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Nederlands Radiogenootschap


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Tijdschrift van het

Nederlands Radiogenootschap

DEEL 20 No. 5 SEPTEMBER 1955

Shore^based radio aids to navigation on centimetric wavelength

by J. M . F. A . van Dijk, N . Schimmel and E. Goldbohm *)


The problem of shore-based r a d a r as a navigational aid for shipping is discussed from the system engineering point of view. A short review of the w o rk carried out in the N etherlands, Belgium and W e ste rn G erm any is given.

R ad io aids to navigation have become more effective a s the p ractical application of very high frequencies and pulse tech­

niques w ere introduced. N ew navigational aid s w ere born and in the p a st decade the m ariner has been provided with instru­

m ents he never dream t of before.

F og and b ad visibility still rem ain dreadfu l enemies, but the penetration of fog achieved by the use of n arrow beam s of electrom agnetic w av es of ap propriate w avelength and pulses of fraction s of m icroseconds have given to the m ariner the tools to avoid collisions a t se a and to m ake lan d fall easier.

Although m arine r a d a r is now w idely used, the situation in thick w eath er a t estu aries and entrances to inland ports is still the sam e a s b e fo re : a g reat num ber of ships is anchoring and only a few go-getters d are to steam up, relying on their marine rad ar. M ultiple echos caused by n earby ships, interference from other marine r a d a r sets, shadow a re a s in river-bends and side- lobe effects m ay how ever cause ex tra dan ger b y m isinterpre­

tation of the ra d a r inform ation.

In w aterw ay s, full of bends and lined with buildings along the banks, the picture on the marine ra d a r screen does not extend around the follow ing bend. N o m arine ra d a r has y et

*) N etherlan ds R a d a r R esearch Establishm ent, N oord w ijk-T h e N e th e r­



272 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

be en devised, sim ilar to the machine-gun recently announced, which is claim ed to be able to fire around corners. H ere the use of shore-based ra d a r in stallation s can definitely bring a solution, providing th at great care is given to the siting, the technical specifications and the operation al procedure of such

system s, in other w o r d s : to the system engineering.

The In ternation al M eetin g on R adio A ids to N av igation (IM R A M -co n feren ce), held in London in 1946, m ade the first recom m endations for the use of sh ore-based ra d a r and ra d a r beacons.

The form ulation of these recom m endations w ith regard to this special application of ra d a r w as rem arkably to the point.

I w ould like to quote it b riefly :

“ The object of the facilities a t presen t provided by port and harbour authorities is to affo rd a ship a safe and easy en­

trance or exit and a safe anchorage or berth under all condi­

tions of w eather. It is obvious th at ra d a r can supplem ent these facilities very v alu ab ly by providing virtu ally instantaneous in­

form ation of movements in the p ort a re a .”

I f the location of a sh ore-based rad a rstatio n is chosen ju di­

ciously and full ad v an tage is taken of all the refinem ents, offer­

ed by modern ra d a r technique, it is possible to achieve a ra d a r picture, which is so sh arp and distinct th at the resu lts are infinitely superior to those obtained by a ra d a r in stallation on b o ard of a ship, proceeding in the sam e area.

The low countries a t the d eltas of Rhine, M a a s and Sch eldt with the m ajor p o rts A m sterdam , R otterd am and A ntw erp which are connected with the N orth S e a by long inland w ate r­

w ay s and w here navigation is frequently m enaced by fog and b ad visibility, form an ideal practisin g ground for this new technique of sh ore-based n avigation al aids.

The m em bers of the conference *) have alread y been provided with a rep o rt of C ap tain H . Tichelm an on the first shore- b ased rad arstatio n in stalled on the E uropean continent a t Ym uiden, which w as put into operation in N ovem ber 1951. A n­

other rep ort w as given by the N eth erlan d s R a d a r R esearch E s t a ­ blishm ent on the developm ent of w h at w ell m ay be considered a t present a s the m ost extensive system of shore-based rad ar- station s in the w o rld : the system fo r the N e w -W a te rw a y and

*) International Conference on Lighthouses and other aids to N a v ig a tion, Scheveningen 1955.


Shore-based radio aids to navigation on centimetric wavelength 273









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274 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

R ail a r p i c t u r e t a k e n at C u x l i a v e n w h e n the E l b e w a s c o v e r e d

d u n iiii W 1 n te i' w i t h d r i l l ice


the port ol R otterdam , which is now under construction and will be ready next year.« «

It is hoped that these two reports will supply to the con­

ference sufficient technical and operational inform ation on these system s. The picture how ever would not be com plete if the conference w ere not informed on the further developm ents in this field.

It is now possible to give more information on recent expe­

riments and survey w ork, carried out m connection with the siting of sh ore-based rad a rstatio n s at the Scheldt estu ary on Dutch and Belgian territory and in W estern -G erm an v at the Elbe estu arv.«

T hese experim ents and the survey w ork are being carried out bv the N eth erlan ds R a d a r R esearch E stablish m en t on the request of the B elgian M in istry of Transport and the W est- G erm an Bundesverkehrsm inisterium .

The N eth erlan d s R a d a r R esearch E stablish m ent had placed at the disposal of the Bundesverkehrsm inisterium rad a r experts, trained personnel and experim ental shore-based ra d a r equip­

ment. Tw o experim ental shore-based rad a rstatio n s have been


built under this scheme in C uxhaven and in B runsblittelkoog and have been in operation w ith good resu lts for more than a y e a r under all conditions of w eather, including a period in which the E lb e w as p artly covered by ice, which sw ep t the navigational buoys aw ay. D uring this experim ental period the tw o station s have proved to be a m ost useful aid to navigation.

N um erous reports of G erm an pilots, who — equipped with p ortab le V .H .F . tran sceivers — w ere taking an active p art in these trials, have been a m ost valuable contribution to draw up recom m endations fo r the operation al procedure of the final system .

The N eth erlan d s R a d a r R esearch E stablish m en t h as recently com pleted its studies on the E lb e-river ra d a r scheme and has now subm itted to the W est-G erm an M in ister of T ran sp o rt the final plans lo r a sh ore-based ra d a r system which w ill cover the whole of the E lbe estu ary from the L igh tvessel E L B E I to B runsblittelkoog a t the entrance of the N o rd -O stse e K a n a l (K iel canal).

In this plan it is recom m ended to build four sh ore-based rad arstatio n s with advanced technical specifications, each using 60 k W peak pow er m agnetrons w ith v ariab le frequency in the 3cm- or X -ban d. The horizontal beam of the r a d a r antennae w ill have to be in the order of 0.6°, pulse-length 0.08 m icro­


The method of presen tation on the ra d a r screen, which has a recom m ended diam eter of 15", is of a special ch aracter. A p air of w andering electronic cursor lines w ill m ake it possible to provide to all ships under the coverage of the ra d a r system accurate inform ation in range and bearing relative to any desired position ashore or a t sea within the range of the rad arstatio n .

In the sam e w ay a num ber of w andering electronic lines can be sw itched in a t w ill or w ill ap p ear autom atically on the screen to m ark the navigational channel or an y desired line of approach or leading-lines. This method of presen tation is known a s “ R a p lo t” .

A t the Sch eldt estu ary a v a st program is being carried out b y the N eth erlan d s R a d a r R esearch E stab lish m en t on the requ est of the B elgian M in ister of T ran sp o rt and with the full co-operation of the N eth erlan d s authorities. A mobile su r­

vey is carried out along the shores of the Sch eldt from A n t­

w erp to the mouth ol the river and on the coastline from O sten de to W e st-K ap e lle .

Shore-based radio aids to navigation on centimetric wavelength 275


276 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

The aim of this survey w ith mobile r a d a r equipm ent is to allocate the proper sites for shore-based rad a rstatio n s in this a re a and to determ ine their range and technical specifications.

A fter com pletion of the survey tw o experim ental sh ore-based rad a rstatio n s w ill be built a t ap p rop riate sites a t the Scheldt estu ary to gain operation al experience w ith the la te st technical developm ents in this field.

F o r those, who are in close touch w ith these problem s, it w ill be obvious th at the designer w ill not only have to ad a p t the system to the specific geograph ical situation of the a re a concerned, but th at he m ust also b ase his design on the speci­

fic operational requirem ents of navigation in pilotage w aters.

The system engineering of a sh ore-based ra d a r system is a com plex ta sk of balancing out a g reat num ber of im ponderables of a physical, nautical, geographical and econom ical ch aracter, thereby con stan tly keeping in mind the p resen t state of deve­

lopm ent of the r a d a r technique.

In m ost cases a survey with mobile ra d a r equipm ent or a t le a st a tem porary in stallation of experim ental r a d a r equipm ent a t suitable sites is essen tial. The mobile survey m ust be preceded by a careful study of the prevailing practice, the pilotage s y ­

stem , the topograph ical d a ta and the local geographical situation.

The r a d a r equipm ent for experim ental use or mobile survey w ork in connection w ith sh ore-based r a d a r system engineering m ust have a high degree of perform ance in range and bearing and m ust be provided w ith facilities to off-centre the picture and p referab ly have m eans to read accu rately distance and bearing, not only from the centre of the screen, but also from any off-centre position to any desired position within the range of the equipm ent. F u ll facilities for taking photograph s of the r a d a r picture are needed. O b serv atio n s of all seam ark s and other points o f im portance to navigation should constan tly be m ade and checked w ith the r a d a r photograph s to ensure th at all the n avigation al m arks, n ecessary to provide instan tan eous n avigation al inform ation, can be seen under all circum stances.

M ean s to erect the scanner quickly on 30 to 40 feet above ground level are in dispen sable; a pow er generating plan t should be provided to ensure com plete freedom of choice for the tem ­ p o rary sitings.

A rm ed w ith all these facilities, the mobile survey can sta r t w ith the aim to allocate the p roper sites of the minimum num­

b er of statio n s, n ecessary to give com plete r a d a r coverage in


Sh or e-b ase d r ad io ai ds to n av iga tio n on cen tim etr ic w av ele ng th 27 7


! I

Sh ore based ra d a r equipment on mobile survey for the Schtddt estuary radar scheme


278 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohin

th e area concerned. The technical specifications of each of th ese stations are meanwhile being considered and gradually take a definite shape. It will be obvious th at advanced technical specifications n ecessitate further research and developm ent w ork to solve some specific problem s.

The identification of ships, coming under the coverage ol a shore-based rad arstatio n , has hitherto not been solved in a satisfacto ry w av. A new method is now being investigated, w hereby unam biguous identification can be obtained wi th a minimum ol equipm ent to be taken on board by the pilot.

T ransm ission of the ra d a r pictures to an operational h ead­

qu arter does no more constitute a technical problem and

R a d a r

t n

picture with two leading lines, taken at W a a rde d u ring survey for the Scheldt estuary r a d a r scheme

the mobile


m ay in some cases lead to a more elab o rate and sm ooth­

running system , which m ay help to economise the personnel problem . It rem ains questionable w hether the transm ission of r a d a r pictures from shore to ship will p ay itse lf and will be

suitable for general adoption.

Th e use of circular polarisation m ay reduce undesired re­

flections from rain clouds.

A higher degree of definition m ay still be w anted for the last stage ol berthing a ship in the inner p ort are a and m ay w ell lead to the use of millimetric w aves in the 8mm- or Q - band for these special circum stances.

In m aking lan dfall another group of rad io aid s to navigation, using m icrow aves, m ay w ell be suitable to support the lan d fall procedure and to im prove the use of m arine ra d a r for n av iga­

tion in co astal w aters.

Lighthouses, ligh tvessels and lightbuoys, when transm itting electrom agnetic w av es in addition to the lightflashes, which are ab sorb ed in thick w eather, m ay help to identify these n aviga­

tional m arks in spite of fog.

In the N eth erlan d s both R am ark and R acon are being d e­

veloped for this purpose by the N eth erlan d s R a d a r R esearch E stablish m en t and a rep o rt on a new ly developed R am ark in­

stallation will be given to the conference, follow ed by a d e­

m onstration on June the 7th.

Shore-based radio aids to navigation on centimetric wavelength 279


September 1955 - Deel 20 - No 5 281

A ramark beacon for use with marine radars

by J. M . F. A. van Dijk, N . Schimmel and E. Goldbohm *) S U M M A R Y

In this pap er a broad band high p ow er 3 cm -ram ark equipment is d e s­

cribed with a range of max. 30 miles. P ropagation difficulties have been largely overcome by a diversity system of transmitting aerials. Elim ina­

tion of the ram ark signal from the ship’s P .P .I. is made possible by use of the F .T .C . circuit in the marine radar. The specifications of this ram ark and results of trials are discussed.

1. Introduction

1.1. A v ast am ount of experience is gained by the users of marine ra d a rs as installed n ow ad ays on b o ard thousands of m erchant ships. It is generally accepted th at some auxiliary aid w ould be useful for the purpose of identification of insuf­

ficiently ch aracteristic coastlin es and of ligh tvessels. This navi­

gation al aid should be used during the la st phase in making lan dfall and for co astal navigation, its useful range being from 3 —30 miles off shore.

1.2. In view of this problem tw o types of experim ental b e a­

cons have been produced, which are known as ram ark s and racons, the form er giving bearing inform ation only, the latter range inform ation as w ell. W hile the A m erican rad ar-beacon s are w orking in a special beacon band (9300—9320 M c/s) out­

side the band allocated for marine rad ar, U .K . developm ent w as aiming a t a beacon, covering the whole m ercantile marine rad arb an d , elim inating the need for the provision of a sep arate R .F . head, tuned to the beacon frequency, in the marine ra d a r equipm ent.

2. E x istin g radarbcacons

2.1. U p till now rad arb eaco n s have been established on an experim ental b asis only. The beaconband types can be used only in conjunction with radarequipm en t provided with speci­

ally built in R .F . heads for the band 9300 — 9320 M c/s. It is clear th at the application of this type of beacon is therefore limited and in view of the fact th at many thousands of modern rad a rs, installed on board of m erchant ships, have not this faci­

lity and cannot even be modified in this respect, operational use of these types of beacons seem s very rem ote.

*) N etherlands R a d a r R esearch Establishment, N oordw ijk, The N e th e r­



282 }. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

2.2. The main developm ent of rad arb an d beacons w as done up till recently in the U .K . A R acon type beacon w as deve­

loped by A .S .R .E .]) afte r earlier w ork on a R am ark , operating in th e m arine rad arb an d , and tem porarily in stalled a t S t. C a ­ therine's L igh th o u se1 2 3). It is outside the scope of this article to enlarge upon the R acon type of beacons. The B ritish R am ark mentioned above used norm al types of klystrons, six of which w ere nee ded for com plete coverage of the marine ra d a r band.

The pow er output how ever w as insufficient fo r reliable long range perform ance and a very annoying shortcom ing of these beacons is the presence of zones of minimum signal caused by interference betw een the direct radiation and the one reflected by the surface of the s e a 8).

From an earlier p ap er of D . G . K iely and W . R . C a r t e r 4 * *) it w as alread y known th at very deep fading w as m easured in the propagation of 3-cm w av es over a seapath during experi­

ments carried out betw een July 1950 and Jan u ary 1951 betw een S elsey B ill and E a stn y F o rt E a st, n ear Portsm outh harbour.

2.3. A study of the resu lts of the w ork carried out in deve­

loping broad b an d ram ark beacons show s clearly th at mainly three facto rs w ere responsible for the fa ct th at a generally acceptable solution for a ram ark could not be reached. These facto rs w e r e :

2.3.1. The non existence of an (electrically) tunable b ro ad band oscillator with sufficient pow er output, of sim ple design and with a minimum of circuit requirem ents.

2.3.2. The existence of zones of minimum signal, m aking on-off coding am biguous and confining the operation al use seriously.

2.3.3. The alm ost com plete m asking of the ra d a r picture at sh ort ran ges (see e.g. fig. 1 of A) ).

1) ”A Racon beacon for reception by Civil Marine R adars” by C. Randall- Cook (A.S.R.E.). Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Vol. VII, No. 2,

April 1954.

2) A.S.R.E. Technical Note T X /49 17 1949. "Installation of Experimental Ra- marks in Lighthouses” by N. Bell.

3) ,,The use of Radar at S e a ” . The Institute of Navigation, London, Hollis &

Carter 1952, pp. 165 s.s. and fig. 140.

4) ”An Experimental Study of fading in propagation at 3-cm wavelength over a sea path” , D. G. Kiely, M.Sc., and W . A. Carter, B.Sc., Proceedings I.E.E., London, Vol. 99, Part III, No. 58, March 1952.


A ramark beacon for use with marine radars 283

3. Development in the N etherlands

3.1. In 1953 the developm ent of a high pow er b road band r a ­ m ark w as sta rte d bv the N ed erlan d sch R a d a r P roefstation (N eth erlan d s R a d a r R esearch E stablish m en t) a t N oordw ijk. A t th at time a special tube becam e av ailab le, produced by Philips, Eindhoven, known as the m ultireflex klystron. This tube p ro­

duces 10 W a tts of continuous R .F .p o w er a t 3-cm and can be tuned over a band of 180 M c/s a t the rate of e.g. 50 tim es per second. A p a rt from this sim ultaneous m odulation w ith fre ­ quencies of the order of kilocycles is possible.

D evelopm ent w as b ased upon the follow ing considerations:

3.1.1. Z ones of minimum or no signal should be elim inated.

3.1.2 U nam biguous on-off coding should be provided.

3.1.3. R eduction of the m asking of the ra d a r picture a t short ran ges should be pursued.

3.2. These considerations m ay be enlarged upon in the follow ­ ing p aragrap h s.

3.2.1. Elim ination of zones of minimum signal. This effect is caused by the interference of the direct radiation and the one reflected by some plane e.g. the surface of the sea. T h eoreti­

cally it is p ossible to elim inate this effect by using the principle of diversity transm ission. F o r the purpose of testin g out this system under operation al conditions, a ram ark tran sm itter (fig. 6), which w ill be described in some d etail in 4.3, w as tem porarily in stalled in the sem aphore a t IJm uiden. The output could be sw itched by m eans of a w aveguidesw itch to one of tw o aerials of a b road band slotted w aveguide type (see 4.2 and fig. 8) the low est one being 54 ft above mean w aterlevel, the highest one being 21 ft higher. The ram ark signal w as observed on a D ecca M arin e R a d a r type 12, in stalled on b o ard the buoyage tender “ Z aan d am ” which v essel w as m ade av ailab le for the experim ents through the co-operation of the D irecto r of P ilot­

age of the district. D uring trials the effect of minimum signal zones could be observed and it w as alw ay s possible to receive the ram ark signal again b y sw itching over to the other aerial.

A solution for operation al use is the follow ing. It is a go od practice to duplicate shore b ased electronic n avigation al aids.

This applies as w ell to r a m a r k s; therefore in practice there w ill be tw o tran sm itters av ailab le an y w ay as p a rt of the beacon equip­


284 J. ML F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

ment. The b est solution, and an economic one a t the sam e time, w ill be to have tw o ram ark tran sm itters, each connected with its own aerial and to choose the aerial heights such, th at the w anted effect w ill be reached for varying heights of ships ra d a r aerials as met in ships in stallation s. In case of breakdow n of one of the tran sm itters, there w ill still be a ram ark signal, be it w ith the lim itations of the presence of a minimum signal zone, which is alw ay s b etter than com plete interruption of the


Although there has not y et been sufficient time av ailab le to investigate the effect of the diversity aerial system over longer periods in resp ect to the big fluctuations of signal strength over a se a path as experienced by single aerial system s (4) it is very probable th at this problem is solved a t the sam e time, reducing the w an ted R .F . pow er to som ething of the order of

10 W a tts.

3.2.2. B ecau se of the elimination of minimum signal zones, on- off coding becom es a p ractical proposition.

O u r belief is, th at com paritively long off-periods, divided by sh ort on-periods w ill be ad equ ate for fulfilling the ta sk of a ram ark, e.g. 50 seconds off (or even longer) and 10 seconds on. In this case on the av erage the ram ark signal will be de­

picted tw o to three tim es consecutively during each period of 1 minute which is sufficient to tak e a bearing.

This type of coding is to be preferred above the one using various H .F . m odulation frequencies, because the shape of the signal (dots or d ash es) depends to a high extent on the range scale used on the marine rad ar.

A p a rt from the possibility to overcome m asking of the ra d a r picture at sh ort ran ges by application of a suitable H .F . mo­

dulation frequency in conjunction with the F .T .C .-circu it of a m arine rad a r, an on-off coding as outlined above leaves the ra d a r picture under the w o rst circum stances unaffected during a t le a st 80 °/0 of the time.

3.2.3. The provision of F .T .C . circuits in marine ra d a rs which can be sw itched on to overcom e the effect of serious rainclutter h as become more and more a stan d ard featu re of modern ship's ra d a rs. It m ay be state d th at the m odification to provide ex ­ isting ra d a rs which have not this featu re incorporated with such an anti-rain clutter device is only a minor one. An inves­


A ramark beacon for use with marine radars 285

tigation into the time constants of F .T .C . circuits in presen t d ay ship's ra d a rs has shown th at they differ rath er w idely.

T h eoretical considerations follow ed up by some experim ents have show n th at an H .F . m odulation of 5—10 kc/s seem s a good com prom ise to ensure the elim ination of the ram ark signal from the P P I picture by sw itching on the F.T .C .-circuit.

In the prototype equipm ent, described in some detail in 4.3, a w ide range of m odulating frequencies is av ailab le. The siting of a ram ark is very im portant in view of the eventual m asking of ship's ra d a r pictures. W e are of the opinion th at the main purpose of a ram ark is the provision of m eans to the user of marine ra d a r to identify insufficiently ch aracteristic targ e ts along a coastline to prom ote the possibility of establishing his position with the aid of his rad ar. In this respect the beacon can be situated on such a site th at shipping w ill never come closer than sa y 3 miles from the beacon, eliminating in’ this w ay the m asking and cluttering up of the picture through side- lobe effects to a great extent. W e are aw are of the fact th at this policy could not a lw ay s be follow ed but in the m ajority of cases ad v an tage could be taken of this method for a great deal. In case of ram ark s installed on lightvessels the situation is different, ships p assin g them generally rath er close. A p art from the possibility of using the F .T .C . circuit an intelligently chosen on-off coding might prove sufficient under these circum stances.

3.3. B ase d upon these considerations an experim ental ram ark w as built (fig. 6) and w as used during some sea-trials with the buoyage tender “ Z aan d am '' mentioned above. A t the time the photograph s, which are reproduced in this report w ere taken, the low est H .F . m odulation w as 75 kc/s, which w as not suffi­

cient to ensure com plete elimination of the ram ark signal, as shown on the photograph s (fig. 2). It m ay be stated th at the perform ance of a ram ark beacon from the u sers' point of view is governed to a ver3r g reat extent by the perform ance of the marine rad ar. The an gular w idth of the ram ark signal is en­

tirely dependent on the rad iation pattern of the ra d a r aerial, its sidelobe level being of param ount im portance a t sh orter ran ges. It should be rem em bered th at the sidelobes on the ram ark signal as depicted on the P .P .I. have only h alf the attenuation exp ressed in db w ith resp ect to the main beam in com parison w ith the sidelobes visible of ra d a rta rg e ts.

A p a rt from the marine ra d a r as such, the siting on board


286 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 8.

R a n g e S cale P .P .I .: 3 N .M . B eacon R a n g e : 2.3 N . M .

B eacon modulation frequen cy: 75 kc/s

without F a s t Time Constant. B a d sidelobes visible over 270°.

R an g e S c a le P .P .I.: 3 N .M . Beacon R a n g e : 2.1 N . M .

B eacon modulation frequen cy: 75 kc/s

W ith F . T . C . B eacon signal considerably reduced.

Picture unfortunately disturbed by y a w in g o f ship.

R a n g e S c a le P .P .I .; 25 N . M . B eacon R a n g e : 15 N . M .

B eacon modulation frequ en cy: 300 kc/s.

W ith o u t F .T .C .

B a d y a w in g of the ship visible on ram ark and 3 coastline echo signals.

R a n g e S cale P .P .I. : 10 N . M .

R an g e M a r k e r through beacon : 7,5 N . M . Beacon modulation frequ en cy: 75 kc/s.

W ith ou t F .T .C .

Picture di-sturbed by yaw in g.

R an g e S c a le P .P .I. : 25 N .M . R a n g e M a r k e r : 3 N . M . B eacon R a n g e : 21 N . M .

B eacon modulation frequency : 300 kc/s.

W ith o u t F .T .C . Y a w in g o f ship.

Com plete R a m a rk equipment in stan d ard 19 rack as used during the experiments. B eacon aerial type slotted w aveguide is also


Close up of Philips multireflex klystron with m agnet and w a v e ­ guide.

Sem aphore at IJmuiden.

Both beacon aerials can be distinguished on the long vertical w aveguiderun in the centre o f the picture.


A ramark beacon for use with marine radars 287

the ship is of great influence. The possibility to receive indirect radiation , reflected from p a rts of the ship's superstructure spoils the chance to receive a clean ram ark signal and rad a ra e ria ls in stalled close to a ship's m ast or other steel stru ctu res m ay suffer seriously in sidelobe perform ance a p a rt from the fact th at unw anted large dead angles are presen t a t the sam e time.

U n fortu n ately the aerial siting on b o ard the buoyage tender

“ Z aan d am " is in this resp ect fa r from ideal, although the sp e ­ cial ta sk this v essel has to fulfil, m ade another siting virtually im possible. The aerial w as in stalled on a console in front of the very heavy bipod m ast; a t the time of w riting this report it w as tried to im prove conditions b y the in stallation of an oblique deflector plate betw een the aerial and this m ast.

D uring trials ran ges of 27 n.miles w ere achieved, which w as beyond the ra d a r horizon under the prevailing circum stances.

4. Description o f the ramark-eqnipment

4.1. The ram ark equipm ent con sists of tw o main p a r ts:

4.1.1. The ae rial system .

4.1.2. The ram ark tran sm itter.

B oth p arts w ill be described in some detail.

4.2. The aerial p roper of the ram ark con sists of a b road b an d non reson an t slotted w aveguide, which ‘rad iate s a n arrow beam approx, norm al to the a rra y in the vertical plane and a w ide beam (greater than 180°) in the horizontal plane giving cover­

age along e.g. a straigh t coastline. In order to obtain optimum gain of the aerial system , the length of the a rra y h as been determ ined consistent w ith such a w idth of the vertical beam , th at the variation of signal strength on the horizon does not exceed approx. 3 db during a sw eeping cycle of the oscillator.

This variation originates from the fact, th at the direction of max. radiation in the vertical plane v aries w ith the frequency o f the oscillator. This is a ch aracteristic inherent to non re so ­ nant ae rial array s.

W h en the oscillator sw eeps through the marine ra d a r band, the vertical beam sw eeps through 1,5 degrees.

The aerial mentioned above has been chosen to give a v erti­

cal beam w idth of 1,3 degrees.

T rials have shown, th at the system has am ple gain and th at


288 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

indeed a reduction of the gain with a facto r of 3 or 4 w ould leave an am ple m argin fo r operation al use. In the case of light- vessels a w ider vertical beam will be n ecessary an yw ay owing to the rolling of the ship.

Although this can be com pensated by simple m eans (gim bals) a w ider beam than 1,3 degrees seem s ad visab le.

A lso lightvessels w ill require an om nidirectional horizontal radiation p attern of the aerial. This can be achieved by a mo­

dification to the slotted w aveguide system .

Concluding, the follow ing specification m ay be su g g e ste d : H orizontal pattern

D epen ds on local situation of R am ark . O n straigh t or alm ost straigh t coastlines a 180° coverage is p referab le. This is easily achieved w ith a single slotted w aveguide. O n ligh tvessels 360°

p attern s are required. M odification to the aerial w ill provide a solution.

V ertical pattern

E ssen tially only coverage of the horizon is n ecessary . T h ere­

fore narrow beam high gain aerials are possible (in the verti­

cal plane). H ow ever w ith regard to frequency sw eep require­

ments and reduction of sidelobe interference on nearby ships (ow ing to sidelobes of the ships ra d a r aerial) the gain and vertical beam w idth should be limited.

A com prom ise value is 4 °—5°. O n ligh tvessels a w ider v erti­

cal beam (15 — 20°) is n ecessary or a simple stabilization of the aerial should be used (gim bals).

P olarization

H orizontal, since polarization for marine ra d a r is horizontal.

D iv ersity

To reduce the interference effect as mentioned in 3.2.1 a di­

versity system of tw o aerials has been tried in practice.

A t the IJm uiden experim ents the top aerial w as a t 75 ft above mean sea level, the bottom one a t 54 ft. B oth aerials rad iate incoherent frequencies, which can be used to ad v an tage to increase m ark space efficiency.

4.3. The ram ark tran sm itter (fig. 6). The nucleus of the tra n s­

m itter is the Philips m ultireflex klystron , which is show n with


A ramark beacon for use with marine radars 289

its asso ciated m agnet in fig. 7. This k lystron of all g lass con­

struction produces 10 W a tts of continuous w ave R .F . pow er with operating voltages of 2]/2 to 3 k V . The efficiency is rath er high and am ounts to approx. 20 °/0. The reso n ato r of this k ly­

stron con sists of a Lecher system incorporating a conducting ribbon, perpendicular to the m agnetic field. The oscillating fre ­

quency of the klystron is determ ined by the Lech er system and the position of the ribbon. W hen an altern atin g current, e.g. 50 cycles A C is fed through this ribbon, this element sta rts to vibrate in the m agnetic field resulting in a fa st frequency sw eep of 180 M c/s, the klystron covering b y these m eans the com plete m arine ra d a r band.

The complete equipm ent is housed in a stan d ard 19 inch rack and cabinet, which is about 4 feet high. In the top p art of the cabinet the oscillator unit is housed. A frequency m eter and a pow er output monitor are built in. The second ch assis from the top contains the m odulating circuits and a monitoring oscil­

loscope for checking the m odulation and the perform ance of the k lystron over the frequency band. The av ailab le m odulation frequencies are 3 0 — 120 c/s for the low frequency p a rt and 5,

10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 kc/s for the high frequency p art.

The next ch assis contains the n ecessary sw itching gear, fuses and other protective m eans w ith asso ciated pilot lam ps.

The fourth one houses the voltage stab ilisatio n circuits, regul­

ating the supply voltages for the m ultireflex klystron.

The pow er units are located in the bottom p a rt of the ca­


In this experim ental equipm ent a large number of built in m eters are provided for checking all im portant currents and voltages.

The to tal pow er consum ption is 400 W a tts.

5. Conclusions

The follow ing conclusions have been obtained during inves­

tigations w ith the abovem entioned equipment.

It is estim ated th at 10 W a tts of R .F . pow er is sufficient for operational use under all conditions. D uring the trials sufficient evidence has been collected th at a d iversity aerial system p ro ­ vides the possibility to cancel the effects of minimum signal zones.

The judicious siting of the ram ark beacon e.g. 3 miles from navigable channels w ill su b stan tially reduce the m asking effect


290 J. M. F. A. van Dijk, N. Schimmel and E. Goldbohm

on a ship's P .P .I. In case this policy cannot be follow ed for obvious reason s, the F .T .C . circuit in marine ra d a r in con­

junction w ith a ram ark beacon of ap p ro p riate H .F . ch aracter­

istics can be used to ad van tage.

It is known th at under certain circum stances distance infor­

m ation is d esirable. A beacon providing this facility opens the possibility to elim inate all beacon sign als on the P .P .I. betw een the ship and the beacon ’s position.

The solutions, known so fa r all suffer from satu ration of the be aeon and com plexity of the equipm ent either on shore or shipborne.

B a se d upon the resu lts hitherto reached with the new type of ram ark, which does not exclude the application of the re ­ sponder principle, furth er developm ent w ork is in p rogress which m ay lead, a s an altern ative solution, to a new type of beacon, giving range inform ation a s w ell, a t the sam e time taking full ad v an tage of the featu res of the ram ark a s out­

lined in this publication.


September 1955 - Deel 20 - No 5 291

The “ Scenioscope” * a new television camera tube

by P. Schagen *)


Further investigations on the image iconoscope type o f television c a ­ mera tubes have led to the development o f a new cam era tube, the

“ Scen ioscope” . The target in this tube consists o f semi-conductive glass, which m akes the supply of negative charge possible from the signal plate through the target material to the surface o f the target. The influence of the resistivity of the glass and o f the thickness of the target sheet on the performance o f the tube is considered.

The sensitivity o f the “ Scenioscope” , which is at least five times as high as that of the image iconoscope, is also partly due to a considerably higher secondary-em ission coefficient of the target coating.

Perfect picture quality with a very low noise level can be produced with an incident illumination of a few hundred lux (f/D = 2), w hereas recognizable though noisy pictures without appreciable spurious signals have been made with light levels as low as 15 lux.


A few y e a rs ago some p ap ers on television cam era tubes w ere read a t a meeting of the “ N ed erlan d s R adio G en ootsch ap” , which w ere subsequently published in this journ al (1).

From a com parison of the various cam era tubes, presented in these p ap ers, it ap p eared th at the im age iconoscope could produce excellent pictures, provided th at the illum ination level w as not much below abou t 1000 to 1500 lux.

Although this light level is not difficult to estab lish in tele­

vision studios, the a rtists m ay find the com paratively high tem ­ perature, due to the generation of h eat by the lam ps, som ew hat troublesom e. In th eatres etc., w here the norm al illumination of the stage is insufficient for this purpose, the in stallation of ex tra lighting for a television b ro ad cast is a rath er expensive and som etim es also a difficult procedure.

The only television cam era tube capable of producing accep ­ tab le picture quality a t an incident illum ination level of a few

*) Philips R esearch L ab oratories, N .V . P hilips’ Gloeilam penfabrieken Eindh oven-N etherlands


292 P. Schagen

hundred lux ap p eared to be the im age orthicon. A p art from its higher sensitivity, how ever, this tube show s some distinct d isad v an tages com pared w ith the im age iconoscope.

F o r this reason further investigations w ere m ade in several research lab o rato ries in E urope, w ith the aim o f increasing the sensitivity of the im age iconoscope, while a t the same time m aintaining its excellent picture quality.

In the Philips' R esearch L ab o ra to rie s a t Eindhoven, these investigations have resu lted in the developm ent of a new tele­

vision cam era tube, the “ Scen ioscope" (2). A lthough this tube show s a close resem blance to the im age iconoscope type 5854 - its outw ard dim ensions are exactly the sam e -, a fundam ental difference in its mode of operation h as yielded a gain in sen­

sitivity of a t le a st a facto r 5 over the im age iconoscope. F u r­

therm ore the ultim ate limit to the use oi the “ Scenioscope" a t

Fig. 1

D iagram m atic cross-section of the image iconoscope.

L ■—- lens; P <—- photo-cathode; 5 <—- coil of the m a g ­ netic electron lens; T — target (m ica); C — collector;

E >—- scanning beam supplied by an electron gun of which only the cathode, K ■—■ is show n in the diagram ; F — focussing coil; D — deflecting coils; S P — sig ­

nal plate; R s signal resistor.

low light levels is set by the decreasin g signal-to-noise ratio and no longer by the spurious signals, which ap p eared in the im age-iconoscope pictures.

The “ Scen ioscope" produces excellent pictures, practically free of noise, a t an incident illum ination level of a few hun­

dred lux, w hereas during lab o rato ry te sts noisy though recog­

nizable pictures have been m ade w ith light levels a s low a s 15 lux.


The im age iconoscope

The “Scenioscope” , a new television camera tube 293

The mode of operation of the “ Scenioscope” m ay be exp lai­

ned by first briefly recalling th at of the im age iconoscope.

In this tube (see figure 1) an optical im age is projected on a sem i-transparent photo-electric cathode. B y m eans of a com­

bined electric and m agnetic lens every photo-electron, em itted under illum ination by a certain picture elem ent on the photo­

cathode, is accelerated and directed to a corresponding element on the target.

The photo-electrons striking the ta rg e t release more than one secon dary electron each, thus form ing a positive charge image on the target, which is scanned by an electron beam , stabilizing one ta r ­ get element afte r another a few volts above collector potential.

P a rt of the slow secondary electrons, released b y fa st photo­

electrons or by the scanning beam , are captured by other ta r ­ get elem ents, w here the poten tial m ay locally be even higher than collector potential. This “ redistribution effect” is respon ­ sible for the grad u al drop in potential of each targ e t elem ent betw een successive scans. A s this poten tial becom es low er, the

energy of an increasing p a rt of the secondaries, released by the photo-elec­

trons, is sufficiently high to let them escape to other targ e t elem ents or to the collector. The effective secondary-em ission coeffi­

cient, àeff> thus increases and so does the contri­

bution of each photo-elec­

tron to the charge image.

Figure 2 show s sche­

m atically the relation be­

tw een beff and the po­

ten tial of a targ e t element, w h ereas figure 3 show s, also schem atically, the poten tial variation of a targ e t elem ent betw een successive scans, with and w ithout illumination

F ig 2

Effective secondary emission factor iPejf) o f an insulator, plotted against the energy ( of the prim ary electrons.

& eff — 1 when Vpr — V1 or Vpr — Eg Potential 3 is one or two volts higher than the collector potential Vcoll*

Vo is the potential at which the flow o f secondary electrons to the particular target element is completely cut off.


294 P. Schagen

Fig. 3

Potential V of a target element in the image iconoscope, plotted again st the time t, in the frame period between tw o scannings. C urve d raw n as a solid line: photo-cathode not illuminated.

C urve draw n as a dotted line : photo­

cathode illuminated. Both curves start at the stabilizing potential Vstab ( V2, see fig. 2) and approach V 0 asym ptoti­

cally. B y the end of interval V drops to V'0 or V"Q. The contribu­

tion to the output signal is V 0 >—f V'0 ,

efficient of the photo-electrons

Lim itations to the sensitivity o f the im age iconoscope

The redistribution effect ap p ears to be essen tial for the operation of the image iconoscope. W ith o u t the re ­

sulting drop in poten tial the ta rg e t elem ents, once stab iliz­

ed, w ould indefinitely retain their stabilization potential- w ith beff — 1- under electron bom bardm ent.

This effect, how ever, also sets the limit to the sensitivi­

ty of the im age iconoscope for the follow ing reaso n s:

a. Since the fall in potential of a ta rg e t elem ent is entirely determ ined by the lim ited number of slow electrons cap ­ tured by this element, the ef­

fective secondary-em ission co­

in creases only grad u ally from beff ~ 1 directly a fte r each stabilization by the scanning beam . The illum ination can therefore not be as effective as it w ould have been if the poten tial dropped more rapidly.

b. ^V ith increasing illum ination the potential of the targ e t elem ents falls even more slow ly and these elem ents will, as a result, a ttra c t more redistribution electrons which p artly neu­

tralize the effect of the photo-electrons.

c. F o r different p a rts of the ta rg e t the redistribution current to the targ e t elem ents varies, resulting in the production of ,,spurious sig n als” , which do not correspond to the illumination.

T hese spurious sign als only d ecrease — both in absolu te value and relative to the picture signal w ith increasing illumination.

The minimum light level, w here the im age iconoscope can still produce an acceptable picture, is therefore determ ined b y the presence of these spurious signals and not b y the decreasin g

signal-to-noise ratio.


Possible methods o f increasing the sensitivity

A method of increasing the sensitivity of the im age icono­

scope follow s directly from the above considerations. I f the potential of a ta rg e t elem ent can be m ade to fall more rap id ly afte r stabilization, the effective secondary-em ission coefficient, def/, of the photo-electrons w ill reach its maximum value sooner and the photo-electrons can, as a result, contribute more to the form ation of the charge im age.

The “Scenioscope” , a new television camera tube 295

Increasing the beam current

A possible w ay of obtaining this effect seem s to be given by increasing the redistribution current. This m ay be achieved b y increasing the current of the scanning beam . The signal output of the tube does in fa ct rise with the beam current, but only to a limited extent, since the increased redistribution current is more attracted by the illum inated elem ents with their higher potentials. The signal-versus-beam current curve show s a maximum (3), w h ereas the spurious signals increase even more rapidly than the picture signal, m aking this method im practical. The drop in potential w ill therefore have to be achieved by m eans of a supply of negative charge to the targ e t elem ents, which is independent of the scanning beam.

Show ering the target with slozv electrons

A more p ractical solution of this problem has been reached in the B ritish “ P .E .S.-ph oticon ” (4) (P h oto-E lectrically-Stabilized)

— the G erm an “ R iesel-Ik on osk op” (5).

In this tube the envelope surrounding the targ e t has been provided with a sem i-transparent photo-cathode, which is kept at collector potential and is illum inated by a circle of incan­

descent lam ps. The resulting “ drizzle” (hence the G erm an name) of slow photo-electrons reaches the target, w here a few auxi- liar3r anodes, placed along the sides, direct m ost of these elec­

trons to those p a rts of the target, w here the redistribution current is too sm all.

The initial increase in sensitivity, caused by the more effec­

tive secon dary em ission of the photo-electrons, is p artly coun­

teracted, how ever, by the preference of the slow electrons for the illum inated targ e t elem ents with their higher poten tials. O n


296 P. Schagen

the other hand an im portant ad v an tage over the norm al image iconoscope is the nearly com plete absence of spurious signals.

F o r this reason the P .E .S-ph oticon is claim ed to need about h alf the illumination of the im age iconoscope for good picture quality.

Supplying negative charge through the target

W ith the tw o above m ethods of forcing the poten tial of the ta rg e t elem ents to fall more rap id ly afte r each stabilization, negative charge is supplied by slow electrons reaching the ele­

m ents from outside the target. A nother possibility is the supply of negative charge through the targ e t itself. The idea of em­

ploying a targ e t with some — slight — conductivity w as ori­

ginally proposed both in E n glan d and in G erm any, before the secondVworld w ar, to increase the sensitivity of the iconoscope, and w as first realised in an experim ental tube, the ,,H alb leiter-

Ikon osk op” (6).

B ecau se this principle w as not applied in the m ost ad v an ­ tageous manner, how ever, it never led to a p ractical tube.

In the Philips’ R esearch L ab o rato rie s the principle of supply­

ing negative charge through the targ e t has been applied to the image iconoscope. This has resulted in the developm ent of the

“ Scen ioscope” , which w ill now be discussed in more detail.

T h e “ S c e n i o s c o p e ” Mode o f operation

The fundam ental difference betw een the “ Scen ioscope” and the im age iconoscope is found in the targ e t structure. The thin sheet of insulating mica in the im age iconoscope has been re ­ placed by a slightly thicker sheet of sem i-conductive glass, which is backed with a conducting layer, the signal plate. A photograph of a mounted targ e t is shown in figure 4.

The signal plate is given a low er poten tial than the collector anode, w h ereas the targ e t elem ents are stabilized by the scan ­ ning beam a t a few volts above collector potential. The resu l­

ting potential difference betw een the targ e t elem ents a t the surface and the signal plate a t the b ack of the targ e t sheet cau ses a current to flow through the target, which p artly d is­

charges the targ e t elem ents betw een successive scans. The po­

tential of these elem ents will, as a result, fall more rap id ly afte r each stabilization. The targ e t elem ents now only capture red istri­

bution electrons while their poten tial is not more than a few volts


The "Scenioscope”, a new television camera tube 297

I lie target I rom 50 to scanned is

of the ,,Scenioscope is a “ skin 70 it thick, on a metal ring. The 45 x 60 mm. I he signal plate is a

of the target.

ol slightly conductive size of the rectangular

layer of metal on the

glass area back

below stabilization potential, w hereas the discharging current through the target continues to flow throughout the time be­

tween tw o successive stabilization s, provided that the re la x a ­ tion time R 0C0 of the target m aterial is sufficiently long com­

pared with the tram e period.

Since the current through the target is independent of the location o! the element on the target, this current does not cause spurious signals. The redistribution current to an element should therefore be kept as sm all a s possible, com pared with the current through the target to avoid these spurious signals.

This is a fundam ental dilference with the image iconoscope, where the redistribution effect is essential. In the “ Scen ioscope”

it is only a secondary efleet, which has to be avoided a s much as possible.

The schem atic diagram in figure 5 show s the potential of a


298 P. Schagen

F ig. 5

/ and 2 arc V — f ( t ) curves, as shown in hg. 5, lor the image iconoscope, j and ^ refer lo the “ Scenio- scope” , with slightly conductive target, signal plate potential negative, y lor a non-dluminated, and

lor a faintly illuminated photo-cathode.

target element, with and w ithout illumination, betw een tw o successive scans. The corresponding curves lor an image icono­

scope have also been given again lor com parison.

From the above considerations it lollow s th at a rapid tall in potential of the target elem ents is d esirab le lo r tw o r e a so n s:

a. The effective secondary-em ission coefficient, dr/ / f of the photo-electrons w ill reach its maximum value sooner, thus in­

creasing the sen sitivity of the tube.


The “ Scenioscope” , a new television camera tube 299

b. The redistribution current w ill be sm aller and spurious sign als w ill therefore be avoided.

There are tw o w ays of increasing the speed at which the potential of the targ e t elem ents d r o p s : increasing the current through the target, and decreasin g the capacitance of the ta r ­ get elem ents to the signal plate.

The perm issible current through the targ e t is limited b y elec­

tro ly sis of the glass, which cuts down the life of the tube.

Furtherm ore local sm all differences in ta rg e t thickness m ay cause spurious signals of a different nature, the am plitude ol which is, of course, proportional to the current through the target.

A decrease in capacitance of the targ e t elem ents to the signal plate — corresponding to an increase in targ e t thickness

— is lim ited by the requirem ents of good picture resolution and ol a desirab le gam m a in the output ch aracteristic, as w ill be shown later.

The resistivity an d thickness o f the target

Since the target m aterial in the “ Scen ioscope’ is not com­

pletely insulating, but sem i-conducting, p art of the positive charge built up by the photo-electrons on the various target elem ents w ill also be lo st by conduction before the next scan ­ ning. The effect of this conduction on the charge im age has been studied in a recent p ap er (7), the resu lts of which will be sum m arized here.

The conductivity of the targ e t m aterial has tw o effects on the charge image. In the first place, image charge w ill leak through the ta rg e t to the signal plate and w ill be lo st before it can be rem oved by the scanning beam and contribute to the output signal of the tube. This resu lts in a loss of sensitivity, which is determ ined by the relaxation time R 0C0 of the targ e t m aterial, w here R 0 is the resistan ce and C0 the capacitance betw een the su rface of the targ e t and the signal plate, both per unit target area.

Figure 6 gives the relative signal output as a function ol r/R 0C0 w here r denotes one fram e period (0,04 sec in the E u ro ­ peon television system s).

I f the lo ss of sen sitivity m ay not be more than about 10(>/0, figure 6 show s th at the value of r/R 0C0 m ust not exceed 0,25.

W ith a dielectric constant of the g lass of 6 to 8, this condi-


300 P, Schagen

Signal current (ƒ* : on relative scale), plotted as a function of t/R 0C0, for values of J\0 and Co consis­

tent with an I s equal to 90°/0 of the maximum value (t/RoCo= 0.25).

tion requires a minimum specific resisitiv ity p of the g lass of p — 3.1011 f2cm. O n the other hand p should not be too high, since this might, for the sam e targ e t current, introduce picture defects a t the edges ol target, which w ill be discu ssed later.

The upper limit of p has therefore been chosen a t about p = 1012 Qcm. *)

Secondly, positive charge w ill flow from targ e t elem ents with more “ illum ination” to neighbouring elem ents w ith less “ illumi­

nation” , w here the poten tial is low er. This is a conduction current across the target, resulting in a loss of picture resolution, which n atu rally affects the sm allest picture d etails m ost. If, fo r in­

stance, the picture w ere to consist of altern atin g strips ]with more and less “ illum ination” and a given con trast, this conduction acro ss the targ e t w ould decrease the depth of m odulation in the charge image w ith decreasin g w idth of the strips.

In order to stu d y this effect more closely, a relative depth of m odulation M m ay be defined as the ratio of the depth of m odulation in the charge im age ju st before the next scanning for a w idth D of the strips to th at w here h alf the ta rg e t is

*) N .B . The specific resistivity of glass varies with the temperature.

The values of p mentioned above apply to the w orking temperature of the tube, which should therefore be kept between certain limits. F o r the

“ Scen ioscop e” this temperature range has been chosen betw een 35° and 45° C. The corresponding values of o at room temperature are roughly between 10 12 and 3 .1 0 12 Qcm.


The “ Scenioscope” , a new television camera tube 301

R elative m odulation depth AI o f the potential im age on the target, plotted ag ain st A / D (A = thickness o f target, /) w idth o f beam s in a picture com prising black and w hite beam s), w ith t/R 0C0 as param eter.

F o r r/RoCo = 0.25, A /D m ust not exceed roughly the value 1.

R elati ve m odulation depth M in the output signal o f the “ Scen io sco p e” in the centre o f the picture, plotted ag ain st the num ber o f lines per fram e N .

“ illum inated” and the other h alf is not. M m ay then be calcu­

lated for different values of r/R 0C0 as a function of A /D , w here A represen ts the thickness of the target.

The resu lts ol this calculation are laid down in figure 7.

The diam eter ol the sm allest d etails in the picture is equal


302 P. Schagen

to the diam eter of one picture element, corresponding to the w idth of one scanning line. F o r a television system w ith 625 lines, this diam eter equals about 75 [x on the ta rg e t of the

“ Scen ioscope” . If the relative depth of m odulation M in the finest d etails of the charge im age on the targ e t is not allow ed to be more than 1 0% sm aller than on an insulating target, figure 7 show s th at with r/R 0C0 = 0,25, A /D should not exceed the value 1. The thickness of the ta rg e t


should therefore not be more than ab ou t 75 ju. In the "S c e n io sco p e / A lies betw een 50 and 70 fx and the picture resolution actu ally ob ­ tained differs very little from th at obtained w ith the im age iconoscope. Figure 8 show s the relative depth of m odulation in the uncorrected output sign al of the “ Scen ioscope” for the centre of the picture a s a function of the line number.

The influence o f the negative sign al plate

The electric field above the surface of the target, which d raw s the secon dary electrons to the collector, determ ines the stabilization poten tial of the various targ e t elem ents. W ith o u t special precautions the field n ear the edges ol the scanned targ e t area might be con siderabl3r reduced b y the influence of the negative signal p late. This w ould lead to a low er stabilization potential for these elem ents. The current through the targ e t w ould be sm aller and the scanning beam w ould accordingly deposit less positive charge during stabilization , sim ilar to the effect of more illumination. In order to avoid bright edges showing in the reproduced picture, it ap p eared d esirable to surround the scanned targ e t a re a w ith a conducting fram e, which can be given a potential sligh tly below th at of the col­

lector, thus effectively screening the negative signal plate. Ih e adjustm ent of the scanning p attern on the targ e t within this surrounding fram e becom es more critical, how ever, w ith an in­

creasing negative poten tial on the signal p late. F o r this reason the specific resistiv ity of the targ e t m aterial for a predeterm i­

ned ta rg e t current is limited, as w as mentioned above.

The output characteristics o f the “ Scenioscope”

O nce the resistiv ity of the targ e t m aterial and the thickness of the targ e t have been chosen, the ta rg e t current depends on the negative potential of the signal plate. This current de-



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