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The effect of climate factors on ammonia deposition in the vicinity of dairy farms


Academic year: 2021

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1a. Details of proposal

Title: The effect of climate factors on ammonia deposition in the vicinity of dairy farms

Area: Geo and Biosphere

1b. Field(s) of research main field of research

code: description:

50.90.00 Environmental science

If applicable: other fields of research (in order of relevance):

code: description: 15.90.00 Earth sciences 15.10.00 Geochemistry, geophysics 1c. Details of applicant Name: Yishi Hu Gender: Female E-mail: y.hu020@gmail.com Date of birth: 22-07-2000

BSc study start date: 03-09-2018

Institution: University of Amsterdam

Position: Student

Research School: University of Amsterdam

Name and address of the responsible person at your institution: Prof.dr. Annemarie van Wezel Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED)

P.O. box 94249 1090 GE Amsterdam 1f. Applying for: BSc Project

2a. Composition of the research group

Name and title Specialization Institution Involvement

Dr. S.H. (Henrik) Barmentlo

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of


Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) of the

University of Amsterdam

Thesis Supervisor

A.G. (Anne) Uilhoorn, MSc

Junior lecturer Future Planet studies, PhD student of Leiden University

University of Amsterdam Thesis Supervisor

B. Ebben, MSc Technician nitrogen deposition at farms


Y. Hu Student Future Planet

Studies, majoring in Earth Science


2b. Top 5 publications related to the proposed research

1.Robarge, W. P., Walker, J. T., McCulloch, R. B., & Murray, G. (2002). Atmospheric concentrations of ammonia and ammonium at an agricultural site in the southeast United States. Atmospheric Environment, 36(10),


2. Skjøth, C. A., & Geels, C. (2013). The effect of climate and climate change on ammonia emissions in Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(1), 117–128.https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-13-117-2013

3. Sutton, M. A., Erisman, J. W., Dentener, F., & Möller, D. (2008). Ammonia in the environment: From ancient times to the present. Environmental Pollution, 156(3), 583–604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2008.03.013 4. Shen, J., Chen, D., Bai, M., Sun, J., Coates, T., Lam, S. K., & Li, Y. (2016). Ammonia deposition in the neighbourhood of an intensive cattle feedlot in Victoria, Australia. Scientific Reports, 6, 1–9.


5. Meisinger, J., & Jokela, W. (2000). Ammonia volatilization from dairy and poultry manure. Managing Nutrients and Pathogens from Animal Agriculture, November, 1–21.


3a. Scientific summary

We live in an era with a surplus of ammonia, in particular due to its widespread use in agriculture (Sutton et al., 2008). With the growth of intensive agricultural practices, subsequently the degree of ammonia emission has increased, leading to a wide range of environmental problems (Sutton et al., 2008). When ammonia is emitted into the atmosphere, part of it can be removed through dry deposition on the areas in the vicinity of the emission source. The deposition of ammonia can result in increased nitrogen input to the ecosystem and subsequently eutrophication, soil acidification and biodiversity loss (Shen et al., 2016). Due to climate change climatic factors including temperature, wind speed and wind direction will change, which can increase ammonia emissions by 0-40%, in central to northern Europe (Skjoth & Geels, 2013).

The agricultural sector is the largest contributor to nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands, which is accountable for 46% of the total deposition (Rijksoverheid, 2018). Therefore, we aim to assess the effects of seasonal variability on local ammonia deposition around dairy farms. Statistical analysis will be performed on recent climate data, ammonia gas concentrations and dry ammonia deposition. This will be done in four wind directions at six set distances from the stable measuring the spatial variability.

3c. Summary for the general public

Titel: Het effect van klimaatfactoren op ammoniakdepositie in de buurt van melkveehouderijen. Summary:

In dit onderzoek wordt gekeken naar het effect van klimaatfactoren op de ammoniakdepositie in de buurt van melkveehouderijen. De focus zal liggen op de klimaatfactoren temperatuur, windrichting en windsnelheid, welke een belangrijk effect hebben op de depositie van ammoniak. Ammoniak uitstoot verschilt per seizoen, met verhoogde uitstoot de in de zomermaanden. Door klimaatverandering wordt verwacht dat windrichtingen, windsnelheden en temperatuur lokaal zullen toenemen. Daarom zou het kunnen dat als gevolg van

klimaatverandering ook de ammoniakuitstoot verhoogt. Als gevolg hiervan neemt de ammoniakdepositie toe wat zorgt voor schadelijke effecten voor de natuur.

4. Description of the proposed research Introduction

We live in an era with a surplus of ammonia, in particular due to its widespread use in agriculture (Fowler et al., 2013). With the growth of intensive agricultural practices, subsequently the degree of ammonia emission has increased, leading to a wide range of environmental problems (Sutton et al., 2008). When ammonia is emitted into the atmosphere, part of it can be removed through dry deposition on the areas in the vicinity of the emission source. The deposition of ammonia can result in increased nitrogen input to the ecosystem and subsequently eutrophication, soil acidification and biodiversity loss (Shen et al., 2016).

Due to climate change climatic factors including temperature, wind speed and wind direction will change. In central to northern Europe, climate change is expected to increase ammonia emissions by 0-40% (Skjoth & Geels, 2013). Robarge et al. (2002) estimated that the factors temperature, wind direction and wind speed explain approximately 76% of the variation in the model of 12-hour mean NH3concentrations. The effect of temperature is currently not taken into account by chemistry transport models (CTMs) as well as chemistry climate models (CCMs) (Skjoth et al., 2011). The results of this research may therefore help to improve the accuracy of these models.


The agricultural sector is the largest contributor to nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands, which is accountable for 46% of the total deposition (Rijksoverheid, 2018). Livestock, manure management and the application of fertilizers are mainly responsible for the high emission, predominantly in the form of NH3(Skjoth et al., 2011). Within agriculture, the dairy sector is the largest nitrogen producer (Wageningenworld, 2019). This is because in dairy barns, the urine of the cattle is spread over a large area (Kros et al., 2008) and almost all ammonia emissions come from the volatilization of wet surfaces. Also, dairy farms often have open stables and therefore ammonia can volatilize more easily in hot and dry weather, compared to poultry farming, where the stables are closed.

Therefore, we aim to assess the effects of seasonal variability on local ammonia deposition around dairy farms. When looking at the warmer months, we are able to project the effect global warming may have on the degree of ammonia deposition. Results may give insight on potential risks in the near future. Furthermore results can be used to reflect on our current nitrogen policy. It can be used by governmental institutions and policy makers, related to the departments of soil, water, atmosphere, environment and biodiversity. Additionally the spatial variability examined by measuring 4 wind directions at 6 set distances from the stable.

For this research the concentration of nitrogen gas in the air and the amount that has been deposited from approximately three quarters of a year have been measured. Therefore data is collected on the amount of nitrogen deposition at a farm. Data analysis is used to compare the effects of different climate factors on ammonia deposition in the vicinity of dairy farms.

Methodology Datasets

The datasets that will be used in the current research contain information on weather variables, bulk deposition and wet-only deposition around dairy farmSt. Jacobi-parochie, located inFriedland, the Netherlands. The dataset contains recent climate data, ammonia gas concentrations and dry ammonia deposition.

Wet-only is measured with an Eigenbrodt wet-only device.The ammonia deposition is collected when it rains, which will cause the lid to open. The lid automatically closes when there is no rain. Over a period of four months, samples are taken every two weeks.

To perform statistical analysis, the datasets are first cleaned , by selecting only the relevant data needed for this research. Also polluted samples are removed from the dataset. The dry deposition is then calculated, since ammonia is mainly removed from the air through dry deposition processes (Sutton et al., 2011). In order to determine the dry deposition, the wet-only deposition is subtracted from the total deposition. For the bulk deposition nitrogen deposition is measured in 4 wind directions(NE, SE, NW, SW). There are 6 bulk deposition meters per wind direction, set at distances of 15.6m, 31.25m, 62.5m, 125m, 250m en 500m from the stable. Over a period of three quarters of a year, samples are taken every two weeks.Next to bulk deposition and the climate mast one wet-only deposition has been installed to measure the deposition. Regarding climate data, data is collected over a period of three quarters of a year. In the model of Robarge et al. (2002), the variables temperature, wind direction and wind speed explain a large variation of average ammonia gas concentrations. The cleaned dataset includes measurements of wind direction (degrees), wind speed (m/s) and temperature (0C), every 5 minutes.


Model design

Statistical analysis will be conducted to research if a climatic factor has a significant effect on the ammonia deposition in the vicinity of the stables. A multiple regression test is fitted, with ammonia deposition as a dependent variable plotted against different climate factors, including wind direction (degrees), wind speed (m / s) and temperature (0C). Different models will be built to assess the relative importance for each climate factor. These models will be compared on Akaike Information Criteria (AIC).

Expected results

As temperature, wind direction and wind speed have a large effect on mean NH3concentrations, this also affects the deposition of NH3(Roberage et al., 2002). A higher availability of NH3gas, results in more deposition of the gas. Due to climate change, it is predicted that in the Netherlands these climatic factors will change.

Temperature, wind direction and velocity are expected to increase according to research of Roberage et al. (2002). Using the model calculations of this study, the ammonia gas concentration and subsequently the ammonia deposition will increase around the dairy farms. It is expected that in the future dry ammonia deposition in the vicinity of dairy farms will increase significantly. Due to the increase of temperature, wind direction and wind speed as a result of climate change, it is expected that in the future dry ammonia deposition will increase. According to the models of Roberage et al. (2002) temperature, wind direction and wind speed are positively related to NH3emissions. With an increase of NH3gas concentrations the amount of ammonia

deposition will also increase. Closing words

The fact that ammonia emissions experience seasonal variability and that changing climate factors have a major effect on ammonia emissions, is a concerning issue for our near future. It is therefore crucial that more research is conducted regarding this case. This study including recent measurements of a Dutch dairy farm can be used as a confirmation of existing literature and modelled research. Results of this study can function as scientific

evidence, to investigate if the current nitrogen policy is adequate enough or should be adjusted. This study is important for the future of our nature and society, given the harmful impact ammonia can have.


Rijksoverheid. (2019). Nederlandse landbouw levert de grootste bijdrage aan de stikstofdepositie Export van stikstofverbindingen Relevante informatie. november, 1–5.

Kros, J., De Haan, B. J., Bobbink, R., Van Jaarsveld, J. A., & De Vries, W. (2008). Effecten van ammoniak op de Nederlandse natuur. april, 134.


Meisinger, J., & Jokela, W. (2000). Ammonia volatilization from dairy and poultry manure. Managing Nutrients and Pathogens from Animal Agriculture, November, 1–21.

Robarge, W. P., Walker, J. T., McCulloch, R. B., & Murray, G. (2002). Atmospheric concentrations of ammonia and ammonium at an agricultural site in the southeast United States. Atmospheric Environment, 36(10), 1661-1674.

Shen, J., Chen, D., Bai, M., Sun, J., Coates, T., Lam, S. K., & Li, Y. (2016). Ammonia deposition in the neighbourhood of an intensive cattle feedlot in Victoria, Australia. Scientific Reports, 6, 1–9.


Sutton, M. A., Erisman, J. W., Dentener, F., & Möller, D. (2008). Ammonia in the environment: From ancient times to the present. Environmental Pollution, 156(3), 583–604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2008.03.013 Skjøth, C. A., & Geels, C. (2013). The effect of climate and climate change on ammonia emissions in Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(1), 117–128.https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-13-117-2013


Wageningenworld. (2019). The nitrogen problem is not as black and white as it seems. 5a. Timetable of the project

Date (DD/MM) Task description Duration

01/03 – 21/03 Introduction bachelor project Lecture

Weekly meetings Total: 4h

17/03 Peer review research proposal Total: 2h

15/03 - 28/03 Writing research proposal Total: 30h

29/03 Digital meeting research

partners Mark and Ayako

Total: 1h

06/04 Cleaning datasets Total: 20h

12/04 – 02/05 Performing data analysis Total: 80h

14/04 Fieldwork visit dairy farms Total: 20h

02/05 – 24/05 Writing methods and results Total: 30h 02/05 – 24/05 Writing conclusion, discussion

and abstract Total: 35h

26/05 – 28/05 Final check bachelor thesis Layout: 5h Spelling: 5h Total: 10h

16/05 Deadline concept version

bachelor thesis.

17/05 - 25/05 Research presentation with preparation.

Total: 35h

28/05 Deadline final version.

5b. Budget

Equipment: Due to Covid-19, data collection took place prior to this research. Therefore, no equipment is needed and no budget is necessary.

Consumables: Due to Covid-19, data collection took place prior to this research. Therefore, no fieldwork and consumables are needed and no budget is necessary.

Fieldwork: Due to Covid-19, data collection took place prior to this research. Therefore, no fieldwork is needed and no budget is necessary.

Personnel (in research months) Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Bsc student €1.803 €1.803 €1.803 0

Research costs (in k€)

Equipment 0 0 0 0

Consumables** 0 0 0 0

Fieldwork** 0 0 0 0

6. Scientific embedding of the proposed research

Mention any partnership, collaboration or affiliation with national and international research programmes, national and international collaborations.

This thesis is in collaboration with research from the UvA Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED). On the request of Mesdag Zuivelfonds researchers from the IBED have started to measure nitrogen deposition around dairy farms, using existing methods used in the current measuring networks. Data gathered from this research is utilised in this thesis project.


7. Knowledge utilisation - 7A: Beneficiaries identified:

Governmental institutions and policy makers, related to the departments of soil, water, atmosphere,

environment and biodiversity can use this thesis as a reference and base their policy on scientific evidence. Also farmers and their foundations can use the results. The research from UvA has been commissioned by the Dutch foundation Mesdag Zuivelfonds.

- 7B: Stakeholder feedback:

Dhr. Dr. Henrik Barmentlo, the thesis supervisor, will be the main source of feedback. - 7C: Beneficiaries confirmed:

Beneficiaries of this research will be Dutch foundation Mesdag Zuivelfonds, the researchers from the UvA involved in the nitrogen research as well as future researchers in the study area.

- 7D: Education:

The researcher has followed the course Research Designs on how to conduct scientific research and scientific writing. Furthermore the researcher is supervised by S.H. Barmentlo and A. Uilhoorn.

- 7E: Data management:

With this research quantitative data is gathered with ratio data as the measurement level. Files will be divided into 4 main maps following van Loons (2019) data management design: Data, Literature, Presentation and Research proposal. Any written text will be provided in word documents & pdf's. Figures will likely be png files and the for the summary tables Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format files will be used. Also, meta-data will be added to each R-script. All files will be downloaded on a computer and will have a reserve copy online, in order to be sure to keep all data.

- 7F: Data distribution or integration:

After the research is completed the results will be shared online. The copyrights will belong to the researcher of this thesis. All the data will be published on the general repositorywww.zenodo.org, UvA library archive and UvA thesis database. This decision is made as the data will not be harmful to any of the involved parties.

Furthermore, this gives other researchers the opportunity to elaborate on the research. The data will be made available to the public after the research is finished.

- 7G: Outreach method identified:

The results of the research can be communicated in a report including an executive summary of the main problem and findings. The general public can be approached via talkshows or podcast. The problem of ammonia deposition can be explained in general and should be communicated in simple language.

- 7H: Outreach time schedule and budget:

The total time needed for the research and the final thesis report will be three months. When the research report is finished, the research will be shared directly after. There is no financial support needed for the outreach of the research. However, the time schedule and the budget are elaborated in 5A and 5B.

8. Statements by the applicant

YES I endorse and follow the Code Openness Animal Experiments (if applicable). YES I endorse and follow the Code Biosecurity (if applicable).

YES By submitting this document I declare that I satisfy the nationally and internationally accepted standards for scientific conduct as stated in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice 2012 (Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU)).


YOUR DETAILS: Name: Yishi Hu Place: Amsterdam Date: 20-03-2021

---Please submit the application to NWO in electronic form (pdf format is required) using NWO’s electronic

application system, which can be accessed via the NWO website. The application must be submitted from the account of the main applicant. For any technical questions regarding submission, please contact the helpdesk (iris@nwo.nl).



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