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Nurturing nature : testing the three-hit hypothesis of schizophrenia Daskalakis, N.


Academic year: 2021

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Nurturing nature : testing the three-hit hypothesis of schizophrenia

Daskalakis, N.


Daskalakis, N. (2011, December 8). Nurturing nature : testing the three-hit hypothesis of schizophrenia. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/18195

Version: Corrected Publisher’s Version

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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Chapter 1 9

General Introduction Chapter 2 51

The newborn rat’s stress system readily habituates to repeated and prolonged maternal separation, while continuing to respond to stressors in context dependent fashion. Chapter 3 75

Beyond maternal absence: evidence for the role of peers and non-shared stressful experience in mediating the development of a fearful phenotype Chapter 4 99

Testing the three-hit hypothesis of schizophrenia: ACTH hyper-reactivity and schizophrenia-like endophenotypes co-precipitate in genetically- susceptible rats following early-life adversity and post-weaning social isolation experiences Chapter 5 141

Testing the cumulative stress and mismatch hypotheses of psychopathology in a rat model of early-life adversity Chapter 6 165

General Discussion Addendum 185

Environmental and tactile stimulation modulates the neonatal handling effect on adult rat spatial memory. Summary 205

Abbreviations 219

Acknowledgements 221

Publications 225

Table of Contents




Drug Research (LACDR) and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), under the supervision of Prof. In 2006, he did a clinical research internship in

Nurturing Nature: Testing the three-hit hypothesis of schizophrenia Nikolaos Daskalakis.. Thesis, Leiden University December

It appeared that the experience of being kept in isolation in a novel environment during repeated maternal separation, rather than the maternal absence per se, caused priming of

(c) MS + Chronic stress: Choy and van den Buuse studied how early and later life stress affects the schizophrenia phenotype of adult Wistar rats.. 24-hMD was used as early-life

We sacrificed rat pups in two different testing conditions: basal levels (basal) and 8h of separation (separated). 2C): to determine the effects of repeated separation in home context

In the present study we demonstrated that the stressful experience of peer deprivation in a novel cage during repeated MS (NOVEL SEP) rather than the maternal absence experience

2.8.1 Experiment I - Genetic susceptibility (Hit 1): In order to explore if APO-SUS rats are phenotypicaly different from the WH, we, first, described their differences

In order to investigate the effects of the combination of High, Med and Low maternal LG history with post-weaning social isolation on psychosis susceptibility under basal conditions,