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Scale Interactions on Diurnal to Seasonal Timescales: Their Relevance to Seasonal Model Systematic Error


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NERC Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

Scale Interactions on Diurnal to Seasonal Timescales: Their Relevance to Seasonal

Model Systematic Error

Julia Slingo, Peter Inness, Richard Neale,

Steve Woolnough and Gui-Ying Yang


CGAM Tropical Group


SST Variability e.g. El Nino

SST Variability e.g. El Nino

Diabatic Heating Response

Diabatic Heating Response

Global Circulation Anomalies

Global Circulation Anomalies

Lagged Ocean/Land

Response Lagged Ocean/Land


Applications e.g. Crop Models

Applications e.g. Crop Models

Final Impact on Statistics of

Local Weather Final Impact on Statistics of

Local Weather Scale

Interactions e.g. MJO

Scale Interactions

e.g. MJO

Primary route

Translation Teleconnection

Atmospheric Bridge



– The Maritime Continent

– The Madden-Julian Oscillation



• Integrations of the Met Office Unified Model -HadAM3 AMIP II (observed SST, 1979-95) -Aquaplanet version of HadAM3

-HadCM3 Control

• CMAP Precipitation data

• High resolution (0.5


, 3 hourly) window brightness

temperature data from the EU Cloud Archive User Service



Typical window brightness (K) image from the CLAUS dataset

12z 1 January 1992


Annual Mean Precipitation (CMAP) and AMIP II Mean Model Errors


Climatology NCAR


Met Office


Topography of the Maritime Continent


Resolving the Maritime Continent in GCMs


Annual Mean Precipitation Errors in HadAM3:

Sensitivity to Horizontal Resolution


HadAM3 Sensitivity Experiments: Impact of removing the islands of the Maritime Continent

(Neale and Slingo, 2001: Submitted to J. Clim.)

•Land grid-points removed and replaced by ocean grid- points.

•Increased moisture availability from the sea surface leads to enhanced convection and partial correction of the model dry bias.

•Note also corrections to model’s wet bias in adjacent areas.


Global Impacts of Improved Maritime Continent Heat Source

DJF: 500hPa height (m) and Surface Temperature (K)

•Potential improvements in the

Maritime Continent heat source can have significant remote effects.

•Related to the generation of Rossby waves by the enhanced divergent outflow from the Maritime Continent heat source.

•Substantially reduces model systematic error over the extra- tropics of the winter hemisphere.

•Emphasizes the importance of

considering the global context

of model systematic error in

which biases in the tropics may

be a key factor.


The Diurnal Cycle in the Tropics

(Yang and Slingo, 2001: MWR, 129, 784-801)

Amplitude (K) of the diurnal harmonic




Phase of diurnal harmonic: Local time of maximum brightness temperature




Phase of diurnal cycle showing systematic propagation of convective signal away from the coast

Bay of Bengal, JJA:

Implied propagation speed ~15-20 ms


?Deep gravity wave

Mexico, JJA:

Implied propagation speed ~ 10 ms


?Shallower gravity wave

associated with land/sea breeze


Rapidly propagating squall lines down Bay of Bengal as

observed in JASMINE (Webster et al. 2001)


Maritime Continent, DJF: Evidence of complex land/sea breezes which organize convection for several 100 km

Are sub-gridscale land/sea breezes a crucial component of

the energy and hydrological budgets of the Maritime Continent?


Schematic of a sea breeze

Sea breeze has two major impacts:

•Convergence along sea breeze front provides additional convective mass flux

•Winds associated with land and sea breezes enhance surface

fluxes leading to increased moisture supply


Investigating Maritime Continent sea breezes using a Investigating Maritime Continent sea breezes using a

mesoscale model (MM5) mesoscale model (MM5)

Embedded MM5 simulations with Kain-Fritsch convection scheme.

Morning versus evening precipitation differences show signal over ocean, indicative of land-sea breezes.

System of propagating land-sea breezes evident in model. Precipitation is generated over the ocean during the early morning by the convergence initiated by the land breeze.

Evidence that orographic effects enhance the



• Maritime Continent heat source is a key component of the global climate. Improvements in its simulation may have significant impacts on remote systematic errors.

• Specifically, land/sea breezes may be a crucial part of the energy and hydrological budgets of coastal regions and especially around large island complexes.

• In general, horizontally propagating gravity waves, generated by convection, may be important for

organizing convection on larger scales?


Typical window brightness (K) images showing scales of convective organization

Note tendency for cloud clusters to congregate together to form super-clusters


Temporal behaviour of convection around the equator from window brightness temperature for Jan.-Feb. 1992

Note evidence of coherent propagation.




Inertio-gravity Inertio-gravity

Mixed Rossby-gravity

Space-time spectra showing the organization of convection in association with theoretical equatorial waves.

Anti-symmetric Symmetric



Space-time spectra from R30 version of GFDL model

Note lack of organization, an error common to many GCMs.

Lack of self-organization mechanism?


Spectra of the zonal and meridional wind in the upper troposphere.

Data points show actual observations from commercial aircraft flights.

Solid curve is for the N270L40 SKYHI model along the 45°N latitude circle and at 211hPa, monthly averaged for a single July. For clarity the results for the meridional wind have been shifted one decade to the right.


July mean spectra as a function of total horizontal wave-number of (a) the total KE

spectrum, (b) the rotational part of the total KE spectrum, (c) the divergent part of the total KE spectrum.

Presence of strong divergent component at meso-scales consistent with

presence of resolved gravity waves?


GOES Visible Images for 30 September 2001

20:00 UTC

21:30 UTC

22:45 UTC

23:45 UTC


Florida sea breezes and mesoscale organised convection



Results from T21 simulation with an embedded 2-D CRM (1km resolution) in place of convective parametrization.

Note that the cloud-resolving models from neighbouring

columns interact only through the large-scale dynamics. Therefore limits the propagation of gravity waves from one GCM column to another but does allow gravity waves to organise convection within the GCM column.

Note dramatic improvement in MJO (upper panels) and synoptic waves (lower panels).

Standard AGCM AGCM + CRM


Why the MJO is important

• Intimately related to active/break cycles of the Australian and Asian Monsoons

• Offers potential to provide extended predictability up to 15-20 days in tropics

• Affects weather over the western US and possibly elsewhere

• Associated westerly wind events generate ocean Kelvin waves which may significantly modify the evolution and amplitude of El Nino (e.g. 1997)

• Large interannual variability in the activity of the MJO has implications for the predictability of the coupled ocean-

atmosphere system


Sensitivity of the MJO to AGCM vertical resolution

( Inness et al., 2001: Clim. Dyn., 17, 777-793.)


Model Levels: L19 vs. L30

Note additional levels in free troposphere


Exploring sensitivity of convective organization to vertical resolution

• A water-covered or “aqua-planet” version of the UM is used to investigate the behaviour of tropical convection when the vertical resolution is doubled.

• Aqua-planet version of the UM chosen because:

- Homogeneity of the model allows us to obtain a large sample of convective events over warm SSTs - Removal of the land areas excludes circulations forced by land-sea contrasts. Convective events in

different geographical locations are subject to the same large scale forcings, giving a cleaner comparison.

- Aqua-planet provides a more realistic test of the convection scheme than using a single-column model with idealized boundary and large scale forcing functions.

• Aqua-planet setup:

- Zonally symmetric SST distribution, typical of equatorial Indian Ocean/West Pacific warm pool values.

- Incoming solar radiation fixed at zonally symmetric, equinoctial (March) values.

- Aqua-planet model integrated for 15 months with both 19 and 30 levels in the vertical. First 3 months of each integration were discarded.


Time-height evolution of convective cloud over 3x3 model grid boxes (7.5


lat. x11.25


long.) centred on the equator




Time-height sections of specific humidity increment (g/kg/day) by the convection scheme

Note periods of moistening in the L30 case – convection is generally a moisture sink.




TOGA-COARE IFA apparent heat source (Q


) and moisture sink (Q


) for suppressed (A) and active (B) periods

(Lin and Johnson, 1996: J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 3367-3383)

A: Suppressed B: Active






Time-height sections of potential temperature lapse rate

Note presence of stronger stable layer between 600 and 400hPa in L30, and similarity with observations.



Observations from TOGA-COARE

(Johnson et al. 1999, J. Clim.)


Inferences from aqua-planet model results

• When the vertical resolution is increased, the spectrum of tropical cloud types changes from a bimodal to a tri-modal distribution with a third peak in mid-troposphere near the melting level. Associated with periods when these mid-level congestus clouds are

dominant, the detrainment from these clouds significantly moistens the mid-troposphere.

• The appearance of these congestus clouds is shown to be partly due to improved resolution of the freezing level and the convective processes occurring at this level.

• The resulting cloud distribution more closely resembles observations, particularly during the suppressed phase of the MJO when cumulus congestus is the dominant cloud type.

• The moistening of the free troposphere by cumulus congestus clouds acts to

precondition the atmosphere for deep convection. This preconditioning may set the timescale for the next active phase of the MJO and thus influence the intraseasonal organization of convection.


Trimodal distribution of convection and cumulus congestus

Many conceptual models of tropical

convection are based on a BIMODALcloud distribution, emphasizing shallow “trade- wind” or boundary layer cumuli and deep cumulonimbi.

TOGA COARE results emphasize the

dominance of cumulus

congestus and point to

a TRIMODAL cloud

distribution in which the

freezing level inversion

is the key



• Vertical resolution in the free troposphere must be adequate to resolve the formation of the freezing level inversion and the cooling associated with melting precipitation

• Convective parametrizations need to represent a

TRIMODAL rather than bimodal cloud distribution.


Coupling with the upper ocean:

Bringing together the diurnal cycle and the MJO

TOGA-COARE buoy data showed pronounced diurnal variations in skin

temperature in excess of 1K are evident, as well as slower variations related to the MJO. Note that the

diurnal variations occur only during break (B)

periods. Active (A) periods are preceded by a warming on sub-seasonal


(From Anderson et al. 1996, J. Clim. )




TOGA-COARE observations also suggest that cumulus congestus clouds are most prevalent during light wind

conditions in the presence of a strong diurnal cycle in SST.

Further, these cloud occur most frequently in the late afternoon suggesting that they are

triggered by the diurnal cycle in SST.

Coupling with the upper ocean is important on diurnal


Cumulus congestus and the diurnal cycle


The MJO and coupling with the ocean: Observations

(Woolnough et al., 2000: J. Clim., 13, 2086-2104)

Observations show a coherent relationship


convection and SST. Warm SSTs precede convection by 5- 10 days and are the result of

weaker winds,

reduced LH flux

and increased

SW flux during


phases of the



The MJO and coupling with the ocean: Modelling

(Inness, personal communication)

CGCM has a propagating convective signal compared with standing

oscillation in AGCM. Coherent variations in SST in CGCM

Coupling with the

upper ocean is

important for the MJO


BUT intraseasonal SST variations in CGCMs are too small and the MJO signal is still weak:

Is the representation of the upper ocean adequate?

Large freshwater flux sets up a salt stratified barrier layer so that a

shallow mixed layer forms which can respond rapidly to flux variations, such as the diurnal cycle in solar

radiation. The presence of this barrier layer can potentially provide much stronger local coupling in the warm pool region than is currently found in coupled models which do not resolve the detailed structure of the warm pool upper ocean.

Schematic showing formation of salt barrier layer



cross-section from the TOGA-COARE

WHOI mooring

Note complex temperature

structure in top 40 meters

during periods of light winds,

associated with suppressed

phase of the MJO and a

strong diurnal cycle.



• Good evidence that MJO and diurnal cycle of cumulus congestus involve coupling with the upper ocean

• To simulate diurnal and intraseasonal variations in SST requires detailed representation of salinity and temperature gradients in the mixed layer

• Need to consider an upper ocean/atmosphere system in which the structure of the upper ocean is

adequately resolved


Probability distribution functions (PDF) of monthly mean SST and precipitation over the tropical Pacific:

DJF (upper panels), MAM (lower panels)


Note tendency for HadAM3 to overestimate precipitation over warm SSTs. PDF is also too tight, following closely the exponential relationship implied by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation for saturated vapour


Summary of Key Issues (1)

• Maritime Continent heat source is a major driver of the global circulation yet is poorly represented in GCMs. This complex system of islands gives rise to extensive sea/land breeze

circulations which may critically influence the energy budget and hydrological cycle of the region.

• Moistening of the free troposphere by cumulus congestus clouds, which form during the suppressed phase of the MJO, may be

crucial for convective preconditioning. This dominant cloud type is not represented in models which generally fail to capture the

observed tri-modal distribution of convection.


Summary of Key Issues (2)

• Diurnal cycle in SST is large during suppressed or light wind conditions in the tropics and may be a trigger for cumulus

congestus. It may therefore be a crucial part of the energy budget and hydrological cycle of the Warm Pool

• SSTs vary coherently with the MJO in such a manner as to suggest that they are an important component of the eastward propagation and timescale of the MJO.

• Both the diurnal and intraseasonal variations in SST involve

detailed changes in the salinity and temperature structure of the

mixed layer which cannot be adequately represented in current

coupled models .



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