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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/61393 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Cuijpers, Sabine

Title: Regulation of cell cycle progression by small ubiquitin-like modifiers

Date: 2018-04-05


Sabine A.G. Cuijpers

Regulation of cell cycle progression by small ubiquitin-like modifiers

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Cover: A representation of an intercellular bridge during cytokinesis, the final connection between the newly formed daughter cells. Microtubules and the midbody are visualized in a U2OS cell by using antibodies against tubulin (red) and KIF4A (green). Images obtained and adapted by Dr. Daphne M. van Elsland and Sabine A.G. Cuijpers.

Layout: wenz iD || Wendy Schoneveld

Printing: ProefschriftMaken || www.proefschriftmaken.nl ISBN: 978-94-6295-882-1

Copyright 2018 by Sabine A.G. Cuijpers, Leiden, The Netherlands. All rights reserved.

Copyright of the individual chapters lies with the authors, except for chapters 2, 6 and 7.

No part of this thesis may be reproduced, digitalized or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission from the author.



ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op donderdag 5 april 2018

klokke 15.00 uur door

Sabine A.G. Cuijpers geboren te Oosterhout (NB)

in 1990

Regulation of cell cycle progression by small ubiquitin-like modifiers

201808_binnenwerk_Sabine Cuijpers_FINAL.indd 3 23-02-18 10:09


Promotor Prof. dr. P. ten Dijke

Co-promotor Dr. A.C.O. Vertegaal Promotiecommissie Prof. dr. M. Tijsterman Prof. dr. J.J.C. Neefjes

Prof. dr. S.M.A. Lens, Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht Prof. dr. T.K. Sixma, Nederlands Kanker Instituut Amsterdam


Reis ver, drink wijn,

denk na, lach hard, duik diep, kom terug Spinvis (2011)

201808_binnenwerk_Sabine Cuijpers_FINAL.indd 5 23-02-18 10:09



CHAPTER 1 General introduction 11

CHAPTER 2 Guiding mitotic progression by crosstalk between post-translational modifications

Trends in Biochemical Sciences. Accepted for publication


CHAPTER 3 SUMO targets the APC/C to regulate transition from metaphase to anaphase

Nature Communications. Accepted for publication


CHAPTER 4 Chromokinesin KIF4A teams up with stathmin 1 to regulate abscission in a SUMO-dependent manner

Journal of Cell Biology. Under revision


CHAPTER 5 SUMOylation and PARylation cooperate to recruit and stabilize SLX4 at DNA damage sites

EMBO Reports. 2015;16(4):512-9


CHAPTER 6 c-Myc is targeted to the proteasome for degradation in a

SUMOylation-dependent manner, regulated by PIAS1, SENP7 and RNF4

Cell Cycle. 2015;14(12):1859-72


CHAPTER 7 Converging SUMO and ubiquitin signaling: improved methodology identifies co-modified target proteins

Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2017;16(12):2281-2295


CHAPTER 8 General discussion 213

APPENDIX Dutch summary (Nederlandse samenvatting) Curriculum Vitae

List of publications

Acknowledgements (Dankwoord)

233 241 243 245

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PML Promyelocytic leukemia protein PUP Prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein RACK1 Receptor of activated protein C kinase 1 RanBP Ran-binding protein. RanGAP Ran

In the last case, they often act as a switch where addition and removal of a functional group switches a protein ‘on’ or ‘off’ or regulates the binding to other proteins.

Wartenberg M, Ling FC, Muschen M, Klein F, Acker H, Gassmann M, Petrat K, Putz V, Hescheler J and Sauer H (2003) Regulation of the multidrug resistance transporter P- glycoprotein

Using a published bacterial sumoylation system (Uchimura et al., 2004a;Uchimura et al., 2004b) combined with protein purification, tryptic digestion and mass spectrometry, we

To investigate whether the consensus sumoylation sites present in HIF-2a are used for SUMO conjugation in cells, we created plasmids encoding mutant forms of FLAG-HIF-2a lacking one

Disrupting any single one of the three identified SUMO acceptor sites in HIF-1 α increased its transcriptional activity to a similar degree.. Mutating two or all three SUMO

Slechts een deel van alle verschillende eiwitten die een cel aanmaakt kan gesumoyleerd worden; samen worden zij de SUMO targets genoemd.. Van de meeste SUMO targets is bekend dat

(submitted) Inhibition of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor- 1 α by conjugation of Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier-1 and -2 to a Lysine in a Non- Consensus Modification Site. and