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Bijlage 3 Questionnaire founders ...VI


Academic year: 2021

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Bijlage 1 Survey ... II

Bijlage 2 Lijst van geinterviewden... V

Bijlage 3 Questionnaire founders ...VI

Bijlage 4 Questionnaire UnitManagers ...IX

Bijlage 5 Questionnaire HRManager ... XIII

Bijlage 6 Questionnaire PM’s ... XV



Bijlage 1 Survey

Research in the role of Intra-preneurship in organizational cultures.

© by Loren Kruseman, 2002

Please answer the following questions, editing the document in Word. Explain your answer where possible; otherwise type ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Don’t know’.

This exercise will take approximately 30 minutes.

When finished, please send the Word file in an attachment to:



I Practical Data:

1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?

3. What is your ethnic background?

4. In which department do you work?

5. How long have you been employed by Afrigis?

6. What is your job & -description?

7. With how many people do you work together every day?

8. What are their jobs? (multiple answers possible)

9. What was your development of career within Afrigis until now?

II Organizational culture

1. Could you indicate in a few catchwords what Afrigis stands for?

2. Do you think Afrigis has a corporate image?

1. What is it? (e.g. symboles / logo’s / etc.)

2. Are there, according to you, people who are of great importance to Afrigis? (In the past and present)

If yes, - What is / was their function?

- What did / does their importance consist in?

3. Can you mention an important crisis that Afrigis has been involved in?

4. How did people react to it?

5. Which events are celebrated at Afrigis?

6. What are the greatest mistakes one can make here?

7. What do people like to see here especially?



8. What were, during the first three months that you worked at Afrigis, your most important discoveries regarding the way of working / communicating / organizing / etc?

9. Did anything change in your perception since then?

10. What are, according to you, some of the important rules – written and unwritten – that apply here? (e.g. being on time)

11. What department within Afrigis would you characterize as differing most widely from yours? (way of working and ways in which people associate with each other)

12. Suppose you were to get a new colleague in your department, what is the most important thing you would like to make clear to him/her about Afrigis?

13. When is a newcomer said to fit in with Afrigis? (personality profile) 14. When is it said that somebody is not going to make it?

15. Is there a philosophy concerning the planning of your career?

16. What is it?

17. Is it adhered to in practice?

18. Could you characterize in catchwords the relationship between you and your colleagues?

19. How would your colleagues react, for example when you:

- Make a huge mistake?

- Dress differently from usual?

- Perform exceptionally well?

20. To what extent does Afrigis leave room for its members concerning opportunities for advancement if candidates of equal standing differ in:

- Sex - Way of life?

- Ethnic background?

21. How would you describe the relationship between employees of different skin colour?

22. Is Afrigis in practice run in accordance? (examples) 23. If not, how does management work?

24. How sensitive is Afrigis to social developments that arise?

25. How does that show?

26. What is the most positive image to the outside world about Afrigis?

27. What is the most negative image?

III Rewarding / responsibilities, risks / revenues

1. How are people been motivated to stay at Afrigis and do their work the best they can?

2. Is their a rewarding system or incentive structure?

- How does it work in practice?

3. Do you also receive non-financial rewarding?



- If yes, what does it consist of?

- Is this more important than financial rewarding to you?

4. How do you motivate the people that work for you?

5. Do you have enough resources to get the work done in this way?

6. Is there space for creativity in the way you work and the products that you make?

7. Do you have an active role in determining your own tasks and the way how to do them?

8. Can you make a contribution to the development of new products, ways of working, etc.?

9. Does management listen to your initiatives?

10. Are many responsibilities delegated to you?

11. Do you delegate responsibilities to others?

12. Do you often take responsibilities for others work?

13. What risks are involved in the responsibilities that you take?

14. Does risk-taking at Afrigis also mean that you share in the profits?

IV Affirmative Action

1. Are you familiar with the set of policies that forms the Affirmative Action?

2. Do you think this Affirmative Action affects the way of doing business at Afrigis?

- If yes, in what respect? (e.g. acquisition of human resources / customers / etc.)

- If no, why not? (e.g. Afrigis doesn’t comply with the rules / Afrigis has always lived up to its own rules and principles concerning black empowerment / etc.) 3. Is er ruimte voor ontplooiing van persoonlijke initiatieven in de sfeer van black

empowerment in je werk bij Afrigis? Zo yes, in welke vorm? (bijv. Verdeling van verantwoordelijkheden / aanbieden van scholing / etc) Do you have any room in your work to develop personal initiatives with respect to black empowerment?

- If yes, in what form? (distribution of work & responsibilities / giving education) 4. Are governmental policies considered as a threat or a chance at Afrigis? (now and in the


V Finally

1. Do you think that the questions and your answers give an adequate picture of the culture of Afrigis?

2. Is there anything you can think of, that contributes to this picture of the culture of Afrigis?

3. Thank you very much for the effort!




Bijlage 2 Lijst van geinterviewden


• Magnus Rademeyer (oprichter, huidig algemeen directeur)

• Alwyn Moolman (oprichter, huidig technisch directeur)

• Charl Fouche (oprichter)

• Johann van der Westhuizen (oprichter, huidig commercieel directeur)

• Serena Coetzee (operationeel directeur)


• Isidore Parker (unit manager)

• Charl Fouche (unit manager)

• Alwyn Moolman (unit manager)

• Judith Joubert (human resource manager)

• Marius van der Merwe (marketingmanager)

• Henk Hoogenboezem (projectmanager)

• Nico Schoeman` (projectmanager)

• Shanta Vadeveer (projectmanager)

• Sumarie Scheepers (projectmanager)

• Wilhelm du Toit (projectmanager)

• Marna Pretorius (projectmanager)



Bijlage 3 Questionnaire founders

Research in intrapreneurship: Organizational culture as a basis for growth. Looking to responsibilities, rewardings, initiatives, autonomy, etc. PEOPLE

Going to talk with founders, MT, PM’s, Unit Managers. Will not mention names or personal data

1. Personal background:

1. What is your educational background?

2. What kind of previous jobs have you had?

3. In which (sort of) companies did you work until the start up?

4. What was personal motivation to start own company?

a. Which specific input in forming business idea did you have?

2. Start-up:

1. Tell somethings about the Business idea: Mission (what to become), vision (how to interact with the environment) How did this fit into the post ’94 situation? Finding new ways to coorperate with people in a new company?

2. What was the physical location of the office and why, 3. Which product-market combinations were you planning?

4. What was the market location / niche you were aiming at?

5. How did the first contacts with clients and suppliers go?

6. Can you tell something about the first personnel,

a. on what variables selected? – How to discover one’s qualities / skills / weaknesses before appointing?

b. Which rewards in prospect (attractiveness Afr.) c. Which working methods (teams, combinations) d. What sort of culture was emerging?

i. How would you descibe the people’s character?

ii. What sort of attitude did they have

towards AfriGIS, the work, the colleagues, the salary, etc.

iii. What is the common way of working iv. How was this en- /decouraged by


v. First time you experienced a different culture than your own culture within group of founders


VII 7. How did the first results look? – how did you percept


3. (initial) Growth:

1. What are the important variables in your growth strategy a. market share,

b. turnover & profit, c. products & skills d. internationalization

2. How were you planning to grow your company? – growth model

a. Environmental b. E-logics c. Velocity d. Sisimuca

3. How did you manage your personnel e. pro-active or re-active acquisition f. first resigning / retrenchments – Why?

g. Bangladesh

h. how to structure the organization i. management

ii. personnel i. what kind of culture:

i. How would you describe the people’s character?

ii. What sort of attitude did they have

towards AfriGIS, the work, the colleagues, the salary, etc.

iii. How was this en- /discouraged by management?

iv. First time you experienced a different culture than your own culture within group of founders

v. What is the common way of working vi. Which shared values do the people have?

j. Ever felt a gap between the perceived and the desired culture?

k. How to tighten this gap? Ways to influence culture (personal or group basis?)

1. Rewarding systems / incentives / etc 2. Friday’s office meetings

3. Barometer

3. How is environment influencing and interacting with AfirGIS’ personality?

a. Government


VIII b. Suppliers

c. Customers d. Competitors

4. Current situation, (further growth):

1. What are the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of the company?

2. How are you planning to use human resources to reach the goals

3. Which structure do you consider as appropriate (for growth)

4. What sort of a corporate culture would fit the company and the people?

5. What sort of managerial style would fit the company and the people?

5. Feedback

1. Did you experience important problems and benefits of a corporate culture and the way of growing?

2. Anything that you have learned from growing a business and cooping with a culture?

3. Anything more that I forgot to ask?



Bijlage 4 Questionnaire UnitManagers

Research in intrapreneurship: Organizational culture as a basis for growth. Looking to responsibilities, rewardings, initiatives, autonomy, etc. PEOPLE

Going to talk with founders, MT, PM’s, Unit Managers. Will not mention names or personal data

I Practical Data:

1. How long have you been employed by Afrigis?

2. Job & -description?

3. With how many people do you work together every day?

4. What are their jobs?

5. What was your development of career within Afrigis?

II Organizational culture

1. Could you indicate in a few catchwords what Afrigis stands for?

2. Do you think Afrigis has an corporate image?

What is it? (symbols / logo’s)

3. Are there, according to you, people who are of great importance to Afrigis?

In the past and present

4. What did / does their importance consist in?

5. Can you mention an important crisis Afrigis has been involved in?

6. How did people react to it?

8. What are the greatest mistakes one can make here?

9. What do people like to see here especially?

10. What were, during the first three months, your most important discoveries regarding working at Afrigis?

Did anything change in your perception since then?


X 11. What are, according to you, some of the important rules – written and unwritten – that apply here?

12. What department within your organization would you characterize as differing most widely from yours? (way of working and ways in which people associate with each other)

13. When you get a new colleague in your department, what is the most important thing you would like to make clear to him/her about Afrigis?

14. When is a newcomer said to fit in with Afrigis? (Profile) 15. When is it said that somebody is not going to make it?

16. Is there within Afrigis a philosophy concerning career-planning and career policy?

What is it?

Is it adhered to in practice? (Examples)

17. Could you characterize in catchwords the relationship between you and your colleagues?

18. How do people react, for example when their colleague:

Makes a huge mistake?

Dresses differently from usual?

Performs exceptionally well?

19. To what extent does Afrigis leave room for its members concerning opportunities for advancement if candidates of equal standing differ in: Sex? Way of life? Ethnic background?

20. How would you describe the relationship between employees of different skin color?

21. Is there a philosophy about managing people?

What is this?

Is Afrigis in practice run in accordance? (examples) If not, how does management work?

22. What is the most positive image to the outside world about Afrigis?

What is the most negative image?


XI III Rewardings / responsibilities / risks

1. How are people been motivated to stay at Afrigis and do their work the best they can?

2. Is their a rewarding system or incentive structure?

How does it work in practice?

3. How do you motivate the people that work for you?

Do you have enough recources to get the work done in this way?

4. How are your activities directed?

5. How do you direct work?

How would you define your style of leadership?

6. How are responsibilities handled within Afrigis?

Are many responsibilities delegated to you?

Can you delegate responsibilities?

Do you often take responsibilities for others work?

7. What risks are involved in the responsibilities that you take?

8. Does risk-taking at Afrigis also mean that you share in the profits?

IV Organizational growth

1. In your function, did you ever perceive any changes as a result of the company’s growth?

What were these?

How did you cope?

2. Afrigis has been described as an adolescent who is one of the lucky companies to survive the first five years and is likely to grow further (office meeting). How do you see the further growth perspective? (More PM’s / bigger projects on PM with bigger team / different organizational structure – more contractors / Afrigis-companies)

3. Do you see career changes in that for yourself?


XII V Finally

1. Do you think that the questions and your answers give an adequate picture of the culture of Afrigis?



Bijlage 5 Questionnaire HRManager

Research in intrapreneurship: Organizational culture as a basis for growth. Looking to responsibilities, rewardings, initiatives, autonomy, etc. PEOPLE

Going to talk with founders, MT, PM’s, Unit Managers. Will not mention names or personal data

I Practical Data:

1. How long have you been employed by Afrigis?

2. Initial job & -description?

3. Why did you want to become HRManager at Afrigis?

II Organizational culture

1. Can you indicate in a few catchwords what Afrigis stands for?

3. Are there, according to you, people who are of great importance to Afrigis?

In the past and present

4. What did / does their importance consist in?

5. Can you mention an important crisis Afrigis has been involved in?

6. How did people react to it?

What changes did it trigger?

How did that go along with the culture?

8. What are the greatest mistake one can make here?

9. What do people like to see here especially?

10. What were, during the first three months, your most important discoveries regarding working at Afrigis?

Did anything change in your perception since then?

11. What are the important rules – written and unwritten – that apply here?

12. What departments would you characterize as differing most widely from each other? (way of working and ways in which people associate with each other)


XIV 13. When you get a new colleague, what is the most important thing you would like to make clear to him/her about Afrigis?

14. When is a newcomer said to fit in with Afrigis? (profile) 15. When is it said that somebody is not going to make it?

16. Is there within Afrigis a philosophy concerning career-planning and career policy?

What is it?

Is it adhered to in practice? (examples)

17. Could you characterize in catchwords the relationship between employees and their colleagues?

18. How do people react, for example when their colleague:

Makes a huge mistake?

Dresses differently from usual?

Performs exceptionally well?

19. To what extent does Afrigis leave room for its members concerning opportunities for advancement if candidates of equal standing differ in: Sex? Way of life? Ethnic background?

20. How would you describe the relationship between employees of different skin color?

21. Is there a philosophy about managing people?

What is this?

Is Afrigis in practice run in accordance? (examples) If not, how does management work?

What is the most positive image to the outside world about Afrigis?

What is the most negative image?



Bijlage 6 Questionnaire PM’s

Research in intrapreneurship: Organizational culture as a basis for growth. Looking to responsibilities, rewardings, initiatives, autonomy, etc. PEOPLE

Going to talk with founders, MT, PM’s, Unit Managers. Will not mention names or personal data

I Practical Data:

1. How long have you been employed by Afrigis?

2. Job & -description?

3. With how many people do you work together every day?

4. What are their jobs?

5. What is your development of career within Afrigis?

II Organizational culture

1. Could you indicate in a few catchwords what Afrigis stands for?

2. Do you think Afrigis has an corporate image?

What is it? (symbols / logo’s)

3. Are there, according to you, people who are of great importance to Afrigis?

In the past and present

4. What did / does their importance consist in?

5. Can you mention an important crisis Afrigis has been involved in?

6. How did people react to it?

7. What events are celebrated at Afrigis?

8. What are the greatest mistakes one can makie here?

9. What do people like to see here especially?

10. What were, during the first three months, your most important discoveries 11.

regarding working at Afrigis?


XVI Did anything change in your perception since then?

11. What are, according to you, some of the important rules – written and unwritten – that apply here?

12. What department within your organization would you characterize as differing most widely from yours? (way of working and ways in which people associate with each other)

13. Suppose you were to get a new colleague in this your department, what is the most important thing you would like to make clear to him/her about Afrigis?

14. When is a newcomer said to fit in with Afrigis? (profile) 15. When is it said that somebody is not going to make it?

16. Is there within Afrigis a philosophy concerning career-planning and career policy?

What is it?

Is it adhered to in practice? (examples)

17. Could you characterize in catchwords the relationship between you and your colleagues?

18. How would your colleagues react, for example when you:

Make a huge mistake?

Dress differently from usual?

Perform exceptionally well?

19. To what extent does Afrigis leave room for its members concerning opportunities for advancement if candidates of equal standing differ in: Sex? Way of life? Ethnic background?

20. How would you describe the relationship between employees of different skin color?

21. Is there a philosophy about managing people?

What is this?

Is Afrigis in practice run in accordance? (examples) If not, how does management work?

22. What contribution does Afrigis make to society?

23. How sensitive is Afrigis to social developments that arise?


XVII How does it show?

What is the most positive image to the outside world about Afrigis?

What is the most negative image?

III Rewardings / responsibilities / risks

1. How are people been motivated to stay at Afrigis and do their work the best they can?

2. Is their a rewarding system or incentive structure?

How does it work in practice?

3. How do you motivate the people that work for you?

Do you have enough recources to get the work done in this way?

4. How are your activities directed?

5. How do you direct work?

How would you define your style of leadership?

6. How are responsibilities handled within Afrigis?

Are many responsibilities delegated to you?

Can you delegate responsibilities?

Do you often take responsibilities for others work?

7. What risks are involved in the responsibilities that you take?

8. Does risk-taking at Afrigis also mean that you share in the profits?

IV Organizational growth

1. In your function, did you ever perceive any changes as a result of the company’s growth?

What were these?

How did you cope?

2. Afrigis has been described as an adolescent who is one of the lucky companies to survive the first five years and is likely to grow further (office meeting). How do you


XVIII see the further growth perspective? (More PM’s / bigger projects on PM with bigger team / different organizational structure – more contractors / Afrigis-companies)

3. Do you see career changes in that for yourself?

V Finally

1. Do you think that the questions and your answers give an adequate picture of the culture of Afrigis?



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