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Mechanistic studies on transcutaneous vaccine delivery : microneedles, nanoparticles and adjuvants


Academic year: 2021

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Mechanistic studies on transcutaneous vaccine delivery : microneedles, nanoparticles and adjuvants

Bal, S.M.


Bal, S. M. (2011, February 15). Mechanistic studies on transcutaneous vaccine delivery : microneedles, nanoparticles and adjuvants. Retrieved from


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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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Behorende bij het proefschrift

Mechanistic studies on transcutaneous subunit vaccine delivery Microneedles, nanoparticles and adjuvants

1. Microneedle pre-treatment enables painless delivery of compounds into the skin.

This thesis 2. Although nanoparticles are suitable to ensure concomitant delivery of antigen and adjuvant to dendritic cells, smaller antigen-adjuvant conjugates are more suitable for transcutaneous vaccination.

This thesis 3. Because of the intrinsic adjuvanticity of N-trimethyl chitosan (TMC), TMC-based nanoparticles

can induce a more potent immune response than liposomes.

This thesis 4. In pre-clinical studies on transport into the skin the limitations of the animal model form a

difficult barrier to overcome.

This thesis 5. “A different perception or interest in the administration routes seems to exist between

pharmaceutically and immunologically oriented scientists working in the field of vaccines.”

P. Johansen et al. J Control Release 2010 148 (1)56-62 6. “Although studies of delivery systems have often been separated from those of adjuvants, it is

now clear that the basis for adjuvant performance may lie with its particulate nature.”

A.C. Rice-Ficht et al. Curr Opin Microbiol 2010 13 (1) 106-12 7. “The prospect of elimination of several hundred million cases of dehydrating diarrhea in infants and hundreds of thousands of deaths with a vaccine that is needle-free, stable at room temperature, and easy to administer has led to a vigorous program to develop a patch and pretreatment regimen suitable for such an application.”

G.M. Glenn et al. Infect Immun 2007 75(5) 2163-70 8. “During the first half of the 19th century the cowpox vaccine against smallpox infection was

maintained by arm-to-arm transfer of the virus.”

P.D. Ellner Infection 1998 26(5) 263-9 9. “If you’re a pre-doc before getting a PhD and a post-doc afterwards, that means you’re only a

“doc” for an infinitesimal amount of time.”

Jorge Cham, PhD comics 8/20/2010 10. Vertraagde aflevering speelt zowel een rol bij het transport van vaccins als bij dat van mensen.

11. Voor buitenstaanders moet het toch een opluchting zijn als je na 4 jaar promoveren eindelijk


12. Een bezoek aan een ontwikkelingsland doet je beseffen dat we in Nederland in plaats van te klagen, blij moeten zijn dat we het zo verschrikkelijk goed hebben.



To study the combined effect of diffusion through the conduits into the skin, transport to the draining lymph nodes and antigen uptake by DCs, the formulations are

Consequently, an electric applicator, providing an injection speed of 3 m/s, enabled the 300 μm long microneedle arrays, and even the 245 μm long ones to pierce the skin

Furthermore, the 300A resulted in a significant higher increase in TEWL than the solid microneedle array of the same length (p<0.001) and piercing twice with the

Three different types of microneedle arrays were used. In figure 1 light microscopy images and schematic drawings of the microneedles are shown. 1) Assembled metal microneedle

Intradermal injection of TMC15 nanoparticles containing DT or a mixture of DT and TMC15 induced 200 fold higher titres (p<0.001) after the first immunisation compared to

Independent of the microneedle array used and the sequence of microneedle treatment and vaccine application, transcutaneous immunisation with the TMC/DT mixture elicited

To discriminate between the different transport aspects: diffusion through the conduits into the skin; transport from the skin to the lymph nodes and DC uptake in the lymph nodes,

The TMC/adjuvant/OVA nanoparticles were characterised physico-chemically and their immunogenicity was assessed by determining the serum IgG, IgG1, IgG2a titres and