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Targeting environmental and genetic aspects affecting life history traits Baldal, E.A.


Academic year: 2021

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Targeting environmental and genetic aspects

affecting life history traits

Baldal, E.A.


Baldal, E. A. (2006, November 23). Targeting environmental and

genetic aspects affecting life history traits. Retrieved from



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Targeting environmental and genetic aspects affecting life history traits


Egon Baldal

Lipids are required for, but not causal to starvation resistance (This thesis, Chapter 1).

In order to truly uncover ultimate and proximate mechanisms underlying the same phenotype, the evolutionary ecology of a species should be known and respected throughout the experiment (This thesis, Chapter 2).

Longevity is a possible by-product of increased starvation resistance (This thesis, Chapters 3 and 4).

Examining genotypic effects on life history traits should take place in relevant environments (This thesis, Chapters 4, 5 and 6).

It is unlikely that a long-lived mutant that is evolutionarily viable in natural situations is discovered in the laboratory (This thesis, Chapter 6).

Marketing and evolutionary biology both teach that the expense of striving for perfection is disproportional relative to optimisation.

In the current society the evolutionary advantage of grandparents, and thus longevity, becomes evident again.

Epigenetics and cultural inheritance complicate Darwinian evolution to Lamarckian proportions.

The people of Nauru show how evolutionary history can have a strong effect on current population genetics in our affluent society (cf. Diamond, 2003).

It is typical that there are so many restrictions, rules and directives at a “Praesidium Libertatis”.

Remarkably, methodological nominalism is essential to society, whereas methodological essentialism is merely nominal to society. (cf. Karl Popper in “The open society and its enemies 1 – The spell of Plato” pp. 31).

Acknowledging the importance of the use of virgins is not necessarily a religious statement.



melanogaster selected for increased starvation resistance; the role of metabolic rate and implications for the evolution of longevity. Chapter four

In summary, the life history traits of an individual are a manifestation of physiological trade offs, genetic constraints and past and present environmental selection

The average relative fat content and fat-free dry weight of males and females of three species of Drosophila across three larval density treatments (L, low density; M, medium

To test the thrifty phenotype hypothesis, we thus focused on food conditions and tested life histories of adults raised on adverse, standard and affluent conditions as larvae

We performed a principal component analysis on the averages of starvation resistance from eclosion, relative fat content, longevity, metabolic rate under starved conditions

Tukey results of the analysis of data per selection direction (L for long- lived; SR for starvation resistant; S for short-lived) corrected for the corresponding controls

The differentially expressed genes under starved conditions revealed that flies of the control line experience more stress than those of the starvation resistant line.. Line SR2

In summary, lifetime reproductive output of females of methuselah mutants and w 1118 was equal, but w 1118 displays higher early fecundity over the first 12 days, whereas mth 1