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On the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Policy Instruments for the Procurement of

Environmental Services

Dijk, J.J.


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citation for published version (APA)

Dijk, J. J. (2015). On the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Policy Instruments for the Procurement of

Environmental Services. VU University.

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On the Efficiency and

Effectiveness of Policy

Instruments for the

Procurement of


“On the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Policy Instruments for the Procurement of Environmental Services”

PhD Thesis, VU University Amsterdam

“Efficiëntie en Effectiviteit van Beleidsinstrumenten voor de Acquisitie van Ecosysteemdiensten”

Proefschrift, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Justin Dijk, Amsterdam, March 2015 ISBN: 978-94-6233-009-2

Cover and chapter page design by Dudok van Diepen Printed by Gildeprint, Enschede




On the Efficiency and Effectiveness

of Policy Instruments for the

Procurement of Environmental


ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan

de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. F.A. van der Duyn Schouten,

in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie

van de Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde op donderdag 2 juli 2015 om 11.45 uur

in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105




prof.dr. D.P. van Soest copromotor:








“Je bent nu dus klaar met je Master of Research CentER?” or “Hoe gaat het nu met je Pd.H. Economics and Business?” are some of the things my parents asked me these past few years. While it annoyed me that they would say these things wrong most of the time, and I corrected them time and time again, I’ve come to realize it is asking the question that matters. Mom and dad, thank you for your support during all these years. Although, if dad would still be with us, I can imagine his way of showing it would probably be something like “Dit boekje is echt ideaal voor onder mijn Sudoku-puzzels”. Dad, I will miss your weird way of being proud the most. At the moment, my brother is also writing his dissertation, and when we talk about our work, I cannot help but look up to him. Allard, I only had to write this dissertation, you are writing one with a little boy and girl constantly demanding daddy’s full attention. Nevertheless, I am convinced that you are going to deliver an excellent thesis, and I cannot wait to put your book on the shelf next to mine.

During my PhD, I spent some time behind the drum kit during the dramatic, five-second rise and fall of Cancel Your Weekend (iTunes 2012, Spotify 2012). On behalf of my band mates, I would like to thank everybody that helped us turn this endeavor into a (brief) success, but I would especially like to thank my supervisor Daan for giving me the opportunity to do so during my PhD.


change and the governance of adaptation at the beginning of my PhD. In particular, thank you Heleen, Hens, Marleen and Peter for our fun collaboration and the intense debates that ended up becoming a successful publication for all of us. Andrea, Arwin, Bas, Frank, Gerald Jan, Jasper and Wiebren, thank you for our fruitful HSDR3.5 sessions at Deltares and the Province of North Brabant. The ‘artefactual field experiments’ could not have been performed without your help. My gratitude goes out as well to all the people at the summer school on Experimental Auctions in Bertinoro, Italy. Hillary, Laura and Kurt, I hope to see you again soon!

I was lucky enough to work on my dissertation at the IVM with a very diverse group of people. As with fine wine, over the years, I have come to appreciate Trond as a ‘silent force’ in our rather autistic office of oversized headphones, occasional nods of approval and, of course, the ever present concentration to do work. Our other officemates were less socially awkward, but fortunately learned to become more so over the years. Thank you Marija and Christine (and Reinhard who immediately adapted to this way of working when joining the office the last summer I spent at the IVM). I should not forget to mention Thijs, Constanze and Derek who showed me around the first days I started working at the institute, and introduced me to all the people that made it fun during but also after working hours. But who were the funniest? I very much enjoyed spending time with my colleges in the EE department, at the institute and also at all the conferences, but I have to say that, although it was not a contest, SPACE had by far the most fun group of people to be around. Hence, a tip of the hat to all of you, but let’s not do a roll call here.1 I would also like to thank the support staff, who are few in number at the time I am writing this. With the budget cuts that took place at the faculty, some of their warmth and support was unfortunately removed from the institute. Thank you Els, Marjolijn, Rayvon, Suzan and everybody else that helped me during my time here.

Now as we all know, except for VU University, there is nothing noteworthy on the outside of the A10 motorway. Still, at some point I chose to leave Amsterdam and move to North Brabant to study at Tilburg University. To my surprise, I met some amazing people outside of 020.


1 The law of large (PhD) numbers might also explain you victory, so try to keep it up in the


Jochem, Louis, Rob N. and Thijs, you might not feel the same passion for Amsterdam, but moving further and further away is not the solution. At least Rob N. gets it, partially. Thank you Harm, Rob van W., Pascale, Tamara, Teun and everybody else at Chateau Pinot for making it a place I look forward to visiting every year. To both these groups, let’s keep honoring our fun traditions and let’s keep our track record of successfully planning these things as impeccable as ever!

And then there is a soccer team, containing nothing other than pure class (and Leon). However, only Jaap deserves a special mention here. If not for his amazing athletic abilities, then at least for his intelligent and fair judgment when deciding on the starting lineup every Saturday. Jaap, when we extrapolate from the deal Sam has made, I would assume that including this small paragraph gives me at least four seasons of 90 minutes per match, topped off with a ‘nooit meer vlaggen, nooit meer wassen’ bonus.

The last (but certainly not the least) group of people I want to thank are my friends Aad, Auke, Diana, Dudok, Emmelie, Frank, Hein, Huib, Jacco, Jasper, Jos, Krijn, Maarten, Marcel, Mark, Martin and Naomi. Dudok, thank you so much for all the time and effort you so readily invested in designing the book cover that makes this book a sight for sore eyes. And thank you for countless of other projects you designed for our friends and me over the years. Almost everybody else, thank you for not being economists. As much as I love my research, I cannot help but think that you are the ones that kept me sane over the years. Thank you for all the drinks, dinners, vacations, parties, gigs, trips, pick-me-ups, shows, movie nights, phone calls and walks, but most of all, thank you for being there for me last year.




List of Figures xiii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 The bigger picture 2

1.2 Principal-agent problems and solutions 4

1.3 Experimental economics 6

1.4 Research questions 9

2 An Overview of Policy Instruments 13

2.1 Introduction 14

2.2 Categorizing the policy instruments 17

2.3 Assessment criteria for the policy instruments 22

2.4 Case study: Eco-friendly riverbanks 24

2.5 Conclusion 35

3 The Menu of Contracts Approach 37

3.1 Introduction 38

3.2 The model 43

3.3 Optimal conservation when land quality is predetermined 47

3.3.1 Land quality investment 47

3.3.2 The complete information solution 49

3.3.3 Is((!!∗!, !!∗!),(!!∗!, !!∗!))incentive compatible? 50

3.3.4 Graphical analysis when land quality is predetermined 53 3.4 Optimal conservation when land quality is endogenous 55

3.4.1 Land quality investment 55

3.4.2 The complete information solution 56

3.4.3 Is((!!∗!, !!∗!),(!!∗!, !!∗!))incentive compatible? 58

3.5 Empirical validity of the key assumptions 60

3.6 Conclusion 64

3.A Appendix 66

4 Repeated Procurement Auctions 79

4.1 Introduction 80

4.2 Experimental design 84


4.4 Conclusion 95

4.A Appendix 97

5 Wildlife Corridor Auctions 115

5.1 Introduction 116

5.2 A corridor auction model 119

5.3 Simulation framework and scenarios 127

5.4 Simulation results 130

5.5 Conclusion 139

5.A Appendix 140

6 Trust and Control 149

6.1 Introduction 150

6.2 The game and the experimental design 153

6.3 Experimental results 158

6.4 Conclusion 171

7 Conclusions and Discussion 173

References 182



List of Figures

1.1 From the lab to the field. 8

2.1 Eco-friendly riverbanks (before and after). 26

2.2 Opportunity costs of Dutch farmers. 29

3.1 Example of a first-best menu of contracts (!!∗!, !!∗!) thatis

incentive compatible.

52 3.2 Admissible (!!, !!) combinations for which (3.15) holds. 54

4.1 Average bids per treatment over time. 90

4.2 Predicted and observed bids based on the models in Table 4.4. 93 4.3 Average accepted bids per treatment over time. 94

4.4 Bids over time in treatment D. 113

4.5 Bids over time in treatment US. 114

4.6 Bids over time in treatment UC. 114

5.1 A hypothetical landscape with eight landowners. 126 5.2 Landscape based on a 3×3 grid used in the auction



5.3 Average winning coalition bids. 132

5.4 Average participation rates. 133

5.5 Average winning coalition bids (AB2 and BO2). 134 5.6 AB/AB2 and BO/BO2 winning offer distributions for V = 70

and !!∈ [1, 10].

135 5.7 Viable corridors and unconnected coalitions. 141 5.8 Number of coalitions an individual landowner is able to join. 142

5.9 Average coalition windfall profits. 146




Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of

In a case study on eco-friendly riverbanks, we showcase the usefulness of a multidisciplinary framework to select appropriate policy instruments (or mixes). • Chapter 3

However, these high costs will also be incurred to re- convert an ER to an agricultural riverbank (and they are not subsidized in this case). The farmer thus has the

especially important because this chapter also suggests that the probability of the complete information solution being incentive compatible is larger the larger the

In this second and last part of the experiment, you participate in a similar auction as in Part I. In this auction, the item you can decide to sell is NOT the mug on

However, our model also shows that there is a tradeoff between (1) higher participation rates of individual landowners due to these higher expected profits in corridor

In I1C0 the agent does have exact information about the marginal benefits of transferring units at the moment he decides about the size of the transfer, but the

Ook voor de omgekeerde veilingen die als doel hebben om robuuste verbindingen tussen natuurgebieden te realiseren (zie Hoofdstuk 5) voorspel ik dat landeigenaren grote