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Exploring betapapillomavirus infections and their association with cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma Plasmeijer, E.L.


Academic year: 2021

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Exploring betapapillomavirus infections and their association with cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma

Plasmeijer, E.L.


Plasmeijer, E. L. (2010, October 26). Exploring betapapillomavirus infections and their association with cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/16071

Version: Corrected Publisher’s Version

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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publications 129

Plasmeijer EI, Neale RE, O’Rourke P, Mallitt KA, de Koning MN, Quint WG, Buettner PG, Pawlita M, Waterboer T, Green AC, Feltkamp MC. Lack of association between the presence and persistence of betapapillomavirus DNA in eyebrow hairs and betapapilloma- virus L1 antibodies in serum. J Gen Virol. 2010 Aug;91(Pt 8):2073-9.

Plasmeijer EI, Neale RE, Buettner PG, de Koning MN, Ter SJ, Quint WG, Green AC, Felt- kamp MC. Betapapillomavirus infection profiles in tissue sets from cutaneous squamous cell-carcinoma patients. Int J Cancer 2010 Jun 1;126(11):2614-21

Plasmeijer EI, Green AC, de Koning MN, O’Rourke P, Quint WG, Feltkamp MC, Neale RE. Transmission of betapapillomaviruses between domestic partners in an Australian community. J Clin Virol 2010 Mar;47(3):216-8.

Plasmeijer EI, Neale RE, de Koning MN, Quint WG, McBride P, Feltkamp MC, Green AC. Persistence of betapapillomavirus infections as a risk factor for actinic keratoses, precursor to cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res 2009 Dec 1;69(23):8926-31.

Plasmeijer EI, Struijk L, Bouwes Bavinck JN, Feltkamp MC. Epidemiology of cutaneous human papillomavirus infections. Cancer Treat Res 2009;146:143-57.

Bouwes Bavinck JN, Plasmeijer EI, Feltkamp MC. Beta-papillomavirus infection and skin cancer. J Invest Dermatol 2008 Jun;128(6):1355-8.

Plasmeijer EI, Bouwes Bavinck JN, Feltkamp MC. Plaveiselcelcarcinomen en humaan papillomavirus-infecties van de huid. Ned Tijdschr Dermatol Venereol 2006, Nov;16:389-93.

Verdijk P, Dijkman R, Plasmeijer EI, Mulder AA, Zoutman WH, Mieke MA, Tensen CP. A lack of Birbeck granules in Langerhans cells is associated with a naturally occurring point mutation in the human Langerin gene. J Invest Dermatol 2005 Apr;124(4):714-7.

Slingerland M, Plasmeijer EI. De melanocortine-1-receptor in associatie met huidkanker.

Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd Studenten Ed 2002; 5(3); 51-4.




It is widely believed that betapapillomaviruses (betaPV) are associated with the develop- ment of actinic keratoses (AK) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), but to date

Exploring betapapillomavirus infections and their association with cutaneous squamous- cell carcinoma development. Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden,

Presence of human papillomavirus DNA in plucked eyebrow hairs is associated with a history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Evidence for the association of human papillomavirus

The higher number of viruses seen in male controls than in male partners suggests that they would have an increased chance of sharing types with the female partner, so if anything,

Here we have investigated within a series of SCC patients the prevalence and distribution of 25 different betaPV types in sets comprising four sample types (SCC, perilesional skin,

To elucidate the role of betaPV infection measured as the presence of viral DNA in the development of betaPV L1 antibodies, we aimed to assess firstly if detection of

In the present more detailed and longer-term study of the Nambour Skin Cancer Study cohort, we assessed the persistence of 25 different betaPV types in eyebrow hairs

A case-control study of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma among Caucasian organ transplant recipients: the role of antibodies against human papillomavirus and other