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chr«[;~teris.~-!d. by tj~~ · ri~te crt li.oo-rulli;w ,3,.~ a·l-,.hllaao';-hy of life ana pollo.y of ~Jt;~te tn ~l:?tKl ~J:d it~ ~·:r:£rmf~~ 1'his 11ber<:·1l;Jl~ ~;:.s,


Academic year: 2021

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flte ,onenitJe~ yi:!·~~n ·of thi:' n~netec:nth century ~;?f:Jte

chr«[;~teris.~-!d. by tj~~ · ri~te crt li.oo-rulli;w ,3,.~ a·l-,.hllaao';-hy of life ana pollo.y of ~Jt;~te tn ~l:?tKl ~J:d it~ ~·:r:£rmf~~ 1'his 11ber<:·1l;Jl~ ~;:.s,

ln. :feJ:~t ". but ~·~ extt'm~"lion o:r f;hn lltt'llt~~m:1 ·Of tile sixte~'?'rtth oontrtey·

stre~;ai tiro !rJt1'1nn:tc "~~lue· of: the .1n~i1v1tlu3l :ttJ a "9elf'""(leter ...

·nu.nu1r~ ttt1r.~:-a t.md rati(;tn~ IX~.lrlfs"" It~; :nm.tl~uent:-;1 conc~;xrt ~~l.t.t to be fr;m.nJ in the 1~lea ot tile e,:fUHli tyj lib!~rty ;:®l brotllerld.mtl of

~t nlf:..nkil'l{l, 1:ne$l}t~t1'VO of rc~ce or oolotm·.. tlhe:re the l1oor~.ilir;tt"

1n 'if>bgl~:n# fieveltf.cfxl et"~;l~iut-~lly .f.-l'M1 ~t<l~>tJf$ C()t1n·t1 tuti~iJl.'-}l lil:ws:t tmt 1n Frtm.cc.z lrr+.S V1t¥l1t.:·nt :{Jld :tf.:.rVtilut1onary ln. clt,"l'':;x~t~n~· .•

'r!nu dautrlne Qt· libe:r:::tli~Mt i~mfoun1lY' 1nfl"l{~ncea ·t1JH•

stwncvucnt inr~~tory ot t:Ot:ttb 4f14:1CB·• It g;,:.f;ve 'ri!te tv. tj t'teat Br1t13.b :plulrm:tl\r0!~·1C r~tvt~,,~mlt 1n thi~'· oountey, ~d1ieh <}1Jlrs.11n;,*"tw in ·t·~·ro f~-t"~ui nets Of' er~r::ru::it'·~>:tion a..t.t f~~ a.9• tht~ r',OlO'!r~tl: 'JlP.O···l6

~· ···~~·.·.·.···'~·.,•' '·~· ' ·, .t··· ~.·. .~-: ·.~·· ··~ ~~.· ·.'

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~Tt.:r.... c.:m.tJ, .,rf"~J"' The, ,e d.Cts ~Ol"•h tl~. ~;;~,;pe or .. s.n .nco ~.ID '€.~t l'f:LJl , r;"rdc'h lt:bt;'f(:.t~~:l t~le P~tt~:m.tots ~'ith:in tllf} ~l(Jlony, riJld. tlu) Uritisb A.et 13 of lBSS, t'thiell ~11tthecl a1':vnry tlxrottgb:lut ·t11e. ~rlt1~tb

~i:nplm.. {}tiiln~41Uf;; }b .... fJO .. %Xv,;;.~e tbtt;.~ntota t:.Jtu otlJG? :free peo~jle

ot ·oolonr er;ttal ,t)Jfore ti:.a 1&.; ·~1 til :t~t~te~;:nz.. :tt ro~:~'Jl:~tnd tl1e

"*~:}t·~~"'"' f~"'·n~'h<t

~:d ~-·!1",4 ..• !4::1--._~;,f._JI_~_~r

c;:., :;vJ~u.nQV\: F?ft"'JV'~<·,fi".t':•.w

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ti.i"""'f~lt i(Jl:f-~~.!1'1~ !:>'~">•"'

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dfJOl"et1d" tntf.1l'f' ~.1a,, tn:r,~t the cnilr.&ren ,,r r.~ltnlretl Pf~:r·;·lt: oonl<l be a~;nrcnt1~~u to ~!ttt>:'-Et;JL<t. with tbel:r 'p~nnta" evr~~ont. Wlwn tire



i.VCS Wt~rt-:f ert~lflC1:)~.~ted in lJ'li.~\-lBS.S,,.: 'th{;;y', tOO:; l'l~t~~ivt<d e:;Utd.1ty


ut.c•L . . . "W>•.I.·


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$M oorn:lt1 tut1on \las- w:l\)}tnd by the o~s~~t~ tblony tn th:rt y<tJ:::tr!) '-'o tt43 iJ;:,;y" ti~1~ -~~alley c~f en.u),lity rem~::.1ns ~ lX>ne of cont~mt1<}n

t:n tlle politte~:-1 lift~ ot ao·ath ft.tr1ea.

l't w-:~~:t 1n i::~ot, tb1~ ,~!Olie)t" of l1berrt-11J!l'll alltl -e·utaity

wM~b braut-):lt abtnrt :a cr!~}itJ :tr: thr? bisto:tv :<Jt Sonth .n:tr1or1v,. -!"illd 1t

woo ant•; ot. t~1e· ~~in rttti'£f<Jf,dl ~fldcit tP~?t.Hr::o t'fte l1{1f:l:'R to :tctj\(()1 t agatng1;

' ' ~~

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:t..'l~~ .:;_,1;;.4.~. -1;:JJ,l, ~'~ W!:\,e~.-l•":i.



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'¥:IJ.'\-L.<t i<''i'l'f¥\>"•i;l• \..fif,~~.J_--\1: ~,,.,f,."'OA...f'


th<nigh tlH~ ·r<;vts· o:f tiK~ -t;fet!~l;t Tre:k ttnlt}t ·be Stll~llt' earlier .in tlle nt;;,tory crt r;:c<:t; wllt.;~ntS: "·-~nd tli!~ df::Vt~lm:rf\l:.nt nt l"~3.:<:X.? t~tti;tzt:l~s

durtt'lJJ:: the e.1t;h:te ,tttK) tf.,nl nl:tlt~tc ntlt ct:-ntur1ea .-

The Vo-o.rtr'l,~r,:::t~f~l! l{!Bile:r i'(i;t'(~l ~;~rielxt:.'tclt' td..n1!te1f ifL~~ a,..fJ tbr;} rut:dn ·.ri~'.ti .. ::;on .tor ttl~~ cre;~t ~rek *de gel1jlu.Jtt£111tJ£; v~.Ji klt~url.itli::- .

&10t. de bl~il:.i-rent.! lU:!tief in ~J1.s Ma.ni:fe;x!x.l i_ieas:re:'i tiJa.t fffJe. i.laliO(;rly

~~trek~il:!J!; tus~Cllt.n'i tnePtttf~r en diena;ir zt!llen ~A.r.~.rii ~~a -., ~-t.

tr~~Y~~lle:t Alt;x;.lt~l~r descrll)a!.Jd tire tl"erJendons reu.et1ons r:mti en:;oti~

'f_,.t'l-..ilti.r·•'l.t j.r.c4n, rt.,;,l~-~iti,. ~!;4.~~


. ~-'iJ\';A-t.;~~ :-:j .~~ "'-'


._·rf'<;!_i'it\t ~ ·.Sf_A~~ -~-'4-·'lo;l ·~·>•.-..··

L!"i'*,.'•lte•''_ttt. _

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.. +jjl! V~~& h1'l•

·tl_·':£_~- f_1t'~"''t_i~_,

A-d- "'V.4 ~~:·--·

~~tom f:rontit\r of the ~ol:ony!>

tt w~~ not t;lllY the ~;;c.tur_.l le(~i~l::;ttve r;;.Ott~ .af ~~1tmn1- p:..lt1~n '1i1:d:cll c~.iJ.i$ed rr:a~~ntt:lent t~~ngHt tJ1r: f2r4tf!rr:;nt ·. :noe.rs. tnd* d.,ls~

t.he ~er in ~;hi <~:t t.l1e "Pli111fUltln-ol:r1:;~ts a.rr >rt.)t~J'~d tile :p:robl('J.a of

~,r.tel~::l l"Blr~;tiotmh1-os betl:er:n Eltra&1nvn GJt<lliDDfooi~trcpfi.AAn ln the '{~e:r1<Xl

prior to tm. :folt<Jvtnts ttl<s (!t-m}.t S:rek.. Tfw- lble at not1o1t ~~ted


l1y tho )l1l~:ritltlJ.r<11)1(tir!f (11:ft 1xd'lUi.~ne~1 · tile ,~~l)-,1:1~-y <Jt ~- \fQ(t:rtrftk!tn . _


4;-'\;# « .. u•; -~ ~ _ ~11-




_,_:::V lolf'l.,~:;ry ... ,..;.,.. }'.';u_'Ffhl·Lt -·" t::::,V-~-" .ltW· :.;.~.W•.t f.>" .. \:t'

~}-,.-,4:...., fi,t'~l~"'-"·.,1o.t;~·~fl

~~..,._~'", .. .;LJ,..,. -~ .... .&-::..-.:t\I"," ... ::~Jr-•li,:'%;;4tJ• .


.ji '*'"""'!"'i,di ~V·ct..4~~t ~-$-~~'ii.J-;YA'-


.. #:i-

fol'(:;j be of 1nt~rc::tlt 'lei tr';7Jl~ br1t:;fly the ;i~i<;n tvJ..ren. by· ·the

p.h1lt:mtl'®"'"~1$tg *

tJ!rr.tt!;:~; tl~t:* ll'iid;',ile y~r:~.''r'~l of thr~ sooonii r~u~rt~'r of tne

!1?€2V1:Y::la cent~lrY


w!'1ti'1!1 inflt~ntittl o:rgr:.nie~itit.!D:S vt.~r(;; cuta•



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0f ~Jur;~t:1et) t~lllumt1llity ... -ll f}~te!t ·~}ld1.:~ntltro~~1c i:Jf~;;~s ·~~~t;e Iit~1(ft'

in 18!!9 ~?;r,11'tf'J ~J:Het!. on :Htr.~r~t ~J:tlnnt:;rlflHi <tt lllli;l~urd.ty;f' h:~~tfX"t1?.l1ty

r:ni J'fl~tic~ ~)

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!imrttril~~~- t'lXJt.::t;t1otl fkmi.t}ty,., ~l.r'1ti~m :r.aKi. :r~bTn1€;:n. lin~£-t3.l.;:,~mrty

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f!~clx-;;t1c~tt :pron.agt;;tc~l ~~:.n<l 1'~:j{ll~,z1~r.orl tfx.tJ1~ Idea$ tri'Ul l~~x:.t t.lffea'

. . . . . . . . .· . . . . .. ~1) .

in l;~~l.:m"' .t~l{! n~t:tl ti:tr.o; tJtJ:'~·~o;r,t of i~JJt.ton :t:::na. lt1:td -Glen~~lc~ A

\t:rit~r ~t~:;;er::~;ter.l tJJ~'t at th~.~ t1.':;t~ tho ~1rit1:slt tJfJtld •\·;~,r~ r1n;;:;U)(:

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!'fi.'fiii:Jijl'i:ifi):,..l!"i!!.ijr ili!Jlll:llliN ... -i;w_'Wif_ML:tl~"*'"~~*""'f~@'·'*·· . __ ,t-!*j . J'i fll!llt•f~:~•n ~~> ... ~"'\\HH.~}ll'lio'; ... _•• l_:lhlAf.ll1{l~-~( a il!illl.lU: II;IIW!r1!1W-l!!l )& -,~-


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:rt~_t;~;~{l, ta thH col~mr ·at tt~~ ht:mr;:_:.l\ r~.if~~1 Me:t:1bershil1 ot tlJA Cotmc.11 a:.attd ~..s tn be oonflnert to toose ~ten 11Jl'l0 %e~ottf1lY at~rrrovt;-d of t.btl


gowrnr:ent 1~111cy of l1bor~::l1str.~ ~i n>n-U1scrii!J,t}s;:t1on: nb11antt>.zo .

p1sts wrc . -~~r:r:~o1n.te~l ~ ····- 4) .:::':11 keY -ryosi.. .. . tf.(lrt~h . M... \:re:.):t. t!f AlrK'IlY . oon·_-;:_

Lt • ...r'D~31t'ltor ot u~:tt81.. tl .. !Jnll lf.aa ·.rc-r•l:~~(:ftd 1n Apr1l 1!1~3- 'by ,.1


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SUcl1 an tb.H Ct'qlf! TO\ID· tfr'len:lly ~bG:lr.:·tJ:~ L;:~U,ar:J l\;~n(1VOlnnt. t:cc!~"J,ty.,

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one vi~ hr:lfl l'l!l th~ !'crr~"~.nent t~t~-Hecret~;..ry e:r

tto1on1~·a :::st tr,~S~ tlr~~';J Gi~ Jf::mes fitcphen, 'Wt:t.G tllt:~t .; ~~t ~1e !il"&




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. alae Rtm 11 ~J : 'l'h~ .Al1r'::::tn of 1J;:;:t:.-J. li~95-wlO~i'.:,.tx~,;~,..i17l.

5) Net'~'·;n, t!!tlgrool~li'l~l }fc~Jit of ~r;•~nt~,'tll;:p*;x;.,~·if*-t~?a ..

Sl .,ft;inr~~ ~i>lul11" to ~~1~m 1¥1llG:t; 0 .. 1 ,..ln~14.-l1t.411'P Pt~Je:ts t"ton ... (t;it·,;~~-t.er

rtmd tmivcrr.1.t:g' tibrL:ryl '* . ·. ·

?) (~) "f'2!l'~i: ltl1ltn to H:trn ~~ills,. 17' .Hl!lt.lZB (l>bi.li:r~ r"'~ners Hss).

. (b) ~Dla ,":1·~~.6-l:S~ 4 l: <el co lOl?: ,nl11i,~J t<t I~.;t:r.itl::~nu.lf,..G .. l.S~ln _

Sl f'~e t~) ·(}c?,/170 ; f;i~l'111C }k:).3~~.



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Sf ~ge: pu:tnu~ t£tCt:ll ~·~1th tila.'t '\tierJ, ·wtr. ahn--11 'tmt drim~ thet~l on new

.a trr".l<df.!,,,,

l'ir ., ,.


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wet.\: -~~ !4-lt..:.O ~Ufcl:rrtt~lneti 'b-"V. Seurts-tu:r-y :of Gt:~~e 1~us,~ell ..

®:'}()~~~~l to th1.!}1 v1~~:>:1tlt ~B'rt~ the: ;mi.z-:}fon~r"'/' ~::Ooiet.too

'TlJ.ey oont~mdetl tt~~t tr1~.; ~;olf':~:re of t.he n.nt1vt~ -pc~pl-s l/1Y 111 tbt:;

anr:te~~"ttlvn of mml:t terrttnr.b:a: an Her~ oetn:',1(}d b¥ tlle Vonrtro't'J:<JJr1.l

ilf~-xa:t1nn u~ to th!; ~·ro~..,t.esfl


1ita1l tnc m:y fJf t?r"j!. f-!11111~· ~h~tt .,;,"'J'f"lt--;

~"'·~-·-.~!~ -+-


.~;, -~,

..,.httt, ...,.,.,._, .

.... )~ .. -- ~lil#rt.$"'!" ~-._)};T'



~r·· #f~"·""f':~"l•:;~:-~.t,..~r- 'f;lo'4•><~ :r~-

· y #" __ .,_4.! rc_t-;·~_,.r,~"--;-~+":t:J


~--~-,4~.,. .-~~--./~-~.._,.Q: V,. ~~.: .... -~· -~jt~U

.. ,~r"t~ iM.f +if:te ,.~r:•>f't>•-.--.. .

~~n~l: tn.e: in~ustlet:u1 t.~rr.t:d. tt£~1 by the Vourtrc;iti:~l'~ _, l'ti~ :his ~J£1*

tMti<Jn~) ~be ;::realeyr:m t:~1:t;h"io:nr~rv, ·~,.~ .n~~~.,G~;;>.it 1·~...3 ot t1l1tt: s~:lffe

O!'il\1\m cclllel:l th:'1t a:ru1~~m.t1on of the t{l'tr1tar1f:S' ~.i."a.S 1n.i1Bj;ms- able f:o~ the sr:<nlrit;/ of the r.tbo:t:1Eifio~! ~.tllt: .~;!l';'1et':n :Zlls:::~1o~{;;ty

I.ilrtdl:t.~Y ~ oont,;nttfJti 't!1.1t tl16 VOt:J:t-tl~k:_;r:rs lil~rc~ §Jl"CiUtil-:CCd ~fd<n~t


~~ o·;\ln,-H.'ll :"~fl-•'l'


·-'<-¥'il'<'lf!'f' .;..4'- t··l:'i-/• .-... ._~__.,.t


41'\·~c.<fo ;t'~ ~ ~.-"~ ~t...r.n:.fO nnnl'•·~•_.'t,\"'#-tf'

.. , \&>,!(A.~ -·~~.,.iJ. ,~u::e ;_;~:_~ .... ~- VA:. · l_,-h_ .. ~ -~: ;..~l:.i.A.\JU .\t_!,~ :.,~ • .:r.to :;r,:tt,;.~-~ - . . ,:~,;_i;V -~~::-~.?."'·,$-;_,.~-#

,...,. ~ """"""""""'~ -.t.,1-_;~}-•li..J_;,:J.J~ w~,;; .-, -£··li;"lb. "!!_i;._.,.p.,t


4{_-~~,J.-.. - ~J!'i'V'\Y}('"-~~ ·~~f.';'\1 ~u..-~",c.:!'lf~:~~ii4 ·\t,t ..

:;f '\:l =. 0·-,,..,... ...

~..J:-V...t.f.'_~_i"'._~,.<\~tJ-"':•~ ~-;.v ~'..:~""~

....,..i,., •.

,.,lo .... f t .('ftii"t. , • .,~




~-·•-:$·;H<,~o, ~~&~·!ix~ioU:Q

... -'""

tl'¥-J1r ~~r<:t:;J~ld1c~- ~~~~intlt m~m~1.f'.ll'lr3J!"1 t:-G<!f~~ f')

'_.~~h"" ,~ ..

~:-v~ U.t.;J







1 h!•·t

... !~

f'~>~""'>!!~'.f ::"~~ ~·A.'\'cl·

.... l;,{t'fi;';l.>;.;f ... •C~ '!-1 .. ;:!' ... JJ


--~•.!V~"f':,.l• ~,l,,i:-


l'~Ub11a -p:'rt.JS.u ~1 from. ~nblia l'lil;,·:tfr,r,-:~" a;lilres.:{Gl tli:::r.::?.nnlw.?~:t to the ~1tiru:t c;o-ve:rnnnnt a:v-J. t!Je !-:tr:tttr;l~ pt;!C)[)le. '~lJ.S ue f.1n~1 tl:u~t tt~:a.~;;~t~rct in .h1s l)(;ltik "'*!3rlt1nll f'bl-(iDlEt:;~tinn r:Iltl COlti'tl.i"t.Jfl ~r1i:r~~·-

1Ptlhl:l!.1he,I U;, rcn-O.on 1:r.t lDZS .• l'iiferrlnE to 1l:thfl: Violrc;,rtces of tile

tl9m1Ert~t1IJ,i; 'txJ.c't.aift,. He t"k~iE'~al(;d to~ tl. sy~rt,ftr~:. (Jt ff1T~r~l uni!;n ·!:tl th

the d1f:fcrc;r.tt nrst:ive re.ces~. tn t:hich he 'r~~-~~,:rdi:ttl tt~: C-fi,t;,tu.tS pi/,;_~ti•


..fJo-. :

sta.~ion~fof' m1~t1!{;ll$rin~~ 1:n 1-I~~tat!') ~(l~~ U~:~ V1t11~f VWi ·held 'by smother

. !)) . . .

mts:·':i~:ttrol'Y~ .. c. ... a:~fl1\>i{ln · -~ vhtlo :r. ~J(;'ll~<1:tta oonte.nd~~l ttt~t the lbers

. . . . '3\

were ·vf'tfiY. t.JH.cb .~:n1k~~oniacd t(r ttiD mtu:_;1tltl~;r1ea.;. ~

r{!:nst?.~nt t4,t:~e;:;ls Wf'f{: being ~ldf!: ttt ·tjJe ':J3ri tiall g<)VO!'U•

. .

tfient for tbe (ttl.*lCX&,tion ,of lkitnl •.

e.stc~~:t<l1o1·~:1t:nt of 13'r1tlsh. rule rtt ro:rt Jt;;-,tnl aa rtn event g-r<Y:tly to be, £ies:1red. 5) ~ He tJ.lrro oontf·.nlietl· ttt:t ttin t?Jt! tmle of th~l ·r()era

6} .

to the ron-r~~tto-~n:.;ns was- ¥tst::a:nda:l.O~ls*. R'~:t.>it)r f!aitl.in 1£1~1 th~<t

11" '\s<Otl.ld nat liite to a(!tJ Va\Jrtre}:;~;:er--r·ate 1n nettfl'll: 'Ueoorwe ~ttle,

loc1s r:Jid f"(:g;al~,:,tio1ls thty Wlfl~l w:to:~~t in th(~'lr t:"4Unc11 r-:·,·l:ctlva to:



ti'lf; n':j,t;tvt~,: · tri'br;.~~ woUld in f~lt ~;r{.J'b<:tb~ji ty ik; ut ter!y l'f.~Hli:·n:~nt to th~ vi~~rs ot Her M~,Qt.~t:ty*a; f~ovtrt'!lf::ttilltn:,.-

It we..~. 111 t:1ct, tlJa C.)~~1Her~:~t.;1on. ·ot thf~ rlet~ts of' t



'!f'\j">;•t...:.'<."-o&""f'l'•··, ~~"~-r.,..,.._->J, t.~r.,~;u;~·li <.,c-.W\B ,. {i-.4_ ...

t.•ul-.\JJ:-1 ....

J''i<l"·nt·'~1'~~l'>t~'f. u _ .!;, v.,~; "ii'\>.l. . ci,Lr~




lf'i<, ~t..t.




,A"Jtt>~"V'ltYl"'•l· l;'.i·>r>a;,; ,_

.·.r .

. 8)

a»ner{:;};titm of U:itL~l by the !~ri ti}!#h govern~*m-t ..

~r~'r't1 \:e:re ottlcrr~. bo~~..-ev~:r ~ who ht~ld a tl1t:fe:rrnt -p<>ih.t

ot vle-""7"' "ri;!J~~ mld;:;iomry Mcb.bell '!,;rote. ill l/£4-1 ln ~:r.:Yle Gr;alr:a:~s.to ..

1'rit'l""n"'-~" "'~<--> t· t·:t,.- n-+- "';..~~ ,,.,."),..1<~~·l<t':.:;:· ·ffi:-~""·


""""'~""'""'~ ~'l:'>"'·ly· 1"nt"'"..,.~""""'t'!<A>~

•\IV~u. ~ ~ lt·tiL~ ·~£_:· ,'!:t-;-:'k.tl;;.~ k~-~·\f >v::,;;~ '7~~~~~ 'Jf."!~Jt· ..• o.J.- ,;t.~.'><~-~_J;l~1'-> .• J;.§.. . . . ~ ... ~,~:;,t;st.::;~l<l,.l\.frii

1n -vill~1f:~ca an~c>:r>g the 'flm1gx~:nttt·, :::1:ro -~ :geri:t~ctly :fr-f.:n ¥~ortlet- ,~mJ

mt tlle sl~:~Vf.>S 1.re ~~rere ~ome 'tt:':'!.£) ~tl le:l to sl~:':.osc tt~em-oo ~1~

~rtnci~rlHs of trs~ctr~m l1~:vn betm .. ,~roel:;,,:t~rtcd thT.Qlm_J~out · tlie ~ih..:~la

:v .. nl . . ~-

emier-:~t1~1n,. -it



-t."f.lL"lt'l'Y e:J ~'Utieful ferlor~l oox1nexiox~ ~ ~ T!.\e Aoori!}it':W..S l'~totf~et1nn

!Society ln. lfl~S 'b:tolJt!tl:t to the .a;ttentb;;n ot tlJ.e 1lrit1sb e;ntkt11'1tla~

tlle moLt ·to ~IrottK:t the nnn-1hU"O~~r~;;i.t'.t tJtt·~ a.trn1t1St tt:te prml':.=.to:ry tintl ttastllG 1nc:mrsiortu of tlie Voo:ttrekJ;~m- on thO· !,tt:mt~~teHs. tn

stro'n~ tnrtJS tt~ soeietv :toters to titt;oo at t!~ on tnfr n::tt!w

~- . '·'·


tribe~ ~.2- ttreckles$"' feroct.;)US .500 rrr\fv~nt~nful~


.%,{,.w.Jf- :t!,t'l,_'i .. ~~\ .. ,!.¥1," 1>t J_~,:J.,




""'~~ ~,,I\.I;J~_.


___ i._ .. ~~--'"~.,_.~, ~~-~~-·'--!'~ ~&.'>:~;;:~


' l




- -~ """:{p.l>,,


:tor J}Ublistittl[.t; t:ilt1~ of .alleged v1v.lr:neos oor:ocxit:tetl ey the Voor-

tr~kerc ~~!dn:St tli0 tt:;.t!wa. rJ%);:l tbr i1r:b)i~ing 91'-P.AUHm.t to ·ooG;r:

.. · - +

·;r ·

oJ.;r;. t. • +-1· n • :v., · 3}

u.~ ... iGn tile gow.~nmatt 1 to.-~·~ oo...-A~Jn ~zt:~i.ns~ ·., 1e vO\:xr~rcri~l~t}ra. ...

()ntJ et tb~~ wat :f~llf~tt VJrl tlt::!l -of too Vaortre:ttJ;;t:lr

l'lrJ~1w ·pollcy· \r'ilU Atlilf'lt~u ~1tociG;·~tt!}trom.., ~;bo 7£(1fene;1 to tile V'ool.,.

trekk'Ct' policy in texn~ ~ucn ~~B *a e;~et::.:r of sav:~e · det:tul{Itio~l"

~ a bl-t¥,Z)J :Ot&rt)tJ.il, •w.,.~·a~ of 1nfr~~yH: 6 ! I!e -ar~~:: attE:ntiun tn a

rer:o:t tron1 a ~eltob mts:~d.ont~ :Ro11e.n~l1rl c'llidl it ·wa;t, ::~llegefl

tb~;;t lJt~bracn cbiltl:r.m ~iere t~?.Ren lTtto bOntt;ge by the ~\'}ers!>

u~ '""




>~> l t . - fl) . ~t ..


t' •

4'1 .• .


;~;~J ~moo Jtll.o l:.uera o.~: a. rJln* · l'~:\1e atJU: n.t·.{~IJ!.t d.tJ~t• e.:,;1.:ee~.w

.rt.;i>.,r •o:ti•

l~ <t:--·:'t>-nfl- ·~,..,. !l'il'..n<~<• ·1




Jt.r~ .. -,,...-1" ft,,,...-~~ 9) ,.,.ln.t:·-'""' ''""·' >l'l.,)_,~~,.u-


w•r-., .. o _ 111~


6 -t..,;s ... ¥ ~.:IY"-";li.'·lH'

.ACC!tJUr:&ti<:tw *~!'n ~dfia m~;~d~ tlls~.t the vo~;:r.trEfi-:J~ertt

atducte-;{1 ~l te>l()Jt !:-11. tb. thon1 fret.'d Slf,J.W~; r.ro.:l tn:.tt they, :1:1100~

by ft~llKl o!" violence. took -~d.-til ·tn~1 a nnrrtoor of mJ!v.ta~:~~ls~

"""""----"'~ ... '\'f.v_·-- •. i"v;.l* fj!l··~)..-!l'fi('l ~t-'IY,•· l"':;'f'·'*·b~l·. •v '*"'!.-·::~-~ """.·

:'!".n:_Y_·_:-.,_ ....

t'jn•:ot_ ... ,...;~ 1 .. ":'_:'~..,.,.,.. .. _z.~'"'l¢1-10)

'*'V"-'ill~"'.:J..,J l\<:1:.~14: '*-- Q -,cV'P~) ;!:•HJI·Jit , [..,,_._,.~.!.


li;U~·~Jo. 41""":> ·~~ l!~~r.~l..-'C .'--•:!.JI.i'\.~t.'-_Jc,;;;.t i-

The: !'Pt."tul~ttvnG: ~-~ainst ttle ·voo:rtrek~ters t'llrl tt:;e

®neal.s 'l<Jl oot1t~n cor~tin~ro ltn:£ibated. In lfiZS ·O?:ert of tbe nlntrcll

Mf.~;-:•lona:ey- Ooc1ety oor~~l~:;ineil tb:::t tilf; '('1t.ttclt t!Onl~l nt-tVt)r ~.~llo~.r .a


. $tr~,te;~ p~ticttl.:~rly b}t lrd.s:t1:tm~:~1~.tt ot. til~~ ~teHleyan, Pa::·is s:mtt tu»(lnn h1;;tltut:tons.

~:he t\'egley~;n ~s::-:it,nrttJ.~l* A111~?'n "~:to:tc. ·en lGt At1£~~1nt

1842 f:rt~zn T!labn> '!:!<:hn to n Ci}ller~:,'fe thJtt it ~~~s nnCt'A.JHf1.n tc :t~ntl 15tl~f'XJC} ·:klritinh colonir~t9 'to tho ~e1;:,., foY ~mt~:ih a. h?dy }-:fVHld» 1f 11ell r~.gJllr.i*ed, t'frenH:rvo the ns:t1ve tribes tra::c~ d.eatrnotion t~ld

f,are11e:r r;;1·,~ the: pro:rJ;.1oot of t~j itle,r~ in sot ·t.1rl€: t~~, t~ielr ~ror~e


\l'J-h".'(>-IA: !i'Cl!Y:;


"""'MA<~'~'·":l~ ·~J

>{h t.:~.· . .

.... -.• ....

:w~v (!:lTV'~ AH~itl:~ ~

/i4.~~ ~.J_;,j, --9"WJ" ~L,ft:.A,~q·;i.J-~4:,~J ~~!l'l~..V~,l~ . . lit . .t.


<":-i'l'V;,"Wl'l.f !t<:"'Wte'l'l<l:. ~¥1.t..:>"''> U {.;!.s.,. __ ,li,:..:f;:~}, :;\1\...,t'


-~,iXi .. ft.~~ .W.-~


.. ·~ 'fo.:,;c-

he oout(::flttt:'M 'th';'::t sl:t:veey '\ti"a..~ :lt.~. ~i~~tnnce f%:rr three o'l f<tHI' yr~BZ!l

eP.Otlg tho 'l.Tekt.era in th€? t~etl rol"th and a~!Gt of tlle. ~:roge Jd:vnr" 1

ettJ thfrt tll€;3e Tr~}'~;a~rs nlJOh?ed * a.. fPf1:r:1. t of' bittt~:r hor~til:1 ty e,r;:z.1tt9t ll.li:J mirJ91rtDfti'.1ea"' ~ 6 ) file :lt"tt?l'lt'!b miG"n10ft~U'1en C'a.sa119 ~~nrl

nollant1 ;1lfJO oo:mpl:11nt~tl 1n 1.039 of cncroacl'~~.~,;ntS> on tt:tf~1r .s:t9,tiorm by Ib~r- ~~"l"t~:r1l,_ \ltlltl remaVt~; ~fl():t.e thr;:n ?f){} Bur:Jbm.ttn fro!i! tl:,e m1sr.11on

~ts~twn; ai'Vl ~lao t1:1re.tttoned to fl.sstroy tJ1e1r ~.1'<lrk as mls~~i.on;~rif:t:t~)

!rl'le '!t"'tencn mt~~"~10tifi'.rlcs did rJO,t cnly n~Jce tt1~;!r plea to the n.r1t1~ih

autr.l.Uri ttesl :m1t tnr<.n~;:ll tlt~;!'i'r 1nfl~~u~mtl~.i1 orwm ~Jottm~~l dna t-f1s:: 1t:rtla. !·~'flt~~el!ctwr~ !It~ tlley fi.lso if!~~ .~;n 1ropres;J~ou upon the poo:;le ·Of nethe:rlom..4-)

To thnir ·nle!'t.S t,tf;;r:f:~ ::{'t,tled !urt11er r)le~ by 'tb.a n'b1Qtt1 to

nr,. ~rom :f~ll1lip.,. ~ oo~:·l~lnetl in 1.842 tJJ.~~:t toe Gr1r;.uas wt'~:.r ~:~1r;g:

(}ll~te~i fro!~. tl1e1r tf~.r.rltory by th(~ Uoern an:J. tllitit the :tb()rt.~t were

. . l'fW!!•i£SilUi:\ft!tlilti4(1'!fflj(wl)l\l"l!f~•YJ>J.11811_\* F,' l -p l'


.il1''*'li ... <t!fi'f,iR";t • . ;ioi~18f'E


i!l"'~4~1.ldil ILJ~'f(tt)m·1,;fi'Ji::i;4~ ' t


in\e:tV(J!tt161lt ·tiT.S'tly in thr.: :f{>rtfl of .·t:re~:tir~s _ >ith C!1'1$";taa i..n:l

native :mue-ft~~1n~ and ·lCi;ter by· n:ll1t:xry :;,ctit">ll*l)

Y:ony nt til~ ac\:~Lcntlnn!t ~~r~·;rtnst: t11~ :rrek~·~-(~!"n tre-re.

llOttt::V<~Jt ~- ft1tmd tr; bf.: C.Ott]9lot;~ly nnttll<it f~] ,,~.:1t1:;::§1'1t fo~m,lr:~tion, cil¥J·

as ti~ fltYont:: ft:~l"et~ (Jf phJ.lr.nthrophy ~zrn to -w:-:it£ by lR45~ tfte sr:: ·

s:~Ite 'fihil!":Id~hrc~Jistt:t ~nre f(;'tlfl{.l ·tz:l ~ing a nrt;· aa1 d1f'i)':·rcnt ·trtEf:~ ..

Tt.tm ti4n ;t1hll~tilr.(t~~li;s,t ~~:~itl· ::tltl Wtt~ ~tile to a0y in 1a~~-!i of tlJ.O

n~~ti-wt~ on. tile r:~~tnm Flxlrrt1el""


tit:~t -~'lE~Y $le ~km tmni Vili~ii r~~. g,r~t~Y at. r;f~ttle:t: and:. ~~?ttr.::tl:y l~r.n~trr~ut.{ms :f;;J'.itl &l:trd.t %~ to

' ' 2} . . :

tb.G nvtlo tlf obttdnitlE t11em. •·

Woo:re I1revicm.rtlY tht-} .rt:=.t1ve~, lit~~ been lookerl ttt~<1ll -~

Ce-r,t(J.n ~~mm~nnnt 1n:J1v1tht-~l'3 \'1f~l'r. evf;.n ll6<;tY:1 ~alina to

5) .

hc.v£; dt.tubt~ z~Jx:Jn.t th.e -v~~tu.e of mi~'l:Jic':r::r:;rr' '""'"'tk".. · · !11r Hz~r·ey f~?U t<'h

eoneltKitk\ thf~~_t #SUC<lllJS: !n C..")l\Ve.:r.u1.~}ft ttt~~~ tfi};:tre;;.Jt'lY l1thltt:ClfG)

tnt-r:rt~.l~:-rK!t'; tn ~rem.tl,lr :!.tnt! tHit1t1cGl flf:t;;d.rs by ;mto;,ilon:...r1es 'Ntr.:~

lo~;lrot<; r.~~tm ,~~lth tiistt1von.r evan :tty :mls;~1t~n::·:,:r1(~~ tlii::~:'l."ft:lves71 al:Kl 1fcrJ:tr'Ot bttt lK:ve: ~?lnjtrr.1~mm: e.tt:er;t llpor.t b1s (tht?; "19 iorr:J·~y•~..?l



.,~v·;£1 l• ·. e.,'i~-:'1~-~


%"1:~"--~ ... ~--if~,~~


>'-g~ ... :t_.J£..Q; ... 1


p:resu: ~tbrouglt fiiJ!he· ~.tmes·~ i~~l n~:he Qt:t::tl"tsrly :uevia:~:·,... took the

m1ss1o:n~z~·i~e. . . . . and. .. pll:il~nthropists to task tor- the :metllocta ~1l1lch tt:.ey

my jcitll'fl.eY au~~ tbe emigrGnts ! saYfJ oo ~1';E·1eGrr1D.® of sla:vee- rmtoh less 'tlllgn allY traffic in thmrz ... l-Ibicll ha.$ 'bs!:n ea.-ronecm.-"";ly allegerl to eEist,. ~:tl.e Boe:t~ Md n~t::lve3 tc as· far g..,q my' observrJ;leins Went,


. . .


are ~V€f:rY~·.tt.tere on the best C·f term$ ..


f$y 1B54 the Sr1 t1sh 00V£fr:m~tent was pr:t~:::red ta &&rd. t fltlblicl


that the 'ITekkeru in tlle t..:rea ru:n:th ot tt1e Or;;;;nga tll ver,

J';" . ,7 ' . . . .. .


frans-Or(~-;e~ never entertr..in.ed. slcverly nor did. tllov keep sla.vf:;s .._

#1. t'i1)'fff!T'>?"~lf

1':1ftT'f.>t1-'*'''fttllf11:b;I. · Tn

·~lfif''' f1i'~"""' t•'fti'!.'lt';Jt

r· ..


_-r:r-~-.:~.~:~~,:-t·\, ;~,~J:l:i_~-t;---I:l;''l~~~~· ~l*r.nl'f'~' -~ "h·A:~·--·s-~~=-·~~.!-at-t


ngainst the Voortrekkers of t11c ~~r~11svacl a perr~tstr1nt

attfick we$ also bsir:g rt"~ntainetl. by rrJ.ttf~1onr1:.r1es ~ ph1lanthrcp1stg nncl others. · fbls· attttelt ~;as Uil'ft:cteci ' ag9.innt the a:ttitur.l& ~1

·polt:ey of the Voort-rekkers in regr;rd to mn.;:ff:ttro)~~e;;ns.

In Jlil.v· l~Ma H1:he f10t1tll .Mrlean COrftr.ere1~ Mve:rtiserjf

pleaded tor effeet1·ve 1'neasttr£!S to "be taken agranst the Ttekke:rs of b f:re..nsvanl so a:t to prevent them from -oora::}i tting !n~nErt1.aes

agsinst mn-~u:ro;}et1nl~ A yet.rr l~tet-, .in ,July lf.M3. LiVi!lf;~1t-ona tttottt

from. ~:uruman;- ~noors (r....re ~f:""tin, .i~te:-~ling tbe children of t:tlf.* :rt:t;tives:


in oTd£fr to n:t.r:dte thett~ t!lflVen. * Four ye~:ra. l.;1,tcr, 1n 'Mr~oil 1641 if he

. .· . . . .·· .G)

con:tP.nrleti that "the ~orn ~~::,te mts;~1oiU?,r1as.·jf

From va!'1.ons aelu:coa tho attt..;nt1on of tha nr1 t1,nh

Covem'!lf.:nt \<100 being di:rf~ctod to the alleged. nlrt.ve trnff1c that ~'"OS


oo1r~ OO:tK1Iletoo t.y the Yoo~t1~m~rn ir-" coinv:;ZJce mtb t!ill l'~orttt-,

guerJe!,~ ~th~ :pm:l!"4d~iu!t)r:1st to~tu.:~tr ~'l~~ tt1~td metle t!ertrlln, 1rnreut1-

e~~tiotttt ~iliCh..led hit'L -to C)fi01~;tr~!fl' 1 1r.t a a1s:r.;;.,~cb. .tD. tht.:t 'J:r1t1f.lll

-<'_!.4 ~""t~t'r;:'!O!'tli'




-~}!A Vf"""'' .... t'Ji!Ll.'(•l·':i·~


;A-.>.;~tfc~h r~t..-*r·~..._t· t';r~ b"


~Y•··f:~"if'--~-~"# ~~ ~-ll>t>:".- ~-~· ·WN~"·-tr- ~ ~-· ~})'• •i!i...~~~J-~~~0


·l~~··cc~:;.l' ,,.~U:~.t;.x-i.i.U ~~· , . ..,.~

tmtabli~;ilird~ tia;;. ;alave•iJO-ldil:;(:; sottlt:.riltm~•i tht.:t~ t:-'1ld (».t-~;ye p.roc~..Jl~ti

to s-ell et:t'tt&n o:t thr~ oonr:,lt.el!"fd n~::tiv~:s to the sl~·m;; dtmler~ at




£~~·~~.);.;'-..(".~ .-;,_~"j,.·f.-•4 ~ "tiD',-~~- l~'J:>'U


·ro -nur~~.ort lltn aliti\'?ntlc1n. !~;itlr,.r;tt at1deti tl}e tent1~ny

' < <;!'\ ""l:,


of a n·}.t1Vf' M~en1- -

'r1Je ap·pe;~~~lu of tll-t:t pllll~J:n'ttitn]1;i{rtn on :ut;it'::tt ot tlll~

nrmt1ve :r~·.i.Citi·!;. ot the Trcltlnv~::l ln<l to efJJ;l-t:tonf;.l rcaeti't1ns on the

' t • •

;ptlt't of thG :nrttieh r-~Uthor1t1e~;. !i1r n .. ,Jhnr.tt.;n. s~:1d, :1n tt£ tbuse

of CbrtZ:JOM in -tf·:t·1l 18~}1 th~;t tM n1r~"Euro~~:ctn. tti:IDnld oo tongcrt ~;;

. ~)

1oft to ~the tm-lc:r ~~rc1~£~ of tho nor~~


nt~r:ts tie:~~ts::j:ry Grey r:;;:-

'fi,.,&'l""'H"""q ,;:M'WU"-+~Yk ·lW.;.,..:,;;n·_~J,;. ~-t·r""~"'.~",'ltf


~~., ~(~>:'"' '*n'· "i*~"'-k r.~ .t;.O<.'liifvn.-~~'"~'U' * t,•;.uuti.·.-,. ~--t~r-5.;-;;:,~,ut""~ ·Hti"'""<J.

· tll.;:._\1

....,...,-~<'~'fit~"'-"" >~>'ll-<.~- ~''""""'-'f.<·'·"J.t ~tu~"' '1:,.,7...,, n,.,,.,,..,.

grtliit 9:1~~ th~ 'P~t.~cttce oot onty ·uf· t'lCr(J: sl.~;.~lding u~tt at sl:s;w-ae:U.ir:e bn..~ l)~r-n e:'J't~tbliooed~ ¥r life oonolultcd tlt::;t the~e -~u"rfE, evil~ tnt ,t W1lld r~t ~ tolsrt~\t.W r.uld. ~U'f;J!d tho 'f:!!:l t1oh t)J:vr.tmr:~:~;nt

~to .1f:ttorft1l'a I:nrc !lF~u:tnri.llY 1n tb.H atft::irs of th(; t"'t;Utll. Atnc:;n

ro . .

ft~"~'h:t •-n:~ ~-.'!i;HII.U.J.J,..i,V ;11'

i~4J'JSV;:t:·l,,, ttllt'i thr.:~t i·t t{{.!l;"('~f1d "ttt:.t .tn ~lt~Vt!l"f !G~· .. ,.·,., ... p~:rndtt~xf

o~ p:rr;.Jlt1$ad in the eonntey_ to too nv:rtb. ot tna ·vrt.~:.l l{!Vf:l" by the

A'ffl4 C'"" r ...,;to.

di'r·:;¥o!'~'t'l~ 'l

"J1-~'4t:.~·:f\..'~J.*-t~. :.l~-~~ci~*l;-l•:t ~' ~


. 'Bt:tt tr11n did. oot d.ete·r thti 1'llilantbrop1ste',;; fney con•

·tiinw.:t tllclr ucctm:~:.t-1vns f.tt~E~i1oot t~m ·:toorn tJi tit l.ncreaaerl ~f;wt}:ac ~ Gl'lti f;a:t't10::'ila't'1Y tbe mls:~:iutlEtr.len ttt' ·tt10 lcmton.:M1~~1!0n.;~y t~<:Wit;ty;

. C\Urtdllatlll.ff ltl tho arri~Ht ''i,tJ' tlle ioo;ra: Of the mt,g~tiflft"Ll*1J:S !l:dfu•;'Jl"dS

"~ "''*"'< 1.ti


(1) ' .

~· lt.t;.~~-~~l

!t is ~$a1nst tJ'dt1 bn.ukttror.:lf¥1 tb::xt tbt~ ~.;,ttituie ot the

:!?<Jar~ ut tne f'~J:t~.tll itf'l"lc~:.n !:lefi~tblic tO"tt'~'~irdrJ t:tre: Col~nrcJJ. ~':OO~Jle,. [!l1{(

·t..~:ir- re:l:;,tirJnS t;ltll ·ti:lC't1l 1. :tUUUt b(; Viet'JlC(l.,

brtlJ!ng~;~~tl in 1i'f:ul"U£,xy lSZa:J a '!ttit!J ~lour~..{ln. W'n~ r;.<lCO~,¥Em1<1ti tlte J!oer..-.df'f[JUt.:.;t,tnn t~S 'if;.}f:t~n'YfJl:'~"' sl~O l.nttt ti~(!ir liWSi! W.tif~n Ding:.;;n

att'$t~kad tla~ lg;r,tgerlJ of· the Voo:rt);"n~:.Ke:ra td'tt:r too ltlttdor- of net1~1t.:11 (Jrt'tl':'ie t;:~"l"• it'P'~'"''l.,..,a~; i¥,."1 1 "<1:1~.,..,{-tjf :'--"i!'"*f~ ""i:l·.'t:>h "'-·~11.• €;1"

1 -..

"''"'"".r;£">• "',.''~ .etn-...1! ,*"i •""

~to."- .e; __ "' ,\Sv: ~---JMAU':~~ --""' v -~'.if'~~ ~~~~\•'---· r,,~ ~~ A+ ,,~,~- ~~t-~~""'~ _,.-J.J;\,1 ~..,l.Q· '!~·.s..·v._.-~

help(?,tl to ''.l~lnt ttn ~blou:r~d COtrittuni·t.toa ot tbe nt1rtbe.m ll'fOVinue


of oouth t;;trl~~ ... "'·

,;no m.ri<;lori.ty at (::o.lottrEd 1'000"1~; c~rlJE to tr.Jl 1*r~.n~vs..J3:l

f1'orrt tt~; C:.-11c (1)l~nJ ar.l{l :v~not1t~'ltl~mly trr;m J~1mtx~rley Sli l'e.trtl" ft'i~

·wlten go1u w~w. fiiceovr.:irad on tho W1t~rater.s:r(~nd t;Dd e:lstri;here in. tfle:

1"rfalSVl£·~l~ .l?rior to 1D~{0 there l'iOl'C but te~:! ~blOUti!cJO itl tl'le fr.:)llS•

va.c:lJ' b!Jt. 'Ub.en a. cen..~u$ of tl11l :r}or~·tllat1on \T!lH 't~;}{cn 1n 1904,. tlmrU:

were ZhJ;,;47'}:re:t~Jous of· ~t:fd 'b'loou :tn tho ~r~svtH:l f»ltinY~Jre~ of


thE: tbl.ot~()t}S r;r~nt. ttl ·trol!'k on 'tll.il mtn~s +.iS ·oor;Jk1ll~l laboltreH.·Ji ··


~1!!- . .



tf£1:11~ $t)B1J were .in.depen1r:nt porot:ms wbo rv;rt. trteir O).'ft bn~ine~s'e~

or tt&.dt~u::) i:tJ \te :f,ind.. tor ex~i11~11ef ttm:t c:.·rrol1ne :Li:nr;.evelttt, ~dJO

h.~;j preV!v/iW:ly l!~s1ded frJr ten Y'E-iOl!f§ 1n ~1t1i'~s:rley :al'ld froi!l lS~14 1n

'""") ..

Joi¥JntG.e;.Jburg, w::::;.,s: a W$,k~!'\'i-~ti1a.tl: Pieter 'IJ;:miels*. t~bo nail carr~ to

tha 1tt~U¥l f'rmr~ ·t·~le ~e 1n lS~X) w~<:r a trd.l(fl' urd l:t~d ll!a '0~:1f, buz:rlne£

•· ~\

. ~,J


. ff.>r .a ~t1od of ::Je.wn . ye;:.;;.r3; ... ~ramen lx::.vtu !-:fO~~tlS: er911e trl Jnht;-tJn~n~bt

frOlti Cat~ ~;_Q"~tn itt 1803 af~d Wall nr.onlOYt!it, b:y the f~l at !h'tll;'i.rnl




. . •




ftdlr~lt.r t1.Uti c.a: · ?r11e CQl:our.r:~i. ~ill r:i:t.k I~lrl~ C?Ji~ ~.J live tn

. ..,,...,.·~·1'\l"j'>f~.'·"h•.'>'.,.,'r ·~~r·•r"" t,~~,. ... ~~taw. 1·.,.. .'f"""'l. 1,. ·lf1(1il'!l' j!",i':"'"' '"·.:r~.


~ ,,..'"""~""~.":-1""'""' ""'n tile

fi\JJ,.~-t~M~M~··~P ~~·-v"-~4 '-~~-~,.~'~"')' ~A;, :i,~, 'i U ;,f. . ""~f . ·"")IA;iy· ·--~, ~ .. ·~~~~ .. :~.;, V -~-

m:rne-~:iriV{tl trems .. 5-)·J!"~b :r"f:tcr4Jen v~, 001-,ff~ve:r ~ t~}loyed on the

mines., V1~> .:f,~ther 1/t.iG ;1 C:.e1rnrm t-ind h1>:J :'.o.i!.'lthr:r a ~r~$tn fronl Gt.,

. .a.>

Halens.. ilc W£':tS lJo:rn at. P!kntbeJ"& Ult~l o~.::se to. t.hn ~~:Jl~JVtf: 1 in lUH7 An.on,g tl;ln t'.olotu-otta ~'ho cr~ t:.> tz1e T:r;;.mr~va::l 111 tl1J:Jse ·

d_; ....

'!se·~l~ ...,....-~~--:&.··....,. ·~.V\~~··~ "~"~Q~· itm.: i ...



~:l.t';;"i; ~-~<'!'>.,..~.>

... .w .•. j\il·· ~ ... ''lrf'l ~-v ~~.,...<t'J.~"'

~.t:m:i" 1'1;

• -ft•,(tf«')I.-.Ei,'i'i<.lffi ~~ .... ~~"".a.:o


v .


-~~"l;~~~:Ji~-~~ ·~-•n

,•,-'h?l. :"'"fWn~··\.hhf":'*fl.,.


. .a.•v, ..

J,~ ... ~..J·

Goo of ·tiif~ f1r(~t f:.blQut-!~l Gi~lm,s~~tcr~ ·ta. QQme to too t~·'t".~ale'V'tl:a

~iJ.l c j\'~


:Ko~al, ·~<~ho was to~· ~Y yec"'ro Mtili.L::tl 'T.~:,ttt~t:i£5 tnn~tr-~IOtor

und.f::t til£} ~l':.ill~M~':\1. ;:;~dtto::~'ti~tt.t r:~'1}1:..-~tl»fJnt ,~t · t!u~ 11~~tlr21 ·~r;.1!:l:.'lt1g

·Centre for Oo1.QltrtKl cbili'i:tf:'fn :;:,t ~,_tgltl 11treet, Ff!r'l'l~ira, Jwhfmr:~"rjtJttrg

Tl11G Mr:.Ultr-:1 ~t'.i;;.1ntn.g t:e.ntre 1:..'~ ~r~mtl'terr~~t in. 1ti47 to tne ~1 ty ~

SU:burb;J'l ~>cbocl.~ uxKI.o'X" thi~ ~ttr.tsdt.et1t:;tt of tllo "t::ri·tcr.,. l''l"or~ tl:da

l:ir. Ka;m!!iiz\.U the ~~ri te,r WP.$ libl.e to get :!.4nch vr.:.lugJJla :fir:;.~t-h: llli tnf~o~;;ti·on on the 'i>l"obler~ ()f CvluurBtl ~$duc::':tion in the fi-rnt

dnor;ile ot this ·Ci1nturr~ O"'H • .'Kcope"Jr~ 1v:t tot~:'Y or1e ef the; t~.Jo· Tr:dl~·~..,.

. u)

v.;;;; l 1netr~t;e:rs ot th(~ (blourc~1 fidviaory aoun.c11 ..

A~ fip.,.~ bet\n. pcintecl :ont, t.ne. ·noeru ·~10ttld n~t tolt:tr,.;;;.ta

et--~l~l1ty ~~J;tn tl~ ~~.o1~urt:!.tl veo~)te, 'hut .~itht~!' wnl<l they <dl.lu~


.ana uet out r.tlttnrl.y the atti,trhle tortnzda ~loured t~(!(f:~le un(ter

tbe:il!' control. 7-bey wert~ :tJt~t ave-rse to tl\e ev::tt~elisa.t1on c.tl them~

;pE!03~1e, .\)tlt f¢rt'1f:'4fi tUU~?1t~ll~ OOd.(1tit18 ~"ere Ci'lO!filS!if~~'t in their 1

eye~. and. ru1:ttu:r.d.iy e.nr:n~:b., IlO·t ·~1tl~)~lt rec~Otlt ~~s21nlli?.l7 uork

v~ allot:.~d:~ t>~~t {!l'ily· unu~rr t11e S;tl'1et~s:t m~1en1r.dta1.- l) The VoDr-

treidreTs !ntleea. ~alm.cd 1:*-t est?iblisl11tlg a st:: ',tr; wllicb shcmld oo


~~f.~y_ ""t><"""'i: ·~~,f''O.Y\ ·~

\_ ..

:~?~+- US~ (.~V.J.t..!.'~.'=~lti.i-1 Qlil\-'~.t ·~i-f~f.,_V~-~-;;_,_~~-~7. "'iiiie"•>''l!i'*\t"f•·'·1."'f.d . ... ;~.il' #tJI"<I''l•"•'"~''R~na-e ;r;;t'l".-~t~·Ji:lrl8 r~f ~h.ol'>• ~"'o''"W·pfir · ~YJ:i~t , _ _,;.J;_t~y: "'6- _.i_:J.£~ .¥.,:·~~



l.'eli:l,tic:nuldp llotr:;e.':;:n tJ;_o ·:1h1 to tna~lte.r t;txt\} tbe s.u.bsen1f:nt oolc;u:r~l

~j··} .

rcc11s * 1t "lll1n tllt:'Y hoped tt> ~dlit;ve ~~ tar ~ t1m t'bloltr.fx~ 1.!'fJCJ~,,le

~rere concerne~l. bY· d.euarr:r:J.fig the;~ fror1 the frrmool!'>e, bY maki:tlf) them earr;v pas;-::es or itlent1 ty dtacs .and by etrct'V'_J,CJt:r1blt~ their'



r1gf~ts to otn ~~rapf!:tty~· · ·

r11o ~?Outh A.f~1C.2:t1 Hepubli.o ·~-f~~'l ron~itltent tn 1tu a.tt1-

•t·,~t~ ll'~,n."'. t.~'Hl.l".f'.li l.-t:"''*.~r·•

Jt_~,~~-·£ ftJ) ... :f..;t.X~· "'" :.e~f .. ,.U\4 1&-. ... '"""'· ;Jt) ·~~If

~·.r' 1t·~l· .. '"

_,-....o\..1~·---. --~ ~;.~t.,.:tt.~"_.._..t,. ~~;~~4-.

1·t• ~ .. !t•tt•ll!j>t.',ro 'i.l';.,..,.. •• :rl. 4





~T.v .. ~~ .,~IY.


trt~l ·~"!lito 1nl~.1b1t£•nts elther 111 ch':lr.'«ih or nt:~::·tf}~) · I:"~ven 1tt lt3

la'.~ l'el.;,t!Tif~ to m1l!:t;:l!'Y sel!'Vi-oo. tt.e fk1ttth Afrlt~;n netlUbli.c

4eoreel;l. tl:t~rt. t:Olour~-d ;t:-eo ... >le ·~rol.tlu not oo u:Je~l ::ts: ooldi!fjrl~ ~gn1:rmt T~tn-o~1e~c:ns:, ·nut (WUld oo cr?,lle·:.t l1f?On ~on~ ot persoonlyk~..n d1en.'lt to

doe-.n* " of om .. uy· tc~ dr::::r:cn tot .... de ourlof::tkont~:n.,. .. •. crt 5) om te -~~t'kMl op

~e ·-1..-··:·t""a>J.~ """':.n ~tAn '"•uw·c-'ki~·~ .. ~.116 't.;.~dd* ""Y".-t·t "·Y•.nn ~~

·'i,)c .;P <d.2

~~.,t;· v;;:;:~~ u~' w ~£".!.~;,.\(..~ u

' Q ...




>it >

In 1997 ·rree1dt:nt r.ruge:r de,.;l~;c.red tl'Fit l:w canld ~1:rt)ve


~.l&.'V.IIJ,Is 1iAK~

~~_a.: t'14

,__:·4-J.JJ~~ 'l>,:'f

n t~~-1·:<+

'1K-!~1;-·~ :,.!lt.!i!"''1 !t,~Q4~-~<:..Fit'l:::J


ct~->t~:~> .<t't"if(I'i!l! .._,,:;.,., -~-~!.~ :f.;MtA' •

;"'t'i'\t· *-~~,..:'

~~~ lJ--.!_c _



6) .



la and the Voortree:ker noers; · for· 1n 1915 1 t Wt:lll a Hottentot

deta®it)r:tt unfl.e:r tllt:! com~:;rod ot a. t~ti.t'01':cean of:t1oor 'th'hl.ch f1y.(;;:d at


ana. kill£11 the Boer 'frederit neZtd..<JerillOnt 'Wtu::-;n ·he resioted ~.rreJ~.t.

ani 1t WHS a Hottentot :ref~!me:nt t!..tt:}t Slll~f-'l'{!l9Ged. the Hl$r,:ters l?ek

n ... :'hn.ll~"~'" 1}




~flttit:tg the tJlt.~lo-not;l" 't;ar thnre "JitELtl a n~.Jttoor cf COlu·ur ~

soluie:ro,. the ~ll:.nsler Hootttg;ijf~ ~too sldett ~itn tlJe ~1t1sb tt,g.~J.ins\

·tne ~eM. !'he 'Iiottrt't sh~~~ed bnt 11 ttle 'tf;ttr'it~cet. f<;rr' the 11:va~ and

pos.sesl§ior~ Of ti~eee Olloure.ds ~ U!lt:ll 1!J02, ~'then tl~~ nr-1 tiJlh

threatened rctt:iliB,ti.on., every ~!ed C-Oloured ~erson. 11ho fell into tt1e . hr::t:kl5

. .



,, t:ue Pcr~r :rfjOOlS' ::.u-id l'.et:-liDlic:::.n




'was soot ".fi.ittr-


out OO!tmt'Jlly ...

n . . .

Rri·ttelt aw·., . .r;::~:t t!1lid. intervention for the l'1t.:hts of tlle

mlourea l~eo;:~le in ·the ~r<:.nsva,;l v~ :YJB.int<Uned ~:mt1,l the o~xtbr£ .. k o:t ttto tmt:·lo-tt~er '.a% in 18:99 t:::.nd for some time ··there-~;.fter,.

X;ut the; gOV!~m;;~.:\,l:c.t of· tb£' SO~:ttll A:f:r1a:~n ·uap~_blic 'lt'1d trouble ~:r1 th: the Coltntn:J .reo~>le tmtic:r 1 t~l ~ut.ltJ.-Ji\l~1on.. Wlu~

Colcntrt.~~J l'!oo··le ~JO".tld rot .stibjBct th~~uelV€~ to ·the fil"OVf .. slons !Jf the ~r~.k:ct !~o*~11'~ of 1B9fl:,. and \IDllld 'l'!~(;rt cn;rry !iaB:.1e$ ror rJl~lpl.:;;;y


~;etra 11L1\t1.ty discs~~ ·:rn thr:~:il*' B:ttituae. tt;e O;rlonre{~ l"oonle ~781".>1 snpparted. by trle; ~l·tish cove:mt'!.Bnt ~ ~flis :1';,·rs. ti~ll r~vel'Il!:.ent con- tendr.Ki .in 1 ts rer~resent~~,tio.l'.lS to ttl~~ gOVHmr.te.nt Of the ~~;()!\til Af:ritt~n r:e.t;ltolic, ·tll;:;;t the fbloured.s ~¥Jre Br.1 tisll S'~ltrJects and,

. ~}· """"Z_"'f~,i:.·. ~t."~·t·'

. ..g, II-~ ,tJi;,j; •~r.u...-

__ t,,....,

~~ ~'\~I.IJJJ-'"1•<'~''~'

a-t~h~~-,..t""'t} r.;;.u\ t·"-

-V t'l:"·o --~.lv "Y~~"'!<1

·n<!lH~ l""~"ei

.' ·t,~LtQtl

-SO~ltb .Afrtc~ neptib'tle to tliB r.~:t t:it'!h Af.;rnt ln :r"t~.~tor1~:;.. di'::ted

~3:3nd flarch lS~t~, :l t ··-wa,a. ccintenct~-a, tntGr alia-- tht"~t the tbltuttc~J

_Perx:,le of tlle. ;,1 ttl::::,tcrs::rr~d ~aerfl:' tmrt;'lli~-..ble, nrovoo3,t1vr,; antl brut~{

*en rloorg-i:.i.•.na tot het la.:::gste zedrtl1J'k~ ;;f:11 in die ma;-~tur.ht~J")1i

oohoo:rcn. * ~is letter z.l$0 w::ntloned tt1et a nt~i1be't' of the C'olcrurt


. '

Agt:nt,. oont;d.ned 1n a -~flfJrt.crtr..natD. :audres~~ed to trte aova.m~·~ent crt too SOuttt Afr1c~~n Rffl:)U:blic on l£:5:th .J~Jly 1697 in !'hl~ tl~ stttt~-d: 1J~'he

('blo-ttt(tJ; :i;eople are .. as a ol::.ms .sober"'· J.natm.tri:t~~l\l and ltt~f-abi(Jl.:~

anti in 110 'Ftr;:y to be eott:p:;;.rc~i- t'"* the 'ravt k~~ff1r workttlt: in a.. m111e. ·~

'file .goW!1'12A;:lnt of the i~uth Atr1e~:1}. H.er1ublic diet. hmtuver, trtli.Ui t tt~

tnr,:re "'t;"f~:tt.";: tlJlour:ed.~ ·~·;ho llr~:t attt;ined e,, me.r:~Su:re of c1v111n~:~tlon

SlJ.JtYrior to ctl'lrE.:ra· of t.t~cir rt:~c~, rm:_~ t..~u;He Ct.>lottreas ·were e:t:r:ttqlte<l

. 2)

!a-onl ttu~ p:rov1~3i~J1S of. tnc ~'as~ laws ..

''tbe ~:rlev~I'ices of the C'~1~e Cblonrt~~l of tl'k~ T!'rm~~v;t, 1 -~-e.

~'tfvnp; tt~ ftt.etD-ra

... ·

ttu~t nromt!;ted

... ,_._

J.~llne:r ·to int~rto'ro -~"''itt


. the oooor,;ti r..ol1ey of the Sontn ,Af:ric-:~.n !!ept\b11c jur{t p:r1~:;rr toe tOO 01Jt'bre-:"£k ot the ~:la~Bner ~~-~ ~~)

t_· ~j"!!OU~,. rllQ~I!l>_.-;i,. i~'>f11'!":'k"'if.';l'o'!i t,~.t'il'.._.,._ if!t,_:"c.._f;£~: t~f'W,.,, ~-":<.'tL'_"" .no;'Y'1.~~t "-"""'~~t

~,# ~ , 1! ... ~]-·U .,:}JJ..,..,t.Y-~'L.4· .... !,:A.J4~ ~--i.}•-'\f_ ... ('J--~ ~~=---'.il -.,.v ·~ ... ~\.I'JJ:!~., _: ~AA~Jr:(::;l.,!. ,


~v 1,..#···~¥$..,1


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p~;;~oo by· le;;,n~~, thr~ tioloure;2 })OpUl~ti·on in the 'Pf'9itSs)n in rJ.hiel.l tllny st~:;;l ·t~fOt'(~ tl1e tim%'~ tJ11 ttt not ~;vcn ·tht":; or.tlin~:J•y c11111 r1t~htrl


;thlch tl~e r:o-vernment of tll.e Ca!!e r..iOlony b;:;s l~ng eonee:J.~~tt ttl tnott~)

Sht:irt.l::t 8fter tho H&r, l.tar~J ~-'llner • th;:n the Hr1t1nh

Ht~0h ~~i~J~,iu: d1ol3e:r !n £"0-sttb A.fr1·C1:~, ret t~)rr;.t{!ti ttl:"~~ .1J~!,l'tt1n~et~t3 iu

~ a<id!'eSG to dfilr·g·rrtes ot a .!J:lm1nic~-a1 (!c;Df~,resn in the Tr~mmra 1 ...

He a,lid't ~~ feel even mor~ ~tt{)nLlY pern-~'s neout tl1e ooloul'f.~d.

...,_l ..

~~- ;.ioQt~·..

~a-""'( -+-h-..,, ...

w~ .!;\~ :;·;.t~~-~~.'Jf-lt ··t~i:~· <l~·;:~-,v4~Y~,;;;·

···h.._ .. ,,. '*"'~ .,. .... ,.,.~\


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Yl> __ ....

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~-;¥ ;~,.f



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-~ w

d<mlora.bly lnl'f :tltHte of olv1li!tltiC}n.. Thern is: a, g[n;~;ll w,:ctit!n, a

---~r- t!l·•·~·~·.'tl £ot...,.n-M:~..,.'t~-'V£.~~-;J '¥k~:&i;. -~"....,..'Vdl.v .t.t ·>'WOt...,,.,."'"'+..,~ .t_;u_tA.~~ i;tJ1'1-... ; __ >:__::_._~.,. ~irUJ' ~a.~::vlj ·vY'I:'"i~~,.;~:_:~\~'

• tr:t·'17'

~,.:lit-... ,~,.-.


"""'"'~'"'N''"'~~ ·ti.le~ ft~ I. ~ ~a;,t-:;A,.f!J·~-~ ... JS ...



..:iis~;a--.,..4.-:,t:•li'l'dr ,..., ~hn1• ...

1· '7

4:11. ~::n<j' ~f-.r. }'i .. • •. ~ ... !'': ''"'t\~·





a ~n<:':f·1·'! . .._'1"·-

\..1. ~~Y-t"¥A;,t,.J--'~.t.~,..,M: ·""'4 1,:..._-..,..ft . .:t.- Y.b:_ ·t.t;.{., --~ '•ll . \ __ u~ 4._ ...-Y-=< ~~ >';,;)~~.t'.-t ... ;j~ _ ~ ~~ _ ~...- ~'-*<-f..i.-"'-·

able deg"tef1. ot 'Ctvllin:;,\tton. It ls o.. fu-rther cann1,H:~r~"'t1on, 'lt!U.ch

I oo · n~lt ~~.l'Si) to li}Y r:J.Uch ~Jtrem) u,;;on, tl~ut throl:tghout Coutb Afr.i(!fJ.

n:er.t o:f trk_~"'t c1~1sn"' :tor £~ho~ :oorson:>~llY I .fcol the de;::zne~t SY<i~rttby • .b'SYe atoDJ r~ust loyally itl the t:rc~;.t strtli.It.:;lo for 1nfr:Jj(>.Jl1c~o;.;;~;nt

b;y the slue ot' tl:~1ae ~!M b~1ve ·bt:cn tn t~.::t1011r· of tl'fa:t li?irler cxtcneio .

of ~tllr;;..r libcrtitUJ Tt<Jhiell 1r1 wh:::t tim tr1~Ar.rJl of t¥1e J.~.1"1t1Bll ld.eE~.

in this et'!tmtry :t.Je~~:ns.. 1J:tCY Ikr;;ve OO·''U f'J';;Ot"~g 1 t~ ac~'Cs:t q;rd..;;nt tn .. t~t'*"'

J:;vrters; I Sii«''Kt1t1 rto !lorry 1f otu! of tl:tf]j fil\"J;t fl'"'in ts: or ::.ntr vitJtor

.. l l

-was to f,tlf~ce ·sm ixtdEtl1ble ntig,:1l~1 ~1:;c1:n ther.Z£.


t~oil J.:;jhll nhodes \~as au al"d€nt 3U~?9Qrter of thi.s ViG~

:pttint ~ enunoir:tt~~i .bis :t."ir~:l;m (.:<f ~f:)·:md. rigtts fer nvery clvilis(-!d

~!ru?.n !~uth t.'ff tllC' Za~'!OOs1 ~, ~'lld .fa.r tum a civi llsei1 r1an was ,a. ;~tiJn~ r ..

mattc~·r ~~..,ru~t~e% white· or blr:.ck~ :.:100 :had 1.Htt'f1oi~m.t Cfl~K.:c;;.tinn tn \~l"i t

hi~11 n:111~~* ~..tl» OJttned Ut1


t:G ·~ronf!:rty~ or \r'tJrked :etnt1 YW, ttlfrr~fo:r.ejj\

. f.~'

-h.~;~ ~~



it).'' . .

:nnt. a lonter.

In S~t1.te of' 'r~11 tllf!na. 8$G{~t"t1ons by t'~~e m?JiJ1ra t:rf

:Or1:ti~1b ~lit:'Y at the tit¥::,, there, ~~r1s tl~e 1ncons1otf~ncy tr~~t ~rcng:

the f1l':~t ~1r.1 t1slt orJ.lnsli:lces to te tl'IlEtc.ted tn l~lfi.S tn the e:rFJt:,:h11e







1""'""'·... . .


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t l."'">tA

r;;ti. ...

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"1l:.•'f){Y'"'""f~a r:~:" 'l;<~'t<t,...eA

.. ..: __ -:::.J;• ~~· ~!'t.ii4~-M -"\...t . __ }1.qr._:; ~~·w

1.1a. ,

~* ·h.~.·v.~


.... ~ ~.Ut.~ '*"h.I!l!

""'Y~.' t-t•~};

At.r .. -~A,~~~ ~•

,1· '£!*

. .

In tz:4!t


tr.te er1 ti!:.~t annex.:~t1ort or trs..e 1Tw.~~va::l md.Ue



11 ttle diff-er~~nce to thr~ leg~~l at~t~1s of tlu~ Colottti~~l f'OO!Jle 1.fi ttifit territory.. . ~'ltey 7em.~t::ined, very m.tw!~ in a. sl-rnllrt't 1JOr.~i tion . to



1 ... _ ... _ .. ~ ... ""'!! __ ~-ltg;.J-.. -!Ii:--1.-l--.<:"-Aikf-(liiM ... ,jii ... rl'l_, ... ·-·;t .... J!I,Ii-_ol _ _ f ...

4 _____

J-fii .... JOt ... l_t_._.il!""''jjK_'_biiifii_O_;l:;U-1••-ill~-l;tl"';~-_:;v




f "i:iij" r;J·r)Jrl;·"-l!lilfj


ate· re:nidt·nt in the\ mtm1e1j~al aret. of Joorau1e~~ttfi• 1be rerrJt~1n>:Je­

liver~ on tf~~ ~eet and in tt.e rUJ~{1l v1llr~g~ of the, Transvar;~l ...

'rbe :rnrnbtrr-r living in the :nrr,~~l dic:;tr1t1t~ :cwt.t on fgrn"JS is- a-bout

'I~ .,y~

.~;;;) ,.yt,;JV.

~'be r'.OlOllrE!d.~l of tTOhantit!s:br:mg live 1n apnc1~1 subll1'bs

~-- ~~:::s ~.t V-redrJ:lorp,. SO!ifliatoHtl, ~~~t1ntlttlo~ ~Ie


;1'ClnTe, fionver~.

l:Jolhu:ter :t -~ihrreirast_o~n)' ::.m-.1 in the :reormt1y estal-:li:~fr;cd v1ll~~Qs

for Cc-lcnlrr:d~ li~.or:le at Q:>mxlat1'tfnv1lle~. ~loortr{Vilh~ :r:lW :Naoru!""'

g,.:;~1B.. Otb~:r~ r:t.gatn. 111.1e in tnf~ ltJCP:tior:ll tor ~t1ws ..

-l'Ym·"ll. n-.;.--n'kF,.,..,. "'~' *n· .... ...t*' n~ ""'1- ··_d...


rf-1~"'*~""' -r~ .. .v--.t· -l.a.

lfor#.Ut;t , ;~k-'-t\~-~ M ~~ :\1 -~-;; tf~:-:;:· \1~~~: """ . .;_~_~;l".,. ~ ... ~A> ~- -vr_;y.&~.t ~---~~=u::_.~ -~

111re 111 ttwi:t"" u~'tl no~1-~; the ~~,~or!.ty¥ htr_'f,-•v-er;, livns t.n bire~1 ht1us~s ~w!d rooms an.l tn a Jllttfllmr of ~t1:tf:Jt'lf '~ tfholf'! f::iiH1lleJJ ooe~t~}Y


'1. . 1}

a S•f\4..1"' e :tOOll't •.

Tim rentals nri!d. fDr ll\)tt~~ tmd othP:r 11\"i~IY ~-CCO!tttn•

dati{;n .oon::r.t1 tute a lrrrg: percf~tr.~:~; ot the oontnl; e~~1ntt:¥J?1

·l".t.te oce:t~J~rtions in ~~11loh ttre !blcnrf~i! 'POO'';lf!: of tiu·{

Trnnsvr;' 1 ~;;,!'e e!."lg:)f~oo,_ ar~l oonnectei ~~1lth m.tl'!.l$tr:1en



on tt.te 1-anes. Ttf£'re 1s -alSQ ;;__ smal t JJrof~frzion~l olann eng:::ged as tet)~Ol:t~~f'a,. pr(~achers an£1 doctors.. SCJ!l1f3; 60f:'O ~re enr~tified in

£"""""'-.-:.-:'_·r __

-~'·--"'~~? ·~lU



o·•\':1·;-. .,.

lf.l ->i~

__ .


~'>8-i!'i.ribrt:;f;j v·.




1716%\11 ls: ro t'..tOHbt tnnt ttl{~ tbl~ntrod :f'{;o<o:le ot tl~e

~talSV!lt~-1 play· a :1-ot !rm1.t,l1fl1J~;:nt p~rrt ill the laooltr-att'<::ly {lntl

tte e00fl()L:i1C li.f(~ ot the t;lttl:crte-r;;f:r~;r-rt ...



In een maatschappij waar levenslang leren de norm is en mensen zelfsturend vermogen nodig hebben om succesvol te zijn, kunnen wij niet vroeg genoeg beginnen met

T ot het voegen dezer verfchillcnde foorten van werkwoorden, zijn noodzaakelijk de hulp­.. woorden ,

:lptep-do^r de raad van de gemeente Woerden in zijn îrgadėring, gehouden op 26 november 2015.

Het Commissariaat voor de Media te adviseren de Stichting Lokale Omroep Woerden (SLOW), in de volksmond RPL, aan te wijzen als lokale zendgemachtigde voor de gemeente Woerden voor de

De output te monitoren en te borgen dat de extra inzet van middelen resulteert in afname van duurzame armoede in de gemeente en hierover de raad bij de reguliere rapportage

Samenwerkingspartners staan ten dienste van de veiligheid in Woerden, zijn bereid om over de eigen organisatiegrenzen heen te kijken, accepteren de regierol van de gemeente en

een andere aanbestedingsprocedure op dit moment leidt vanwege het beperkte aantal geschikte en beschikbare accountants tot onaanvaardbare risico's voor de continuïteit van

tegemoetkomingen en verstrekkingen, genoemd in hoofdstuk 2 van deze verordening, voor zover deze worden gerekend tot een vergoeding, tegemoetkoming of verstrekking als bedoeld