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Academic year: 2021

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VU Research Portal

Risk of cardiovascular diseases after Hodgkin lymphoma treatment van Nimwegen, F.A.


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citation for published version (APA)

van Nimwegen, F. A. (2016). Risk of cardiovascular diseases after Hodgkin lymphoma treatment.

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Chapter 5






Cases and controls


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Mean heart dose (E



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Mean heart dose fr



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Mean heart dose fr




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This study compared neural induction protocols involving in vitro patterning with single SMAD inhibition (SSI), retinoic acid (RA) administration and dual SMAD inhibition (DSI). While

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mPFC plays an important role in attention behavior and we know that mPFC neurons use spiking frequency increases to encode attentional processes.. The hypothesis is that each

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(B) surfaces of both channels were activated with a mixture of NHS/EDC; (C) Ligand (HSA) was injected to the sample channel only (black line) while the