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6 – 12 May 2021 Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook


Academic year: 2022

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1) This past two weeks’ enhanced rains have resulted in oversaturation and flooding in the Quiché and neighboring Departments of

Guatemala. The risks for flooding and landslides remain high as torrential rains are forecast in the region during the next week.

Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook 6 – 12 May 2021

High risks for flooding and landslides exist in western Guatemala due to forecast heavy rains for next week.


Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Wet weather patterns expected along the Pacific-facing region of Central America

During late April to early May, scattered light to moderate rains fell over Central America. While moderate to locally heavy rains were received in western and southwestern Guatemala, western and southwestern Costa Rica, and Panama, little to no rainfall was registered across the interior of the region. Compared with the long-term average, this past week’s rainfall was mostly near to below-average throughout the region. Over the past thirty days, however, rainfall was above-average across Central America, with the largest (> 100 mm) rainfall surpluses over west-central and southwestern Guatemala, parts of the Gulf of Fonseca, southern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. An analysis of recent crop performance models has indicated that favorable vegetation conditions dominated over much of Central America. The continuation of seasonal rainfall is expected to provide beneficial ground conditions for the ongoing Primera, May – August, growing season.

For next week, rainfall forecasts suggest heavy and above-average rainfall along the Pacific-facing and southern Caribbean regions of Central America. Therefore, high risks for flooding and landslides are maintained over western Guatemala and the surrounding oversaturated are as. Also, the forecast wet weather patterns could exacerbate lahars and mudflow over many areas, adjacent to the active Pacaya Volcano in southern Guatemala.

Week 1 GEFS Rainfall Total Forecast and CMORPH Climatology (mm) 4 – 11 May 2021

Figure 1: Source NOAA / CPC



Heavy rainfall in recent days in excess of 200mm has caused rivers and tributaries to flood their banks in northwestern Panama and eastern Costa Rica, damages and water rescues have

northwestern Panama and eastern Costa Rica, damages and water rescues have been reported. 3) This past week’s heavy showers triggered flooding and landslides, resulting in

1) Much suppressed rainfall over the past several weeks has maintained thirty-day moisture deficits in eastern Nicaragua. 2) This past few weeks’ enhanced rainfall has caused

1) A continued lack of rainfall over the past several weeks has maintained moderate to large thirty-day moisture deficits over parts of eastern Nicaragua. 2) This past few

1) A continued lack of rainfall over the past several weeks has maintained moderate to large thirty-day moisture deficits over parts of central Nicaragua. However, enhanced rains

across central Nicaragua which is a cumulative of moisture deficit for the past several weeks. A continuation lack of rainfall this coming week could lead to

1) Suppressed rains for the past four weeks led to an abnormal dryness across the eastern part of Honduras. 2) Heavy rainfall could trigger more flash floods

1) A recovery from moisture deficit was observed over many local areas of central Nicaragua while abnormal dryness continues to prevail over eastern Honduras. 2)