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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/40210 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation


Academic year: 2021

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Cover Page

The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/40210 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Karoubi, Behrouz

Title: Assessor-centered translation quality assessment : a theoretical model and a case study

Issue Date: 2016-06-15


Appendix A

A sample of the results of the assessment of the first translation in the case- study done by one of the academic assessors

(The highlighted segments indicate the locations of the problematic areas identified by the assessor in the translated text. Segments highlighted in black indicate the locations of the missing items. The complete results of the assessments done by both ordinary and academic assessors (241 pages of data) are accessible online in PDF format through the following link:




* 1= Source Language Norms, 2= Target Language Norms, 3= Target Social Norms

** 1= Very serious, 2= Serious, 3= Moderately serious, 4= Not very serious, 5= Not serious at all

*** 1= Excellent, 2= Very good, 3=Good, 4= Fair, 5= Poor

**** 1= Readily fit for publication, 2= Needs minor revisions, 3= Needs major revisions, 4= Not fit for publication




oriented translation scholars like Toury (1995) and Chesterman (1997) show considerably more flexibility and grant the status of translation simply to every text that is

Many translation scholars in Iran believe that the inclusion of elements of English as a second language (ESL) in the curriculum of the translation program has

In the design of the questionnaire, however, the initial three steps for the process of translation quality assessment (see Chapter Two) are further divided into six

When one identifies a problematic area in a translated text, it does not necessarily mean that the person has a ready solution for the observed problem as well. The

The underlying core problem in this section was the lack of knowledge about the evaluative behavior of the (academic) translation assessors in a specific local

Yarshater (ed.) Encyclopædia Iranica (Vol. New York: Bibliotheca Persica Press.. Literary Translation in Modern Iran: A Sociological Study. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:

Door de noodzaak te benadrukken voor het begrijpen van het evaluatieve gedrag van de vertaalbeoordelaars binnen de sociaal-culturele en historische context waarin zij hun

Karoubi started his academic career in the same year as a university lecturer at Arak Azad University, Iran, where he taught various courses on theory and practice of