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Towards a rational dynamics of plasmas


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Towards a rational dynamics of plasmas

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Benach, R. (1974). Towards a rational dynamics of plasmas. Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.




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ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de technische wetenschappen aan de Teehnische Hogeschool Eindhoven, op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.cir. ir. G. Vossers, voor een commissie aangewezen door het college van dekanen in het operbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 24 mei 1974 te 16.00 uur


Robert Benach

geboren te Cleveland


Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de prornotoren

* Prof. d r. I . Mu 11 er


Prof.dr. L.H.Th. Rietjens

* Department of Mechanics and Materials Science The Johns Hopkins University


That urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art From sounds to things, from fancy to the heart; For Wit's false mirror held up Nature's light; Shew'd erring Pride, whatever is, is right; That Reason, Passion, answer one great aim; That true Self-love and Social are the same; That Virtue only makes our Bliss below; and all our Knowledge is, ourselves to know."

Alexander Pope

To the memory of my mother, -Estel le G. Benach, and to Josje and Dave, my dearest companions, I dedicate with deep respect and love this contribution to the knowledge and hopefully the betterment of mankind.




The two general problems which stand in the background of this study are of an interdependent nature. On the vie hand, of the "states of matter" from which a macrocosm may be composed, there must be a specification of the particular physical system to be considered here. On the other, there is the task of securing a suitable means for treating the behavior of at least that system.

Clearly, the first point is concerned with the problem of what the system in question~· Here I direct attention towards the "vague" concept of plasma

which I assume is not a state of matter. but rather, a condition that may on occasion pervade those states of matter that are commonly recognized: viz., gases, I iquids and sol ids.

The second point in turn is related to the complementary problem of describing what a (class of) system(s) does. Here too, as in the case of the first point, there are numerous basic issues of concern that require further investigation. Indeed, not only the subject matter of plasma physics but also the present means for its treatment appear to be fluid-I ike.

A theoretical treatment of problems relating to the gross (i.e. bulk) behavior of dynamic systems requires a complete set of macroscopic equations. For gaseous plasmas, a special class of electromagnetic fluids, there appears at this time to be essentially H~o general approaches by means of ~~hich the

desired relationships are secured. The one is of a particle nature and is based upon a (non-)equi I ibrium statistical continuum development; and, the other is a classical (i.e. I inear) continuum mechanical approach.


It is a foremost purpose of this study to consider the possibility of deriving the basic governing system equations from a "new" (for plasma physics) viewpoint: that being rational mechanics and rational therm odynam-ics 1. In order to ascertain the possible potential of a modern continuum mechanical treatment, the methodology of rational mechanics wil I be used to develop a particular non-equilibrium mixture theory for the case of a one-temperature, chemically reactive, non-relativistically moving, magnetizable and dielectric fluid medium.

Herein consideration is given specifically to the matter of securing for a plasma bulk a set of general constituent, mixture and electromagnetic field balance and jump balance relationships. And this, in addition to the proposal of a set of non-1 inear mechanical, electromagnetic and energetic constitutive equations which have been taken as being appropriate to the model of the system employed. On the basis of said model a set of equations emerges from the considerations here which is suitable for further theoretical and empirical investigation of a broad class of natural and laboratory plasma systems.

This study, in reflecting the tradition of rational mechanics, attempts to set down a pre! iminary conceptual framework suitable for the systematic investigation of plasmas. Although the theory developed here is of modest mathematical sophistication and treats mixtures of fluids with relatively simple physical properties, it is nonetheless directed towards'the ga·ining of an eventual "breakthrough in understanding" .of plasma systems.

It is henceforth to be understood that these two aspects of modern continuum theory are meant with the mention of only the former. Note further that footnotes are subsequently placed at the end of the respec-tive chapters to which they relate.



Further, while recognizing the value of well-motivated and executed special case studies, the purpose of this endeavor is taken to be served with the presentation of such results as ~sually form the starting point

for those considerations. A treatment of these matters in greater depth or an investigation of their applicability must await the results of future developments.


It is not possible for me to express completely and honestly with words alone my deep sense of indebtedness to those who have contributed most meaning-fully to the realization of this dissertation.

How to say thank you to Professor Muller for his encouragement, his untiring guidance and his innumerable kindnesses; to Dr. Alts for valuable discussions; to Professor Erlcksen for helpful conversations; to Professor Truesdel I for his interest and the example of scholarship he sets; and to my wife, Jos, for her love, forbearance and optimism how indeed do I thank you all? To each of you I say simply, yet sincerely, thank you.

It is also a pleasure to express my appreciation to the "Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven" for the facilities placed at my disposal during the period in which I prepared the greater part of this work. To Mrs. H.K. van der Putten-Bosscher, Miss Th.J.M. van den Hurk and Mrs. E.E.F.M. Baselmans-Weijers I wish to state my gratefulness for their painstaking efforts taken

in the typing of the final manuscript; and to Mr. H.F. Koolmees for the preparation of the figures.

Robert Benach




1. On representative plasma systems 2. Position of the problem

a. Purpose b. Problem Footnotes to Chapter A B. BALANCE EQUATIONS a. Co-ordinate systems b. Material systems

c. Material integral kinematics i. Volume integrals ii. Surface integrals 1. I ntegra I ba 1 ances

a. Volume balances b. Surface balances 2. Differential balances

a. Continuous system balances b. Discontinuous system b.alances 3. Mass balance equations

a. Constituents b. Mixture

4. The charge-current equations

a. Coulomb's law: the charge flux equations b. Charge balance equations

i. Constituents ii. Mixture

c. Ampere-Maxwel 1 's law: the current equations

xv 10 10 14 22


35 39 42 42 46 49 49 51


53 53 54 54 57 58 60 63 63 64 66



5, Electromagnetic field equations a. Magnetic flux equations b. Faraday's law of induction 6. Linear momentum balance equations

a. Constituents b. Mixture

c. Electromagnetic field

d. Mixture-electromagnetic field 7. Angular momentum balance equations

a. Constituents b. Mixture

8. Energy balance equations a. Constituents

b. Mixture

c. Electromagnetic field

d. Mixture-electromagnetic field 9. Entropy balance equat Ions

a. Constituents b. Mixture

10. Selected equations: a recapitulation Footnotes to Chapter B


1. Constitutive equation representations a. Non-I inear representations b. Linearized representations 2. Appendices Footnotes to Chapter C




70 71 72 73


75 75 78 81





87 87


91 93 101 106 109 119 124 142



1. Entropy principles

2. Admissible thermodynamic processes ·r V


Appendix D-1. The Lagrange multipliers

Footnotes to Chapter D


1. On equilibrium

2. Equilibrium and the entropy principle in V


Stress tensor

4. Chemical potential 5. Gibbs-Duhem equations

6. Chemically (non-)reacting fluid mixtures a. Law of mass action

7. Gibbs' equation Footnotes to Chapter E


1. System interior equations

a. Balance, conservation and constitutive equations b. On mass and charge transport

2. System boundary and interface equations


On solutions and applications

4. On empirical considerations Footnotes to Chapter F 151 151 155













201 204 205 205


216 219 224 226






The following 1 ist of symbols is me.•.nt to be complete with the excep -tion of almost al 1 of the general material response coefficients and the invariants in terms of which they are derived. These quantities appear for the most part in Chapter C and can easily be recognized there from the con-text of the discussion on constitutive equations.

Symbol Latin a a. I A b. J b. I a b. E1 b. 01 b. Oa I 3!J 8 a 8. I alphabet Description

A constant with the dimensions of time Arbitrary polar vector

Arbitrary field

Arbitrary polar vector

Specific total external body force of a constituent

Specific body force of the electromagnetic

field in a mixture

Specific non-electromagnetic body force of a mixture

Specific non-electromagnetic body force of a constituent

mean normal "magnetic stress"

Constituent body

Magnetic flux density

Place where defined or introduced Sect. C. 1.a. Sect. D.1. Sect. C. 1 . a . (882) 1 (891) ( 888) (883) ( E27) l Sect. B.a. Sect. B. 5.


IB .• I J c( t) c a c. I


a -S c a -SC c a





a'J di ( t) dk. a J d l. I D. I 'Dl e e I e e a e E (eSM) -SE e a a xvi

Magnetic stress deviator

Singular line

Mass fraction of a constituent Arbitrary axial vector

Production rate density of mass for a constituent

Mass density supply by s(t) for a constituent

Charge density supply by s(t) for a constituent

Material curve for a constituent

Time-dependent vector with the dimensions of time

Deformation rate tensor of a constituent Differential element of c(t)

Charge potential

Partial charge potential

Fundamental unit of electric charge; Equilibrium relationship of e1 Basis vector

Production rate of total energy density of a constituent

Power expended by an electromagnetic field

(Non-)electromagnetic supply by s(t) of the total energy of a constituent

(E27)2 Sect. B.c.ii. Sect. B. b. Sect. C.1.a. Sect. B .. ~. Sect. B.3. (B58) Sect. B.b. (B153) (C3)1 (B34) 3 Sect. B. c. ii. (844) (B45) Sect. B.b. Sect. E.2. Sect. B.a. (D18) (8128) (B 141) 3 (8130)


-SE e E, EM




·I a f g G G. I I Cl i. j ' k •• I ( t) J a Supply of£ by s(t) E

Regions of "low"-density gas plasmas El ec t r i c fie l d

Electromotive intensity of a constituent

Mixture electromotive intensity

Arbitrary scalar field on s(t) tensor function(al)

Deformation gradient of a constituent

Arbitrary scalar field on s(t) Region of "very low"-density gases "Abraham vector"

Arbitrary vector field on s(t) Current potential

Partial current potential

Spatial vector component indices Reduced set of fundamental invariants Fundamental invariants

Phase interface

Jacobian of a constituent

Magnetization current density of a constituent

Polarization current density of a constituent

Sect. A.1. Sect. B.4.a. (BBO) 1 Chpt. C.

( B3)

( B72) 1 Sect. A.1. (B92) (B72) 2 (B67) 1 (B67) 2 Sect. B.a. (C27) (C16) (C12) Sect. B. c. i. (B4)




J~ I k. K b I 1 k a lk L Lk a Lk Ll • m m a



I a L2 • L3 xviii

Total current density of a constituent

Non-convective current density of a canst i tuent

Conduction current density of a mixture Magnetization current density of a mixture

Polarization current density of a mixture

Total current density of a mixture

Non-convective current density of a mixture

Generalized conduction current of a mixture

Arbitrary vector field on s(t)

Chemical potential in non-equi 1 ibrium of a constituent

Specific body couple of a constituent Specific body couple of a mixture Characteristic geometric length Specific total angular momentum of a canst i tuent

Specific total angular momentum of a mixture Pederson, scalar, Hal 1 electrical


Unit atomic mass

Unit binormal vector to c{t) Mass of a constituent

Interaction force density of a constituent









(662)3,4 (662)2 (670)


(E42) Sect. 6. 7. a. Sect. A. 1 . ( B99) 1 (Bl 14) l Footnote F21 Sect. 6.3.a. Sect. B.c. ii. Sect. B.b.



m. I a -S m. I -SE m. I M, M - Me L M a Mk a Ml mk. a J mkj n n a n e ii


a -S nk a


nk ND 0 0 .. ( t) I J p

Supply by s(t) of 1 inear momentum for a constituent

Supply by s ( t) of mixture 1, 'ear momentum

Supply of Gi by s(t)

Regions of "medium"-density gas plasmas

Magnetic susceptibility of a constituent

Magnetization density of a constituent

Magnetization density of a mixture Couple stress tensor of a constituent

Couple stress tensor of a mixture

Total number of independent chemical reactions Number density of a constituent

Electron number density

Unit normal vector

Product ion rate density of Lk a Supply of Lk by s ( t)


Supply of Lk by s ( t)

Number density of charged particles in a Debye sphere

Origin of a co-ordinate system Time-dependent orthogonal tensor

Gas kinetic pressure;

Pressure of a mixture and an electromagnetic field



Sect. B.6.c. Sect. A.1. (C32) Sect. B. 4 • b. i .


(699)2 (6114) 2 Sect. B.3.a. Sect. B.b. Sect. A.1. Sect. B. c. (6100)2 (Bl 01) ( 6117) Sect. A.1. Sect. B.a. (C3) 1 Sect. A.1. (E29)


* p a


p P. I a P. q a a r R a s I xx

Pressure of a constituent in the absence of an electromagnetic field

Pressure of a mixture in the absence of an electromagnetic field

Volume polarization density of a constituent

Volume polarization density of a mixture

(Hass) specific charge

Internal energy flux of a constituent

Internal energy flux of a mixture

Inner part of qj

Charge density of a constituent

Volume density of free charge of a constituent

Free charge density on s(t) of a constituent

Charge density of a mixture

Volume density of free charge of a mixture Surface density of charge of a mixture Free charge density on s(t) of a mixture

Specific body heating of a constituent

Specific body heating of a mixture Inner part of r

Net production rate density of n a Three-dimensional Euclidean space Euc 1 i dean space-time

Total number of constituents

(E26) l Sect. B.4. ( B43) Sect. B. b. (B126) (B136) (B136)2 (B4 7) 2


Sect. B.4. (B47) (B42) l (B52) (B42)2 (B 127) (Bl 37) (Bl 52) 2 (B35) Sect. B.a. Sect. B.a. Sect. B. a.



s s ( t)






a t t* tij a t .. E'J t.. IJ T T, T .. I J T~. IJ u. I a u n T - Me

Total number of electrically charged constituents

Singular surface

Region of "high"-density gas plasmas; A scalar field;

An absolute (polynomial) scalar invariant Poynting vector

A generic scalar

A scalar (field) under a Euclidean trans formation

A surface point

Invariant (polynomial) functions Material surfa~e for a constituent


Unit tangent vector to c(t) t under a Euclidean transformation Stress tensor of a constituent

Maxwell -stress tensor

Stress tensor of a mixture (Absolute) temperature

Regions of "high-to-medium" density gas plasmas

A tensor field

T ij under a Euclidean transformation

Diffusion velocity of a constituent

Speed of displacement of s(t) Sect. 8.b. Sect. 8. c. i. Sect. A. 1. (C 1) 1 (C 11) (B 141) 2 (C9) (C4) Sect. 8. c. ii. (C12) Sect. 8.b. Sect. 8.a. Sect. 8. c. ii. (C3)2 (881)2 (893) (887) Sect. 8.9.a. Sect. A. 1. (C 1) 3 (C4)4 (812) (818)



u v. I a xxi i Velocity of propagation of s(t) Velocity of a constituent v.

I Mass average velocity of a mixture a



I a v~ I w •• a'J


a x.


x I * x. I


a a


a Greek alphabet a a,a,y, ...

Material volume for a constituent

Velocity difference of a constituent

A vector field

A generic vector

A vector (field) under a Euclidean transformation

Spin tensor of a constituent

Molecular weight of a constituent

Spatial co-ordinates

Position vector of a point in R 3 x. under a Euclidean transformation


Material co-ordinates of a constituent

Charge multiplicity of a constituent

An independent homogeneous chem i ca. I reaction Material vector component indices

Sect. 8. c. i. (89) ( 811) Sect. 8.b. (810) (C 1) 2 (C9) (C4) Sect.


1. Sect. D. 1. Sect. 8.3.a. Sect. 8.a. Sect. 8.a. (C3) 1 Sect. 8.a. Sect. 8.b. Sect. 8.3.a. Sect. 8.a.




8 e y a Cl y a


y a y





k a nS


a nS cSk cSkj £ a £ I £ * ~ £ E


a a Plasma beta

Electron, ion Hal I parameters

Specific entropy "production" rate of a constituent

Stoichiometric coefficient of a constituent

Entropy supply density by s(t) for a constituent

Specific entropy production of a mixture Entropy density supply by s(t) for a mixture

Production rate of nk a Supply of nk by s(t)


Supply of nk by s(t) Kronecker de 1 ta

Specific total energy of a constituent Internal energy density of a mixture Inner part of £

Specific (equl l ibrium) internal energy of a mixture in the absense of an electromagnetic field

Energy density of an electromagnetic field Vacuum permittivity Alternator Configuration of a constituent Sect. A. 1 . Sect. A.1. (8147)2 Sect. B. 3. a. Sect. B.9.a. (Bl 50) ( B 155) (8109)2 (B 112) (B 118) (834)3 (8125) (Bl 35) (8135)2 (E2 l) ( B 141) l Sect. B.4.a. (84) Sect. B.a.


T\ a T\








{'.(}. ck s t. I. Bk t. • µ b µo vc' e ~L I t. \) .c I


tl a -a 71 p a p a v a


B4 xx iv

Specific entropy on a constituent

Specific entropy of a mixture

Specific (equilibrium) entropy of a mixture in

the absence of an electromagnetic field

Electron, ion mean free path Electron, ion Larmor radius Debye length

Ct.th reaction rate density

Lagrange multipliers

Chemic:il potential in equilibrium of a


Vacuum permeability

Electron, ion coll is ion frequency

Surface density of ~


Arbitrary surface-related field property of a constituent

Mean pressure of a mixture

Mass density of a constituent

Mass density of a mixture

Volume supply density of'¥

a (B146) (Bl 52) l (E18) Sect. A. 1. Sect. A. 1. Sect. A.1. Sect. B.3.a. (Dl 7) 1 _4 (E43) Sect. B.4.e. Sect. A.1. ( B21) (B21) (045) (B5) (B6) (B26)



v a I; o. I a 'I; o. I a


T' T e u c' u .c e I T'l' a T-a ~~ I a


I a ~M


t) a a 'iiv (x, t) a '!' a E '!' * '!'

Volume production rate of '!'


Surface supply density of_

Surface production density of~ a Summation

Electron, ion col Ii s ion time

Electron, ion col I is ion frequency

Total surface supply densi.ty by s(t) of '!'

a Total I ine supply density by c{t) of _

a (826) (828) (828) (86) Sect. A.I. Sect. A.1. (826) (828) Flux of '!' through (826) a a Flux of _ through a Magnetic f I ux a

Continuous motion of a constituent

Volume density of'!' a

Arbitrary volume-related field property of a constituent

Specific equilibrium free energy of a mixture Specific (equilibrium) free energy of a mixture in the absence of an electromagnetic

fie Id (828) (873) Sect. B.a. Sect. 8.c. i. (816) (E8) ( E 15)


w c' w .c e I w p Ilk a Ilk Subscripts a, b, c, ... e, A, p Superscripts * E L xxvi

Electron, ion cyclotron frequency

Plasma frequency

Specific internal angular momentum of a constituent

Specific internal angular momentum of a mixture

Arbitrary constituent E 1 ec t ran, ion cons t i t ue n t Axial, polar vector

Material derivative of a constituent Material derivative of a mixture

Volume production rate density of a given field quantity for a constituent

Surface supply density of a particular constituent field quantity

Average value of a field quantity

Field quantity considered in the absence of an electromagnetic field

Field quantity in equilibrium Linearized field quantity

Sect. A. 1 . Sect. A.1. (Bl 09) l (B122) Sect. B.a. Sect. A.1. (C4)2-3 (B14) (B15) Sect. B. 3. a. Sect. B.3.a. (E15) Sect. E.2. Footnote C35


Mi see 11 aneous

Determinant ( C4)


Jump brackets Sect. 8. c.


Derivative with

at respect to ti me (89)

< Less than (C34)

<< Much less than Sect. A. I.

Equals Sect. A. 1.

> Greater than Footnote 872

>> Much greater than Sect. A. 1.

~ Greater than or equal to (8151)

c.< Proportional to Sect. A. I. CP Infinity Sect. B.a. n Intersection (B 1 7) 2 ( )· ( ) Scalar product (C26) ( ) x ( ) Vector product (854)





may be understood 2· to be any collect ion whatsoever of

charged particles (e.g. electrons and io ..• 1 for which there exists co-operative behavior. This coherent material response is due essentially to the collective nature of the mutual space-charge (i.e. Coulomb) interactions between said paricles.

A. 1. On representative plasma systems

Both natural as wel I as laboratory plasmas find, at least in a

statistical continuum description, a partial characterization which is

based upon the assumed existence of certain "microscopic" 3 parameters. The quantities which are commonly taken in particle models of plasmas

include, among others, the respective particle number densities, the system related Debye and mean free path lengths, the Larmor radii and

the charged particle cyclotron frequencies, and soforth.

To the extent that the theoretical concepts from which these various quantities derive are physically meaningful, one can uti I ize these

para-meters in terms of their relative magnitudes and numerical values as

criteria for identifying the different plasma regimes. Indeed, it is

possible in a general sense .to note some of the different types of


plasma systems by setting down, as in Table 1 , some of their character-istic properfy values; and, pictorially as is done in Fig. 1 5

The general topography of gaseous plasma physics having been given,

it is now worthwhile to note further the possibility of classifying the





" T

w p u WH


u < -3 m-3 OK T -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 m m







m ohm m LABORATORY 10-1 1020 1022 4 10-1 1012 108 10 10-6 4 Ga1 diuhorge 10 10 10 N MFD direct eneJgy 10- 1 1021 1024 103 1012 1012 1011 10-1

con version plas mo 1 1-10

Thermonuclear plasma 10-1 1022 0 108 10 1013 106 1012 10 -5 107 10-1 1029 2 1016 1014 1010 10-12 6 Liquid l't1etol 0 10 1 10 5 PACE 1011 107 105 -8 105 -5 103 105 lntuplonetory plasmo 0 10 10 10 Sunspot 107 1017 1020 tx104 1 1010 106 1011 Hi5 104 6 29 104 -3 1016 1016 1010 1013 6 Eort h interior 10 10 0 10 10


18 16 7~ 14


' 2


t2 10 -1 0 log 10 I k '•I. eV

Fig. 1. Approximate regions of diverse

important gaseous plasmas. (From [1966, 8, p. 8]. Used with permission of McGraw -Hi 11 Book Company.) 11 10 MC


-" E




!' ·~ c 3~



c 2 ~



0 Center of sun 25 10 '•


' 20 10


v "'






10 15 o; .~ "' :~ ~ o;


10 10 105L_~,~-'-O:::::L-~~~.L-~~~.LL"-"""-...;;."":'.;.;.;;.~~.L-,~~~"'-:~~_,__, G 10 1. 10 102 103 10 10 Temperature electron volls

Fig. 2. A characteristic length classification

of regions of deuterium gas magneto-fluid-dynamics.

(By permission of A.R. Kantrowitz [1960, 4, p. 960].)


mater i a 1 response poss i bi 1 it i es of said p 1 asmas. Motivated by the needs of astrophysical and control led thermonuclear fusion plasma research,


Kantrowitz & Petschek prepared, on the ba.sis of particle arguments, the particular "equilibrium" classification given in Fig. 2.

Because of their relative importance in influencing plasma behavior, the thermodynamic variables of electron number density (n) and


.!.!!!:!. (T) were taken, together with the strength of the magnetic flux



as the parameters in terms of which this classification is expressed. The specific choice of deuterium here fol lows from practical advantages it offers: viz., it has only one valence electron and can thus form only one ion sort; and, it is suitable for investigation of high-temperature plasma behavior as occurs, e.g., in fusion research.

An additional important condition placed upon this classification is that of the ratio (B) 7 of the ideal gas kinetic

to that of the magnetic flux density field (82/2µ0)

pressure (p = nkT) e being equal to unity.

Indeed, special emphasis has been placed upon this minimum limit case for plasmas of magneto-fluid-dynamics (MFD) wherein the coupling between the plasma and the electromagnetic field is strong and below which

8 "useful" MFD is not to be expected


Let AD denote the Debye length for electrons This important plasma quantity defines for an equilibrium plasma a Debye sphere of radius AD about a given charged particle; whkh, given a "sufficient" number (ND=




of charged particles therein, shields that particle from the Coulomb force field due to other charged particles lying out~

side said sphere. The parameter AD is a measure for the relative impor-tance of space-charge effects in a given system here and serves thus



as a criterion for identifying those systems which are (not) to be considered as plasmas. Conventionally, if L denotes a characteristic geometric length of a particular syste1" 'cf. Table 1), then only those

1 0

systems for which AD cc L are cal led gaseous plasmas. For the pur-pose of Fig. 2, L has been taken as being 1 cm

For a statistical continuum approach to the study of plasmas to be physically sensible, it is at least necessary that theaveragesof the various quantities involved (e.g. charged particle number densities) exist over a volume


This requirement is customarily satisfied 11 by the introduction into the considerations of such an approach, of the condition that ND» 1. Further, using AD it is possible to introduce the (electron) plasma frequency w (oc nt). This important parameter is

p e

characteristic of the rate of longitudinal osci I lat ions of electrons in

~ plasma due to electrostaiic fields; and, as such, is a measure of the number density of that particle.

In terms of models for the collisional interactions between particles it becomes possible to secure expressions for the approximate average distance traversed between particle encounters. These lengths are called

mean free paths and they are important characteristic microscopic prop-erties of a given system. Here, they are indicated respectively for the electrons and the one type of ion involved by A and A. The otherwise

e i

possible role played by neutral particles has, it may be observed, been taken in Fig. 2 as being negligible since the gas in question is "fully" ionized 12. Related to these col I is ions of, but not necessarily between, electrons and ions are respectively the times 1 (= 1/v ) and 1 (= l/v ) ;

c . .c

e e 1 1

where v and v represent the indicated particle col I is ion frequencies. c .c



As is wel I-known, the trajectories of charged particles in a B field are in general helices. As such, the motion of a charged particle can be decomposed into two parts. The one part is a motion para I lei or anti -paral lei to


while, the other is a circular motion with a charge -dependent direction in a plane normal to


Characteristic of this

latter motion for the case of electrons (ions) is the cyclotron freguency

wc(~c) and its related _L.;;;a_r __ m-'o_r_r..;;a...;d_i...;u~s >-L(~L). Lastly, I introduce here

e 1 e 1

for the electrons and ions the not unimportant Hall parameters



13 e

wcT = wc/vc = A/AL) and B. These last quantities are (where defined)

ee e e ee i

characteristic for a given plasma of, for example, the degree of an

iso-tropy induced respectively in the electron and ion gases by the


field related to that system.

Although Fig. 2 relates most directly to a deuterium plasma and not to any of the other gaseous plasmas found in the systems of Fig. 1, it is

worthwhile nonetheless to consider both figures together. It is necessary

in this regard to appreciate the fact that, at least in principle, it is

possible to prepare for any of the other (e.g. laboratory) plasma regions of Fig. I a classification such as that of Fig. 2. At most it is to be

expected that a certain shifting would occur of the lines of Fig. 2 which define the regions thereof to be discussed now. The qualitative features of that figure, which I wish to exploit for i I lustrative purposes here would, however, remain 14

"High"-density gas plasmas: region S


For such plasmas , electron and ion col I is ion processes dominate over those of a space-charge electric or magnetic field origin. The velocity distribution functions of these particles are max1•ellian at the



"same" temperature; and, the isotropy of the system is evidenced in parti-cular by the fact that with B << 1 and B << 1, its transport properties


(e.g. electrical conductivity} are sca'ars.

"High-to-medium" density gas plasmas: regions T and T-Me


With decreasing n and increasing T, the B field assumes control over e

the electron motion while the ion behavior, as in region S, is influenced predominantly by collisions involving those particles. Here too, the respective particle types possess maxwel I ian velocity distribution func-tions, but not necessarily at the same


16• Noting in Fig. 2

the I ine dividing regions of unequal temperature, it is seen that T-Me is the portion of region T where electrons and ions enjoy the same tempera-tu re.

In this case


> 1 while


< 1; the consequence of which is that the

e · i

plasma has mixed transport properties. That is, the system now has ani-sotropic (i.e. tensor) material response with regard to those properties (e.g. electrical conductivity, diffusion and thermal conductivity} which are strongly dependent upon the electrons. On the other hand, however, the isotropy of the plasma is preserved here in terms of the still scalar ion-dependent properties (e.g. vJscosity}.

"Medium"-density gas plasmas: regions M and M-Me

In the M region, for which n and T can respectively be yet lower and

e -+

higher, the ions too succumb to the now irresistable influence of the B field upon their motion. Thus, with


>> 1 and B >> 1, the anisotropy of

e i

the plasma induced by the


field is total, for all of the transport properties of the system are now of a tensor character. Not unimportant


is the fact that the tendency which arose in region T for the electrons and ions to uncouple themselves energetically continues here. Aside from the region M-Me where the rate of energy transfer between these gases is presumed sufficiently high to keep them at the same tempera-ture, it is possible (at least in priciple) that in region Meach gas

17 assumes a well-defined temperature of its own

The extent to which this actually occurs, if indeed it does occur, is now dependent upon additional factors related to the plasma system. With the decline in importance of the collisional processes, there

IB h · ·I· f 1. . 1 d

appears t e poss1b1 1ty o , e.g., non- 1near part1c e an wave-wave interactions which constitute a fundamentally different means of dissipating energy; and consequently of equilibrating the electron and ion temperatures.

"Low"-density gas plasmas: regions EM and E


For the EM region the B field is still the major factor influencing the behavior of the electrons; and thus, with AL < L, the condition S >> 1

e e

holds. Here, however, ~L > L and the space-charge electric field has thus I

essentially taken over the role of control I ing the ion motions. In this case the transport properties of a given s~stem, if defined, remain anisotropic.

With a yet further diminishing of n the motion of the electrons, e

I ike that of the ions, becomes primarily dependent upon said electric field; it having replaced the hitherto important


field. This is the region E for which AL > L and ~L > L.



"Very I ow"-dens i ty gases: region G

When n and Tare such that AD > L, the system of interest has passed


from a plasma condition to that of an ionized, but col I isionless 19 , gas of very low density. Such systems lie in region G; but, due to the fact that a (statistical) continuum description of them is not possible, any consideration of these systems 1 ies beyond the scope of this study.


The low-density (i.e. lower) boundary of this classification is, as discussed above, that line for which AD> L. Next, the low-temperature (i.e. left) boundary here occurs at the line denoting a 50 per cent

degree of ionization 20. With increasing n the high-density (i.e. Upper} e

boundary is defined essentially at al 1 points where the plasma must be treated with quantum mechanical methods; this being due to the electron

spin-spin interaction degeneracy which appears.

A further increase of n, although not shown here would 21 indicate


the passage of the system through the 1 iquid and sol id phases of matter, through a region of relativistic degeneracy, and eventually into the

region of matter existing •t nuclear densities; such as white giant and

white dwarf stars, novae, etc. While it does not seem to be known if these latter circumstances of matter satisfy the definition of a plasma

used here, plasma phenomena are known 22 to exist under certain con-di tions in the former region of matter (i.e. 1 iquids and sol ids) that

is "somewhat" more condensed than the gaseous systems considered here.

I am thus lead to remark that in general, plasma, rather than being a 23


only as a condition thereof. This contention is strengt:1ened somewhat by the fact that even with the high-temperature (i.e. right) boundary of Fig. 2 given as ·that line for which the speed of electrons closely


approximates that of I ight, it is possible to further treat the properties of that gas using the concepts of relativity theory. Although relativistic plasmas do exist 25, they too, "like" the quantum plasmas mentioned above, are not considered here.

A.2. Position of the problem

A.2.a. Purpose

The formal description of the mechanics of a gaseous MFD plasma has developed essentially along I ines analogous to those found in the class

i-i h . f f I . d Th . f I 1 . d d. . 1 . 2 6 ff ca mec an1cs o u1 s. 1s more u y mature 1sc1p 1ne o ers ·two methods for attacking a particular problem: the particle approach and the classical continuum approach. An investigator of plasma behavior may find upon examining the physical conditions characteristic of a certain problem (e.g. the particle densities) that one or the other of these treatments is to be preferred.

Statistical continuum approach


A statistical continuum approach aims in part to determine, via a treatment of the presumed microscopic nature of a given system's material components, the quantities which enter into the macroscopic system

. 28

equations (e.g. the so-cal led ensemble averaged parameters ). For the case of, say, gaseous plasmas, this approach concerns itself also with the physical composition of a given system, the "structure" of its



terial components, and the microscopic nature of the interactions which involve these components.

When the plasma density, for exampl,., is such that an assumption of "continuum" properties of the system is physically reason<.ble (such as in regions S, T, T-Me, M and M-Me here 29 ) one can augment the individual

partiile approach (needed in regions E, EM and G 30) by certain

statisti-cal considerations in order to secure the macroscopic equations of that system. Of importance--in general, but in particular for this study, is the fact that in the area of gaseous plasma physics deemed suitable for laboratory MFD energy conversion purposes (cf. Fig. 1), research based


upon such an approach is carried out even though the condition N

0 >> 1

is clearly not satisfied.

With regard to plasma systems in general, partially ionized gases or otherwise, it is a no less significant point here that the present body of microphysical knowledge of, e.g. interparticle potential energy

f unctions . 32 , non-a 1a at1c part1c d. b . . 1 e 1nteract1ons . . 33 an d process cross-sections 34, appears to be insufficient to permit the establishment of an adequate statistical continuum model for various plasmas of interest

35 . The consequences of such a situation are reflected, e.g., in the results of any classical mean free path theory 36; which type of theory,

it may be further noted, is itself open to doubt 37. It seems, in


t ion, that the Chapman-Cowling formal ism which is an important factor in contemporary plasma physics research, has also been questioned 39 with regard to both its degree of relative generality as wel I as its appl


Generally speaking, for this approach seen in regard to plasma physics, the concepts of (non-)equi librium classical kinetic theory and

statistical mechanics are thus seen to serve as one of the bases from

which the conventional MFD system equations have been obtained.

Classical continuum mechanical approach

The statistical continuum approach was,most characteristically, predicated upon a presumed knowledge of the particulate nature of a

material system. This is not, however, the only manner in which the

macroscopic behavior of plasma systems may be studied.

The plasma investigator also has the option, under appropriate

con-ditions, of attempting to describe a given system by means of a

classi-cal continuum mechaniclassi-cal approach 40. This alternative technique, which

for MFD is neither more nor less general than the statistical continuum 41

method , provides for the examination of a given system by assuming

from the beginning a macroscopic point of view. In "neglecting" the

particle nature of matter, the so-called physical insight into the

be-havior of the system in question is taken to be relatableto a hopefully

sufficient degree of carefully obtained macro-phenomenology.

Of special interest here is the fact that, regardless of the necessity


of a multi-fluid description of MFD plasmas , the classical continuum

mechanical approach has es:abl is~ed in this problem area essentinlly


only a single-fluid treatment of plasmas . Further yet, when the

devel-opment of the system mechanics is complemented by classical irreversible

h d . 44 . d . 45

t ermo ynam1cs cons• erat1ons, serious objection has been raised



For an MFD problem thus, a statistical continuum approach treats the plasma in terms of its various material components; attempting thereby to derive the macroscopic equa• ·~ns of a given system from considerations relating to the individual particle natures of said components. On the other hand, the method of classical continuum mech-anics seeks the basic macroscopic relations by initially neglecting the discrete material nature of a system, then postulating the necessary kinematical and dynamical expressions, and finally supplementing the (semi-)empirical information relevant to a particular problem.

Both of these approaches, although differ(ng in attitude, have been


shown for MFD circumstances , to arrive at essentially the same macro-scopic equations. Unfortunately, both approaches also appear 47 to be unable to provide a (adequate) general macroscopic description of the (non-) linear dissipative, i.e. irreversible thermodynamic, processes which are related to non-equilibrium plasma systems.

On the basis of these considerations, together with the earlier mentioned shortcomings of these two approaches to the study of dynamic plasma behavior, I conclude the following: viz., that it is desirable to examine the feasibility of securing a formal ism that could offer for the same problem area a description with fewer limitations than that of the statistical continuum method, and a more detailed insight into the macro-physical character of a given plasma system than that given by the classical continuum mechanical method. This constitutes essentially the purpose of this study.


A.2.b. Problem

The general problem which this study attempts to provide a cont

ri-bution towards solving is that of theestabl ishment of a unified,

self-consistent and "exact" theory of the non-linear macroscopic mechanics,

electrodynamics and energetics of finite and bounded real multi-continua

plasma dynamic systems. In terms of the actual systems concerned (cf.

Fig. 1), this probl_em poses in general the necessity of describing the

material behavior of real, chemically reactive, radiative, anisotropic,

compressible, inhomogeneous, magnetizable, polarizable, non-equi I ibrium

and non-I inear electro-magneto-mechano-thermo-dynamic mixture systems.

I hasten to point out that this is not just an arbitrary

hypotheti-cal problem. It is concerned with real material systems and its

solu-tion in some physically more adequate sense than has been presented to


date is not only highly desirable, but perhaps even urgent

This problem unquestionably reflects a framework within which a

generalization of the contemporary approaches to laboratory plasma

physics may be sought. However, and not surprisingly, for numerous

phys-ical and mathematical reasons it does not appear to be possible to bring

the problem as stated above to a "satisfactory" closure at this time.

Hence, I have not attempted to consider said problem in the degree of

generality expressed above; but, l propose instead to examine it here

in the more restricted sense which I shal I now discuss.

Rational mechanical approach

The discipline of rational mechanics, or modern natural philosophy



(dating from the mid-1950's 49); but, its tradition lies essentially in the eigthteenth, and to a lesser degree the nineteenth and early twen-tieth, century efforts of a handful of en 50. It is now, as an


sion of geometry , fundamentally a mathematical science with the pur-pose of establishing a rigorous theoretical foundation for the study of the physical behavior of material continua.

The basis here for a non-I inear field theory treatment of gross irreversible material behavior rests essentially upon three general sets of assumptions. The first concerns itself with the topological character of the space involved; while the second and third relate, respectively, to the kinematics and dynamics of the class of systems whose behavior is to be described.

Based upon this foundation rational mechanics in particular strives, via use of an axiomatic approach to· its subject matter, to secure phys-ical ly wel I-motivated theoretphys-ical models of material systems which are

l . . If . 52 d I 53 · h . ·

exp 1c1 t, se -consistent , an compete 1n t e1r construction. Th . 1s approach, as exp a1ne by I . d T rues e d I I 54 , consists o . f f our e ements: 1 viz., primitive quantities, definitions, general axioms, and proved theorems. In terms of the physical primitive quantities which are de -fined only to the extent that the mathematical properties are given, the definitions of additional system-related quantities can be made. Relationships satisfied by these two elements are physical axioms ("laws") and here they are of t1~0 types: kinematical and dynamical.

Axioms of kinematics are represented by the set of balance equations proposed for the type of system under consideration; and, they are val id for the class of al I such systems. On the other hand, the axioms of


dynamics are represented by the set of "appropriately invariant" and

thermodynamically restricted constitutive equations postulated; which expressions make the theory system-specific in terms of its material

response possibilities.


Experience and not, of course , experiment is the guide which

motivates those assumptions as are made. Rational mechanics draws its physical motivation from the body of common experience (e.g. "phenomen-ology'') relevant to the specific problem area(s) under study; while,

its theoretical motivation derives in part and to varying degrees from

the conceptual backgrounds of those other disciplines which concern

themselves with the same subject matter. Here (cf. Fig. 3) these are,

e.g., statistical and classical continuum mechanics. With the estab -1 ishment of the proved theorems and their related coral laries 56 for a given theory, the formal structure of that particular rational mech ani-cal description is taken to be complete.

In the relatively young di sci pl ine of rational mechanics there are a number of non-trivial open questions which serve to make this· field a controversial one at the present time. For example, the number of basic principles involved and their precise formulation 57 , together

with the (degree of) applicability of an axiomatization procedure to physical theories 58 remain debatable subjects. Regarding both of these points, I shall endeavour to fol low an enl igthened course in the sequel 59

It is on the basis of two points that I propose here a rational mechanical approach to the problem of describing the general material behavior of plasma systems as a, if not the most, worthwhile of the presently available alternatives. The first point to be noted is the










Fig. 3. I I I



L ________ ,




fact that a theory formulated thusly possesses in contrast to numerous,

if not the majority, of plasma theories secured otherwise, not only a conceptual simplicity, clarity, rigor and a not undesirable aesthetic qua I ity; but also, with regard to the eventual establishment of results


of permanence , the capacity to aid in making itself as self-corre


ing as might possibly be expected The second, independent and here also important point is the recognition of the striking theoretical and experimental successes of this discipline in other areas of experience 62 and these with regard to problems the solution of which lies beyond

63 the present capacity of the traditional approaches to provide

Rational mechanics strives towards a unification via mathematics of the diverse physical sciences; and hence, it does not restrict its

interests and efforts to any one of them in particular. It is in the above indicated sense that the word "rational" is employed here. I mean hereby no offence to those persons who by inclination or circumstance

select to treat physical problems in terms of ad hoc model~, approxi -mative methods, "physical intuition", and soforth.

As observed earlier, the establishment of a theoretically "adequate" description of the gross non-1 inear irreversible thermodynamic behavior of fluid mixtures is a problem meriting study for its own sake; but also one deserving attention on the basis of practical considerations. With the appl icabi 1 ity of rational mechanics to the investigation of gaseous plasma systems constituting a main purpose of this study, I now proceed to further delimit the scope of same. The restrictions placed upon this study concern, naturally enough, both its content and its genera Ii ty.



Regarding content, as seen in relation to the aforementioned general description, I wish to present in greater or lesser degree the salient points pertinent to a particuli' rational mechanical theory: viz., that for a one-temperature, chemically reactive (but rad iation-less), non-relativistically moving, magnetizable dielectric fluid mix-ture. The point of view adopted here is that the basis for said treat-ment is given in the form of a complete set of system balance and jump balance equations together with the "appropriate" constitutive equa-tions indicated therein. The solution of these relationships for the as yet undetermined field quantities, under the boundary and initial conditions that delimit the problem of interest, is taken to fulfi I the main objective of a thermodynamic constitutive theory for the prob-lem posed 64

The content of the treatment of the constitutive equations wi I 1 be based upon certain selected rational thermodynamic and modern consti tu-tive theoretical principles. Due, however, to the as yet unresolved

.nature of various fundamental problems hereto related, the content of the rational mechanical treatment of constitutive equations wi 11 not have the "absolute" character of generality as found in the set of balance equations secured by employing the same formal ism.

Among these problems are, e.g., the mixed invariance properties (Euclidean-Galilean/Lorentz invariance of the mechanical/electromagnetic field equations) of the system, and the problem of "correctly" identi


ing and using entropy concepts in a modern continuum theory . Regard -less of these difficulties, the results that can be derived are, with all due respect for the various points of interpretation, of equal or greater macroscopic generality than those found from conventional approaches.




MUiler 66 have recently examined the problem of describing

the material behavior of single simple 67 heat conducting continua in

an electromagnetic field. In .this study I undertake the specific task of extending, in some respects, their study to a particular case of

non-simple heat conducting Eulerian fluid mixtures which are also in an electromagnetic field.

For systems of this type where the mixture may contain a (a= 1,2,

s) constituents, I take the foremost objective of a theory such as that contemplated above to be the following: viz., the calculation, as functions of position and time, of the field quantities






t), a v. (~. t). I a E. (~, t) I and B. I (~, t).

Here, the fields are respectively the mass density of constituent a, the absolute temperature of the constituents and the mixture, the

velo-city of constituent a, the total electric field taken with respect to a

stationary observer, and the magnetic flux density.

In a field theory the macroscopic properties of a material system

are considered to be field quantities. Generally speaking, al I of the relationships which relate the different field quantities to one another

are field equations. In this study (cf. Fig. 3) the term "field equ a-tions" shall be taken to mean the set of balance and jump balance

equations for al I the various macroscopic properties of a given system;

together with a set of constitutive equations taken for a specific

material system.

The possible meaningfulness of a transition from the more fami I iar

approaches of plasma analysis to that of rational mechanics is not



necessarily made evident with the determination of a set of balance and jump balance equations (cf. Chpt B). Under less general circumstances than those considered here, said results when contrasted with those of more conventional approaches may give the false impression that rational

mechanics .has little new to offer.

All the (dis)similarities to other treatments notwithstanding, the statement above would constitute a prematurely formed conclusion by an

individual who does not yet realize that any treatment whatsoever of only the kinematics of a system represents at best only a partial, albeit important, descriptive element of that system. Thus, Chpt. B shall present the essentials, for this study, of and related to the rational mechanical kinematics of a mixture of material and

electro-magnetic field continua. It becomes then in greater measure.the burden

most particularly of Chapters C and D treating, respectively, consti-tutive theory and the problem (introduced in Chpt. B) of entropy, to-gether with the subsequent chapters, to make clear in some respects the possible favorabi lity above the more traditional methods of a rational mechanical investigation of plasma continua behavior.


Footnotes to Chapter A

The origin of this word seems to I ie with the introduction of the word

"protoplasm" in the nineteenth century by the biologist Purkinje. The meaning of "first plasma" was subsequently given to this initial term by von Mohl, a botanist. In the particular context of plasma physics here, the word "plasma is commonly attributed to Tonks & Langmuir [1929, 1, p.196, footnote SJ; who, perhaps, in studying arc discharges

observed the jelly-I ike behavior of the medium and were motivated to use this word.

2 Kunkel [1966, 8, p.3]. Note, there exist other definitions of plasma in the I iterature (cf. for example Sutton & Shetman [1965, A, p.6]}, but these are essentially special cases of that taken here (cf. Kunkel [ 1966, 8, p. 5 J) .

3 Shkarofsky, Johnston & Bachynski[1966, 12, pp.2-3]_make a finer dis-tinction between "microscopic" and "macroscopic" than that which I employ

here. On the basis of an argument related to the combination- and

division-invariance of charges, the Debye length and the plasma frequen-cy are considered to be macroscopic parameters there.

4 This table is adapted from that given by Bueren [1966, 2]. The values

for magneto-fluid-dynamic plasmas added here were calculated from selected experimental results presented in [1966, 9].

5 Kunkel [ 1966, 8, p. 8]. Here too, the region denoted for magneto-fluid dynamics (MFD) direct energy conversion (DEC) systems has been added.

It is perhaps worthwhile to observe that only gaseous plasmas

are represented in this figure. Other known plasma systems which could supposedly be introduced into, and hence generalize, this overview include, among others, the fol lowing:



liquid metals (Kirko [1965, 10)), semi-conductors and semi-metals

(Anker-Johnson [1966, 1 )) and metals ([1965, 6)). 6

Kantrovitz & Petschek [1957, 3, p.5). ·. 's classification, which is slightly adapted, is but one of a number of various types of classifications that exist in the I iterature of plasma physics. 7 The "plasma beta" is discussed, e.g., by Glasstone & Lovberg [1960,

5, pp.52-53) and Kral 1 & Trivelpiece [1973, 5, p.7).

8 Sutton & Sherman [1965, 17, p.10). I note that there exist at

present several names for the subject area taken under consideration. Examples include plasma dynamics, magneto-gas-dynamics, magnetohydro-dynamics, and soforth. 1 select the term "magneto-fluid-dynamics" for two reasons: first, it reflects all fluid and fluid-like media; and, it permits a distinction to be made with, e.g., magneto-sol id-dynamics. This last mentioned subject which relates to, say,

magneto-elastic media does not enter into the considerations of this study.

9 A Debye length is, of course, definable for ions. Further yet, with

some quantum mechanical modifications, the concept of Debye length is adaptable to the case of sol id-state plasmas.

lO Kunkel [1966, 8, p.4), Shkarofsky, Johnston & Bachynski [1966, 12, p.2) and Spitzer [1962, 8, p.22).

11 Kunkel [1966, 8, p.6), Shkarofsky, Johnston & Bachynski [1966, 12, p.3) and Kral 1 & Trivelpiece [1973, 5, p.4). With regard to meaning

of this "plasma approximation" condition, there appears to be some difference of opinion in the 1 iterature. The last two cited references seem to hold to the position that with diminishing N0 one can speak


of a medium with very low N

0, say less than or about equal to unity, is not valid. Gottlieb [1965, 8, p.46], on the other hand, expresses

the view that the number of charged particles per cm- 3 may



number and the system in question is sti 11 a plasma as long as it

satisfies the condition A

0 << L. I might further add that inasmuch

as the degree of ionization does not enter into the definition of

plasma employed here, it seems reasonable to state that if there are

"enough" neutral particles in that cm- 3 , a continuum description

appears to be possible. Lastly, it may be noted that regardless of the relative importance of this point, not al 1 authors (cf., e.g. Sutton &

Sherman [1965, 17]) are explicit with regard to their introduction of

it into their respective treatments.

12 Alfven

& Falthammer [ 1963, 1, p. 134 and p. 180] state that a



is slightly (highly) ionized if the degree of ionization is less (greater) than 1 per cent.

13 5utton & Sherman [ 1965, 17, p.156].


Petchek [1958, 4, p.967]. 15

Cf., for example, Alfven & Falthammer [1963, 1, pp.169-1970] with regard to the density-dependence of plasma properties.


Depending upon the relative (in)ability of the bulk electrons, ions and possibly neutral particles to exchange energy between themselves at a sufficiently high rate, the respective kinetic temperatures of

these gases may be (un)equal; in which case the system in question is said to be in a condition of thermal (non-)equilibrium.

An awareness that multiple-temperature plasmas can exist is evi-denced at least as early as 1929 (cf. Tonks & Langmuir [ 1929, 1, p. 201]). Kinetic theory considerations of this possibility were given



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