affiliation in the publication we chose the first one listed by the author in order to get exclusive sectoral dedication.

In our group variables, MTA is a dummy that equals 1 if the researcher used an MTA in the period 1992–2000, 0 otherwise; Provider is a dummy variable that equals 1 if the researcher is a provider, 0 otherwise; Academia is a dummy variable that equals 1 if the researcher is in academia, 0 otherwise; Government is a dummy variable that equals 1 if the researcher is in government, 0 otherwise.

Table 1. Group statistics between MTA and non-MTA group

MTA N Mean Std. deviation Std. error mean

c 1 70 983.91 1420.679 169.804

0 69 416,38 855,337 102,970

1 70 .223132 .0915903 .0109471

0 69 1.00000 .0000000 .0000000

h 1 70 13.14 9.993 1.194

0 69 6.59 7.009 .844

t 1 70 18.51 10.796 1.290

0 69 12.16 5.677 .683


As the aim is to assess the MTA’s impact on visibility of researchers, the first empirical strategy was to carry out a one-way analysis of variance to test the null hypothesis that the visibility of the typical researcher that used MTA is equal to that of the one who did not. The quantitative variables employed in the analysis were: c for all citations obtained by each sampled researcher till 2004; Ω for the omega factor of each researcher till 2004; h for the h-index scored by each sampled researcher till 2004; and t for the seniority of each sampled researcher. The descriptive statistics are shown in Table 1.

Table 2. Paired samples statistics

Pair 1 Mean N Std. deviation Std. error mean

h Pre-MTA 6.81 70 7.490 .895

h Post-MTA 7.33 70 6.569 .785

c Pre-MTA 624.10 70 1113.530 133.092

c Post-MTA 359.81 70 553.438 66.149

Table 3. Paired samples correlations

Pair 1 N Correlation Sig.

h Pre-MTA and h Post-MTA 70 .477 .000

c Pre-MTA and c Post-MTA 70 .383 .001

Table 4. Group statistics

Provider Variables Mean Std. deviation N


Academia .568966 .4995461 58

Government .155172 .3652312 58

t Pre-MTA 11.206897 9.1895414 58

t Post-MTA 6.017241 3.6152279 58

1/Ω Pre-MTA 4.746461 2.0028993 58

1/Ω Post-MTA 5.083801 2.0851841 58

h Pre-MTA 6.965517 7.8337227 58

h Post-MTA 7.275862 6.6088540 58

c Pre-MTA 685.120690 1203.8892395 58

c Post-MTA 368.793103 564.9490199 58


Academia .333333 .4923660 12

Government .666667 .4923660 12

t Pre-MTA 17.166667 9.0937874 12

t Post-MTA 7.583333 2.3143164 12

1/Ω Pre-MTA 2.881189 1.4832684 12

1/Ω Post-MTA 5.228183 1.8923709 12

h Pre-MTA 6.083333 5.7597085 12

h Post-MTA 7.583333 6.6532061 12

c Pre-MTA 329.166667 391.2397157 12

c Post-MTA 316.416667 514.7335513 12

To test if MTAs improved researcher’s visibility, the second empirical strategy was to compare the visibility before (pre-MTA) and after (post-MTA) the researchers used an MTA. The construct visibility was operationalized using h-indices and citations counts. The paired-samples t-test


procedure is used to test the hypothesis of no difference between visibility before and after MTAs.

This procedure compares the means of two variables for a single group. For that reason, we split up the single factor variables before and after MTA year. Thus, the descriptive statistics for these quantitative variables are shown in Table 2, where the post-MTA scores are higher.

Next, the correlation between the two variables for each operationalisation is shown in Table 3. There is a strong positive correlation not only between h Pre-MTA and h Post-MTA, but also between c Pre-MTA and c Post-MTA. Researchers who were visible before MTA also were visible afterwards.

Finally, the last empirical strategy was to detect which variables discriminated best among providers and receivers using the dummy variables Academia and Government, and the following quantitative variables: t Pre-MTA for the time length (in years) till the MTA year inclusive; t Post- MTA for the time length after the MTA year till 2004; 1/Ω Pre-MTA for co-authorship till the MTA year inclusive; 1/Ω Post-MTA for co-authorship after the MTA year till 2004; h Pre-MTA for the h- index till the MTA year inclusive; h Post-MTA for the h-index after the MTA year till 2004; c Pre- MTA for the citations till the MTA year inclusive; and c Post-MTA for the citations after the MTA year till 2004. The descriptive statistics are shown in Table 4.


For assessing the MTA’s impact on visibility of researchers, the first empirical strategy was to carry out a one-way analysis of variance to test the null hypothesis that the visibility of the typical researcher that used MTA is equal to that of the one who did not. As the effects are found to be significant (Table 5) using the above procedure, it implies that the means differ more than would be expected by chance alone. In terms of the above experiment, it would mean that MTA-users were more visible than non-MTA users.

Table 5. Analysis of variance

Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.


Between groups 10.802 30 .360 1.624 .037

Within groups 23.946 108 .222

Total 34.748 138


Between groups 6483.741 30 216.125 4.530 .000

Within groups 5152.273 108 47.706

Total 11636.014 138

Between groups 6.728 30 .224 1.634 .036

Within groups 14.823 108 .137

Total 21.550 138


Between groups 197544726.721 30 6584824.224 267.231 .000

Within groups 2661224.416 108 24640.967

Total 200205951.137 138

The results of the paired-samples t-test, which is based on the difference between the two variables, are shown in Table 6. The descriptive statistics for the difference between the two variables are displayed under “Paired differences.” When the construct visibility was operationalized using h- indices, the significance value greater than 0.05 for change in h-index level shows that MTA involvement did not significantly increase their h-indices. By contrast, when citation counts were used, a significant difference was obtained between pre and post-MTA mean citations. Accordingly, since the significance value for change in citation is less than 0.05, we can conclude that the average loss of 264.286 citations per MTA-user is not due to chance variation, and can be attributed to MTA involvement. Thus MTAs did not help to increase visibility measured by citations counts.


Table 6. Paired samples test

Pair 1

Paired differences

t df Sig.

(2- tailed)

Mean Std.

deviation Std. error mean

95% Confidence interval of the


Lower Upper

h Pre-MTA -

h Post-MTA -.514 7.233 .864 -2.239 1.210 -.595 69 .554

c Pre-MTA -

c Post-MTA 264.286 1036.415 123.875 17.161 511.410 2.133 69 .036

The results of the discriminant analysis are shown in Table 7. Both the dummy Government and the variable 1/Ω Pre-MTA were good discriminant factors between providers and receivers.

Table 7. Stepwise statistics for dummy variables: Variable entered a, b, c, d

Step Entered

Wilks’ Lambda

Statistic df1 df2 df3 Exact F

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1 Government .798 1 1 68.000 17.224 1 68.000 .000

2 1/Ω Pre-MTA .738 2 1 68.000 11.895 2 67.000 .000

At each step, the variable that minimizes the overall Wilks’ Lambda is entered.

a Maximum number of steps is 20.

b Minimum partial F to enter is 3.84.

c Maximum partial F to remove is 2.71.

d F level, tolerance, or VIN insufficient for further computation.

All in all, the t-test, the one-way analysis of variance and the discriminant function analysis are mathematically equivalent but are used to answer different questions. In the sample, researchers that used MTAs were more visible compared to those who did not use MTAs. Nonetheless, among those MTA-users, there was no gain in visibility after using MTAs. Providers and receivers could not be distinguished by using MTA but by research sector and co-authorship before MTA.


In the sample, being an MTA-user might or not might, to some extent, be the reflection of systematic differences in the stratification of science based on visibility. Seniority and co-authorship helped to gain visibility as well. In an effort to determine if the sample in analysis of variance was biased we have chosen to perform the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Table 8). This is a general test that detects differences in both the locations (or central tendencies) and the shapes of distributions.

The probability of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z statistic falls well below 0.05. By that standard, the distributions are significantly different from each other. From Table 8, we can conclude that the significance of the difference between the two distributions is due only to their different locations on the scale, not to any differences in shape.

For validating the pair samples test, we firstly carried out a sign test (Table 9). Apart from that, the paired-samples t-test is appropriate whenever two related sample means are to be compared.

The difference scores are assumed to follow a reasonably normal distribution, especially with respect to skewness. The procedure used to test the assumption of normality was a one-sample Kolmogorov- Smirnov test (Table 10).

In addition, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was executed (Table 11) as complementary to the paired t-test. Such differences in visibility might exist in a different sample but drawing inferences from them is not as easy as it may appear. In fact, the difference cannot be explained by the use of MTAs.


Table 8. Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistics a

c t h

Most extreme differences

Absolute .297 .357 1.000 .410

Positive .085 .057 1.000 .000

Negative -.297 -.357 .000 -.410

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.753 2.102 5.895 2.416

Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .004 .000 .000 .000

a Grouping variable: MTA.

Table 9. Sign test statistics

c Post-MTA - c Pre-MTA

Z -2.032

Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .042

Table 10. One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

c Pre-MTA c Post-MTA

N 70 70

Normal parameters a,b Mean 624.10 359.81

Std. deviation 1113.530 553.438

Most extreme differences

Absolute .288 .285

Positive .281 .285

Negative -.288 -.258

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 2.406 2.384

Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000

a Test distribution is normal.

b Calculated from data.

Table 11. Wilcoxon signed ranks test statistics

c Post-MTA - c Pre-MTA

Z -1.870 a

Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .062

a Based on positive ranks.

For assessing the validity of the discriminant analysis, the total sample was randomly dived into an analysis sample consisting of around 70% of the entire sample (50 observations) and a around 30% holdout sample (20 observations). Since the holdout sample was small, it is possible that there might be a good deal of variability simply due to the reduced number of observations. Therefore, a more conservative test was performed in which the discriminant coefficients were derived using all of the available sample observations (analysis plus hold-out samples).

The classification function coefficients based on absolute magnitudes for both the analysis and total samples are given in Table 4. It is worth noting that there are no sign reversals when the same variables were entered by the stepwise. The table clearly indicates that for the dummy variables Provider there is no discrepancy in the number of discriminant factors between the analysis and total sample. Accordingly, those researchers that belonged to wealthy research environments, such as governmental or industrial research laboratories, might be distinguished as providers or receivers. Co- authorship before MTAs worked also well as a discriminant factor between providers and receivers.

Table 12. Classification function coefficients

Group Discriminant Analysis sample (ca. 70%) Complete sample (100%)


0 1 0 1

Provider Government 1.641 4.149 1.708 4.869

1/Ω Pre-MTA 1.403 0.943 1.312 .877

Fisher’s linear discriminant functions.

The t-test deals with the problems associated with inference based on small samples. An extension of the two-sample t-test is the one-way analysis of variance for a quantitative dependent variable by a single factor (independent) variable. Analysis of variance is used to test the hypothesis that several means are equal. However, it should be clear that, if the means for a variable are significantly different in different groups, then we could say that this variable discriminates between the groups. In other words, in addition to determining that differences exist among the means, it is interesting also to know which means differ. Thereby the basic idea underlying discriminant function analysis is to determine whether groups differ with regard to the mean of a variable. Discriminant analysis may act as a univariate regression and is also related to analysis of variance (Wesolowsky, 1976). The relationship to analysis of variance is such that discriminant analysis may be considered as a multivariate version of analysis of variance.

The h-index after MTAs was higher that that before MTAs for the typical provider and receiver, as well as for the usual non-academic researcher as shown in Table 13. The industrial researcher visibility remained unchanged after MTAs. This could be explained by the fact that they do not fit the traditional mold of the academic reward. Oddly, though, the post-MTA visibility of academic researchers was, on average, not larger than that of the pre-MTA period. This result is not consistent with the predictions of the theory of open science conduct. In fact, this contradicts the reason why academia relies more in a system of scientific communication related to the reward system. Some studies have looked beyond the researcher’s organisational affiliation and have shown that other orientations come into play, in interaction with the organisation setting. Cotgrove and Box (1970) revealed that the interplay between scientific roles and identities could be the basis for the development of a topology of scientists that is not tied to the organisational setting.

Table 13. Group h-indices

Group Mean h Pre-MTA Mean h Post-MTA

Provider 6.08 7.58

Receiver 6.97 7.28

Academia 7.41 6.92

Non-academia 6.15 7.79

Government 7.65 9.76

Industry 6.55 6.55

Upon becoming involved in MTAs, it was assumed that the h-index of providers would be higher than that of receivers. Being a provider was considered a factor for acquiring scientific leadership and gaining greater visibility than a receiver. This was assumed simply because the provider could be rewarded with more citations and thereby increase their h-index. The fact of creating research material that is requested by members of the scientific or technologic community was not generating differences in visibility in our sample. We could not reject the null hypothesis that the mean h-index or citation after MTA was the same between providers and receivers.

Concluding remarks

A crucial challenge in the literature of science and technology studies is to detect the effect of MTA involvement on researchers’ visibility. In this paper, this issue was tackled exploiting a natural experiment. When carrying out a research project, some materials may not be available in-house.

Thus, investigators resort to external providers for conducting their research. To that end, the exchange is formalised through MTAs. In this context, the provider supplied the material; receivers used it and published their results between 1992 and 2000.

To study the effect of MTAs on visibility of researchers, we were conscious that MTA year is antecedent to the publication year of research results. Usually, the difference between them is more than one year. The problem was that we were not able to determine the date of the MTA signature


due to confidentiality clauses included in the contract itself. That is why we proxied MTA year as publication year of research results that used external material received through MTAs.

Bibliometric data of researchers involved in MTAs was collected and a control group of researchers that did not use them between 1992 and 2000 was created. In the sample, researchers that used MTAs were more visible compared to those who did not use MTAs. Nonetheless, among MTA- users, there was no gain in visibility after using MTAs. Providers and receivers could not be distinguished by using MTA but by research sector and co-authorship before MTA.

Even if some connections to visibility were found as suggested in the results, does it mean that using MTAs modifies the social structure of science and technology? This study shows how difficult it is to discriminate between h-indices and other dummies, such as provider, sector, etc.

Some last remarks with implications for citation studies are worth making. Material receivers identified the provider either in the acknowledgments section, in the main text or in the reference list of the publication. Thereby the role of supplier was identifiable in the scientific publication. In rare cases, the provider was not indicated as such in the publication but appeared as a co-author, a situation only distinguishable by the authors themselves and not by bibliometricians. Apart from that, some providers could ask receivers not to mention them in publications because that citation could be deemed as prior art for patent purposes. So, citation counts might not reflect visibility in cases of omission for several reasons. Only by taking these comments into account can research on visibility make unequivocal conclusions when vested interests are at stake.


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It is not the quantity of MTAs or the number of co-publications related to them that should matter but whether and to what extent MTAs affected the collaborative publication