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16 – 22 December 2021 Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook


Academic year: 2022

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Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook 16 – 22 December 2021

Abnormal dryness persisted across northern Belize as the August-November season ended

1) Following a suppressed rainfall Postrera, August-November season, abnormal dryness with drought conditions in its center persisted across a major part of Guatemala, Belize, northern El Salvador, a major part of Honduras and northern Nicaragua

2) Possible freezing conditions are expected over the western part of Guatemala during the outlook period.


Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Dry with cold temperature is expected across the western part of Guatemala during the coming outlook period

Since mid-November, late season Postrera and early season Apante related moisture deficits (5-25 percent of normal rainfall) continue to prevail across much of Central America. Much of the short-term abnormal dryness follows a poor rainfall distribution since earlier this summer, as several local areas have failed to receive adequate rainfall totals due to dry spells and anomalous low number of rain days leading from abnormal dryness to drought conditions across eastern Guatemala, southern Belize, southern and central Honduras, and northern Nicaragua. Analysis of remotely sensed vegetation health indices reflects the poor rainfall performance with deteriorated ground conditions concentrated over southeastern Guatemala, Honduras, northwestern Nicaragua which is likely to adversely affect cropping activities throughout the region. Above normal temperatures prevailed across Guatemala, El Salvador, and northern Belize while seasonal temperature prevailed across the remaining area of Central America. Several heat points were observed along the coastal countries facing Pacific Ocean which are related to the sugar cane activities.

In contrast, the heat points facing the coastal countries facing the Caribbean are related to forest fire and would be monitored during the outlook period.

During the coming outlook period, seasonable rainfall is expected across a major part of Central America except Atlantic Ocean coastal area of Nicaragua and Honduras which could expect above average rainfall. Seasonable 5-10 degrees Celsius is expected across western Guatemala going through southwestern Honduras while 20-25 degrees Celsius is expected across the remaining area of Central America. The cold front associated with strong winds mainly across high latitude of Guatemala and Honduras could trigger freezing conditions during the outlook period.

Week 1 GEFS Rainfall Total Forecast and CMORPH average total rainfall (mm) 15 December – 22 December 2021

Figure 1: Source NOAA / CPC



northwestern Panama and eastern Costa Rica, damages and water rescues have been reported. 3) This past week’s heavy showers triggered flooding and landslides, resulting in

1) Much suppressed rainfall over the past several weeks has maintained thirty-day moisture deficits in eastern Nicaragua. 2) This past few weeks’ enhanced rainfall has caused

1) A continued lack of rainfall over the past several weeks has maintained moderate to large thirty-day moisture deficits over parts of eastern Nicaragua. 2) This past few

1) A continued lack of rainfall over the past several weeks has maintained moderate to large thirty-day moisture deficits over parts of central Nicaragua. However, enhanced rains

across central Nicaragua which is a cumulative of moisture deficit for the past several weeks. A continuation lack of rainfall this coming week could lead to

1) Suppressed rains for the past four weeks led to an abnormal dryness across the eastern part of Honduras. 2) Heavy rainfall could trigger more flash floods

1) A recovery from moisture deficit was observed over many local areas of central Nicaragua while abnormal dryness continues to prevail over eastern Honduras. 2)

A poor rainfall distribution since the beginning of August has led to widespread dryness over Central America. 1) Strongly suppressed rainfall since mid- September has strengthened