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University of Groningen Towards a safe home Vischer, Anne-Fleur Walwilaja Klaaske


Academic year: 2021

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Vischer, Anne-Fleur Walwilaja Klaaske

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Vischer, A-F. W. K. (2019). Towards a safe home: A study on the assessment of parenting among families

in complex problem situations with infants and toddlers to achieve family preservation and permanency.

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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A study on the assessment of parenting

among families with infants and toddlers

in complex problem situations

to achieve family preservation and permanency


All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any way or by any means without the prior permission of the author, or when applicable, of the publishers of scientific papers.



A study on the assessment of parenting

among families with infants and toddlers

in complex problem situations

to achieve family preservation and permanency


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op donderdag 20 juni 2019 om 11 uur


Anne-Fleur Walwilaja Klaaske Vischer

geboren op 16 maart 1983 te Zwijndrecht


Seas pleat

winds keen

fogs deepen

ships lean no

doubt, and

the lighthouse

keeper keeps

a light for

those left out.

It is intimate

and remote both

for the keeper

and those afloat.



Chapter 1

General introduction


Chapter 2

Assessing parenting in the context of reunification of infants and toddlers: How to face the challenges?


Chapter 3

Establishing a positive working alliance during formal parenting assessments: Parent perspectives on what works


Chapter 4

Development of atypical parental behavior during an inpatient family preservation intervention program


Chapter 5

To preserve or not to preserve: That is the question. Decision-making about family preservation among families in multi-problem situations


Chapter 6

Life after the decision on family preservation: A six-month follow-up study


Chapter 7

Piecing the puzzle together: Linking outcomes towards a bigger picture

129 Chapter 8 General discussion 141 Addendum References

Samenvatting (Dutch summary) Appendix

About the author

Dankwoord (Acknowledgements in Dutch)

163 177 183 185 187



For example, when parents do not seem to profit from treatment (thus, showing no ‘capacity to change’), and a negative decision on family preservation is taken, resulting

The parenting situation is considered good enough when consensus is reached between the teams of the Expertise Center, the applicant, and the parents that the quality of parenting (as

To gain insight into what works when establishing positive working alliances between parents undergoing formal parenting assessments and professionals, we interviewed 22 parents

We expected to find an overall improvement in the ability to parent over time for two reasons: (1) the intervention aimed to improve sensitive parental behavior which, if

The inpatient phase of the intervention includes three instances of evaluation (week 4, week 10, and week 14), in which the trajectories of parents who do not seem to be

These approaches usually are not addressing the question which components of the intervention are beneficial or detrimental according to parents (Fuller, Paceley, &

Holism, from the Greek word ‘holos’, meaning all, entire, total is according to the Oxford dictionary (2018) “The theory that parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection,

An analysis of files of families referred to the Expertise Center over a period of one and a half year showed us, as reported in chapter 4, that the Expertise Center reaches